I'm trying to create this code so that when variable J is present, it is a positive number, but if H is present, it is a negative number. Here is my code.
record = ['1J2H']
def robot_location(record: str):
if J in record:
if H in record:
** I dont know how to subtract them**
So if record = [1J2H] then the output should be ((+1)+(-2)) = -1 should be the output... how can I do that?? Somebody pls help explain this.
You need to iterate over string inside list, check char by char and asume thats always length of string will be odd
record = ['1J2H']
def robot_location(record: str):
total = 0
aux_n = 0
for a in record:
if a.isnumeric():
aux_n = int(a)
if a == 'H':
total = total + aux_n*-1
total = total + aux_n
aux_n = 0
return total
Here is a concise way to do this via a list comprehension:
record = '1J2H'
nums = re.findall(r'\d+[JH]', record) # ['1J', '2H']
output = sum([int(x[:-1]) if x[-1] == 'J' else -1*int(x[:-1]) for x in nums])
print(output) # -1
One way to do that is by using iter and converting the string into an iterable, that allows to use next which moves the iteration to the next item meaning that if one simply iterates over it it will get moved to the next item and then if one uses next it will return the current value where the "pointer"? is and move it to the next value so the next iteration with a for loop (list comprehension in this case) will get the next value, meaning that the loop will return only the numbers while next will return only the letters:
lst = ['1J2H']
def robot_location(record: str):
record = iter(record)
numbers = [int(i) if next(record) == 'J' else -int(i) for i in record]
return sum(numbers)
You could modify a string like s = '1J2H' to '1+2*-1+0' and let Python evaluate it:
result = eval(s.replace('J', '+').replace('H', '*-1+') + '0')
In my attempt to solve the above question, I've written the following code:
Logic: Create a frequency dict for each character in the string (key= character, value= frequency of the character). If any character's frequency is greater than ceil(n/2), there is no solution. Else, print the most frequent character followed by reducing its frequency in the dict/
import math, operator
def rearrangeString(s):
# Fill this in.
n = len(s)
freqDict = {}
for i in s:
if i not in freqDict.keys():
freqDict[i] = 1
freqDict[i] += 1
for j in list(freqDict.values()):
if j > math.ceil(n / 2):
return None
return maxArrange(freqDict)[:-4]
temp = ""
def maxArrange(inp):
global temp
n = len(inp)
if list(inp.values()) != [0] * n:
resCh = max(inp.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1))[0]
if resCh is not None and resCh != temp:
inp[resCh] -= 1
# Terminates with None
temp = resCh
return resCh + str(maxArrange(inp))
# Driver
# cbcabc
In the first try, with input abbccc, it gives the right answer, i.e. cbcabc, but fails for the input abbcccc, returning ccbcabc, without handling it using the temp variable, else returning cbcabc and skipping c altogether when handled using temp
How should I modify the logic, or is there a better approach?
I have a version number in a file like this:
Testing x.x.x.x
So I am grabbing it off like this:
import re
def increment(match):
# convert the four matches to integers
a,b,c,d = [int(x) for x in match.groups()]
# return the replacement string
return f'{a}.{b}.{c}.{d}'
lines = open('file.txt', 'r').readlines()
lines[3] = re.sub(r"\b(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\b", increment, lines[3])
I want to make it so if the last digit is a 9... then change it to 0 and then change the previous digit to a 1. So changes to
I did that by doing:
def increment(match):
# convert the four matches to integers
a,b,c,d = [int(x) for x in match.groups()]
# return the replacement string
if (d == 9):
return f'{a}.{b}.{c+1}.{0}'
elif (c == 9):
return f'{a}.{b+1}.{0}.{0}'
elif (b == 9):
return f'{a+1}.{0}.{0}.{0}'
Issue occurs when its or Where multiple digits need to rounded. How can I handle this issue?
Use integer addition?
def increment(match):
# convert the four matches to integers
a,b,c,d = [int(x) for x in match.groups()]
*a,b,c,d = [int(x) for x in str(a*1000 + b*100 + c*10 + d + 1)]
a = ''.join(map(str,a)) # fix for 2 digit 'a'
# return the replacement string
return f'{a}.{b}.{c}.{d}'
If your versions are never going to go beyond 10, it is better to just convert it to an integer, increment it and then convert back to a string.
This allows you to go up to as many version numbers as you require and you are not limited to thousands.
def increment(match):
match = match.replace('.', '')
match = int(match)
match += 1
match = str(match)
output = '.'.join(match)
return output
Add 1 to the last element. If it's more than 9, set it to 0 and do the same for the previous element. Repeat as necessary:
import re
def increment(match):
# convert the four matches to integers
g = [int(x) for x in match.groups()]
# increment, last one first
pos = len(g)-1
g[pos] += 1
while pos > 0:
if g[pos] > 9:
g[pos] = 0
pos -= 1
g[pos] += 1
# return the replacement string
return '.'.join(str(x) for x in g)
print (re.sub(r"\b(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\b", increment, ''))
print (re.sub(r"\b(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\b", increment, ''))
print (re.sub(r"\b(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\b", increment, ''))
I want to be able to generate 12 character long chain, of hexadecimal, BUT with no more than 2 identical numbers duplicate in the chain: 00 and not 000
Because, I know how to generate ALL possibilites, including 00000000000 to FFFFFFFFFFF, but I know that I won't use all those values, and because the size of the file generated with ALL possibilities is many GB long, I want to reduce the size by avoiding the not useful generated chains.
So my goal is to have results like 00A300BF8911 and not like 000300BF8911
Could you please help me to do so?
Many thanks in advance!
if you picked the same one twice, remove it from the choices for a round:
import random
hex_digits = set('0123456789ABCDEF')
result = ""
pick_from = hex_digits
for digit in range(12):
cur_digit = random.sample(hex_digits, 1)[0]
result += cur_digit
if result[-1] == cur_digit:
pick_from = hex_digits - set(cur_digit)
pick_from = hex_digits
Since the title mentions generators. Here's the above as a generator:
import random
hex_digits = set('0123456789ABCDEF')
def hexGen():
while True:
result = ""
pick_from = hex_digits
for digit in range(12):
cur_digit = random.sample(hex_digits, 1)[0]
result += cur_digit
if result[-1] == cur_digit:
pick_from = hex_digits - set(cur_digit)
pick_from = hex_digits
yield result
my_hex_gen = hexGen()
counter = 0
for result in my_hex_gen:
counter += 1
if counter > 10:
You could also change the while true loop to only produce a certain number of these based on a number passed into the function.
I interpret this question as, "I want to construct a rainbow table by iterating through all strings that have the following qualities. The string has a length of 12, contains only the characters 0-9 and A-F, and it never has the same character appearing three times in a row."
def iter_all_strings_without_triplicates(size, last_two_digits = (None, None)):
a,b = last_two_digits
if size == 0:
yield ""
for c in "0123456789ABCDEF":
if a == b == c:
for rest in iter_all_strings_without_triplicates(size-1, (b,c)):
yield c + rest
for s in iter_all_strings_without_triplicates(12):
Note that there will be several hundred terabytes' worth of values outputted, so you aren't saving much room compared to just saving every single string, triplicates or not.
import string, random
source = string.hexdigits[:16]
result = ''
while len(result) < 12 :
idx = random.randint(0,len(source))
if len(result) < 3 or result[-1] != result[-2] or result[-1] != source[idx] :
result += source[idx]
You could extract a random sequence from a list of twice each hexadecimal digits:
digits = list('1234567890ABCDEF') * 2
hex_number = ''.join(digits[:12])
If you wanted to allow shorter sequences, you could randomize that too, and left fill the blanks with zeros.
import random
digits = list('1234567890ABCDEF') * 2
num_digits = random.randrange(3, 13)
hex_number = ''.join(['0'] * (12-num_digits)) + ''.join(digits[:num_digits])
You could use a generator iterating a window over the strings your current implementation yields. Sth. like (hex_str[i:i + 3] for i in range(len(hex_str) - window_size + 1)) Using len and set you could count the number of different characters in the slice. Although in your example it might be easier to just compare all 3 characters.
You can create an array from 0 to 255, and use random.sample with your list to get your list
Hi I would like to know how I can have my code below return the following given the input
instead of
['dog', 'hellomeyayahel', 'l']
I know the problem is that since the thing cannot find the 'hello' string it returns the -1 index. If possible how would I make it so the above would work?
def split_sentence(s):
lst = []
first = s.find('hello')
firsts = s[0:first]
third = s.find('hello', first +2, len(s))
thirds = s[third:len(s)]
second = s[first:third]
return lst
You can't make it return something else, so you have to test the return value.
if third == -1:
third = len(s)
thirds = s[third:]
You can also use try/except with index:
third = s.index('hello', first + 2)
third = len(s)
t = 8
string = "1 2 3 4 3 3 2 1"
string.replace(" ","")
string2 = [x for x in string]
print string2
for n in range(t-1):
string2.remove(' ')
print string2
def remover(ca):
newca = []
print len(ca)
if len(ca) == 1:
return ca
for i in ca:
newca.append(int(i) - int(min(ca)))
for x in newca:
if x == 0:
print newca
return remover(newca)
print (remover(string2))
It's supposed to be a program that takes in a list of numbers, and for every number in the list it subtracts from it, the min(list). It works fine for the first few iterations but not towards the end. I've added print statements here and there to help out.
t = 8
string = "1 2 3 4 3 3 2 1"
string = string.replace(" ","")
string2 = [x for x in string]
print len(string2)
def remover(ca):
newca = []
if len(ca) == 1: return()
for i in ca:
newca.append(int(i) - int(min(ca)))
while 0 in newca:
print len(newca)
return remover(newca)
print (remover(string2))
for x in newca:
if x == 0:
Iterating over a list and removing things from it at the same time can lead to strange and unexpected behvaior. Try using a while loop instead.
while 0 in newca:
Or a list comprehension:
newca = [item for item in newca if item != 0]
Or create yet another temporary list:
newnewca = []
for x in newca:
if x != 0:
print newnewca
return remover(newnewca)
(Not a real answer, JFYI:)
Your program can be waaay shorter if you decompose it into proper parts.
def aboveMin(items):
min_value = min(items) # only calculate it once
return differenceWith(min_value, items)
def differenceWith(min_value, items):
result = []
for value in items:
result.append(value - min_value)
return result
The above pattern can, as usual, be replaced with a comprehension:
def differenceWith(min_value, items):
return [value - min_value for value in items]
Try it:
>>> print aboveMin([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
Note how no item is ever removed, and that data are generally not mutated at all. This approach helps reason about programs a lot; try it.
So IF I've understood the description of what you expect,
I believe the script below would result in something closer to your goal.
split will return an array composed of each "number" provided to raw_input, while even if you used the output of replace, you'd end up with a very long number (you took out the spaces that separated each number from one another), and your actual split of string splits it in single digits number, which does not match your described intent
you should test that each input provided is an integer
as you already do a print in your function, no need for it to return anything
avoid adding zeros to your new array, just test first
string = raw_input()
array = string.split()
intarray = []
for x in array:
def remover(arrayofint):
newarray = []
minimum = min(arrayofint)
for i in array:
if i > minimum:
newarray.append(i - minimum)
if len(newarray) > 0:
print newarray