I'm using spotify's web API to get song information for a discord bot im making. I'm hosting the bot on heroku. im using the tracks option to get the track name and artist name from a songs ID. When the bot is on heroku, it throws the following error:
however, when i host the same code on my laptop, it gives no such error. I even separated the spotify code to see if the JSON file has a key named 'name' and it works!
the code is:
#pulls the name and artist name from the API and link
def spotifypull(uri):
r = requests.get(spotify_base.format(id=uri), headers=headers)
r = r.json()
return (r['name']+" "+r['artists'][0]['name'])
#checks if the link is a spotify link(this is from the "request" function)
if query.find("spotify") !=-1:
uri = query[31:53]
name = spotifypull(uri)
this same code gives the proper output if separated locally
import requests
query = "https://open.spotify.com/track/6WkrFOo6SGAjhGMrjIwAD4?si=VDwYLniGQLGmqzUK3RdBow"
uri = query[31:53]
SPOTIFY_ID = "<id>"
SPOTIFY_SECRET = "<secret>"
AUTH_URL = 'https://accounts.spotify.com/api/token'
ytbase = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v="
auth_response = requests.post(AUTH_URL, {
'grant_type': 'client_credentials',
'client_id': SPOTIFY_ID,
'client_secret': SPOTIFY_SECRET,
auth_response_data = auth_response.json()
access_token = auth_response_data['access_token']
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer {token}'.format(token=access_token)
spotify_base = 'https://api.spotify.com/v1/tracks/{id}'
r = requests.get(spotify_base.format(id=uri), headers=headers)
r = r.json()
name = r['name']+" "+r['artists'][0]['name']
output of above:
Wasn't Enough CrySpy
Any help would be massively appreciated! the full code is here if needed.
when ran locally,
r.text is https://pastebin.com/sjrW3exW
r.get_status is 200
Okay i got the issue, the spotify token was expiring after an hour. Thanks to #ygrorg for the idea.
Edit: Since some max brain mods want me to provide more clarity, Spotify tokens are valid for only an hour, I solved it by calling for a new token everytime a song is played. Alternatively, its only possible that you put the token regeneration commands in an infinite loop and put a delay of 30-45 min at the end of the loop, so you have a fresh token every time.
I am trying to use Etsy API to add a new listing on my store. In the documents section it says (below section how to do it). First fyi I have never used HTTP Method before so I am not sure how to setup the code so that it adds a new item.
(Link to the Etsy API page https://www.etsy.com/developers/documentation/reference/listing).
Method Name createListing
Synopsis Creates a new Listing.
URI /listings
Name Required Default Type
quantity Y int
title Y string
description Y text
price Y float
materials N array(string)
shipping_template_id N int
shop_section_id N int
image_ids N array(int)
is_customizable N boolean
non_taxable N boolean
image N image
state N active enum(active, draft)
processing_min N int
processing_max N int
category_id N int
taxonomy_id N int
tags N array(string)
who_made Y enum(i_did, collective, someone_else)
is_supply Y boolean
when_made Y enum(made_to_order, 2010_2017, 2000_2009, 1998_1999, before_1998, 1990_1997, 1980s, 1970s, 1960s, 1950s, 1940s, 1930s, 1920s, 1910s, 1900s, 1800s, 1700s, before_1700)
recipient N enum(men, women, unisex_adults, teen_boys, teen_girls, teens, boys, girls, children, baby_boys, baby_girls, babies, birds, cats, dogs, pets, not_specified)
occasion N enum(anniversary, baptism, bar_or_bat_mitzvah, birthday, canada_day, chinese_new_year, cinco_de_mayo, confirmation, christmas, day_of_the_dead, easter, eid, engagement, fathers_day, get_well, graduation, halloween, hanukkah, housewarming, kwanzaa, prom, july_4th, mothers_day, new_baby, new_years, quinceanera, retirement, st_patricks_day, sweet_16, sympathy, thanksgiving, valentines, wedding)
style N array(string)
Requires OAuth Y
Permission Scope listings_w
A shipping_template_id is required when creating a listing.
All listings created on www.etsy.com must be actual items for sale. Please see our guidelines for testingwith live listings.
Creating a listing creates a single inventory products with the supplied price and quantity. Use updateInventory to add more products.
The code I have right know looks like this
import urllib
import requests
url = 'https://openapi.etsy.com/v2/listings/active?api_key={YOUR KEY HERE)' # I put my API key here
r = requests.get(url)
payload = {'quantity': '1', 'title': 'testdfsdfdfs0','description': 'dfsdfsdfsdfdsf','price': '2.55','who_made': 'i_did','is_supply': '0','when_made': '2010_2017'}
rrr = requests.post(url,payload)
print rrr # I get an error 404
How can I add an item for sale on Etsy through Python HTTP method?
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1Session
import requests
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1
import json
tempory_token_url = []
oauth_response_bucket = []
client_key = '.......'
client_secret = '......'
oauth = OAuth1Session(client_key, client_secret=client_secret)
request_token_url = 'https://openapi.etsy.com/v2/oauth/request_token?scope=email_r%20listings_r'
fetch_response = oauth.fetch_request_token(request_token_url)
resource_owner_key = fetch_response.get('oauth_token') # Have it
resource_owner_secret = fetch_response.get('oauth_token_secret')
oauth_url_temp = tempory_token_url[0]['login_urI']
base_authorization_url = oauth_url_temp
authorization_url = oauth.authorization_url(base_authorization_url)
redirect_response = raw_input('Paste the full redirect URL here: ')
oauth_response = oauth.parse_authorization_response(redirect_response)
verifier = oauth_response.get('oauth_verifier')
access_token_url = redeirect_response
oauth = OAuth1Session(client_key=client_secret=client_secret,resource_owner_key=resource_owner_key,resource_owner_secret=resource_owner_secret,verifier=verifier)
oauth_tokens = oauth.fetch_access_token(access_token_url)
resource_owner_key = oauth_tokens.get('oauth_token')
resource_owner_secret = oauth_tokens.get('oauth_token_secret')
Any ideas how to make this work? There is very little info regarding Etsy API and most of the stuff is in PHP which I have no clue how to work.
Image Uploading API
Everything looks the same like above this time I just changed the payload but I am getting a 403 Error. I am not sure what is causing it. My best guess would be something with oauth1.0 i think on their website it says you need oauth 1.1.
Here is how I set it up but I am getting 403 error:
url = 'https://openapi.etsy.com/v2/listings'
payload = {'listing_id':'342434342', 'image': ("test1.jpg", open('C:\\Users\\abc\\test1.jpg'),'image/jpeg'),'type':'image/jpeg'}
result = etsy.put(url, params=payload)
print result
Comment: ... at this point I am lost I have no idea where to put the pin# that etsy gave me
etsy oauth#reference
The token credentials you receive for a account do not expire,
and can be used over and over again to make authenticated API requests.
You should keep the token secret in a secure location and never send it as a plaintext parameter
(it's only used for signing your requests, and never needs to be sent in an API request on its own.)
You will not need to step through the OAuth authorization again,
unless you decides to revoke access, or unless you add features that require additional permission scopes.
Note: Didn't find a equivalent Replacement for PHP OAUTH_AUTH_TYPE_URI.
OAuth1Session Defaults to signature_type=u'AUTH_HEADER', so this could be wrong.
If this fails, you could try:
OAuth1Session(..., signature_type=SIGNATURE_TYPE_QUERY)
Create etsy OAuth1Session to reuse for Requests:
etsy = OAuth1Session(client_key,
etsy Making an Authorized Request to the API:
response = etsy.get("https://openapi.etsy.com/v2/users/__SELF__")
user_data = json.loads(response.body_as_unicode())
etsy Checking Permission Scopes After Authentication:
response = etsy.get("https://openapi.etsy.com/v2/oauth/scopes")
meta = json.loads(response.body_as_unicode())
etsy Creates a new Listing
url = 'https://openapi.etsy.com/v2/listings'
payload = {'quantity': '1', 'title':...}
result = etsy.post(url, params=payload)
Comment: for api key do I need to import oauth2
According to Reference, Yes.
For write access and for accessing private user data, an OAuth access
token is required. Your application key is required to start the OAuth
authentication process.
Requires OAuth Y
Also your url should end with
URI /listings
url = 'https://openapi.etsy.com/v2/listings'
Your url should only up to the Question mark, for example:
url = 'https://openapi.etsy.com/v2/listings/active'
payload = {'api_key':YOUR KEY HERE, 'quantity': '1', ...
rrr = requests.post(url, params=payload)
Requests Quickstart: Passing Parameters In URLs
You often want to send some sort of data in the URL's query string.
If you were constructing the URL by hand,
this data would be given as key/value pairs in the URL after a question mark, e.g. \http://bin.org/get?key=val.
Requests allows you to provide these arguments as a dictionary of strings, using the params keyword argument.
Question: I am trying to upload a picture ... getting a 403 error
Your url Endpoint and payload isn't correct.
url = 'https://openapi.etsy.com/v2/listings'
payload = {'listing_id':'342434342', 'image': ("test1.jpg", open('C:\\Users\\abc\\test1.jpg'),'image/jpeg'),'type':'image/jpeg'}
Steps to do a etsy Request(uploadListingImage):
Read the Reference for your Method Name
Method Name uploadListingImage
URI /listings/:listing_id/images
Parameters Name Required Default Type
listing_id Y int
listing_image_id N int
image N imagefile
Requires OAuth Y
Respect Supported Sizes Working with Images
Note: For me, it's unclear what the image Parameter is for.
And as it's NOT required makes no sense.
I assume its a Placeholder for the Parameter at Point 4 below: {'image':...
Build the URI
uri = 'https://openapi.etsy.com/v2/listings/342434342/images'
Create the Params Dict according to the above Reference
I recommend to use a listing_image_id, as this seems the only way to delete a Image afterwards.
params = {'listing_id':'342434342', 'listing_image_id': 1}
Create Multipart-Encoded File Dict
Image uploads can be performed using a POST request with the Content-Type: multipart/form-dataheader, following RFC1867
# PHP example from Reference:
# $params = array('#image' => '#'.$source_file.';type='.$mimetype);
files = {'image': ("test1.jpg", open('C:\\Users\\abc\\test1.jpg', 'rb'), 'image/jpeg')}
Do the Request, according the Reference, you have to use OAuth and POST
result = etsy.post(uri, params=params, files=files)
Please Comment if this is working for you or why not.
This is my code
UserScope = 'user-library-read'
lz_uri = 'spotify:artist:36QJpDe2go2KgaRleHCDTp'
spotify = spotipy.Spotify()
results = spotify.artist_top_tracks(lz_uri)
for track in results['tracks'][:10]:
print ('track : ' + track['name'])
I'm getting this
spotipy.oauth2.SpotifyOauthError: Bad Request
I'm not quite sure what's going on here, is there something I need to do with the host files ? because refuses to connect
token = util.prompt_for_user_token(username='vulrev1',scope=UserScope,client_id="533adb3f925b488za9d3772640ec6403",client_secret='66054b185c7541fcabce67afe522449b',redirect_uri="")
spotify = spotipy.Spotify(auth=token)
You have to send your token as a auth. And also i think you must change your user ID to the specific numbers where u can find at the link of your profile.
How do I update FB Status using Python & GraphAPI? This question has been asked before, but many of the solutions have been deprecated and the requirement of GraphAPI seems to have rendered many solutions irrelevant.
I have fiddled around with the fbpy, Facebook, OAuth, and oauth2 packages, and have looked through their examples, but I still cannot figure out how to get them working. I have no trust in any of the code or the packages I have been using and am wondering if anyone has any definitive solutions that they know will work.
First you need to do is understand login flows. You should understand if you easily want to switch through the different Facebook libraries. Therefore it can have code that is very verbose to code that is very simple based on implementation.
The next thing is that there are different ways to implement handling OAuth and different ways to display and launch your web app in Python. There is no way to authorize without hitting a browser. Otherwise you would have to keep copy pasting the access_token to the code.
Let's say you chose web.py to handle your web app presentation and requests.py to handle the Graph API HTTP calls.
import web, requests
Then setup the URL we want all request to go through
url = (
'/', 'index'
Now get your application id, secret and post-login URL you would like to use
app_id = "YOUR_APP_ID"
app_secret = "APP_SECRET"
post_login_url = ""
This code will have one class index to handle the logic. In this class we want to deal with the authorization code Facebook will return after logging in
user_data = web.input(code=None)
code = user_data.code
From here setup a conditional to check the code
if not code:
# we are not authorized
# send to oauth dialog
# authorized, get access_token
Within the "not authorized" branch, send the user to the dialog
dialog_url = ( "http://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?" +
"client_id=" + app_id +
"&redirect_uri=" + post_login_url +
"&scope=publish_stream" )
return "<script>top.location.href='" + dialog_url + "'</script>"
Else we can extract the access_token using the code received
token_url = ( "https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?" +
"client_id=" + app_id +
"&redirect_uri=" + post_login_url +
"&client_secret=" + app_secret +
"&code=" + code )
response = requests.get(token_url).content
params = {}
result = response.split("&", 1)
for p in result:
(k,v) = p.split("=")
params[k] = v
access_token = params['access_token']
From here you can choose how you want to deal with the call to update the status, for example a form,
graph_url = ( "https://graph.facebook.com/me/feed?" +
"access_token=" + access_token )
return ( '<html><body>' + '\n' +
'<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="' +
graph_url + ' "method="POST">' + '\n' +
'Say something: ' + '\n' +
'<input name="message" type="text" value=""><br/><br/>' + '\n' +
'<input type="submit" value="Send"/><br/>' + '\n' +
'</form>' + '\n' +
'</body></html>' )
Or using face.py
from facepy import GraphAPI
graph = GraphAPI(access_token)
path = 'me/feed',
message = 'Your message here'
except GraphAPI.OAuthError, e:
print e.message
So in the end you can get a slimmed down version like
import web
from facepy import GraphAPI
from urlparse import parse_qs
url = ('/', 'index')
app_id = "YOUR_APP_ID"
app_secret = "APP_SECRET"
post_login_url = ""
user_data = web.input(code=None)
if not user_data.code:
dialog_url = ( "http://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?" +
"client_id=" + app_id +
"&redirect_uri=" + post_login_url +
"&scope=publish_stream" )
return "<script>top.location.href='" + dialog_url + "'</script>"
graph = GraphAPI()
response = graph.get(
data = parse_qs(response)
graph = GraphAPI(data['access_token'][0])
graph.post(path = 'me/feed', message = 'Your message here')
For more info see
* Facebook API - User Feed: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/user/#feed
* Publish a Facebook Photo in Python – The Basic Sauce: http://philippeharewood.com/facebook/publish-a-facebook-photo-in-python-the-basic-sauce/
* Facebook and Python – The Basic Sauce: http://philippeharewood.com/facebook/facebook-and-python-the-basic-sauce/
One possible (tested!) solution using facepy:
Create a new application or use an existing one previously created.
Generate a user access token using the Graph API explorer with the status_update extended permission for the application.
Use the user access token created in the previous step with facepy:
from facepy import GraphAPI
ACCESS_TOKEN = 'access-token-copied-from-graph-api-explorer-on-web-browser'
graph = GraphAPI(ACCESS_TOKEN)
graph.post('me/feed', message='Hello World!')
You can try this blog too. It's using fbconsole app.
The code from the blog:
from urllib import urlretrieve
import imp
urlretrieve('https://raw.github.com/gist/1194123/fbconsole.py', '.fbconsole.py')
fb = imp.load_source('fb', '.fbconsole.py')
fb.AUTH_SCOPE = ['publish_stream']
status = fb.graph_post("/me/feed", {"message":"Your message here"})
This is how I got it to work. You absolutely don't need to create any app for this. I'll describe how to post status updates to your profile and to a facebook page of yours.
First, to post a status update to your profile:
Go to https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer.
You'll see a textbox with Access Token written before it. Click on the button 'Get Access Token' beside this textbox. It will open a pop up asking you for various permissions for the access token. Basically these permissions define what all you can do through the Graph API using this token. Check the tick boxes beside all the permissions you need one of which will be updating your status.
Now go ahead and install the facepy module. Best way would be to use pip install.
After this pase the following code snippet in any .py file:
from facepy import GraphAPI
apiConnection = GraphAPI(access_token)
Now execute this .py file the standard python way and check your facebook. You should see YOUR_DESIRED_STATUS_UPDATE_HERE posted to your facebook profile.
Next, to do the same thing with a facebook page of yours:
The procedure is almost exactly the same except for generating your access token.
Now you can't use the same access token to post to your facebook page. You need to generate a new one, which might be a little tricky for someone new to the Graph API. Here's what you need to do:
Go to the same developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer page.
Find a dropdown showing 'Graph API Explorer' and click on it. From the dropdown, select your page you want to post updates from. Generate a new access token for this page. The process is described here: . Do not forget to check the manage_pages permission in the extended permissions tab.
Now use this token in the same code as you used earlier and run it.
Go to your facebook page. You should YOUR_DESIRED_STATUS_UPDATE posted to your page.
Hope this helps!
I'm trying to implement Facebook Realtime api with my application. I want to pull the feeds from my 'facebook PAGE'.
I've obtained app_access_token...
app_access_token = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
url = 'https://graph.facebook.com/' + FB_CLIENT_ID + '/subscriptions?access_token=' + app_access_token
url_params = {'access_token':app_access_token,'object':'page', 'fields':'feed', 'callback_url':'', 'verify_token' : 'I am taking a random string here...'}
urlResponse = call_url(url, url_params)
Everytime I call the url with url parameters, I get error : HTTP Error 400: Bad Request
But If I call the url without url parameters, I get {"data": []}
Please note that in url parameters, I'm taking verify_token, a random string and callback_url is not same as the redirect_url parameter for the facebook application.(just wanna know is it necessary to put the same url here?)
Please tell me what I'm doing wrong?
I'm using python/django to implement.
Use POST rather than GET, with an empty body & object, fields, callback_url and verify_token passed as query parameters in the url.
See https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/realtime/.
I've figured this out...
Make a POST request to url :
'https://graph.facebook.com/' + FB_CLIENT_ID + '/subscriptions?access_token=' + app_access_token + '&object=page&fields=name&callback_url=' + YOUR_CALLBACK_URL + '&verify_token=' + ANY_RANDOM_STRING + '&method=post'
Pass {} as post parameters.....
Make sure that your_callback_url should be reachable. It will not work on localhost(I guess so... I was not able test it on localhost.)
So in Python the code should be :
url = 'https://graph.facebook.com/' + FB_CLIENT_ID + '/subscriptions?access_token=' + app_access_token + '&object=page&fields=name&callback_url=' + YOUR_CALLBACK_URL + '&verify_token=' + ANY_RANDOM_STRING + '&method=post'
url_params = {}
urlResponse = urllib2.urlopen(url, urllib.urlencode(url_params), timeout=socket.getdefaulttimeout()).read()
urlResponse should be null.
Function attached with callback_url should return:
def callback_function(request):
if request.GET: #(Handle this properly!!!)
return request.GET.get('hub.challenge') #hub_challenge for PHP Developers. :)
Please let me know in case of any doubts!!!
To know how to handle notifications from the FB:
Kindly visit the following URL:
Handling notifications request from Facebook after successful subscription