How to find the first image in a folder? - python

What I want to achieve is to get the first item in a folder that is a jpg or png image without having to scan the whole folder.
path = os.getcwd()
#List of folders in the path
folders = next(os.walk(path))[1]
#Get the first element
folders_walk = os.walk(path+'\\'+ folder)
firts = next(folders_walk) [2][0]
With this code I get the first element of the folder, but this may or may not be an image. Any advice?

Not sure what you mean by "without having to scan the entire folder". You could use glob(), but that would still scan the entire directory to match the regex.
Anyway, see a solution below. Can easily modify if you don't want a recursive search (as below) / want a different criterion to determine if a file is an image.
import os
search_root_directory = os.getcwd()
# Recursively construct list of files under root directory.
all_files_recursive = sum([[os.path.join(root, f) for f in files] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(search_root_directory)], [])
# Define function to tell if a given file is an image
# Example: search for .png extension.
def is_an_image(fpath):
return os.path.splitext(fpath)[-1] in ('.png',)
# Take the first matching result. Note: throws StopIteration if not found
first_image_file = next(filter(is_an_image, all_files_recursive))
Note that the above will be much more efficient (in the recursive case) if sum() (which pre-computes the entire list of files) is omitted and instead a list of files is handled in is_an_image (but the code is less clear that way).


Dealing with OS Error Python: [Errno 20] Not a directory: '/Volumes/ARLO/ADNI/.DS_Store'

I am trying to write a piece of code that will recursively iterate through the subdirectories of a specific directory and stop only when reaching files with a '.nii' extension, appending these files to a list called images - a form of a breadth first search. Whenever I run this code, however, I keep receiving [Errno 20] Not a directory: '/Volumes/ARLO/ADNI/.DS_Store'
*/Volumes/ARLO/ADNI is the folder I wish to traverse through
*I am doing this in Mac using the Spyder IDE from Anaconda because it is the only way I can use the numpy and nibabel libraries, which will become important later
*I have already checked that this folder directly contains only other folders and not files
#preprocessing all the MCIc files
import os
#import nibabel as nib
#import numpy as np
def pwd():
cmd = 'pwd'
#Part 1
images = [] #creating an empty list to store MRI images
list_sample = [] #just an empty list for an earlier version of
#the program
#Part 2
#function to recursively iterate through folder of raw MRI
#images and extract them into a list
#breadth first search
def extract(dir):
#dir = dir.replace('.DS_Store', '')
lyst = os.listdir(dir) #DS issue
for item in lyst:
if 'nii' not in item: #if item is not a .nii file, if
#item is another folder
newpath = dir + '/' + item
#os.chdir(newpath) #DS issue
else: #if item is the desired file type, append it to
#the list images
#Part 3
adni = os.getcwd() #big folder I want to traverse
#print(adni) #adni is a string containing the path to the ADNI
#folder w/ all the images
#print(os.listdir(adni)) this also works, prints the actual list
"""adni = adni + '/' + '005_S_0222'
print(os.listdir(adni))""" #one iteration of the recursion,
With every iteration, I wish to traverse further into the nested folders by appending the folder name to the growing path, and part 3 of the code works, i.e. I know that a single iteration works. Why does os keep adding the '.DS_Store' part to my directories in the extract() function? How can I correct my code so that the breadth first traversal can work? This folder contains hundreds of MRI images, I cannot do it without automation.
Thank you.
The .DS_Store files are not being created by the os module, but by the Finder (or, I think, sometimes Spotlight). They're where macOS stores things like the view options and icon layout for each directory on your system.
And they've probably always been there. The reason you didn't see them when you looked is that files that start with a . are "hidden by convention" on Unix, including macOS. Finder won't show them unless you ask it to show hidden files; ls won't show them unless you pass the -a flag; etc.
So, that's your core problem:
I have already checked that this folder directly contains only other folders and not files
… is wrong. The folder does contain at least one regular file; .DS_Store.
So, what can you do about that?
You could add special handling for .DS_Store.
But a better solution is probably to just check each file to see if it's a file or directory, by calling os.path.isdir on it.
Or, even better, use os.scandir instead of listdir, which gives you entries with more information than just the name, so you don't need to make extra calls like isdir.
Or, best of all, just throw out this code and use os.walk to recursively visit every file in every directory underneath your top-level directory.

Change image names using os.walk to include parent directory names

I would like to rename images based on part of the name of the folder the images are in and iterate through the images. I am using os.walk and I was able to rename all the images in the folders but could not figure out how to use the letters to the left of the first hyphen in the folder name as part of the image name.
Current image names in folder:
Want to change to show like this:
What I have is this, but I am not sure why I am unable to split the filename by the hyphen:
import os
from os.path import join
path = r'C:\folderPath'
i = 1
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
for image in files:
prefix = files.split(' - ')[0]
os.rename(os.path.join(path, image), os.path.join(path, prefix + '_'
+ str(i)+'.jpg'))
i = i+1
Okay, I've re-read your question and I think I know what's wrong.
1.) The os.walk() iterable is recursive, i.e. if you use os.walk(r'C:\'), it will loop through all the folders and find all the files under C drive. Now I'm not sure if your C:\folderPath has any sub-folders in it. If it does, and any of the folder/file format are not the convention as C:\folderPath, your code is going to have a bad time.
2.) When you iterate through files, you are split()ing the wrong object. Your question state you want to split the Folder name, but your code is splitting the files iterable which is a list of all the files under the current iteration directory. That doesn't accomplish what you want. Depending if your ABCDEF folder is the C:\folderPath or a sub folder within, you'll need to code differently.
3.) you have imported join from os.path but you still end up calling the full name os.path.join() anyways, which is redundant. Either just import os and call os.path.join() or just with your current imports, just join().
Having said all of that, here are my edits:
Answer 1:
If your ABCDEF is the assigned folder
import os
from os.path import join
path = r'C:\ABCDEF - THIS - IS - MY - FOLDER - NAME'
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path):
folder = root.split("\\")[-1] # This gets you the current folder's name
for i, image in enumerate(files):
new_image = "{0}_{1}.jpg".format(folder.split(' - ')[0], i + 1)
os.rename(join(path, image), join(path, new_image))
break # if you have sub folders that follow the SAME structure, then remove this break. Otherwise, keep it here so your code stop after all the files are updated in your parent folder.
Answer 2:
Assuming your ABCDEF's are all sub folders under the assigned directory, and all of them follow the same naming convention.
import os
from os.path import join
path = r'C:\parentFolder' # The folder that has all the sub folders that are named ABCDEF...
for i, (root, dirs, files) in enumerate(os.walk(path)):
if i == 0: continue # skip the parentFolder as it doesn't follow the same naming convention
folder = root.split("\\")[-1] # This gets you the current folder's name
for i, image in enumerate(files):
new_image = "{0}_{1}.jpg".format(folder.split(' - ')[0], i + 1)
os.rename(join(path, image), join(path, new_image))
If your scenario doesn't fall under either of these, please make it clear what your folder structure is (a sample including all sub folders and sub files). Remember, consistency is key in determining how your code should work. If it's inconsistent, your best bet is use Answer 1 on each target folder separately.
1.) You can get an incremental index without doing a i += 1. enumerate() is a great tool for iterables that also give you the iteration number.
2.) Your split() should be operated on the folder name instead of files (an iterable). In your case, image is the actual file name, and files is the list of files in the current iteration directory.
3.) Use of str.format() function to make your new file format easier to read.
4.) You'll note the use of split("\\") instead of split(r"\"), and that's because a single backslash cannot be a raw string.
This should now work. I ended up doing a lot more research than expected such as how to handle the os.walk() properly in both scenarios. For future reference, a little google search goes a long way. I hope this finally answers your question. Remember, doing your own research and clarity in demonstrating your problem will get you more efficient answers.
Bonus: if you have python 3.6+, you can even use f strings for your new file name, which ends up looking really cool:
new_image = f"{image.split(' - ')[0]}_{i+1}.jpg"

Recreate input folder tree for output of some analyses

I am new to Python and, although having been reading and enjoying it so far, have ∂ experience, where ∂ → 0.
I have a folder tree and each folder at the bottom of the tree's branches contains many files. For me, this whole tree in the input.
I would to perform several steps of analysis (I believe these are irrelavant to this question), the results of which I would like to have returned in an identical tree to that of the input, called output.
I have two ideas:
Read through each folder recursively using os.walk() and for each file to perform the analysis, and
Use a function such as shutil.copytree() and perform the analysis somewhere along the way. So actually, I do not want to COPY the tree at all, rather replicate it's structure but with new files. I thought this might be a kind of 'hack' as I do actually want to use each input file to create the output file, so instead of a copycommand, I need an analyse command. The rest should remain unchanged as far as my imagination allows me to understand.
I have little experience with option 1 and zero experience with option 2.
For smaller trees up until now I have been hard-coding the paths, which has become too time-consuming at this point.
I have also seen more mundane ways, such as using glob to first find all the files I would like and work on them, but I don't know how this might help find a shortcut in recreating the input tree for my output.
My attempt at option 1 looks like this:
import os
for root, dirs, files in os.walk('/Volumes/Mac OS Drive/Data/input/'):
# I have no actual need to print these, it just helps me see what is happening
print root, "\n"
print dirs, "\n"
# This is my actual work going on
[analysis_function(name) for name in files]
however I fear this is going to be very slow, I would also like to do some kind of filtering on files too - for example the .DS_Store files created in mac trees are included in the results of the above. I would attempt to use the fnmatch module to filter only the files I want.
I have seen in the copytree function that it is possible to ignore files according to a pattern, which would be helpful, however I do not understand from the documentation where I could put my analysis function in on each file.
You can use both options: you could provide your custom copy_function that performs analysis instead of the default shutil.copy2 to shutil.copytree() (it is a more of a hack) or you could use os.walk() to have a finer control over the process.
You don't need to create parent directories manually either way. copytree() creates the parent directories for you and os.makedirs(root) can create parent directories if you use os.walk():
#!/usr/bin/env python2
import fnmatch
import itertools
import os
ignore_dir = lambda d: d in ('.git', '.svn', '.hg')
src_dir = '/Volumes/Mac OS Drive/Data/input/' # source directory
dst_dir = '/path/to/destination/' # destination directory
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(src_dir):
for input_file in fnmatch.filter(files, "*.input"): # for each input file
output_file = os.path.splitext(input_file)[0] + '.output'
output_dir = os.path.join(dst_dir, root[len(src_dir):])
if not os.path.isdir(output_dir):
os.makedirs(output_dir) # create destination directories
analyze(os.path.join(root, input_file), # perform analysis
os.path.join(output_dir, output_file))
# don't visit ignored subtrees
dirs[:] = itertools.ifilterfalse(ignore_dir, dirs)

Passing values to a dict whilst in a for loop in Python

So, I have a folder which has subfolders, each containing 40 images.
I am iterating over every image within each subfolder using the following code:
for (dirname, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk('C:\.....')
for filename in filenames:
The images are titled as follows:
1st folder: IM-0239-0001.dcm,
2nd folder IM-0248-0001.dcm,
What I want to do is perform an operation on each of the 40 images in a sub-folder, get the average of these and then export this value along with the sub-folder identifier e.g "0239" to a dictionary outside of the for loop.
I am having trouble with passing the average value BEFORE moving onto the next sub-folder. My ideal solution, if say 4 sub-folders exists, passes 4 sub-folder UIs and their corresponding average value to a dictionary.
I have tried using .split based function (below) combined with an if statement inside the above loop to compare parts[1] in order to detect a sub-folder ending:
parts = image_name.split('-')
return '-'.join((parts[1], parts[0], parts[2]))
but I looking for a more pythonic, chic and faster way of doing this.
Help much appreciated.
If I understand you correctly, you have one image directory with one level of subdirectories containing images. You want to process the images grouped by the containing subdirectory.
You can first read in the structure:
#! /usr/bin/python3
import os
tobeprocessed = {}
for curdir, subdirs, files in os.walk ('/home/lorenzo/stackoverflow/images'):
if not files: continue
tobeprocessed [curdir] = files
print (tobeprocessed)
Now you have a dictionary whose keys are the folders and whose values are the containing files, which you can process as you see fit.

WxPython - building a directory tree based on file availability

I do atomistic modelling, and use Python to analyze simulation results. To simplify work with a whole bunch of Python scripts used for different tasks, I decided to write simple GUI to run scripts from it.
I have a (rather complex) directory structure beginning from some root (say ~/calc), and I want to populate wx.TreeCtrl control with directories containing calculation results preserving their structure. The folder contains the results if it contains a file with .EXT extension. What i try to do is walk through dirs from root and in each dir check whether it contains .EXT file. When such dir is reached, add it and its ancestors to the tree:
def buildTree(self, rootdir):
root = rootdir
r = len(rootdir.split('/'))
ids = {root : self.CalcTree.AddRoot(root)}
for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(root):
for dirname in dirnames:
fullpath = os.path.join(dirpath, dirname)
if sum([s.find('.EXT') for s in filenames]) > -1 * len(filenames):
ancdirs = fullpath.split('/')[r:]
ad = rootdir
for ancdir in ancdirs:
d = os.path.join(ad, ancdir)
ids[d] = self.CalcTree.AppendItem(ids[ad], ancdir)
ad = d
But this code ends up with many second-level nodes with the same name, and that's definitely not what I want. So I somehow need to see if the node is already added to the tree, and in positive case add new node to the existing one, but I do not understand how this could be done. Could you please give me a hint?
Besides, the code contains 2 dirty hacks I'd like to get rid of:
I get the list of ancestor dirs with splitting the full path in \
positions, and this is Linux-specific;
I find if .EXT file is in the directory by trying to find the extension in the strings from filenames list, taking in account that s.find returns -1 if the substring is not found.
Is there a way to make these chunks of code more readable?
First of all the hacks:
To get the path seperator for whatever os your using you can use os.sep.
Use str.endswith() and use the fact that in Python the empty list [] evaluates to False:
if [ file for file in filenames if file.endswith('.EXT') ]:
In terms of getting them all nicely nested you're best off doing it recursively. So the pseudocode would look something like the following. Please note this is just provided to give you an idea of how to do it, don't expect it to work as it is!
def buildTree(self, rootdir):
rootId = self.CalcTree.AddRoot(root)
self.buildTreeRecursion(rootdir, rootId)
def buildTreeRecursion(self, dir, parentId)
# Iterate over the files in dir
for file in dirFiles:
id = self.CalcTree.AppendItem(parentId, file)
if file is a directory:
self.buildTreeRecursion(file, id)
Hope this helps!
