More efficient way to rank columns in a dataframe - python

Currently I have a dataframe that I rank the values of each column and output them into a new dataframe. Example code below:
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, 500, size=(500, 1000)), columns=list(range(0, 1000)))
ranking = pd.DataFrame(range(0, 500), columns=['Lineup'])
ranking = pd.concat([ranking, df[range(0, 1000)].rank(ascending=False, method='min')],
df is the dataframe of the values, each column header is an integer, increasing by 1 for each successive column. ranking is first created with a single column as a identifier by "Lineup" then the dataframe "df" is concatenated and ranked at the same time.
Now the question is, is this the fastest way to do this? When there are tens of thousands of columns and hundreds of rows this can take far longer than I hoped it would. Is there a way to use list comprehension to speed this up or some sort of other method that outputs a list, dictionary, dataframe or anything else I can use for my future steps.

You can use the Numba JIT to compute this more efficiently and in parallel. The idea is to compute the rank of each column in parallel. Here is the resulting code:
# Equivalent of df.rank(ascending=False, method='min')
#nb.njit('int32[:,:](int32[:,:])', parallel=True)
def fastRanks(df):
n, m = df.shape
res = np.empty((n, m), dtype=np.int32)
for col in nb.prange(m):
dfCol = -df[:, col]
order = np.argsort(dfCol)
# Compute the ranks with the min method
if n > 0:
prevVal = dfCol[order[0]]
prevRank = 1
res[order[0], col] = 1
for row in range(1, n):
curVal = dfCol[order[row]]
if curVal == prevVal:
res[order[row], col] = prevRank
res[order[row], col] = row + 1
prevVal = curVal
prevRank = row + 1
return res
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, 500, size=(500, 1000)), columns=list(range(0, 1000)))
ranking = pd.DataFrame(range(0, 500), columns=['Lineup'])
ranking = pd.concat([ranking, pd.DataFrame(fastRanks(df[range(0, 1000)].to_numpy()))], axis=1)
On my 6-core machine, the computation of the ranks is about 7 times faster. The overall computation is bounded by the slow pd.concat.
You can further improve the speed of the overall computation by building directly the output of fastRanks with the "Lineup" column. The names of the dataframe columns have to be set manually from the Numpy array produced by the Numba function. Note that this optimization require all the columns to be of the same type, which is the case in your example.
Note that the ranks are of types int32 in this solution for sake of performance (since float64 are not needed here).


How to add multiple columns to a dataframe based on calculations

I have a csv dataset (with > 8m rows) that I load into a dataframe. The csv has columns like:
2022-04-01 18:23:32,2022-04-01 22:18:15
2022-04-02 01:16:34,2022-04-02 02:18:32
I am able to load the dataset into my dataframe, but then I need to add multiple calculated columns to the dataframe for each row. In otherwords, unlike this SO question, I do not want the rows of the new columns to have the same initial value (col 1 all NAN, col 2, all "dogs", etc.).
Right now, I can add my columns by doing something like:
df['start_time'] = df.apply(lambda row: add_start_time(row['started_at']), axis = 1)
df['start_cat'] = df.apply(lambda row: add_start_cat(row['start_time']), axis = 1)
df['is_dark'] = df.apply(lambda row: add_is_dark(row['started_at']), axis = 1)
df['duration'] = df.apply(lamba row: calc_dur(row'[started_at'],row['ended_at']), axis = 1)
But it seems inefficient since the entire dataset is processed N times (once for each call).
It seems that I should be able to calculate all of the new columns in a single go, but I am missing some conceptual approach.
def calc_dur(started_at, ended_at):
# started_at, ended_at are datetime64[ns]; converted at csv load
diff = ended_at - started_at
return diff.total_seconds() / 60
def add_start_time(started_at):
# started_at is datetime64[ns]; converted at csv load
return started_at.time()
def add_is_dark(started_at):
# tz is pytz.timezone('US/Central')
# chi_town is the astral lookup for Chicago
st = started_at.replace(tzinfo=TZ)
chk = sun(, date=st, tzinfo=chi_town.timezone)
return st >= chk['dusk'] or st <= chk['dawn']
Update 1
Following on the information for MoRe, I was able to get the essential working. I needed to augment by adding the column names, and then with the merge to specify the index.
data = pd.Series(df.apply(lambda x: [
yrmo(x['year'], x['month']),
calc_duration_in_minutes(x['started_at'], x['ended_at']),
], axis = 1))
new_df = pd.DataFrame(data.tolist(),
df = df.merge(new_df, left_index=True, right_index=True)
import pandas as pd
data = pd.Series(dataframe.apply(lambda x: [function1(x[column_name]), function2(x[column_name)], function3(x[column_name])], axis = 1))
if i understood your mean correctly, it's your answer. but before everything please use Swifter pip :)
first create a series by lists and convert it to columns...
swifter is a simple library (at least i think it is simple) that only has only one useful method: apply
import swifter
data.swifter.apply(lambda x: x+1)
it use parallel manner to improve speed in large datasets... in small ones, it isn't good and even is worse

Python list comparison numpy optimization

I basically have a dataframe (df1) with columns 7 columns. The values are always integers.
I have another dataframe (df2), which has 3 columns. One of these columns is a list of lists with a sequence of 7 integers. Example:
import pandas as pd
df1 = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['A','B','C','D','E','F','G'],
data = np.random.randint(1,5,(100,7)))
df2 = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['Name','Location','Sequence'],
data = [['Alfred','Chicago',
['Nicola','New York',
I now want to compare the sequence of the rows in df1 with the 'Sequence' column in df2 and get a percentage of overlap. In a primitive for loop this would look like this:
df2['Overlap'] = 0.
for i in range(len(df2)):
c = sum(el in list([i, 'Sequence']) for el in df1.values.tolist())[i, 'Overlap'] = c/len(df1)
Now the problem is that my df2 has 500000 rows and my df1 usually around 50-100. This means that the task easily gets very time consuming. I know that there must be a way to optimize this with numpy, but I cannot figure it out. Can someone please help me?
By default engine used in pandas cython, but you can also change engine to numba or use njit decorator to speed up. Look up enhancingperf.
Numba converts python code to optimized machine codee, pandas is highly integrated with numpy and hence numba also. You can experiment with parallel, nogil, cache, fastmath option for speedup. This method shines for huge inputs where speed is needed.
Numba you can do eager compilation or first time execution take little time for compilation and subsequent usage will be fast
import pandas as pd
df1 = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['A','B','C','D','E','F','G'],
data = np.random.randint(1,5,(100,7)))
df2 = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['Name','Location','Sequence'],
data = [['Alfred','Chicago',
['Nicola','New York',
a = df1.values
# Also possible to add `parallel=True`
f = nb.njit(lambda x: (x == a).mean())
# This is just illustration, not correct logic. Change the logic according to needs
# nb.njit((nb.int64,))
# def f(x):
# sum = 0
# for i in nb.prange(x.shape[0]):
# for j in range(a.shape[0]):
# sum += (x[i] == a[j]).sum()
# return sum
# Experiment with engine
You can use direct comparison of the arrays and sum the identical values. Use apply to perform the comparison per row in df2:
df2['Sequence'].apply(lambda x: (x==df1.values).sum()/df1.size)
0 0.270000
1 0.298571
To save the output in your original dataframe:
df2['Overlap'] = df2['Sequence'].apply(lambda x: (x==df1.values).sum()/df1.size)

Pandas & fillna based on groups

I have an interesting problem, which I have fixed on a surface level, but I would like to enhance and improve my implementation.
I have a DataFrame, which holds a dataset for later Machine Learning. It has feature columns (~500 of them) and 4 columns of targets. The targets are related to each other, in an increasing granularity fashion (e.g. fault/no_fault, fault-where, fault-group, fault-exact).
The DataFrame has quite a lot of NaN values, since it was compiled of 2 separate data sets via OUTER join - some rows are full, others have data from one dataset, but not the other etc. - see pic below, and sorry for terrible edits.
Anyway, Sci-kit Learn's SimpleImputer() Transformer did not give me the ML results I was after, and I figured that maybe I should do imputation based on targets, as in e.g. compute a median value for samples available per each target in each column, and impute these. Then check, if there are any NaN values left, and if there are, move to tar_3 (one level of granularity down), compute median as well, and impute that value against per target, per column. And so on, until no NaNs are left.
I have implemented that with the code below, which I fully understand is clunky as, and takes forever to execute:
tar_list = ['tar_4', 'tar_3', 'tar_2', 'tar_1']
for tar in tar_list:
medians = df.groupby(by = tar).agg('median')
print("\nFilling values based on {} column granularity.".format(tar))
for col in [col for col in df.columns if col not in tar_list]:
uniques = sorted(df[tar].unique())
for class_name in uniques:
value_to_fill = medians.loc[class_name][col]
print("Setting NaNs for target {} in column {} to {}".format(class_name, col, value_to_fill))
df.loc[df[tar] == class_name, col] = df.loc[df[tar] == class_name, col].fillna(value = value_to_fill)
While I am happy with the result this code produces, it has 2 drawbacks, which I cannot ignore:
1) It takes forever to execute even on my small ~1000 samples x ~500 columns dataset.
2) It imputes the same median value to all NaN's in each column per target value it is currently working on. I would rather prefer it to impute something with a bit of noise, to prevent just a simple repetition of the data (maybe either a value randomly selected from a normal distribution of values in that column for that target?).
As far as I am aware, there are no out-of-box tools in Sci-Kit Learn or Pandas to achieve this task in a more efficient way. However, if there are - can someone point me in the right direction? Alternatively, I am open to suggestions on how to enhance this code to address both my concerns.
Code generating sample DataFrame I mentioned:
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, 100, size=(vsize, 10)),
columns = ["col_{}".format(x) for x in range(10)],
index = range(0, vsize * 3, 3))
df_2 = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,100,size=(vsize, 10)),
columns = ["col_{}".format(x) for x in range(10, 20, 1)],
index = range(0, vsize * 2, 2))
df = df.merge(df_2, left_index = True, right_index = True, how = 'outer')
df_tar = pd.DataFrame({"tar_1": [np.random.randint(0, 2) for x in range(vsize * 3)],
"tar_2": [np.random.randint(0, 4) for x in range(vsize * 3)],
"tar_3": [np.random.randint(0, 8) for x in range(vsize * 3)],
"tar_4": [np.random.randint(0, 16) for x in range(vsize * 3)]})
df = df.merge(df_tar, left_index = True, right_index = True, how = 'inner')
Try this:
tar_list = ['tar_4', 'tar_3', 'tar_2', 'tar_1']
cols = [col for col in df.columns if col not in tar_list]
# since your dataframe may not have continuous index
idx = df.index
for tar in tar_list:
medians = df[cols].groupby(by = df[tar]).agg('median')
df.set_index(tar, inplace=True)
for col in cols:
df[col] = df[col].fillna(medians[col])
df.index = idx
Took about 1.5s with the sample data:
num_cols = 500
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.choice(list(range(10))+[np.nan],
size=(len_df, num_cols),
columns=[str(x) for x in range(num_cols)])
for i in range(1,5):
df[f'tar_{i}'] = np.random.randint(i*4, (i+1)*4, len_df)

Apply function over relative rows in Pandas

It seems that applying functions to data frames is typically wrt series (e.g df.apply(my_fun)) and so such functions index 'one row at a time'. My question is if one can get more flexibility in the following sense: for a data frame df, write a function my_fun(row) such that we can point to rows above or below the row.
For example, start with the following:
def row_conditional(df, groupcol, appcol1, appcol2, newcol, sortcol, shift):
"""Input: df (dataframe): input data frame
groupcol, appcol1, appcol2, sortcol (str): column names in df
shift (int): integer to point to a row above or below current row
Output: df with a newcol appended based on conditions
df[newcol] = '' # fill new col with blank str
list_results = []
members = set(df[groupcol])
for m in members:
df_m = df[df[groupcol]==m].sort(sortcol, ascending=True)
df_m = df_m.reset_index(drop=True)
numrows_m = df_m.shape[0]
for r in xrange(numrows_m):
# CONDITIONS, based on rows above or below
if (df_m.loc[r + shift, appcol1]>0) and (df_m.loc[r - shfit, appcol2]=='False'):
df_m.loc[r, newcol] = 'old'
df_m.loc[r, newcol] = 'new'
return pd.concat(list_results).reset_index(drop=True)
Then, I'd like to be able to re-write the above as:
def new_row_conditional(row, shift):
"""apply above conditions to row relative to row[shift, appcol1] and row[shift, appcol2]
return new value at df.loc[row, newcol]
and finally execute:
Thoughts/Solutions with 'map' or 'transform' are also very welcome.
From an OO-approach, I might imagine a row of df to be treated as an object that has attributes i) a pointer to all rows above it and ii) a pointer to all rows below it. Then referencing row.above and row.below in order to assign the new value at df.loc[row, newcol]
One can always look into the enclosing execution frame:
import pandas
dataf = pandas.DataFrame({'a':(1,2,3), 'b':(4,5,6)})
import sys
def foo(roworcol):
# current index along the axis
axis_i = sys._getframe(1).f_locals['i']
# data frame the function is applied to
dataf = sys._getframe(1).f_locals['self']
axis = sys._getframe(1).f_locals['axis']
# number of elements along the chosen axis
n = dataf.shape[(1,0)[axis]]
# print where we are
print('index: %i - %i items before, %i items after' % (axis_i,
Within the function function foo there is:
roworcol the current element out of the iteration
axis the chosen axis
axis_i the index of along the chosen axis
dataf the data frame
This is all needed to point before and after in the data frame.
>>> dataf.apply(foo, axis=1)
index: 0 - 0 items before, 2 items after
index: 1 - 1 items before, 1 items after
index: 2 - 2 items before, 0 items after
A complete implementation of the specific example you added in the comments would then be:
import pandas
import sys
df = pandas.DataFrame({'a':(1,2,3,4), 'b':(5,6,7,8)})
def bar(row, k):
axis_i = sys._getframe(2).f_locals['i']
# data frame the function is applied to
dataf = sys._getframe(2).f_locals['self']
axis = sys._getframe(2).f_locals['axis']
# number of elements along the chosen axis
n = dataf.shape[(1,0)[axis]]
if axis_i == 0 or axis_i == (n-1):
res = 0
res = dataf['a'][axis_i - k] + dataf['b'][axis_i + k]
return res
You'll note that whenever additional arguments are present in the signature of the function mapped we need jump 2 frames up.
>>> df.apply(bar, args=(1,), axis=1)
0 0
1 8
2 10
3 0
dtype: int64
You'll also note that the specific example you have provided can be solved by other, and possibly simpler, means. The solution above is very general in the sense that it is letting you use map while jailbreaking from the row being mapped but it may also violate assumption about what map is doing and, for example. deprive you from the opportunity to parallelize easily by assuming independent computation on the rows.
Create duplicate data frames that are index shifted, and loop over their rows in parallel.
df_pre = df.copy()
df_pre.index -= 1
result = [fun(x1, x2) for x1, x2 in zip(df_pre.iterrows(), df.iterrows()]
This assumes you actually want everything from that row. You can of course do direct operations for example
result = df_pre['col'] - df['col']
Also, there are some standard processing functions built in like diff, shift, cumsum, cumprod that do operate on adjacent rows, although the scope is limited.

Complex Filtering of DataFrame

I've just started working with Pandas and I am trying to figure if it is the right tool for my problem.
I have a dataset:
date, sourceid, destid, h1..h12
I am basically interested in the sum of each of the H1..H12 columns, but, I need to exclude multiple ranges from the dataset.
Examples would be to:
exclude H4, H5, H6 data where sourceid = 4944 and exclude H8, H9-H12
where destination = 481981 and ...
... this can go on for many many filters as we are
constantly removing data to get close to our final model.
I think I saw in a solution that I could build a list of the filters I would want and then create a function to test against, but I haven't found a good example to work from.
My initial thought was to create a copy of the df and just remove the data we didn't want and if we need it back - we could just copy it back in from the origin df, but that seems like the wrong road.
By using masks, you don't have to remove data from the dataframe. E.g.:
mask1 = df.sourceid == 4944
var1 = df[mask1]['H4','H5','H6'].sum()
Or directly do:
var1 = df[df.sourceid == 4944]['H4','H5','H6'].sum()
In case of multiple filters, you can combine the Boolean masks with Boolean operators:
totmask = mask1 & mask2
you can use DataFrame.ix[] to set the data to zeros.
Create a dummy DataFrame first:
N = 10000
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(N, 12), columns=["h%d" % i for i in range(1, 13)], index=["row%d" % i for i in range(1, N+1)])
df["sourceid"] = np.random.randint(0, 50, N)
df["destid"] = np.random.randint(0, 50, N)
Then for each of your filter you can call:
df.ix[df.sourceid == 10, "h4":"h6"] = 0
since you have 600k rows, create a mask array by df.sourceid == 10 maybe slow. You can create Series objects that map value to the index of the DataFrame:
sourceid = pd.Series(df.index.values, index=df["sourceid"].values).sort_index()
destid = pd.Series(df.index.values, index=df["destid"].values).sort_index()
and then exclude h4,h5,h6 where sourceid == 10 by:
df.ix[sourceid[10], "h4":"h6"] = 0
to find row ids where sourceid == 10 and destid == 20:
np.intersect1d(sourceid[10].values, destid[20].values, assume_unique=True)
to find row ids where 10 <= sourceid <= 12 and 3 <= destid <= 5:
np.intersect1d(sourceid.ix[10:12].values, destid.ix[3:5].values, assume_unique=True)
sourceid and destid are Series with duplicated index values, when the index values are in order, Pandas use searchsorted to find index. it's O(log N), faster then create mask arrays which is O(N).
