Assuming that I have a series made of daily values:
dates = pd.date_range('1/1/2004', periods=365, freq="D")
ts = pd.Series(np.random.randint(0,101, 365), index=dates)
I need to use .groupby or .reduce with a fixed schema of dates.
Use of the ts.resample('8d') isn't an option as dates need to not fluctuate within the month and the last chunk of the month needs to be flexible to address the different lengths of the months and moreover in case of a leap year.
A list of dates can be obtained through:
g = dates[[1,8,16,24])]
How I can group or reduce my data to the specific schema so I can compute the sum, max, min in a more elegant and efficient way than:
for i in range(0,len(g)-1):
ts.loc[(dec[i] < ts.index) & (ts.index < dec[i+1])]
Well from calendar point of view, you can group them to calendar weeks, day of week, months and so on.
If that is something that you would be intrested in, you could do that easily with datetime and pandas for example:
import datetime
df['week'] = df['date'].dt.week #create week column
df.groupby(['week'])['values'].sum() #sum values by weeks
I want to filter a pandas DataFrame with DatetimeIndex for multiple years between the 15th of april and the 16th of september. Afterwards I want to set a value the mask.
I was hoping for a function similar to between_time(), but this doesn't exist.
My actual solution is a loop over the unique years.
Minimal Example
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({'target':0}, index=pd.date_range('2020-01-01', '2022-01-01', freq='H'))
start_date = "04-15"
end_date = "09-16"
for year in df.index.year.unique():
# normal approche
# df[f'{year}-{start_date}':f'{year}-{end_date}'] = 1
# similar approche slightly faster
Does a solution exist where I can avoid the loop and maybe improve the performance?
To get the dates between April 1st and October 31st, what about using the month?
df.loc[df.index.month.isin(range(4, 10)), 'target'] == 1
If you want to map any date/time, just ignoring the year, you can replace the year to 2000 (leap year) and use:
s = pd.to_datetime(df.index.strftime('2000-%m-%d'))
df.loc[(s >= '2000-04-15') & (s <= '2020-09-16'), 'target'] = 1
I have a dataset of highest and lowest temperatures recorded for each day of the year, for the years 2005-2014. I want to create a graph where I plot the max and min temperatures for each day of the year for this period (so there will be only one max and min temperature for each day plotted). I was able to create a df from the data set of the absolute min and maxs for each day, here's the example of the max:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
df = pd.read_csv('data/C2A2_data/BinnedCsvs_d400/fb441e62df2d58994928907a91895ec62c2c42e6cd075c2700843b89.csv')
# splitting 2005-2014 df dates into separate columns for easier analysis
weather_05_14['Year'] = weather_05_14['Date'].dt.strftime('%Y')
weather_05_14['Month'] = weather_05_14['Date'].dt.strftime('%m')
weather_05_14['Day'] = weather_05_14['Date'].dt.strftime('%d')
# extracting the min and max temperatures for each day, regardless of year
max_temps = weather_05_14.loc[weather_05_14.groupby(['Day', 'Month'], sort=False)
['Data_Value'].idxmax()][['Data_Value', 'Date']]
max_temps.rename(columns={'Data_Value': 'Max'}, inplace=True)
This is what the data frame looks like:
Now here's where my issue is. I want to plot this data in a line plot based on month/day, disregarding the year so it's in order. My thought was that I could do this by changing the year to be the same for every data point (as it won't be data that will be in the final graph anyway) and this is what I did to try to accomplish that:
max_temps['Date'] = max_temps['Date'].apply(lambda x: x.replace(year=2005)
but I got this error:
ValueError: day is out of range for month
I have also tried to take my separate Day, Month, Year columns that I used to group by, include those with the max_temps df, change the year, and then move those all to a new column and convert them to a datetime object, but I get a similar error
max_temps['Year'] = 2005
max_temps['New Date'] = pd.to_datetime[max_temps[['Year', 'Month', 'Day']])
Error: ValueError: cannot assemble the datetimes: day is out of range for month
I have also tried to ignore this issue and then plot with the pandas plot function like:
max_temps.plot(x=['Month', 'Day'], y=['Max'])
Which does work but then I don't get the full functionality of matplotlib (as far as I can tell anyway, I'm new to these libraries).
It gives me this graph:
This is close to the result I'm looking for, but I'd like to use matplotlib to do it.
I feel like I'm making the problem harder than it needs to be but I don't know how. If anyone has any advice or suggestions I would greatly appreciate it, thanks!
As #Jody Klymak pointed out, the reason max_temps['Date'] = max_temps['Date'].apply(lambda x: x.replace(year=2005) isn't working is because in your full dataset, there's probably a leap year and the 29th is included. That means that when you try to set the year to 2005, pandas is trying to create the date 2005-02-29 which will throw
ValueError: day is out of range for month. You can fix this by choosing the year 2004 instead of 2005.
My solution would be to disregard the year entirely, and create a new column that includes the month and day in the format "01-01". Since the month comes first, then all of these strings are guaranteed to be in chronological order regardless of the year.
Here's an example:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
max_temps = pd.DataFrame({
'Max': [15.6,13.9,13.3,10.6,12.8,18.9,21.7],
'Date': ['2005-01-01','2005-01-02','2005-01-03','2007-01-04','2007-01-05','2008-01-06','2008-01-07']
max_temps['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(max_temps['Date'])
## use string formatting to create a new column with Month-Day
max_temps['Month_Day'] = max_temps['Date'].dt.strftime('%m') + "-" + max_temps['Date'].dt.strftime('%d')
plt.plot(max_temps['Month_Day'], max_temps['Max'])
I have a dataframe that has one column which is a datetime series object. It has some data associated with every date in another column. The year ranges from 2005-2014. I want to group similar dates in each year together, i.e, all the 1st January falling in 2005-15 must be grouped together irrespective of the year.Similarly for all the 365 days in a year. So I should have 365 days as the output. How can I do that?
Assuming your DataFrame has a column Date, you can make it the index of the DataFrame and then use strftime, to convert to a format with only day and month (like "%m-%d"), and groupby plus the appropriate function (I just used mean):
df = df.set_index('Date')
df.index = df.index.strftime("%m-%d")
dfAggregated = df.groupby(level=0).mean()
Please note that the output will have 366 days, due to leap years. You might want to filter out the data associated to Feb 29th or merge it into Feb 28th/March 1st (depending on the specific use case of your application)
I have a little problem with the .loc function.
Here is the code:
date = df.loc [df ['date'] == d] .index [0]
d is a specific date (e.g. 21.11.2019)
The problem is that the weekend can take days. In the dataframe in the column date there are no values for weekend days. (contains calendar days for working days only)
Is there any way that if d is on the weekend he'll take the next day?
I would have something like index.get_loc, method = bfill
Does anyone know how to implement that for .loc?
IIUC you want to move dates of format: to nearest Monday, if they happen to fall during the weekend, or leave them as they are, in case they are workdays. The most efficient approach will be to just modify d before you pass it to pandas.loc[...] instead of looking for the nearest neighbour.
What I mean is:
import datetime
dt=datetime.datetime.strptime(d, "%d.%m.%Y")
if(dt.weekday() in [5,6]):
In order to just take first date, after or on d, which has entry in your dataframe try:
import datetime
df['date']=pd.to_datetime(df['date'], format='%d.%m.%Y')
dt=datetime.datetime.strptime(d, "%d.%m.%Y")
d=df.loc[df ['date'] >= d, 'date'].min()
I would like to do some annual statistics (cumulative sum) on an daily time series of data in an xarray dataset. The tricky part is that the day on which my considered year begins must be flexible and the time series contains leap years.
I tried e.g. the following:
rollday = -181
dr = pd.date_range('2015-01-01', '2017-08-23')
foo = xr.Dataset({'data': (['time'], np.ones(len(dr)))}, coords={'time': dr})
foo_groups = foo.roll(time=rollday).groupby(foo.time.dt.year)
foo_cumsum = foo_groups.apply(lambda x: x.cumsum(dim='time', skipna=True))
which is "unfavorable" mainly because of two things:
(1) the rolling doesn't account for the leap years, so the get an offset of one day per leap year and
(2) the beginning of the first year (until end of June) is appended to the end of the rolled time series, which creates some "fake year" where the cumulative sums doesn't make sense anymore.
I tried also to first cut off the ends of the time series, but then the rolling doesn't work anymore. Resampling to me also did not seem to be an option, as I could not find a fitting pandas freq string.
I'm sure there is a better/correct way to do this. Can somebody help?
You can use a xarray.DataArray that specifies the groups. One way to do this is to create an array of values (years) that define the group ids:
# setup sample data
dr = pd.date_range('2015-01-01', '2017-08-23')
foo = xr.Dataset({'data': (['time'], np.ones(len(dr)))}, coords={'time': dr})
# create an array of years (modify day/month for your use case)
my_years = xr.DataArray([t.year if ((t.month < 9) or ((t.month==9) and ( < 15))) else (t.year + 1) for t in foo.indexes['time']],
dims='time', name='my_years', coords={'time': dr})
# use that array of years (integers) to do the groupby
foo_cumsum = foo.groupby(my_years).apply(lambda x: x.cumsum(dim='time', skipna=True))
# Voila!