Writing to serial port but only receiving first character? - python

I'm reading data in from a machine to windows 7. Using python, I read the serial port, process the data then write the data to a different serial port. Using com0com null modem emulator, the data is sent to another program. Here is the code I'm using:
import serial
import time
ser = serial.Serial(port='COM7', baudrate=9600)
ser2 = serial.Serial(port='COM8', baudrate=9600)
value_one = None
while (True):
# Check if incoming bytes are waiting to be read from the serial input
# buffer.
# NB: for PySerial v3.0 or later, use property `in_waiting` instead of
# function `inWaiting()` below!
if (ser.in_waiting > 16):
# read the bytes and convert from binary array to ASCII
data_str = ser.read(ser.in_waiting).decode('ascii')
if (value_one == None):
value_one_parse = data_str[7:9]
value_one = float(value_one_parse)
value_two_parse = data_str[7:9]
value_two = float(value_two_parse)
avg = ((value_one + value_two)/2)
avgprep = str(avg) + '\r\n'
value_one = None
value_two = None
So if avgprep = 71.1, why am I only receiving the first digit 7 to the program?

I changed ser.in_waiting > 16 to ser.in_waiting > 0 and put a time.sleep(5) after that.


After changing from Python 2.7 to Python 3.7 data getting an additional letter?

I'm working on a program that receives a string from an Android app sent through WiFi, the program was originally written for Python 2.7, but after adding some additional functionalities I changed it to Python 3.7. However, after making that change, my data had an extra letter at the front and for the life of me I can't figure out why that is.
Here's a snippet of my code, it's a really simple if statement to see which command was sent from the Android app and controls Raspberry Pi (4) cam (v.2) with the command.
This part sets up the connections and wait to see which command I send.
isoCmd = ['auto','100','200','300','400','500','640','800']
HOST = ''
PORT = 21567
BUFSIZE = 1024
brightness = 50
timelapse = 0
tcpSerSock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
while True:
print ('Waiting for connection')
tcpCliSock,addr = tcpSerSock.accept()
while True:
data = ''
brightness = ' '
data = tcpCliSock.recv(BUFSIZE)
dataStr = str(data[1:])
print ("Here's data ",dataStr)
if not data:
if data in isoCmd:
if data == "auto":
camera.iso = 0
print ('ISO: Auto')
camera.iso = int(data)
print ('ISO: '), data
When I start the program this is what I see:
Waiting for connection
#If I send command '300'
Here's data b'300'
Here's data b''
Waiting for connection
I'm not sure why there's the extra b'' is coming from. I have tested the code by just adding the "b" at the beginning of each items in the array which worked for any commands that I defined, not for any commands to control the Pi camera since well, there's no extra b at the beginning. (Did that make sense?) My point is, I know I'm able to send commands no problem, just not sure how to get rid of the extra letter. If anyone could give me some advice that would be great. Thanks for helping.
Byte strings are represented by the b-prefix.
Although you can see the string in output on printing, inherently they are bytes.
To get a normal string out of it, decode function can help.
b'data' simply means the data inside quotes has been received in bytes form, as mentioned in other answers also, you have to decode that with decode('utf-8') to get it in string form.
I have updated your program below, to be compatible for v3.7+
from socket import *
isoCmd = ['auto','100','200','300','400','500','640','800']
HOST = ''
PORT = 21567
BUFSIZE = 1024
brightness = 50
timelapse = 0
tcpSerSock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
while True:
print ('Waiting for connection')
tcpCliSock,addr = tcpSerSock.accept()
while True:
data = ''
brightness = ' '
data = tcpCliSock.recv(BUFSIZE).decode('utf-8')
print ("Here's data "+data)
if not data:
if data in isoCmd:
if data == "auto":
camera.iso = 0
print ('ISO: Auto')
camera.iso = int(data)
print ('ISO: '+ data)
except Exception as e:

Python xbee library no output for incoming frames

I am using 2 XBee pro S1, I want to read the packets received by the co-ordinator on my PC , it is enabled with API_2 and all other connections are done properly, I can see the packets with XCTU, I am using the python xbee library , but it gives no output :
The Code :
import serial.tools.list_ports
from xbee import XBee
import serial
ports = list(serial.tools.list_ports.comports())
for p in ports: #print the list of ports
print p
def toHex(s):
lst = []
for ch in s:
hv = hex(ord(ch)).replace('0x', '')
if len(hv) == 1:
hv = '0'+hv
hv = '0x' + hv
def decodeReceivedFrame(data):
source_addr_long = toHex(data['source_addr_long'])
source_addr = toHex(data['source_addr'])
id = data['id']
samples = data['samples']
options = toHex(data['options'])
return [source_addr_long, source_addr, id, samples]
PORT = '/dev/ttyUSB0'
BAUD_RATE = 9600
ser = serial.Serial(PORT, BAUD_RATE)
print "Serial ports initialised...."
xbee = XBee(ser,escaped=True)
print "XBee object created"
while True:
response = xbee.wait_read_frame()
decodedData = decodeReceivedFrame(response)
print decodedData
print "data decoded"
except KeyboardInterrupt:
The port number and baudrate are connect, I change it to the appropriate portnumber every time I replug the coordinator to my PC.
My output looks like :
Serial ports initialised....
XBee object created
It stays like that and gives no output, even if I see the RX led blinking.
Below is the code written with only pyserial :
import serial
from time import sleep
port = '/dev/ttyUSB0'
baud = 9600
ser = serial.Serial(port, baud)
data = ""
while True:
while ser.in_waiting:
data = ser.read()
print data
except KeyboardInterrupt:
It gives the following output.
Could someone kindly help.
Are you sure you have the correct serial port and baud rate? Does the xbee package support API mode 2? It might only work with API mode 1.
Does that package have methods for accessing the raw byte stream instead of trying to read frames? Can you configure it to throw exceptions on parsing errors?
I would start with just printing response until you see that you're receiving data. And why include the sleep() call in that loop?
I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish in toHex() but you might want to look at the Python method struct.unpack() or replace all of the work you do on hv with '0x%02X' % ord(ch).

Read incorrect data from UART in BananaPi

I am using a BananaPi to read UART data coming from a device. I know for sure what is the data generated by the device, it's the same 40 byte sequence sent in a loop, I know for sure because I mesure it with an oscilloscope. The data sent looks like(on the oscilloscope): 6A000496ED47.... 6A000496ED47....
I want to read this data in the BananaPi and I write a python script that looks like:
import serial
import time
if __name__ == '__main__':
connection = serial.Serial()
connection.port = "/dev/ttyS2"
connection.baudrate = 4000000
connection.timeout = 1
print("serial port open")
idx = 0
while(idx < 10):
data = connection.read(size=40)
newData = data.encode('hex')
print newData
idx += 1
print("Opening serial error")
The output is:
So I get different sets of 40 bytes data on every of the 10 while loops.
Any ideea what might be wrong?
The serial setup is the same as in the oscilloscope meaning the baudrate is 4000000

Communicating with air-conditioner controller using pyserial

I am trying to the first time to send and receive information through serial port. The manual for the device with which I am trying to talk can be found here. I am trying for a start to send a set of hexadecimals to ask about the condition of the system and my purpose is to ask in real time about the temperature and store it. Until now my code is this:
import serial
import time
#import serial.tools.list_ports
#ports = list(serial.tools.list_ports.comports())
#for p in ports:
# print p
ser = serial.Serial(port= '/dev/ttyUSB0',
bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS, timeout=0, xonxoff=1, rtscts=1, dsrdtr=1)
command = "\x10\xFF\x29\x2C\x16"
command = command.decode("hex")
print command
ReceivedData = "\n nothing"
while ser.inWaiting() > 0:
ReceivedData = ser.read()
print ReceivedData
The problem is that I cannot get any response.
So I solved the communication problem. It turned out I was using an extension cable so the T and R channels were not correctly connected. Now The response that I receive is "\x00\x10\xFF\x29\x2C\x16" which is the same that I put in only with a \x00 in the front. Does this mean it is an error message? How do I calculate the 4th bit? Until now I am using an example from the manual.
dont use command = command.decode("hex")
command = "\x10\xFF\x29\x2C\x16"
should work i am sure it expects bytes like this
to put it differently
START_BYTE = "\x10"
ADDR_BYTE = "\xff"
FN_BYTE = "\x29"
CS_BYTE = "\x2C" # We assume you have calculated this right
END_BYTE = "\x16"
you can abstract this out since start and end and address are always the same
def send_fn(ser,FN_CMD):
START_BYTE = "\x10"
ADDR_BYTE = "\xff"
END_BYTE = "\x16"
CS_BYTE = chr((ord(ADDR_BYTE) + ord(FN_CMD))&0xFF)

Reading bytes with PySerial: Empty results (Java works)

I am trying to read bytes from a digital meter via PySerial. It all works with Processing/Java. But i need it to port to Raspberry Pi.
While Java receives the correct bytes, Python does not receive anything at all. The digital meter simply sends 16 bytes delimited by 13.
Working Java / Processing code (receives byte array):
import processing.serial.*;
String portName = "/dev/tty.PL2303-00001004";
myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 9600);
if ( myPort.available() > 0)
byte[] inBuffer = new byte[16];
myPort.readBytesUntil(13, inBuffer);
println("Buffer: " + inBuffer.length);
Not working Python code (receives nothing / ''):
import serial
import time
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/tty.PL2303-00001004', 9600, timeout=None) # tried different timeout
while True:
tmp = ser.read()
print tmp
print tmp.__len__()
Reading an Arduino Board with this Python code works fine.
Solution: ser.setDTR(1) got it working!
ser.setDTR(1) got it working! Thanks!
import serial
import time
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/tty.PL2303-00001004', 9600, timeout=None) # tried different timeout
while True:
tmp = ser.read()
print tmp
print tmp.__len__()
