Compare decision variables to floating values - python

I'm currently working on a trajectory optimization problem that involves binary actuators. In order to avoid solving an MINLP I do not simply optimize over the states and control inputs but instead, assume that each of the binary actuators alternates between the states "on" and "off" and optimize over the duration of those intervals. I will call the array containing the decision variable h (an N by 2 matrix in the particular case below).
A minimal example using a double integrator that has two control inputs that enact a positive or negative force on the system respectively would be:
Here I model the state trajectory as some train of 3rd order polynomial.
I particularly do not want to merge these actuators into one with the states -1,0,1 since the more general system I'd like to apply this to also has more binary actuators. I add some additional constraints such as connecting the polynomials continuously and differentiably; enforce that the sum of all intervals is equal to the desired final time; enforce initial and final state constraints and finally enforce the dynamics of the system.
My initial idea was to then enforce the dynamics at constant intervals, i.e.:
However, the issue here is that any of the actuators could be in any arbitrary interval for some time t. Since the intervals can shrink to duration zero one actuator might be in the last interval while the other one remains in the first. I.e. the value of a decision variable (time duration) changes which decision variables are dependent on each other. This is more or less manifested in drake by the fact that I cannot do a comparison such as Tau < t if Tau is a drake expression and t is some number. The code snippet is:
# Enforce dynamics at the end of each control interval
for t in np.arange(0, Tf, dt_dyn):
# Find the index of the interval that is active for each actuator
t_ctrl = np.cumsum(h, axis=0)
intervals = (t_ctrl < t)
idxs = np.sum(intervals, axis=0)
# If the idx is even the actuator is off, otherwise its on
prog.AddConstraint(eq(qdd(q_a, t, dt_state),
continuous_dynamics(q(q_a, t, dt_state),
qd(q_a, t, dt_state),
[idxs[0] % 2, idxs[1] % 2])))
and the resulting error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 92, in <module>
intervals = (t_ctrl < t)
RuntimeError: You should not call `__bool__` / `__nonzero__` on `Formula`. If you are trying to make a map with `Variable`, `Expression`, or `Polynomial` as keys (and then access the map in Python), please use pydrake.common.containers.EqualToDict`.
In the end, my question is more of a conceptual than technical nature: Does drake support this dependence of the "dependence of decision variables on the values" in some other way? Or is there a different way I can transcribe my problem to avoid the ambiguity in which interval my actuators are for some given time?
I've also linked to the overall script that implements the minimal example here

The immediate problem is that intervals = (t_ctrl < t) is a vector of dtype Formula, not a vector of dtype Variable(type=BINARY), so you can't actually sum it up. To do an arithmetic sum, you'd need to change that line to an np.vectorize-wrapped function that calls something like if_then_else(t_argument < t_constant, 0.0, 1.0) in order to have it be an Expression-valued vector, at which which would be sum-able.
That won't actually help you, though, since you cannot do % (modular) arithmetic on symbolic expressions anyway, so the % 2.0 == 0.0 stuff will raise an exception once you make it that far.
I suspect that you'll need a different approach to encoding the problem into variables, but unfortunately an answer there is beyond my skill level at the moment.


How to ensure a Step Function Control in GEKKO and confusion about MV_TYPE

I have a simple optimal control problem where I have to find a step function f(t) to maximize an objective functional (IMODE=6). Now f(t) is defined for t in [0, 10) such that f takes on 10 different equi-spaced values. (i.e. f(t)=f0 for 0 ≤ t < 1, etc.). Moreover f itself takes on only integer values in between 0 and 10 inclusive.
To start, I took m.time=np.linspace(0, 10, 11) to have [0, 1, 2, ..., 10] be the points in my time mesh. Then I took f=m.MV(lb=0, ub=10, integer=True) and solved with APOPT using m.options.SOLVER = 1 and just ignored the value of f(10).
This resolves fine and I am able to acquire an integer solution. The result of this, it appears, is a linear interpolant of f instead of the step-function interpolant of f that I wanted. After reading documentation, I thought that MV_TYPE was the flag that I needed. So I tried switching f to a step-function by setting m.options.MV_TYPE=0 but that gave me the same result as obtained by m.options.MV_TYPE=1. (Telling me that I completely misunderstand what MV_TYPE is supposed to do.) So for my first question: what even is the MV_TYPE flag doing? My read was that MV_TYPE=0 interpolates all MV variables with a step-function and MV_TYPE=1 interpolates all MV variables with a linear interpolant. However, two separate runs with both options for MV_TYPE yields identical solutions with identical objective functional values.
Secondly, is there some better way to do what I want? (Force my control to take the form of a discontinuous step function). I saw in the documentation (example #17 of 18) that the appropriate way to make a step function is basically to make the time mesh fine enough to cover the seam. Indeed, something like m.time=[0, 0.999, 1, 1.999, 2, 2.999, ..., 9, 9.999] would be a reasonable mesh for me. However, then my f=m.MV line would result in f having 20 independent values (instead of the 10 that I would like). Is there anyway to force the MV to take the same value at the time points t=0 and t=0.999 (and the same value at t=1 and t=1.999 etc.) in order to ensure that my function is a step-function?
I can't help but feel like I'm missing something obvious here!
Your understanding of MV_TYPE is correct. From the document for MV_TYPE:
MV_TYPE specifies either a zero order hold (0) or a first order linear (1) interpolation between the MV endpoints. When the MV_STEP_HOR is two or greater, the MV_TYPE is applied only to each segment where adjustments are allowed. The MV segment is otherwise equal to the prior time segment. The MV_TYPE only influences the solution when the number of NODES is between 3 and 6. It is not important when NODES=2 because there are no interpolation nodes between the endpoints.
It is likely giving the same answer because m.options.NODES=2 by default. Setting m.options.NODES>=3 will likely cause problems for integer type MVs with MV_TYPE=1 because the linear interpolating points also need to be integers. If you still want to use NODES=2 but need more simulation resolution then try something like:
m.time = [0,0.5,0.9999,1,1.5,1.9999,2,2.5,2.9999,3]

Python: Solving a complex scenario analysis

I am interested in learning if there has been published some type of code or package that can help me with the following problem:
An event takes place 30 times.
Each event can return 6 different values (0,1,2,3,4,5), each with their own unique probability.
I would like to estimate the probability of the total values -after all the scenarios have been simulated - is above X (e.g. 24).
The issue I have is that I can't - in a given event where the value is 3- multiply the probability of value 3*3 and add it together with the previous obtained values. Instead I need to simulate every single variation that is possible.
Is there any relatively simple solution to solve this issue?
First of all, what you're describing isn't scenario analysis. That said, Python can be used to estimate complex probabilities where an analytical solution might be hard or impossible to find.
Assuming an event takes place 30 times, with outcomes [0,1,2,3,4,5], and each outcome has a probability of occurring given by the list (for example) p =
[.1,.2,.2,.3,.1,.1], you can approximate the probability that the sum of all 30 events is greater than X with
import numpy as np
X = 80
np.mean([sum(np.random.choice(a=[0,1,2,3,4,5], size= 30,p=[.1,.2,.2,.3,.1,.1])) > X for i in range(10000)])

ODE System doesn't work when step size (h) is bigger than 1

I am a beginner to Python. Currently I'm writing a code for developing a simple solver for non-linear ODE systems with initial value. The equations of the system are as follow.
The function of myu is evaluated first to get the value of myu, then used in dX/dt, dS/dt, and dDO/dt. At the next step, myu is evaluated again to get its new value based on new value of S and DO.
I am using General Linear Method (GLM), proposed by J. C. Butcher, as my method. This method use a transition matrix, which value and size depends on numerical method that we use. In this case, I use Runge Kutta Cash-Karp.
While you may find in the equation that D is also a function, here I set the value of D as a constant.
In initialization, the value of h is set first, to get the number of step. I create a vector named 'initValue', with 8 columns and 4 rows, consist of values of k for each equations (row 1 to 6), initial value for fourth order of the Runge Kutta (row 7. I set it to 0 since it just act as a 'predictor'), and initial value for each equations (row 8).
Transition matrix is created based on the GLM, which values inside it comes from the constants of stage equations (to find the value of k1 to k6) and step equations (to find the solutions) of Runge Kutta Cash-Karp.
In the looping, at the very first time, I simply add the initial values to an array named 'result'. At the first step, I simply multiple the transition matrix with vector 'initValue'. And at the next until final step, I initialize the 'initValue' based on result from previous step.
What I'm looking for is the solution which should look like this.
My code works if h is less than 1. I compare my result with result from scipy.integrate.odeint. But when I set h bigger than 1, it show different result than the result it should be. For example, in the code, I set h = 100, which means that it will only display the initial value and final value (when time = 100). While X and S should going upward, and DO and Xr going downward, mine was the opposite of them. The result from odeint when h is set to bigger than 1 show the same result with the expected solution.
I need help to fix my code so it can display the expected solution for any value of h.
Thank you.
Why do you expect any type of reasonable result for ridiculously large step sizes?
The most simple demonstration is y'=-y and the explicit Euler method. If you use step sizes smaller 1 you will get qualititively correct solutions. For step sizes smaller 0.1, you will start to get also quantitatively correct step sizes.
However, if you use a step size h=10, then the iteration
y[k+1]= y[k] - h*y[k] = -9*y[k]
will explode. The same also happens for higher order methods, sufficiently small step sizes give quantitatively correct results, medium step sizes can still give a qualitatively correct picture, large step sizes lead to errors that are very quickly larger than the solution values.

Python - Cosine gradually reveals small-amp oscillations ("wobbles")

I have a problem that is equal parts trig and Python. I am plotting a cosine over time interval [0,t] whose frequency changes (slightly) according to another cosine function. So what I'd expect to see is a repeating pattern of higher-to-lower frequency that repeats over the duration of the window [0,t].
Instead what I'm seeing is that over time a low-freq motif emerges in the cosine plot and repeats over time, each time becoming lower and lower in freq until eventually the cosine doesn't even oscillate properly it just "wobbles", for lack of a better term.
I don't understand how this is emerging over the course of the window [0,t] because cosine is (obviously) periodic and the function modulating it is as well. So how can "new" behavior emerge?? The behavior should be identical across all periods of the modulatory cosine that tunes the freq of the base cosine, right?
As a note, I'm technically using a modified cosine, instead of cos(wt) I'm using e^(cos(wt)) [called von mises eq or something similar].
Minimum needed Code:
cos_plot = []
for wind,pos_theta in zip(window,pos_theta_vec): #window is vec of time increments
# for ref: DBFT(pos_theta) = (1/(2*np.pi))*np.cos(np.radians(pos_theta - base_pos))
f = float(baserate+DBFT(pos_theta)) # DBFT() returns a val [-0.15,0.15] periodically depending on val of pos_theta
What you are observing could depend on "aliasing", i.e. the emergence of low-frequency figures because of sampling of an high frequency function with a step that is too big.
(picture taken from the linked Wikipedia page)
If the issue is NOT aliasing consider that any function shape between -1 and 1 can be obtained with cos(f(x)*x) by simply choosing f(x).
For, consider any function -1 <= g(x) <= 1 and set f(x) = arccos(g(x))/x.
To look for the problem try plotting your "frequency" and see if anything really strange is present in it. May be you've a bug in DBFT.
In the interest of posterity, in case anyone ever needs an answer to this question:
I wanted a cosine whose frequency was a time-varying function freq(t). My mistake was simply evaluating this function at each time t like this: Acos(2pifreq(t)t). Instead you need to integrate freq(t) from 0 to t at each time point: y = cos(2%piintegral(f(t)) + 2%pi*f0*t + phase). The term for this procedure is a frequency sweep or chirp (not identical terms, but similar if you need to google/SO answers).
Thanks to those who responded with help :)

Performing a moving linear fit to 1D data in Python

I have a 1D array of data and wish to extract the spatial variation. The standard way to do this which I wish to pythonize is to perform a moving linear regression to the data and save the gradient...
def nssl_kdp(phidp, distance, fitlen):
kdp=zeros(phidp.shape, dtype=float)
for swn in range(myshape[0]):
print "Sweep ", swn+1
for rayn in range(myshape[1]):
print "ray ", rayn+1
small=[polyfit(distance[a:a+2*fitlen], phidp[swn, rayn, a:a+2*fitlen],1)[0] for a in xrange(myshape[2]-2*fitlen)]
kdp[swn, rayn, :]=array((list(itertools.chain(*[fitlen*[small[0]], small, fitlen*[small[-1]]]))))
return kdp
This works well but is SLOW... I need to do this 17*360 times...
I imagine the overhead is in the iterator in the [ for in arange] line... Is there an implimentation of a moving fit in numpy/scipy?
the calculation for linear regression is based on the sum of various values. so you could write a more efficient routine that modifies the sum as the window moves (adding one point and subtracting an earlier one).
this will be much more efficient than repeating the process every time the window shifts, but is open to rounding errors. so you would need to restart occasionally.
you can probably do better than this for equally spaced points by pre-calculating all the x dependencies, but i don't understand your example in detail so am unsure whether it's relevant.
so i guess i'll just assume that it is.
the slope is (NΣXY - (ΣX)(ΣY)) / (NΣX2 - (ΣX)2) where the "2" is "squared" -
for evenly spaced data the denominator is fixed (since you can shift the x axis to the start of the window without changing the gradient). the (ΣX) in the numerator is also fixed (for the same reason). so you only need to be concerned with ΣXY and ΣY. the latter is trivial - just add and subtract a value. the former decreases by ΣY (each X weighting decreases by 1) and increases by (N-1)Y (assuming x_0 is 0 and x_N is N-1) each step.
i suspect that's not clear. what i am saying is that the formula for the slope does not need to be completely recalculated each step. particularly because, at each step, you can rename the X values as 0,1,...N-1 without changing the slope. so almost everything in the formula is the same. all that changes are two terms, which depend on Y as Y_0 "drops out" of the window and Y_N "moves in".
I've used these moving window functions from the somewhat old scikits.timeseries module with some success. They are implemented in C, but I haven't managed to use them in a situation where the moving window varies in size (not sure if you need that functionality).
Head here for downloads (if using Python 2.7+, you'll probably need to compile the extension itself -- I did this for 2.7 and it works fine):
I/we might be able to help you more if you clean up your example code a bit. I'd consider defining some of the arguments/objects in lines 7 and 8 (where you're defining 'small') as variables, so that you don't end row 8 with so many hard-to-follow parentheses.
Ok.. I have what seems to be a solution.. not an answer persay, but a way of doing a moving, multi-point differential... I have tested this and the result looks very very similar to a moving regression... I used a 1D sobel filter (ramp from -1 to 1 convolved with the data):
def KDP(phidp, dx, fitlen):
kdp=np.zeros(phidp.shape, dtype=float)
for swn in range(myshape[0]):
#print "Sweep ", swn+1
for rayn in range(myshape[1]):
#print "ray ", rayn+1
kdp[swn, rayn, :]=sobel(phidp[swn, rayn,:], window_len=fitlen)/dx
return kdp
def sobel(x,window_len=11):
"""Sobel differential filter for calculating KDP
differential signal (Unscaled for gate spacing
w=2.0*np.arange(window_len)/(window_len-1.0) -1.0
#print w
return -1.0*y[window_len/2:len(x)+window_len/2]/(window_len/3.0)
this runs QUICK!
