PyBox2d: Change vertices of polygon during simulation - python

Currently I define a polygon in my simulation as follows
from Box2D.examples.framework import (Framework, main)
from Box2D import (b2CircleShape, b2EdgeShape, b2FixtureDef, b2PolygonShape)
vertices = [(-1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, 1), (1, -1)]
self.polygon =
position=(1, 1),
linearVelocity=(1, 1))
I want to change the size of the polygon while the simulation is running. I tried the following
self.polygon.fixtures[0] = b2FixtureDef(shape=b2PolygonShape(vertices=new_vertices),
which has no effect.
Do I have to delete the object to change the vertices? Or is there a way to change the vertices during the simulation?


Generate grid of coordinate tuples

Assume a d-dimensional integer grid, containing n^d (n >= 1) points.
I am trying to write a function that takes the number of domain points n and the number of dimensions d and returns a set that contains all the coordinate points in the grid, as tuples.
Example: intGrid (n=2, dim=2) should return the set:
{(0,0), (0,1), (1,0), (1,1)}
Note: I cannot use numpy or any external imports.
Python has a good set of built-in modules that provides most of the basic functionality you will probably need to start getting your things done.
One of such good modules is itertools, where you will find all sorts of functions related to iterations and combinatorics. The perfect function for you is product, that you can use as below:
from itertools import product
def grid(n, dim):
return set(product(range(n), repeat=dim))
print(grid(2, 2))
# {(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)}
print(grid(2, 3))
# {(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 1), (1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1)}

Graph isomorphism with constraints on the edges using networkx

I would like to define my own isomorphism of two graphs. I want to check if two graphs are isomorphic given that each edge has some attribute --- basically the order of placing each edge. I wonder if one can use the method:
networkx.is_isomorphic(G1,G2, edge_match=some_callable)
somehow by defining function some_callable().
For example, the following graphs are isomorphic, because you can relabel the nodes to obtain one from another.
Namely, relabel [2<->3].
But, the following graphs are not isomorphic.
There is no way to obtain one from another by re-labeling the nodes.
Here you go. This is exactly what the edge_match option is for doing. I'll create 3 graphs the first two are isomorphic (even though the weights have different names --- I've set the comparison function to account for that). The third is not isomorphic.
import networkx as nx
G1 = nx.Graph()
G1.add_weighted_edges_from([(0,1,0), (0,2,1), (0,3,2)], weight = 'aardvark')
G2 = nx.Graph()
G2.add_weighted_edges_from([(0,1,0), (0,2,2), (0,3,1)], weight = 'baboon')
G3 = nx.Graph()
G3.add_weighted_edges_from([(0,1,0), (0,2,2), (0,3,2)], weight = 'baboon')
def comparison(D1, D2):
#for an edge u,v in first graph and x,y in second graph
#this tests if the attribute 'aardvark' of edge u,v is the
#same as the attribute 'baboon' of edge x,y.
return D1['aardvark'] == D2['baboon']
nx.is_isomorphic(G1, G2, edge_match = comparison)
> True
nx.is_isomorphic(G1, G3, edge_match = comparison)
> False
Here answer the problem specifically in the question, with the very same graphs. Note that I'm using the networkx.MultiGraph and consider some 'ordering' in placing those edges.
import networkx as nx
G1.add_weighted_edges_from([(0, 1, 0), (0, 2, 1), (0, 3, 2)], weight='ordering')
G2.add_weighted_edges_from([(0, 1, 0), (0, 3, 1), (0, 2, 2)], weight='ordering')
G3.add_weighted_edges_from([(0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 1), (2, 3, 2)], weight='ordering')
G4.add_weighted_edges_from([(0, 1, 0), (2, 3, 1), (0, 1, 2)], weight='ordering')
def comparison(D1,D2):
return D1[0]['ordering'] == D2[0]['ordering']
nx.is_isomorphic(G1,G2, edge_match=comparison)
nx.is_isomorphic(G3,G4, edge_match=comparison)

Arrange line segments consecutively to make a polygon

Im trying to arrange line segments to create a closed polygon with python. At the moment I've managed to solve it but is really slow when the number of segments increase (its like a bubble sort but for the end point of segments). I'm attaching a sample file of coordinates (the real ones are really complex but is useful for testing purposes). The file contains the coordinates for the segments of two separetes closed polygons. The image below is the result of the coordinates I've attached.
This is my code for joining the segments. The file 'Curve' is in the dropbox link above:
from ast import literal_eval as make_tuple
from random import shuffle
from Curve import Point, Curve, Segment
def loadFile():
print 'Loading File'
file = open('myFiles/coordinates.txt','r')
for line in file:
def sortSegment(segPairs):
polygons = []
segments = segPairs
while (len(segments) > 0):
counter = 0
closedCurve = Curve(Point(segments[0][0][0], segments[0][0][1]), Point(segments[0][1][0], segments[0][1][1]))
still = True
while (still):
startpnt = Point(segments[counter][0][0], segments[counter][0][1])
endpnt = Point(segments[counter][1][0], segments[counter][1][1])
seg = Segment(startpnt, endpnt)
val= closedCurve.isAppendable(seg)
still =False
closedCurve.appendSegment(Segment(Point(segments[counter][0][0], segments[counter][0][1]), Point(segments[counter][1][0], segments[counter][1][1])))
counter = 0
counter = 0
return polygons
def toTupleList(list):
curveList = []
for curve in list:
pointList = []
for point in curve:
return curveList
def convertPolyToPath(polyList):
path = []
for curves in polyList:
curves.insert(1, 'L')
curves.insert(0, 'M')
path = path + curves
return path
if __name__ == '__main__':
pairs =[]
polygons = sortSegment(pairs)
polygons = toTupleList(polygons)
polygons = convertPolyToPath(polygons)
Assuming that you are only looking for the approach and not the code, here is how I would attempt it.
While you read the segment coordinates from the file, keep adding the coordinates to a dictionary with one coordinate (string form) of the segment as the key and the other coordinate as the value. At the end, it should look like this:
'5,-1': '5,-2',
'4,-2': '4,-3',
'5,-2': '4,-2',
Now pick any key-value pair from this dictionary. Next, pick the key-value pair from the dictionary where the key is same as the value in the previous key-value pair. So if first key-value pair is '5,-1': '5,-2', next look for the key '5,-2' and you will get '5,-2': '4,-2'. Next look for the key '4,-2' and so on.
Keep removing the key-value pairs from the dictionary so that once one polygon is complete, you can check if there are any elements left which means there might be more polygons.
Let me know if you need the code as well.
I had to do something similar. I needed to turn coastline segments (that were not ordered properly) into polygons. I used NetworkX to arrange the segments into connected components and order them using this function.
It turns out that my code will work for this example as well. I use geopandas to display the results, but that dependency is optional for the original question here. I also use shapely to turn the lists of segments into polygons, but you could just use CoastLine.rings to get the lists of segments.
I plan to include this code in the next version of PyRiv.
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
import geopandas as gpd
import networkx as nx
class CoastLine(nx.Graph):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Build a CoastLine object.
A CoastLine object
self = super(CoastLine, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def read_shp(cls, shp_fn):
Construct a CoastLine object from a shapefile.
dig = nx.read_shp(shp_fn, simplify=False)
return cls(dig)
def connected_subgraphs(self):
Get the connected component subgraphs. See the NetworkX
documentation for `connected_component_subgraphs` for more
return nx.connected_component_subgraphs(self)
def rings(self):
Return a list of rings. Each ring is a list of nodes. Each
node is a coordinate pair.
rings = [list(nx.dfs_preorder_nodes(sg)) for sg in self.connected_subgraphs()]
return rings
def polygons(self):
Return a list of `shapely.Polygon`s representing each ring.
return [Polygon(r) for r in self.rings()]
def poly_geodataframe(self):
Return a `geopandas.GeoDataFrame` of polygons.
return gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry': self.polygons()})
With this class, the original question can be solved:
edge_list = [
((5, -1), (5, -2)),
((6, -1), (5, -1)),
((1, 0), (1, 1)),
((4, -3), (2, -3)),
((2, -2), (1, -2)),
((9, 0), (9, 1)),
((2, 1), (2, 2)),
((0, -1), (0, 0)),
((5, 0), (6, 0)),
((2, -3), (2, -2)),
((6, 0), (6, -1)),
((4, 1), (5, 1)),
((10, -1), (8, -1)),
((10, 1), (10, -1)),
((2, 2), (4, 2)),
((5, 1), (5, 0)),
((8, -1), (8, 0)),
((9, 1), (10, 1)),
((8, 0), (9, 0)),
((1, -2), (1, -1)),
((1, 1), (2, 1)),
((5, -2), (4, -2)),
((4, 2), (4, 1)),
((4, -2), (4, -3)),
((1, -1), (0, -1)),
((0, 0), (1, 0)) ]
eG = CoastLine()
for e in edge_list:
This will be the result:

Python / Shapely Touching Contains

I'm trying to write an algorithm, that can check if a polygon is within another, but they share a border.
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
poly = Polygon(((0, 0), (0, 2), (2, 2), (2, 0)))
poly2 = Polygon(((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0)))
# poly.contains(poly2) will return False
Is there a other way than checking if at least one point from poly2 is within poly and they don't cross (points within and outside poly)?
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
poly = Polygon(((0, 0), (0, 2), (2, 2), (2, 0)))
poly2 = Polygon(((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (1, 0)))
poly3 = Polygon(((0, 0), (0, 1), (-1, 1), (-1, 0)))
# desired result poly.func(poly2) == True poly.func(poly3) == False
You can examine detailed spatial relationships using the DE-9IM model, which "intersects", "contains", etc., are based on. This data can be obtained from relate:
A = poly
B = poly2
rel = A.relate(B)
print(rel) # 212F11FF2
And as viewed in JTS TestBuilder:
So to find "at least one point from poly2 is within poly and they don't cross (points within and outside poly)" and if they "share a border", this is spatial-predicate-speak this requires all conditions to be true:
I(A) ∩ I(B) = 2 or rel[0] == '2' to find if at least one point from B is within A resulting with an areal intersection
B(A) ∩ B(B) = {0, 1} or rel[5] in '01' to see if the two share a border (point or line)
E(A) ∩ I(B) = F or rel[6] == 'F' to find if B don't cross outside A
So, make your own spatial predicate:
def my_criteria(A, B):
rel = A.relate(B)
return rel[0] == '2' and rel[5] in '01' and rel[6] == 'F'
my_criteria(poly, poly2) # True
my_criteria(poly2, poly) # False

How to determine corner/vertex cells in an arbitrary shape composed of grid cells

I am dealing with polygons composed of square tiles on a 2D grid. A polygon is simply stored as a list of tuples, with each tuple representing the coordinates of a tile. The polygons are always contiguous and have no holes.
What I want to be able to do is determine which of the tiles represent vertices along the border of the polygon, such that later I could trace between each one to produce the polygon's border, or determine the distance between two consecutive vertices to find the length of a side, etc.
Here is an example of a polygon (a 5x4 rectangle with a 3x2 rectangle subtracted from the top left, producing a backward 'L'):
polygon_tiles = [(3, 0), (4, 0), (3, 1), (4, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 2), (3, 2),
(4, 2), (0, 3), (1, 3), (2, 3), (3, 3), (4, 3)]
Ideally the algorithm I am seeking would produce a result that looked like this:
polygon_verts = [(3, 0), (4, 0), (4, 3), (0, 3), (0, 2), (3, 2)]
with the vertices listed in order tracing around the border clockwise.
Just fiddling around with some test cases, this problem seems to be much more complicated than I would have thought, especially in weird circumstances like when a polygon has a 1-tile-wide extrusion (in this case one of the tiles might have to be stored as a vertex twice??).
I'm working in Python, but any insight is appreciated, even if it's in pseudocode.
Assuming your shape has no internal holes.
Find the topmost row. Pick the leftmost tile of this row. This guarantees we begin on a corner.
From this tile, attempt to go straight right If you can't, go straight downright, straight down, etc until you have picked a direction. This guarnatees we can trace a clockwise perimeter of the polygon
Continue to take steps in your chosen direction. After each step:
If the next step would be onto a tile, rotate counterclockwise and look again.
If the next step would be onto an empty space, rotate clockwise and look again.
Stop rotating once you have moved onto empty space and back onto a tile again.
If we rotated from the initial direction, we must be standing on a vertex. Mark it as such.
Mark every other tile you traverse as being part of the edge.
Keep walking the edge until you arrive at your initial tile. You may walk over tiles more than once in the case of 1 tile extrusions.
If this algorithm doesn't make sense in your head, try getting out some paper and following it by hand :)
This problem is a convex hull variation, for which e.g. the gift wrapping algorithm could be applied. The constraints of discrete coordinates and line directions lead to simplifications. Here is some python code that gives the desired answer (Patashu's answer is in the same spirit):
import math
def neighbors(coord):
for dir in (1,0):
for delta in (-1,1):
yield (coord[0]+dir*delta, coord[1]+(1-dir)*delta)
def get_angle(dir1, dir2):
angle = math.acos(dir1[0] * dir2[0] + dir1[1] * dir2[1])
cross = dir1[1] * dir2[0] - dir1[0] * dir2[1]
if cross > 0:
angle = -angle
return angle
def trace(p):
if len(p) <= 1:
return p
# start at top left-most point
pt0 = min(p, key = lambda t: (t[1],t[0]))
dir = (0,-1)
pt = pt0
outline = [pt0]
while True:
pt_next = None
angle_next = 10 # dummy value to be replaced
dir_next = None
# find leftmost neighbor
for n in neighbors(pt):
if n in p:
dir2 = (n[0]-pt[0], n[1]-pt[1])
angle = get_angle(dir, dir2)
if angle < angle_next:
pt_next = n
angle_next = angle
dir_next = dir2
if angle_next != 0:
# previous point was unnecessary
if pt_next == pt0:
return outline[:-1]
pt = pt_next
dir = dir_next
polygon_tiles = [(3, 0), (4, 0), (3, 1), (4, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 2), (3, 2),
(4, 2), (0, 3), (1, 3), (2, 3), (3, 3), (4, 3)]
outline = trace(polygon_tiles)
I would just calculate the slopes of the lines between the vertices
# Do sort stuff
vertices = []
for position, polygon in enumerate(polygon_tiles):
# look for IndexErrors
except IndexError:
except IndexError:
# Bad practice
position = position - 1
# calculate the slope of the line between of vertex 1 and vertex 2
s1 = (polygon_tiles[position+1][1] - polygon[1]) / (polygon_tiles[position+1][0] - polygon[0])
# calculate the slope of vertex 2 and vertex 3
s2 = (polygon_tiles[position+2][1] - polygon_tiles[position+1][1]) / (polygon_tiles[position+2][0] - polygon_tiles[position+1][0])
# if the slopes differ then you have a vertex
if d1 != d2:
