How to skip a video in an nth increment in OpenCV - python

I've been reading OpenCV documentation about reading and skipping on a video using trackbar, for example 10, the video will play at 10s, 20s, 30s...n. But I can't seem to implement it on the right way using Python. I just want to ask for your suggestion of an algorithm. If any, some snippets. Thank you.

You can make loop over video files and open every video[i] with step like in this code
import cv2
video_files = os.listdir(folder)
step = 10 ## every 5 video
### loop over videos show every 10..
for i in range(0,100, step):
video_name = video_files[i]
cap = cv2.VideoCapture('../folder/'+video_name)
num_frames = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))
### loop over video and show
for i in range(num_frames):
ret_prev, frame =

I'm have understood your comment
This is code to show just every 10s 20s etc..
import cv2
cap = cv2.VideoCapture('../folder/'+video_name)
num_frames = int(cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT))
fps = cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS)
### loop over video and show
for i in range(num_frames):
ret_prev, frame =
### this we show every 10s other will be skip
if i % fps*10:


Save video clip from longer video between two timestamps in Python cv2

I have an hour-long video that I would like to save a clip between two timestamps-- say, 11:20-11:35. Is the best way to do this frame-by-frame, or is there a better way?
Here's the gist of what I did frame-by-frame. If there's a less lossy way to do it, I'd love to know! I know I could do it from the terminal using ffmpeg, but I am curious for how to best do it using cv2.
def get_clip(input_filename, output_filename, start_sec, end_sec):
# input and output videos are probably mp4
vidcap = cv2.VideoCapture(input_filename)
# math to find starting and ending frame number
fps = find_frames_per_second(vidcap)
start_frame = int(start_sec*fps)
end_frame = int(end_sec*fps)
# open video writer
vidwrite = cv2.VideoWriter(output_filename, cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'MP4V'), fps, get_frame_size(vidcap))
success, image =
frame_count = start_frame
while success and (frame_count < end_frame):
vidwrite.write(image) # write frame into video
success, image = # read frame from video

How to maintain constant FPS when grabbing frames with opencv and python?

I am using OpenCV4 along with python 3 to open a webcam, grab the frames and display them in a window, just like the first code tutorial provided here. However, it takes a different amount of time grabbing different frames: sometimes it takes 0.01 s to grab, and sometimes it takes 0.33 s, which creates lags when showing the frames in the window.
Is there a way to force a constant time when grabbing frames so that i can see the video without lag? I think it is happening with OpenCV because when i use a default windows camera viewer to see the video it displays it normally.
What i already tried is wait for some time using time.sleep() before grabbing a frame again. But this does not help.
import numpy as np
import cv2
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
# Capture frame-by-frame
ret, frame =
# Display the resulting frame
if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
# When everything done, release the capture
One potential way is to set a timestamp within the loop and keep track of the time the last frame was shown. For instance, only once a certain amount of time has elapsed then you show the frame. At the same time, you constantly read frames to keep the buffer empty to ensure that you have the most recent frame. You don't want to use time.sleep() because it will freeze the program and not keep the buffer empty. Once the timestamp hits, you show the frame and reset the timestamp.
import cv2
import time
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
# Timeout to display frames in seconds
# So 1/.025 = 40 FPS
TIMEOUT = .025
old_timestamp = time.time()
# Capture frame-by-frame
ret, frame =
if (time.time() - old_timestamp) > TIMEOUT:
# Display the resulting frame
if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
old_timestamp = time.time()
# When everything done, release the capture
When working correctly, this app will be suspended at the read() call until the next frame from the streaming webcam is available. Smooth display depends on being able to execute whatever you may have added to the loop in less than the 1/FPS seconds. It also depends on the camera being UVC compliant and it may depend on the encoding algorithm being MJPEG, which is the case for most webcams. However the fact that you see delay up to 1/3 second is curious because that is a typical GOP period for mpeg or other inter-frame encoders.
If none of the above applies to your case then I suspect the problem is platform related rather than an OCV issue. Have you tried to duplicate the problem on another system?
I was facing a similar problem, and this is the solution I came up with. This would be the exact way to set a constant fps. This works on both live video and recorded video.
import cv2
import time
cap = cv2.VideoCapture('your video location')
initial_time = time.time()
to_time = time.time()
set_fps = 25 # Set your desired frame rate
# Variables Used to Calculate FPS
prev_frame_time = 0 # Variables Used to Calculate FPS
new_frame_time = 0
while True:
while_running = time.time() # Keep updating time with each frame
new_time = while_running - initial_time # If time taken is 1/fps, then read a frame
if new_time >= 1 / set_fps:
ret, frame =
if ret:
# Calculating True FPS
new_frame_time = time.time()
fps = 1 / (new_frame_time - prev_frame_time)
prev_frame_time = new_frame_time
fps = int(fps)
fps = str(fps)
cv2.imshow('joined', frame)
initial_time = while_running # Update the initial time with current time
total_time_of_video = while_running - to_time # To get the total time of the video
if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):

How do i take median of 5 grayscale frames?

I am taking input from a video and I want to take the median value of the first 5 frames so that I can use it as background image for motion detection using deferential.
Also, I want to use a time condition that, say if motion is not detected then calculate the background again, else wait t seconds. I am new to opencv and I don't know how to do it.. Please help
Also, I want to take my video in 1 fps but this does not work. Here is the code I have:
import cv2
cam = cv2.VideoCapture('gh10fps.mp4')
cam.set(3, 640)
cam.set(4, 480)
cam.set(, 1)
print "Current FPS: ",fps
If you really want the median of the first 5 frames, then following should do what you are looking for:
import numpy as np
import cv2
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
frames = []
for _ in range(5):
ret, frame =
gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
median = np.median(frames, axis=0).astype(dtype=np.uint8)
cv2.imshow('frame', median)
Note, this is just taking the source from a webcam as an example.

How does QueryFrame work?

import cv
# create a window
winname = "myWindow"
win = cv.NamedWindow(winname, cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
# load video file
invideo = cv.CaptureFromFile("video.avi")
# interval between frame in ms.
fps = cv.GetCaptureProperty(invid, cv.CV_CAP_PROP_FPS)
interval = int(1000.0 / fps)
# play video
while (True):
im = cv.QueryFrame(invideo)
cv.ShowImage(winname, im)
if cv.WaitKey(interval) == 27: # ASCII 27 is the ESC key
del invideo
Above is a simple python code using opencv libraray to play a video file.
The only part I don't understand is im = cv.QueryFrame(invideo)
According to opencv api, " QueryFrame grabs a frame from a camera or video file, decompresses it and returns it."
For my understanding, it just returns an image in iplimage format for one single frame, but how does it know which frame it returns? The only parameter QueryFrame need is the video capture, but there no index to tell it which frame amount the video frames I need to retrieve. What if I need to play a video starting from middle part?
You have to use cv.GetCaptureProperty with CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_COUNT to get the number of frames of your video.
Divide it by 2 to find the middle.
Use QueryFrame until you reach this value.

Python JPEG to movie

I am looking for a way to concatenate a directory of images files (e.g., JPEGs) to a movie file (MOV, MP4, AVI) with Python. Ideally, this would also allow me to take multiple JPEGs from that directory and "paste" them into a grid which is one frame of a movie file. Which modules could achieve this?
You could use the Python interface of OpenCV, in particular a VideoWriter could probably do the job. From what I understand of the doc, the following would do what you want:
w = cvCreateVideoWriter(filename, -1, <your framerate>,
<your frame size>, is_color=1)
and, in a loop, for each file:
cvWriteFrame(w, frame)
Note that I have not tried this code, but I think that I got the idea right. Please tell me if it works.
here's a cut-down version of a script I have that took frames from one video and them modified them(that code taken out), and written to another video. maybe it'll help.
import cv2
fourcc =*'XVID')
out = cv2.VideoWriter('out_video.avi', fourcc, 24, (704, 240))
c = cv2.VideoCapture('in_video.avi')
_, f =
if f is None:
f2 = f.copy() #make copy of the frame
#do a bunch of stuff (missing)
out.write(f2) #write frame to the output video
If you have a bunch of images, load them in a loop and just write one image after another to your vid.
I finally got into a working version of the project that got me into this question.
Now I want to contribute with the knowledge I got.
Here is my solution for getting all pictures in current directory and converting into a video having then centralized in a black background, so this solution works for different size images.
import glob
import cv2
import numpy as np
DESIRED_SIZE = (800, 600)
SLIDE_TIME = 5 # Seconds each image
FPS = 24
fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter.fourcc(*'X264')
writer = cv2.VideoWriter('output.avi', fourcc, FPS, DESIRED_SIZE)
for file_name in glob.iglob('*.jpg'):
img = cv2.imread(file_name)
# Resize image to fit into DESIRED_SIZE
height, width, _ = img.shape
proportion = min(DESIRED_SIZE[0]/width, DESIRED_SIZE[1]/height)
new_size = (int(width*proportion), int(height*proportion))
img = cv2.resize(img, new_size)
# Centralize image in a black frame with DESIRED_SIZE
target_size_img = np.zeros((DESIRED_SIZE[1], DESIRED_SIZE[0], 3), dtype='uint8')
width_offset = (DESIRED_SIZE[0] - new_size[0]) // 2
height_offset = (DESIRED_SIZE[1] - new_size[1]) // 2
width_offset:width_offset+new_size[0]] = img
for _ in range(SLIDE_TIME * FPS):
Is it actually important to you that the solution should use python and produce a movie file? Or are these just your expectations of what a solution would look like?
If you just want to be able to play back a bunch of jpeg files as a movie, you can do it without using python or cluttering up your computer with .avi/.mov/mp4 files by going to and using your mouse to select image files from your hard drive. The "movie" plays back in your Web browser.
