Numpy convolving along an axis for 2 2D-arrays - python

I have 2 2D-arrays. I am trying to convolve along the axis 1. np.convolve doesn't provide the axis argument. The answer here, convolves 1 2D-array with a 1D array using np.apply_along_axis. But it cannot be directly applied to my use case. The question here doesn't have an answer.
MWE is as follows.
import numpy as np
a = np.random.randint(0, 5, (2, 5))
array([[4, 2, 0, 4, 3],
[2, 2, 2, 3, 1]])
b = np.random.randint(0, 5, (2, 2))
array([[4, 3],
[4, 0]])
# What I want
c = np.convolve(a, b, axis=1) # axis is not supported as an argument
array([[16, 20, 6, 16, 24, 9],
[ 8, 8, 8, 12, 4, 0]])
I know I can do it using np.fft.fft, but it seems like an unnecessary step to get a simple thing done. Is there a simple way to do this? Thanks.

Why not just do a list comprehension with zip?
>>> np.array([np.convolve(x, y) for x, y in zip(a, b)])
array([[16, 20, 6, 16, 24, 9],
[ 8, 8, 8, 12, 4, 0]])
Or with scipy.signal.convolve2d:
>>> from scipy.signal import convolve2d
>>> convolve2d(a, b)[[0, 2]]
array([[16, 20, 6, 16, 24, 9],
[ 8, 8, 8, 12, 4, 0]])

One possibility could be to manually go the way to the Fourier spectrum, and back:
n = np.max([a.shape, b.shape]) + 1
np.abs(np.fft.ifft(np.fft.fft(a, n=n) * np.fft.fft(b, n=n))).astype(int)
# array([[16, 20, 6, 16, 24, 9],
# [ 8, 8, 8, 12, 4, 0]])

Would it be considered too ugly to loop over the orthogonal dimension? That would not add much overhead unless the main dimension is very short. Creating the output array ahead of time ensures that no memory needs to be copied about.
def convolvesecond(a, b):
N1, L1 = a.shape
N2, L2 = b.shape
if N1 != N2:
raise ValueError("Not compatible")
c = np.zeros((N1, L1 + L2 - 1), dtype=a.dtype)
for n in range(N1):
c[n,:] = np.convolve(a[n,:], b[n,:], 'full')
return c
For the generic case (convolving along the k-th axis of a pair of multidimensional arrays), I would resort to a pair of helper functions I always keep on hand to convert multidimensional problems to the basic 2d case:
def semiflatten(x, d=0):
'''SEMIFLATTEN - Permute and reshape an array to convenient matrix form
y, s = SEMIFLATTEN(x, d) permutes and reshapes the arbitrary array X so
that input dimension D (default: 0) becomes the second dimension of the
output, and all other dimensions (if any) are combined into the first
dimension of the output. The output is always 2-D, even if the input is
only 1-D.
If D<0, dimensions are counted from the end.
Return value S can be used to invert the operation using SEMIUNFLATTEN.
This is useful to facilitate looping over arrays with unknown shape.'''
x = np.array(x)
shp = x.shape
ndims = x.ndim
if d<0:
d = ndims + d
perm = list(range(ndims))
y = np.transpose(x, perm)
# Y has the original D-th axis last, preceded by the other axes, in order
rest = np.array(shp, int)[perm[:-1]]
y = np.reshape(y, [, y.shape[-1]])
return y, (d, rest)
def semiunflatten(y, s):
'''SEMIUNFLATTEN - Reverse the operation of SEMIFLATTEN
x = SEMIUNFLATTEN(y, s), where Y, S are as returned from SEMIFLATTEN,
reverses the reshaping and permutation.'''
d, rest = s
x = np.reshape(y, np.append(rest, y.shape[-1]))
perm = list(range(x.ndim))
perm.insert(d, x.ndim-1)
x = np.transpose(x, perm)
return x
(Note that reshape and transpose do not create copies, so these functions are extremely fast.)
With those, the generic form can be written as:
def convolvealong(a, b, axis=-1):
a, S1 = semiflatten(a, axis)
b, S2 = semiflatten(b, axis)
c = convolvesecond(a, b)
return semiunflatten(c, S1)


How to swap x and y in pytorch?

Given a output tensor as 100 * 6(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax,conf,class),how can I get a tensor as 100 * 6(ymin,xmin,ymax,xmax,conf,class) in pytorch?
For example, given a tensor
x = [[1,2,3,4,5,6],
the desired results is
y = [[2,1,4,3,5,6],
I'm not completely sure about this, but try N6.T or N6.transpose?
You should point clearer for others to understand what is x and y, it can be confused with the axes. But I got your point, you want to swap ymin and xmin position and xmax, ymax position.
Therefore, the easiest way is creating a temporal tensor tempt_x and swap value by slicing.
with x = [[1,2,3,4,5,6],[7,8,9,10,11,12]]
>>> tempt_x = x.copy()
>>> x[:,0] = tempt_x[:,1]
>>> x[:,1] = tempt_x[:,0]
>>> x[:,2] = tempt_x[:,3]
>>> x[:,3] = tempt_x[:,2]
>>> x
array([[ 2, 1, 4, 3, 5, 6],
[ 8, 7, 10, 9, 11, 12]])

Use information of two arrays to create a third one

I have two numpy-arrays and want to create a third one with the information in these twos.
Here is a simple example:
have = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]])
use = np.array([[2], [3]])
solution = np.array([[1, 1, 3, 4], [5, 5, 5, 8]])
What I want is to use the "use"-array, which gives me the number of how often I want to use the first element in each row from my "have"-array.
So the 2 in "use" means, that I want to have two times a "1" in my new array "solution". Similary for the "3" in use, I want that my new array has 3 times a "5". The rest from have should be the same.
It is important to use the "use"-array for doing this (or a numpy-array in general).
Do you have some ideas?
If there are only small such data structures and performance is not an issue then you can do this so simple:
np.array([ [a[0]]*b[0]+list(a[b[0]:]) for a,b in zip(have,use)])
Simply iterate through the have and replace the values based on the use.
for i in range(use.shape[0]):
have[i, :use[i, 0]] = np.repeat(have[i, 0], use[i, 0])
Using only numpy operations:
First create a boolean mask of same size as have. mask(i, j) is True if j < use[i, j] otherwise it's False. So mask is True for indices which are to be replaced by first column value. Now use np.where to replace.
n, m = have.shape
mask = np.repeat(np.arange(m)[None, :], n, axis = 0) < use
have = np.where(mask, have[:, 0:1], have)
>>> have
array([[1, 1, 3, 4],
[5, 5, 5, 8]])
If performance matters, you can use np.apply_along_axis().
import numpy as np
have = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]])
use = np.array([[2], [3]])
def rep1st(arr):
rep = arr[0]
res = np.repeat(arr[1], rep)
res = np.concatenate([res, arr[rep+1:]])
return res
solution = np.apply_along_axis(rep1st, 1, np.concatenate([use, have], axis=1))
As #hpaulj said, actually the method using apply_along_axis above is not as efficient as I expected. I misunderstood it. Reference: numpy np.apply_along_axis function speed up?.
However, I made some test on current methods:
import numpy as np
from timeit import timeit
def rep1st(arr):
rep = arr[0]
res = np.repeat(arr[1], rep)
res = np.concatenate([res, arr[rep + 1:]])
return res
def test(row, col, run):
have = np.random.randint(0, 100, size=(row, col))
use = np.random.randint(0, col, size=(row, 1))
d = locals()
# method by me
t1 = timeit("np.apply_along_axis(rep1st, 1, np.concatenate([use, have], axis=1))", number=run, globals=d)
# method by #quantummind
t2 = timeit("np.array([[a[0]] * b[0] + list(a[b[0]:]) for a, b in zip(have, use)])", number=run, globals=d)
# method by #Amit Vikram Singh
t3 = timeit(
"np.where(np.repeat(np.arange(have.shape[1])[None, :], have.shape[0], axis=0) < use, have[:, 0:1], have)",
number=run, globals=d
print(f"{t1:8.6f}, {t2:8.6f}, {t3:8.6f}")
test(1000, 10, 10)
test(100, 100, 10)
test(10, 1000, 10)
test(1000000, 10, 1)
test(100000, 100, 1)
test(10000, 1000, 1)
test(1000, 10000, 1)
test(100, 100000, 1)
test(10, 1000000, 1)
0.062488, 0.028484, 0.000408
0.010787, 0.013811, 0.000270
0.001057, 0.009146, 0.000216
6.146863, 3.210017, 0.044232
0.585289, 1.186013, 0.034110
0.091086, 0.961570, 0.026294
0.039448, 0.917052, 0.022553
0.028719, 0.919377, 0.022751
0.035121, 1.027036, 0.025216
It shows that the second method proposed by #Amit Vikram Singh always works well even when the arrays are huge.

Optimize the python function with numpy without using the for loop

I have the following python function:
def npnearest(u: np.ndarray, X: np.ndarray, Y: np.ndarray, distance: 'callbale'=npdistance):
Finds x1 so that x1 is in X and u and x1 have a minimal distance (according to the
provided distance function) compared to all other data points in X. Returns the label of x1
u (np.ndarray): The vector (ndim=1) we want to classify
X (np.ndarray): A matrix (ndim=2) with training data points (vectors)
Y (np.ndarray): A vector containing the label of each data point in X
distance (callable): A function that receives two inputs and defines the distance function used
int: The label of the data point which is closest to `u`
xbest = None
ybest = None
dbest = float('inf')
for x, y in zip(X, Y):
d = distance(u, x)
if d < dbest:
ybest = y
xbest = x
dbest = d
return ybest
Where, npdistance simply gives distance between two points i.e.
def npdistance(x1, x2):
I want to optimize npnearest by performing nearest neighbor search directly in numpy. This means that the function cannot use for/while loops.
Since you don't need to use that exact function, you can simply change the sum to work over a particular axis. This will return a new list with the calculations and you can call argmin to get the index of the minimum value. Use that and lookup your label:
import numpy as np
def npdistance_idx(x1, x2):
return np.argmin(np.sum((x1-x2)**2, axis=1))
Y = ["label 0", "label 1", "label 2", "label 3"]
u = np.array([[1, 5.5]])
X = np.array([[1,2], [1, 5], [0, 0], [7, 7]])
idx = npdistance_idx(X, u)
print(Y[idx]) # label 1
Numpy supports vectorized operations (broadcasting)
This means you can pass in arrays and operations will be applied to entire arrays in an optimized way (SIMD - single instruction, multiple data)
You can then get the address of the array minimum using .argmin()
Hope this helps
In [9]: numbers = np.arange(10); numbers
Out[9]: array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
In [10]: numbers -= 5; numbers
Out[10]: array([-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
In [11]: numbers = np.power(numbers, 2); numbers
Out[11]: array([25, 16, 9, 4, 1, 0, 1, 4, 9, 16])
In [12]: numbers.argmin()
Out[12]: 5

Partially unpacking of tuple in Numpy array indexing

In order to solve a problem which is only possible element by element I need to combine NumPy's tuple indexing with an explicit slice.
def f(shape, n):
:param shape: any shape of an array
:type shape: tuple
:type n: int
x = numpy.zeros( (n,) + shape )
for i in numpy.ndindex(shape): # i = (k, l, ...)
x[:, k, l, ...] = numpy.random.random(n)
x[:, *i] results in a SyntaxError and x[:, i] is interpreted as numpy.array([ x[:, k] for k in i ]). Unfortunally it's not possible to have the n-dimension as last (x = numpy.zeros(shape+(n,)) for x[i] = numpy.random.random(n)) because of the further usage of x.
EDIT: Here some example wished in comment.
>>> n, shape = 2, (3,4)
>>> x = np.arange(24).reshape((n,)+(3,4))
>>> print(x)
array([[[ 0, 1, 2, 3],
[ 4, 5, 6, 7],
[ 8, 9, 10, 11]],
[[12, 13, 14, 15],
[16, 17, 18, 19],
[20, 21, 22, 23]]])
>>> i = (1,2)
>>> print(x[ ??? ]) # '???' expressed by i with any length is the question
array([ 6, 18])
If I understand the question correctly, you have a multi-dimensional numpy array and want to index it by combining a : slice with some number of other indices from a tuple i.
The index to the numpy array is a tuple, so you can basically just combine those 'partial' indices to one tuple and use that as the index. A naive approach might look like this
x[ (:,) + i ] = numpy.random.random(n) # does not work
but this will give a syntax error. Instead of :, you have to use the slice builtin.
x[ (slice(None),) + i ] = numpy.random.random(n)

numpy ndarray slicing and iteration

I'm trying to slice and iterate over a multidimensional array at the same time. I have a solution that's functional, but it's kind of ugly, and I bet there's a slick way to do the iteration and slicing that I don't know about. Here's the code:
import numpy as np
x = np.arange(64).reshape(4,4,4)
y = [x[i:i+2,j:j+2,k:k+2] for i in range(0,4,2)
for j in range(0,4,2)
for k in range(0,4,2)]
y = np.array(y)
z = np.array([np.min(u) for u in y]).reshape(y.shape[1:])
Your last reshape doesn't work, because y has no shape defined. Without it you get:
>>> x = np.arange(64).reshape(4,4,4)
>>> y = [x[i:i+2,j:j+2,k:k+2] for i in range(0,4,2)
... for j in range(0,4,2)
... for k in range(0,4,2)]
>>> z = np.array([np.min(u) for u in y])
>>> z
array([ 0, 2, 8, 10, 32, 34, 40, 42])
But despite that, what you probably want is reshaping your array to 6 dimensions, which gets you the same result as above:
>>> xx = x.reshape(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2)
>>> zz = xx.min(axis=-1).min(axis=-2).min(axis=-3)
>>> zz
array([[[ 0, 2],
[ 8, 10]],
[[32, 34],
[40, 42]]])
>>> zz.ravel()
array([ 0, 2, 8, 10, 32, 34, 40, 42])
It's hard to tell exactly what you want in the last mean, but you can use stride_tricks to get a "slicker" way. It's rather tricky.
import numpy.lib.stride_tricks
# This returns a view with custom strides, x2[i,j,k] matches y[4*i+2*j+k]
x2 = numpy.lib.stride_tricks(
x, shape=(2,2,2,2,2,2),
z2 = z2.min(axis=-1).min(axis=-2).min(axis=-3)
Still, I can't say this is much more readable. (Or efficient, as each min call will make temporaries.)
Note, my answer differs from Jaime's because I tried to match your elements of y. You can tell if you replace the min with max.
