I am trying to generate a matrix (tensor object on PyTorch) that is similar to Gram matrix except I need to apply a kernel function instead of inner product on my input matrix.
For loops like the one below works:
N = x.shape[0] # x.shape = (N,d)
G = torch.zeros((N,N))
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
G[i][j] = K(x[i], x[j])
where x is my input tensor whose shape is (N,d) and the kernel function K(a,b) yields a real value after performing some math. For example:
def K(a,b):
return ((1+(a*b)).sum()).pow(2) #second degree polynomial.
I want to generate this matrix, G without having to change the kernel function K() and of course, without for-loops!
My initial attempt is to use a lambda approach but this code below obviously doesn't work as it only yields a list of k(x[i],x[i]).
G = torch.tensor(list(map(lambda a,b: K(a,b),x,x))
How can I use the lambda function to yield N-by-N matrix?
What would be some other ways to tackle this problem?
Any insight would be appreciated.
You can calculate G from x simply with:
G = (1 + torch.matmul(x, x.T)).pow(2)
I'm currently trying to fill a matrix K where each entry in the matrix is just a function applied to two entries of an array x.
At the moment I'm using the most obvious method of running through rows and columns one at a time using a double for-loop:
K = np.zeros((x.shape[0],x.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(x.shape[0]):
for j in range(x.shape[0]):
K[i,j] = f(x[i],x[j])
While this works fine the resulting matrix is a 10,000 by 10,000 matrix and takes very long to calculate. I was wondering if there is a more efficient way to do this built into NumPy?
EDIT: The function in question here is a gaussian kernel:
def gaussian(a,b,sigma):
vec = a-b
return np.exp(- np.dot(vec,vec)/(2*sigma**2))
where I set sigma in advance before calculating the matrix.
The array x is an array of shape (10000, 8). So the scalar product in the gaussian is between two vectors of dimension 8.
You can use a single for loop together with broadcasting. This requires to change the implementation of the gaussian function to accept 2D inputs:
def gaussian(a,b,sigma):
vec = a-b
return np.exp(- np.sum(vec**2, axis=-1)/(2*sigma**2))
K = np.zeros((x.shape[0],x.shape[0]), dtype=np.float32)
for i in range(x.shape[0]):
K[i] = gaussian(x[i:i+1], x)
Theoretically you could accomplish this even without any for loop, again by using broadcasting, but here an intermediary array of size len(x)**2 * x.shape[1] will be created which might run out of memory for your array sizes:
K = gaussian(x[None, :, :], x[:, None, :])
I want to multiply both matrix's below and set as objective for my model:
m = gp.Model("matrix")
x = m.addMVar((9, 9), vtype=GRB.BINARY, name="x")
c = np.random.rand(9,9)
m.setObjective(x # c, GRB.MINIMIZE)
Here's what am trying to achieve
This gives me following error:
Error code -1: Variable is not a 1D MVar object
How can i solve that? I suppose Gurobi doesn't accept 2D Mvar object multiplication
As already mentioned in the comments, note that the product of two matrices is again a matrix and the evaluated objective needs to be a scalar, so this is probably not what you want to do. According to your picture, your objective is a simple linear expression, not a matrix product. Hence, it's much easier to use Gurobi's algebraic modelling interface, i.e. Vars instead of MVars:
import gurobipy as gp
from gurobipy import GRB, quicksum as qsum
import numpy as np
M, N = 9, 9
m = gp.Model("matrix")
x = m.addVars(M, N, vtype="B", name="x")
c = np.random.rand(M, N)
m.setObjective(qsum(c[i,j]*x[i,j] for i in range(M) for j in range(N)), GRB.MINIMIZE)
I have to boost the time for an interpolation over a large (NxMxT) matrix MTR, where:
N is about 8000;
M is about 10000;
T represents the number of times at which each NxM matrix is calculated (in my case it's 23).
I have to compute the interpolation element-wise, on all the T different times, and return the interpolated values over a different array of times (T_interp, in my case with lenght 47) so, as output, I want an NxMxT_interp matrix.
The code snippet below defines the function I built for the interpolation, using scipy.interpolate.Rbf (y is the array MTR[i,j,:], x is the times array with length T, x_interp is the new array of times with length T_interp:
# Interpolate without nans
def interp(x,y,x_interp,**kwargs):
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import Rbf
mask = np.isnan(y)
y_mask = np.ma.array(y,mask = mask)
x_new = [x[i] for i in np.where(~mask)[0]]
if len(y_mask.compressed()) == 0:
return [np.nan for i,n in enumerate(x_interp)]
elif len(y_mask.compressed()) == 1:
return [y_mask.compressed() for i,n in enumerate(x_interp)]
interp = Rbf(x_new,y_mask.compressed(),**kwargs)
y_interp = interp(x_interp)
return y_interp
I tried to achieve my goal either by looping over the NxM elements of the MTR matrix:
new_MTR = np.empty((N,M,T_interp))
for i in range(N):
for j in range(M):
new_MTR[i,j,:]=interp(times,MTR[i,j,:],New_times,function = 'linear')
or by using the np.apply_along_axis funtion:
new_MTR = np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: interp(times,x,New_times,function = 'linear'),2,MTR)
In both cases I extimated the time it takes to perform the whole operation and it appears to be slightly better for the np.apply_along_axis function, but still it will take about 15 hours!!
Is there a way to reduce this time? Maybe by vectorizing the entire operation? I don't know much about vectorizing and how it can be done in a situation like mine so any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!
I have two square matrices of the same size and the dimensions of a square patch. I'd like to compute the dot product between every pair of patches. Essentially I would like to implement the following operation:
def patch_dot(A, B, patch_dim):
res_dim = A.shape[0] - patch_dim + 1
res = np.zeros([res_dim, res_dim, res_dim, res_dim])
for i in xrange(res_dim):
for j in xrange(res_dim):
for k in xrange(res_dim):
for l in xrange(res_dim):
res[i, j, k, l] = (A[i:i + patch_dim, j:j + patch_dim] *
B[k:k + patch_dim, l:l + patch_dim]).sum()
return res
Obviously this would be an extremely inefficient implementation. Tensorflow's tf.nn.conv2d seems like a natural solution to this as I'm essentially doing a convolution, however my filter matrix isn't fixed. Is there a natural solution to this in Tensorflow, or should I start looking at implementing my own tf-op?
The natural way to do this is to first extract overlapping image patches of matrix B using tf.extract_image_patches, then to apply the tf.nn.conv2D function on A and each B sub-patch using tf.map_fn.
Note that prior to use tf.extract_image_patches and tf.nn.conv2D you need to reshape your matrices as 4D tensors of shape [1, width, height, 1] using tf.reshape.
Also, prior to use tf.map_fn, you would also need to use the tf.transpose op so that the B sub-patches are indexed by the first dimension of the tensor you use as the elems argument of tf.map_fn.
Numpy has the function to compute covariance from an array which is fine. However, I would like to do it using generators to save memory. Is there some way to do this without writing my own cov-function?
You can use the following implementation:
from numpy import outer
def gen_cov(g):
mean, covariance = 0, 0
for i, x in enumerate(g):
diff = x - mean
mean += diff/(i+1)
covariance += outer(diff, diff) * i / (i+1)
return covariance/i
You may want to use something different from numpy.outer depending on what the generator elements are. This is a Python implementation of this answer.