Why will 'odeint' not let me unpack float object here? - python

I am testing some equations of motion with odeint. I am trying to integrate and test these while saying my control (us) is 0 the whole time. However, I get the above-mentioned error, and I do not understand why. Any advice is much appreciated!
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import pickle
Ro = 6371000 #m
hs = -7254.24 #m scale height
rhosl = 1.225 #kg^3
Aref = 250 #m^2
m = 92079 #kg mass of vehicle
#cl and cd spline
dat = pickle.load(open('clp.pkl','rb'))
AOA =dat[0]
cl = dat[1]
cd = dat[2]
AOAnew = AOA.tolist()
cl1 = cl.tolist()
cd1 = cd.tolist()
clnew = interp1d(AOAnew,cl1,kind='linear')
cdnew = interp1d(AOAnew,cd1,kind='linear')
def rhos(h):
rho = rhosl*np.exp((hs)/h)
return rho
def f(t,xs):
r,theta,phi,V,gamma,psi = xs
L = Ro*(rhos(r))*V**2*Aref*(clnew(gamma))/(2*m)
D = Ro*(rhos(r))*V**2*Aref*(cdnew(gamma))/(2*m)
us = 0
drdot = V*np.sin(gamma)
dthetadot = (V*np.cos(gamma)*np.sin(gamma))/(r*np.cos(phi))
dphidot = (V*np.cos(gamma)*np.cos(psi))/r
dVdot = -D - np.sin(gamma/r**2)
dgammadot = (L*np.cos(us)/V) + (V**2 - (1/r))*np.cos(gamma/(V*r))
dpsidot = L*np.sin(us)/(V*np.cos(gamma)) + V*np.cos(gamma)*np.sin(psi)*np.tan(phi/r)
return [drdot,dthetadot,dphidot,dVdot,dgammadot,dpsidot]
#initial/terminal conditiions
h0 = 79248
theta0 = 0
phi0 = 0
V0 = 7802.88
gamma0 = -1/np.pi
psi0 = 90/np.pi
y0 = [h0,theta0,phi0,V0,gamma0,psi0]
t = np.linspace(0,20)
y = odeint(f,y0,t)

You need to pass tfirst=True to odeint, as it expects f(y, t) by default.


I'm trying to figure out this error " TypeError: Cannot cast array data from dtype('O') to dtype('float64') according to the rule 'safe'"

I'm running this code any this error keeps popping up "TypeError: Cannot cast array data from dtype('O') to dtype('float64') according to the rule 'safe'". Most likely this line is causing a problem
----> 2 sols = odeint(VJJmodel,[0,0],ts, args=tuple([params]) )
Please advise.
from scipy.integrate import odeint
import numpy as np
import scipy.constants as const
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.integrate import quad
import collections
Ic = 1e-6
Rsg = 10e3
Rn = Rsg
Cj = 2e-15
Rin = 100e0
Vgap = 4*Ic*Rn/np.pi #Gap voltage linked to IcRn, SIS relation
Vn = 1.1 #0.1*Vgap/Ic/Rin
V0 = Vn*Rin*Ic
phi0 = const.value('mag. flux quantum')
wp = 1/np.sqrt(Cj*phi0/2/np.pi/Ic)
params = {'Vn':Vn, 'Rsg': Rsg, 'Rn':Rn, 'Vgap':Vgap, 'Cj':Cj, 'Rin':Rin, 'wp':wp}
taustop = 20* wp * Rsg*Cj
params['taustop'] = taustop
def Rj(V,params):
Vgap = params['Vgap']
if V>Vgap:
return params['Rn']
elif V<=Vgap:
return params['Rsg']
def Q(V,params):
Cj = params['Cj']
Rin = params['Rin']
wp = params['wp']
return Cj*wp/(1/Rj(V,params)+1/Rin)
def Vs(t,params):
if not hasattr(t,'__len__'):
t = np.array([t])
result = []
for x in t:
if x <params['taustop']/2:
#return params['Vn']
result = np.ones(len(t))*params['Vn']
return np.array(result)
def VJJmodel(z,t,params):
f = z[0]
g = z[1]
V = phi0/2/np.pi*g
fp = g
gp = Vs(t,params)-(1/Q(V,params)*g+np.sin(f))
return np.array([fp,gp])
ts = np.linspace(0,2*taustop,2000)
sols = odeint(VJJmodel,[0,0],ts, args=tuple([params]) )
solsfunc = interp1d(ts,sols.T)
Vjunc = lambda x: phi0/2/np.pi * wp * solsfunc(x)[1]
taurep = 2*np.pi/np.average(np.diff(sols[:,0])/np.diff(ts))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)
plt.plot(ts,Vjunc(ts) / Vgap)
plt.subplot(3, 1, 2)
plt.subplot(3, 1, 3)
I tried to rewrite it but it didn't work.

Python function calling with variable vs raw numbers

I am trying to implement a pso algorithm from Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Particle_swarm_optimization.
My problem is that when I am calling the cost function with a variable (Gbest), and then manually calling the cost function (with the Gbest data) I get a different output (cost) like the image bellow:
Code fault
I am new to python so thank you for any suggestions.
Here is the complete code:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from control.matlab import *
A = np.array([[0,0,1],[0,1,0],[1,2,-2]])
B = np.array( [[0],[1],[0]])
C = np.array([[0, 1,0]])
D = np.zeros([C.shape[0],B.shape[1]])
sys = ss(A,B,C,D)
sys_tf = tf(sys)
s = tf('s')
def cost(kp,ki):
global sys_tf, G, y, t, r
G = kp + ki/s
C = feedback(sys_tf*G, 1)
y, t = step(C, linspace(0,100))
r = np.ones(len(t))
return np.sum(y-r)**2
part = 100
ite = 10000
dim = 2
w = 0.001
wdamp = 0.99
phip = 0.9
phig = 0.1
blo, bup = -10,10
x = np.zeros([dim, part])
v = np.zeros([dim, part])
pbest = np.zeros([dim, part])
gbest = np.array([1000000,1000000])
for i in range(part):
for k in range(dim):
x[k][i] = pbest[k][i] = np.random.uniform(blo, bup)
v[k][i] = np.random.uniform(-np.abs(bup - blo), np.abs(bup - blo))
if cost(pbest[0][i], pbest[1][i]) < cost(gbest[0], gbest[1]):
gbest = np.array([pbest[0][i], pbest[1][i]])
for it in range(ite):
for i in range(part):
for k in range(dim):
rp = np.random.uniform(0,1)
rg = np.random.uniform(0,1)
v[k,:] = w*v[k,:] + phip*rp*(pbest[k,:] - x[k,:]) + phig*rg*(gbest[k] - x[k,:])
x[k,:] = x[k,:] + v[k,:]
w = w*wdamp
if cost(x[0][i], x[1][i]) < cost(pbest[0][i], pbest[1][i]):
pbest[:,i] = x[:,i]
if cost(pbest[0][i], pbest[1][i]) < cost(gbest[0], gbest[1]):
gbest = np.array([pbest[0][i], pbest[1][i]])
plt.plot(t, y, 'ro')
plt.plot(t, r, 'x')
print([gbest, cost(gbest[0], gbest[1])])

Nothing Happens When Running Script in Spyder

I am running this code and oddly, nothing happens. There is no error nor does it freeze. It simply just runs the code without storing variables, nothing is printed out and it doesn't open the window that is supposed to show the plot. So it simply does nothing. It is very odd. This worked only a few minutes ago and I did not change anything about it previously. I did make sure that the variable explorer is displaying all the definitions in the script. I intentionally removed the plotting section at the end since it just made the code set longer and the same issue persists here without it.
#Import libraries
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import odeint
#from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
from time import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.pyplot import grid
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import numpy, scipy.io
from matplotlib.patches import Circle
import sympy as sy
import random as rand
from scipy import interpolate
Initiate Timer
TimeStart = time()
#User defined inputs
TStep = (17.8E-13)
TFinal = (17.8E-10)
R0 = 0.02
V0X = 1E7
ParticleCount = 1 #No. of particles to generate energies for energy generation
BInput = 0.64 #Magnitude of B field near pole of magnet in experiment
ScaleV0Z = 1
#Defining constants based on user input and nature (Cleared of all errors!)
#Defining Space and Particle Density based on Pressure PV = NkT
k = 1.38E-23 #Boltzman Constant
#Natural Constants
Q_e = -1.602E-19 #Charge of electron
M_e = 9.11E-31 #Mass of electron
JToEv = 6.24E+18 #Joules to eV conversion
EpNaut = 8.854187E-12
u0 = 1.256E-6
k = 1/(4*np.pi*EpNaut)
QeMe = Q_e/M_e
Create zeros matrices to populate later (Cannot create TimeIndex array!)
TimeSpan = np.linspace(0,TFinal,num=round((TFinal/TStep)))
TimeIndex = np.linspace(0,TimeSpan.size,num=TimeSpan.size)
ParticleTrajectoryMat = np.zeros([91,TimeSpan.size,6])
BFieldTracking = np.zeros([TimeSpan.size,3])
InputAngle = np.array([np.linspace(0,90,91)])
OutputAngle = np.zeros([InputAngle.size,1])
OutputRadial = np.zeros([InputAngle.size,1])
Define B-Field
def BField(x,y,z):
InputCoord = np.array([x,y,z])
VolMag = 3.218E-6 #Volume of magnet in experiment in m^3
BR = np.sqrt(InputCoord[0]**2 + InputCoord[1]**2 + InputCoord[2]**2)
MagMoment = np.array([0,0,(BInput*VolMag)/u0])
BDipole = (u0/(4*np.pi))*(((3*InputCoord*np.dot(MagMoment,InputCoord))/BR**5)-(MagMoment/BR**3))
#BVec = np.array([BDipole[0],BDipole[1],BDipole[2]])
return (BDipole[0],BDipole[1],BDipole[2])
Lorentz Force Differential Equations Definition
def LorentzForce(PosVel,t,Constants):
X,Y,Z,VX,VY,VZ = PosVel
Bx,By,Bz,QeMe = Constants
BFInput = np.array([Bx,By,Bz])
VelInput = np.array([VX,VY,VZ])
Accel = QeMe * (np.cross(VelInput, BFInput))
LFEqs = np.concatenate((VelInput, Accel), axis = 0)
return LFEqs
Cartesean to Spherical coordinates converter function. Returns: [Radius (m), Theta (rad), Phi (rad)]
def Cart2Sphere(xIn,yIn,zIn):
P = np.sqrt(xIn**2 + yIn**2 + zIn**2)
if xIn == 0:
Theta = np.pi/2
Theta = np.arctan(yIn/xIn)
Phi = np.arccos(zIn/np.sqrt(xIn**2 + yIn**2 + zIn**2))
SphereVector = np.array([P,Theta,Phi])
return SphereVector
Main Loop
for angletrack in range(0,InputAngle.size):
MirrorAngle = InputAngle[0,angletrack]
MirrorAngleRad = MirrorAngle*(np.pi/180)
V0Z = np.abs(V0X/np.sin(MirrorAngleRad))*np.sqrt(1-(np.sin(MirrorAngleRad))**2)
V0Z = V0Z*ScaleV0Z
#Define initial conditions
V0 = np.array([[V0X,0,V0Z]])
S0 = np.array([[0,R0,0]])
ParticleTrajectoryMat[0,:] = np.concatenate((S0,V0),axis=None)
for timeplace in range(0,TimeIndex.size-1):
ICs = np.concatenate((S0,V0),axis=None)
Bx,By,Bz = BField(S0[0,0],S0[0,1],S0[0,2])
BFieldTracking[timeplace,:] = np.array([Bx,By,Bz])
AllConstantInputs = [Bx,By,Bz,QeMe]
t = np.array([TimeSpan[timeplace],TimeSpan[timeplace+1]])
ODESolution = odeint(LorentzForce,ICs,t,args=(AllConstantInputs,))
ParticleTrajectoryMat[angletrack,timeplace+1,:] = ODESolution[1,:]
S0[0,0:3] = ODESolution[1,0:3]
V0[0,0:3] = ODESolution[1,3:6]
MatSize = np.array([ParticleTrajectoryMat.shape])
RowNum = MatSize[0,1]
SphereMat = np.zeros([RowNum,3])
SphereMatDeg = np.zeros([RowNum,3])
for cart2sphereplace in range(0,RowNum):
SphereMat[cart2sphereplace,:] = Cart2Sphere(ParticleTrajectoryMat[angletrack,cart2sphereplace,0],ParticleTrajectoryMat[angletrack,cart2sphereplace,1],ParticleTrajectoryMat[angletrack,cart2sphereplace,2])
for rad2deg in range(0,RowNum):
SphereMatDeg[rad2deg,:] = np.array([SphereMat[rad2deg,0],(180/np.pi)*SphereMat[rad2deg,1],(180/np.pi)*SphereMat[rad2deg,2]])
PhiDegVec = np.array([SphereMatDeg[:,2]])
RVec = np.array([SphereMatDeg[:,0]])
MinPhi = np.amin(PhiDegVec)
MinPhiLocationTuple = np.where(PhiDegVec == np.amin(PhiDegVec))
MinPhiLocation = int(MinPhiLocationTuple[1])
RAtMinPhi = RVec[0,MinPhiLocation]
OutputAngle[angletrack,0] = MinPhi
OutputRadial[angletrack,0] = RAtMinPhi
print('Mirror Angle Input (In deg): ',InputAngle[0,angletrack])
print('Mirror Angle Output (In deg): ',MinPhi)
print('R Value at minimum Phi (m): ',RAtMinPhi)
InputAngleTrans = np.matrix.transpose(InputAngle)
CompareMat = np.concatenate((InputAngleTrans,OutputAngle),axis=1)

TypeError: 'int' object is not callable Modeling in python

I am getting the following error in python, and I am not sure why. I am trying to model how meth affects mice.
Here is my code, and the functions that are created in my code:
from scipy import array, linspace
from scipy import integrate
from matplotlib.pyplot import *
def Temp2(z, t, Ta, Te, wexc, yexc, winhib, yinhib, whd, yhd, wexctoinhib, winhibtomdl, whdtospn, yspn, Tt):
# Dependence of Meth Concentration
# dx
# -- = -x/Ta
# dt
# dy
# -- = x/Ta - y/Te
# dt
# x = interperitoneal
# y = blood
# Ta is the time constant of Meth in the absorbtion
# Te is the time constant of Meth in elimination
x = z[0] # Rabbits density
y = z[1] # Sheep density
T = z[2]
D = int(x=1)
yt = D(Ta/Te -1)**-1 * (e**-t/Ta - e**-t/Te)
Pexc = (1+tanhx)*[wexc*yt*yexc]
Pinhib = (1+tanhx)*[winhib*yt*yinhib]
Phd = (1+tanhx)*[whd*yt*yhd]
Pmdl = wexctoinghib*Pexc-winhibtomdl*Pinhib
Pspn = Pmdl + whdtospn*Phd+yspn
V = array([-x/Ta, x/Ta - y/Te, (Pspn-(T-T0))/Tt])
return V
def main():
# set up our initial conditions
IC0 = 1
BC0 = 0
T0 = 37
z0 = array([IC0, BC0, T0])
# Parameters
Ta = 8.25
Te = 57.5
wexc = 1.225
yexc = -0.357
winhib = 1.335
yinhib = 1.463
whd = 0.872
yhd = -3.69
wexctoinhib = 7.47
winhibtomdl = 6.38
whdtospn = 5.66
yspn = -3.35
Tt = 89.2
# choose the time's we'd like to know the approximate solution
t = linspace(0., 1., 60)
# and solve
xode= integrate.odeint(Temp2, z0, t, args=(Ta, Te, wexc, yexc, winhib, yinhib, whd, yhd, wexctoinhib, winhibtomdl, whdtospn, yspn, Tt))
print (xode)
Ignore the #s as they do not relate to what the code is saying. Here is the error I am getting:
yt = D(Ta/Te -1)**-1 * (e**-t/Ta - e**-t/Te)
TypeError: 'int' object is not callable
I am not sure what is wrong, and how I can fix this? Can anyone help me?
The issue is here
yt = D(Ta/Te -1)**-1 * (e**-t/Ta - e**-t/Te)
There is no implicit multiplication in python, so when you attempt to do D(Ta/Te - 1) it is being interpreted as a function call rather than D multiplied by what is in the bracket.
Rewrite it like this
yt = D*(Ta/Te -1)**-1 * (e**-t/Ta - e**-t/Te)

Unable to run Numba on finished code

What am I doing wrong below? I have installed Anaconda on my Mac and Numba along with it. I am trying to run Numba on my Python code, following the instructions given in the section Python with Numba here: https://www.continuum.io/blog/developer/accelerating-python-libraries-numba-part-1
I need to run this code overnight by changing zzzz from 5 to 40. I am just using zzzz = 5 now as a test case. Here is my code:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from numba import double
from numba.decorators import jit, autojit
def Kcrit():
# The data of the plot will be added in these lists
zzzz = 5
for N in range(2,zzzz,2):
#Constants and parameters
epsilon = 0.01
if N in range(2,11,2):
K00 = np.logspace(0,3,100,10)
elif N in range(12,21,2):
K00 = np.logspace(3,3.75,100,10)
elif N in range(22,31,2):
K00 = np.logspace(3.75,4.15,100,10)
K00 = np.logspace(4.15,4.5,100,10)
len1 = len(K00)
y0 = [0]*(3*N/2+3)
Kplot = np.zeros((len1,1))
Pplot = np.zeros((len1,1))
S = [np.zeros((len1,1)) for kkkk in range(N/2+1)]
KS = [np.zeros((len1,1)) for kkkk in range(N/2)]
PS = [np.zeros((len1,1)) for kkkk in range(N/2)]
Splot = [np.zeros((len1,1)) for kkkk in range(N/2+1)]
KSplot = [np.zeros((len1,1)) for kkkk in range(N/2)]
PSplot = [np.zeros((len1,1)) for kkkk in range(N/2)]
for series in range(0,len1):
K0 = K00[series]
Q = 10
r1 = 0.0001
r2 = 0.001
a = 0.001
d = 0.001
k = 0.999
S10 = 1e5
P0 = 1
tf = 1e10
time = np.linspace(0,tf,len1)
#Defining dy/dt's
def f(y,t):
for alpha in range(0,(N/2+1)):
S[alpha] = y[alpha]
for beta in range((N/2)+1,N+1):
KS[beta-N/2-1] = y[beta]
for gamma in range(N+1,3*N/2+1):
PS[gamma-N-1] = y[gamma]
K = y[3*N/2+1]
P = y[3*N/2+2]
# The model equations
ydot = np.zeros((3*N/2+3,1))
B = range((N/2)+1,N+1)
G = range(N+1,3*N/2+1)
runsumPS = 0
runsum1 = 0
runsumKS = 0
runsum2 = 0
for m in range(0,N/2):
runsumPS = runsumPS + PS[m]
runsum1 = runsum1 + S[m+1]
runsumKS = runsumKS + KS[m]
runsum2 = runsum2 + S[m]
ydot[B[m]] = a*K*S[m]-(d+k+r1)*KS[m]
for i in range(0,N/2-1):
ydot[G[i]] = a*P*S[i+1]-(d+k+r1)*PS[i]
for p in range(1,N/2):
ydot[p] = -S[p]*(r1+a*K+a*P)+k*KS[p-1]+d*(PS[p-1]+KS[p])
ydot[0] = Q-(r1+a*K)*S[0]+d*KS[0]+k*runsumPS
ydot[N/2] = k*KS[N/2-1]-(r2+a*P)*S[N/2]+d*PS[N/2-1]
ydot[G[N/2-1]] = a*P*S[N/2]-(d+k+r2)*PS[N/2-1]
ydot[3*N/2+1] = (d+k+r1)*runsumKS-a*K*runsum2
ydot[3*N/2+2] = (d+k+r1)*(runsumPS-PS[N/2-1])- \
ydot_new = []
for j in range(0,3*N/2+3):
return ydot_new
# Initial conditions
y0[0] = S10
for i in range(1,3*N/2+1):
y0[i] = 0
y0[3*N/2+1] = K0
y0[3*N/2+2] = P0
# Solve the DEs
soln = odeint(f,y0,time, mxstep = 5000)
for alpha in range(0,(N/2+1)):
S[alpha] = soln[:,alpha]
for beta in range((N/2)+1,N+1):
KS[beta-N/2-1] = soln[:,beta]
for gamma in range(N+1,3*N/2+1):
PS[gamma-N-1] = soln[:,gamma]
for alpha in range(0,(N/2+1)):
Splot[alpha][series] = soln[len1-1,alpha]
for beta in range((N/2)+1,N+1):
KSplot[beta-N/2-1][series] = soln[len1-1,beta]
for gamma in range(N+1,3*N/2+1):
PSplot[gamma-N-1][series] = soln[len1-1,gamma]
u1 = 0
u2 = 0
u3 = 0
for alpha in range(0,(N/2+1)):
u1 = u1 + Splot[alpha]
for beta in range((N/2)+1,N+1):
u2 = u2 + KSplot[beta-N/2-1]
for gamma in range(N+1,3*N/2+1):
u3 = u3 + PSplot[gamma-N-1]
K = soln[:,3*N/2+1]
P = soln[:,3*N/2+2]
Kplot[series] = soln[len1-1,3*N/2+1]
Pplot[series] = soln[len1-1,3*N/2+2]
utot = u1+u2+u3
Kcrit = abs((Q/r2)*(1+epsilon)-utot)
v,i = Kcrit.min(0),Kcrit.argmin(0)
# Save the new points for x and y
# Make the plot of all the points together
plt.xlabel('N', fontsize = 20)
plt.ylabel('$K_{crit}$', fontsize = 20)
This is what I typed in the terminal:
from numba import autojit
numba_k = autojit()(Kcrit)
This is my error message:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'Kcrit' is not defined
Note that I am not asking whether Numba will actually speed up my code (that is an entirely different issue). I am just asking how to run it!
Help appreciated.
