SocketIO(app) missing required positional argument 'mode' [closed] - python

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm trying to get the simple example of Flask-SocketIO working, but I'm getting an error saying I'm missing a required positional argument 'mode', even though the documentation / official example don't show such a parameter:

After a lot of head-scratching, I realized it was happening because I accidentally imported the wrong SocketIO with my IDE: I imported socket.SocketIO instead of flask_socketio.SocketIO. When I fixed the import statement the error went away.


TypeError: 'fn' must be callable (Prefect - Python) [closed]

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Closed last month.
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I'm starting to leart some prefect + python and I'm facing a strange error at the very beginning with a very easy script:
I have already tried it in two diferents PC.
It looks like you've installed Prefect 2, but are following instructions for Prefect 1.
I recommend starting with the first steps tutorial in the Prefect docs:
the way with statements work is that the variable you're defining only exists within the indented code block underneath the with statement itself. The end of your code should be:
with Flow("prueba 1") as flow:

but am getting python - __init__() missing 1 required positional argument error [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Am new to coding, so started learning python and was learning about super() in classes and objects,tried to create a self made program give below but am getting python - init() missing 1 required positional argument error please help me
part 1
Your parent class (myBrain) takes two arguments-- "name" and "disease". When you pass
In line 31 you're only passing in one.
You need to pass in a "name" argument as well or just remove the condition in the parent class.

Currently building an app and I'm getting this message: missing 1 required positional argument: 'skills' [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Here is my code: It's saying that the skills call is missing, but I clearly wrote the skills argoument
The problem is you are missing a comma between accounting and bookkeeping so it thinks there are only 3 arguments in your init.

TypeError: this constructor takes no arguments (python) [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I made the left file to import from right
but I don't know why I got this error: see image
Instead of __int__, use __init__.
The Python class tutorial is a good syntax reference.

How to make this gaema demo running on google-app-engine? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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This is the package which has a webapp demo in it.
However, when I login use this demo, I get an error.
How to make this demo running on the gae-launcher?
Looks like a bug in gaema.
The line that's failing is trying to urlencode a dictionary of arguments that get passed to the OpenID endpoint. One or more of the values, perhaps your first or last name, has non-ASCII characters.
You might be able to work around it by replacing instances of this:
With this:
urllib.urlencode(dict([(k, args[k].encode('utf-8')) for k in args]))
For a more permanent fix, I would report the issue here:
