Python equivalent of Go Struct and Unmarshal - python

So I'm working with some JSON data in Python. Its basically a wrapper for an API though I want to have dot access to my values like data.size, I've done a bit of research but I couldn't find the desired results.
I was using json.loads to parse my data so I tried object hooks but that isn't what I want.
Here's an example Go code that I want to replicate.
type dat struct {
ResponseTime int
Body body
type body struct {
Day int
Month int
Year int
var h dat
// e here is my json
data = json.Unmarshal(e, &h)
My results in Python were similar but they were instances of the same class.
My aim is to be able to parse nested dicts and I want to be able to define which dict assigns to which object... not sure if u understand but theres the Go code for you.

Using dataclass and dacite
from dataclasses import dataclass
import dacite
class Body:
class Dat:
response_time: int
body: Body
data = {'response_time':12, 'body':{'day':1,'month':2,'year':3}}
dat: Dat = dacite.from_dict(Dat,data)
Dat(response_time=12, body=Body(day=1, month=2, year=3))

Using pymarshaler (Which is close to to golang approach)
import json
from pymarshaler.marshal import Marshal
class Body:
def __init__(self, day: int, month: int, year: int): = day
self.month = month
self.year = year
class Dat:
def __init__(self, response_time: int, body: Body):
self.response_time = response_time
self.body = body
marshal = Marshal()
dat_test = Dat(3, Body(1, 2, 3))
dat_json = marshal.marshal(dat_test)
result = marshal.unmarshal(Dat, json.loads(dat_json))

So turns out it wasn't that hard, I just didn't want to try.
For anyone with the same problem here's the code.
class Typs(object):
def __init__(self):
self.type = int
self.breed = str
class Deets(object):
def __init__(self):
self.color = str
self.type = Typs()
class Base(object):
def __init__(self): = str
self.details = Deets()
d = {
"name": "Hello",
"details": {"color": "black", "type": {"type": 2, "breed": "Normal"}},
h = Base()
def unmarshal(d, o):
for k, v in d.items():
if hasattr(o, k):
if isinstance(v, dict):
unmarshal(v, getattr(o, k))
setattr(o, k, v)
return o
x = unmarshal(d, h)


Object oriented programming with abstract class

I want to achieve the below:
def do_something(request):
company_name = request.get("company_name", DEFAULT_COMPANY)
data = request.get("data")
response = transform_data_according_to(data, company_name)
return response
I did the following for it:
class Transform(ABC):
def __init__(self, data): = data
def transform(self):
class CompanyA(Transform):
def transform(self):
# do_transformation
return transformed_data
def do_something(request):
company_name = request.get("company_name", DEFAULT_COMPANY)
data = request.get("data")
if company_name == CompanyA:
response = CompanyA.transform(data)
return response
Instead i would like to do something like this using correct object oriented principles:
def do_something(request):
company_name = request.get("company_name", DEFAULT_COMPANY)
data = request.get("data")
response = Transform(data, company_name)
return response
I want to know where I might be thinking wrong in terms of the desired approach versus the implemented approach. Is the implemented approach correct, the if else checks can grow quite big in that case.
Thanks to teraflop
The simple, idiomatic way to do this in Python would be to look up the Transform subclass in a dictionary:
transform_classes = {
"CompanyA": CompanyA,
# ...
def do_something(request):
company_name = request.get("company_name", DEFAULT_COMPANY)
data = request.get("data")
transformer = transform_classes[company_name](data)
return transformer.transform()
If you prefer to be more rigorously object-oriented, you could wrap the dictionary in an object (e.g. TransformLookupByName) instead of accessing it directly.
There are also various kinds of metaprogramming magic you can use to build the dictionary automatically without having to name each subclass explicitly. For example, this will collect all of the Transform subclasses in the current source file:
transform_classes = {
k:v for k,v in globals().items()
if isinstance(v, type) and issubclass(v, Transform) and v != Transform

Any better way to not use MISSING in edit method? (for python 3.9)

Any suggestion to not make repetitive code?
I want a better edit method with less complexity.
Generating the payload dict for each kwarg and then setting the value back to the self also uploading the new data in the database seems complex.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Union, TYPE_CHECKING, Dict
import attr
from utils.util import MISSING
from .profile import Profile
#attr.s(auto_attribs=True, slots=True)
class Stats(object):
attack: int = 1
defence: int = 1
healing: Union[int, float] = 1
health: int = 100
health_cap: int = 100
def to_dict(self):
return attr.asdict(self)
async def edit(
profile: Profile,
attack: int = MISSING,
defence: int = MISSING,
healing: Union[int, float] = MISSING,
health: int = MISSING,
health_cap: int = MISSING
payload: Dict[str, int] = {}
for kwag, field in (
(attack, "attack"),
(defence, "defence"),
(health, "health"),
(healing, "healing_speed"),
(health_cap, "health_cap"),
if kwag is not MISSING:
payload[field] = kwag
setattr(self, field, getattr(self, field) + kwag)
await profile._http.increment(, {"stats": payload})

How to work with pydantic json field through dot

I have such model, enum, field:
from pydantic import BaseModel, Json
class SlotActionEnum(Enum):
NORMAL = 'normal'
REASK = 'reask'
class ChannelMessage(Json):
answerText: str
slot_action: SlotActionEnum = SlotActionEnum.NORMAL
class Request(BaseModel):
conversationId: str
channelMessage: ChannelMessage
o = Request(**{
"conversationId": "id10",
"channelMessage": "{\"answerText\": \"sadfg\", \"slot_action\": \"reask\"}"
Here is two problem:
slot_action cannot be accessed like that: o.channelMessage.slot_action
This causes AttributeError:
AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'slot_action'
If I access to this field via square bracket PyCharm highlights:
Value in slot_action is not SlotActionEnum but value like reask or normal
slot_action can be empty string. How could I replace empty string to normal?
What should I do to handle these problems? Should I do something like this:
class ChannelMessage(BaseModel):
answerText: str
slot_action: SlotActionEnum = SlotActionEnum.NORMAL
class Request(BaseModel):
conversationId: str
channelMessage: ChannelMessage
def __init__(__pydantic_self__, **data: Any) -> None:
channel_message = json.loads(data.pop('channelMessage'))
if channel_message['slot_action'] == '':
channel_message['slot_action'] = SlotActionEnum.NORMAL.value
channel_message['slot_action'] = SlotActionEnum(channel_message['slot_action'])
super().__init__(**data, channelMessage=channel_message)
? Well that works but looks ugly.
from pydantic import BaseModel, validator
from enum import Enum
class SlotActionEnum(Enum):
NORMAL = 'normal'
REASK = 'reask'
class ChannelMessage(BaseModel):
answerText: str
slot_action: SlotActionEnum = SlotActionEnum.NORMAL
#validator("slot_action", pre=True)
def valid_slot_action(cls, v):
if v == "":
return SlotActionEnum.NORMAL
return v
class Request(BaseModel):
conversationId: str
channelMessage: ChannelMessage
#validator("channelMessage", pre=True)
def valid_channel_message(cls, v):
if isinstance(v, str):
return ChannelMessage.parse_raw(v)
return v
o = Request(**{
"conversationId": "id10",
"channelMessage": "{\"answerText\": \"sadfg\", \"slot_action\": \"reask\"}"

any cattrs solution to serialize attribute use different name?

i was trying to find a solution similar to java Jackson ObjectMapper that can do serialization/deserialization of python object to json. and find that
cattrs is closest to what i need. but it cannot do attribute mapping like use firstName in json but first_name in the deserialized object.
attrs-serde can do the attribute mapping but cannot do recursive deserialization.
the problem can be illustrated in this example,
import attr
import cattr
from attrs_serde import serde
name_path = ["contact", "personal", "Name"]
phone_path = ["contact", "Phone"]
#attr.s(auto_attribs=True, frozen=True)
class Name:
first: str
last: str
#attr.s(auto_attribs=True, frozen=True)
class Person:
name: Name = attr.ib(metadata={"to": name_path, "from": name_path})
phone: str = attr.ib(metadata={"to": phone_path, "from": phone_path})
person_json = {"contact": {"personal": {"Name": {"first": "John", "last": "Smith"}}, "Phone": "555-112233"}}
# XXX: to/from only works on serde
p = Person(name=Name(first="John", last="Smith"), phone="555-112233")
# {'contact': {'personal': {'Name': {'first': 'John', 'last': 'Smith'}}, 'Phone': '555-112233'}}
p1 = Person.from_dict(person_json)
# p1=Person(name={'first': 'John', 'last': 'Smith'}, phone='555-112233')
# XXX: nested only works on cttrs
person = {"Name": {"First": "John", "Last": "Smith"}, "Phone": "555-112233"}
converter = cattr.Converter()
Person, lambda d, _: Person(name=converter.structure(d["Name"], Name), phone=d.get("Phone"))
converter.register_structure_hook(Name, lambda d, _: Name(first=d["First"], last=d.get("Last")))
p2 = converter.structure(person, Person)
assert p == p2
# {'name': {'first': 'John', 'last': 'Smith'}, 'phone': '555-112233'}
# {"contact": {"personal": {"name": "John"}, "phone": "555-112233"}}
any more elegant solution using cattr?
you can use humps to do case convert
import humps
import cattr
class CAttrConverter:
converter = cattr.Converter()
def __init__(self):
structure hook for load
unstructure hook for dump
def load(self, params, data_cls, camel_to_snake=True):
:param params: params, mostly from front end
:param data_cls:
:param camel_to_snake: need to convert from camel style to snake style
if camel_to_snake:
params = humps.depascalize(params)
return self.converter.structure(params, data_cls)
def dump(self, data, snake_to_camel=False):
:param data:
:param snake_to_camel: dump as camel case
result: dict = self.converter.unstructure(data)
if snake_to_camel:
result = humps.camelize(result)
return result
Posting this for those in the future.
Yeah you can achieve this by overloading the convert classes methods:
def unstructure_attrs_asdict(self, obj) -> Dict[str, Any]:
def structure_attrs_fromdict(
self, obj: Mapping[str, Any], cl: Type[T]
) -> T:
Or if you want tuples
def unstructure_attrs_astuple(self, obj) -> Tuple[Any, ...]:
def structure_attrs_fromtuple(
self, obj: Tuple[Any, ...], cl: Type[T]
) -> T:
Simple Converter classes that uses the to and from fields from metadata. I will leave handling nested fields to your imagination.
from typing import TypeVar, Dict, Any, Mapping, Type
from cattr import Converter
from cattr._compat import fields
T = TypeVar("T")
class ConverterWithMetaDataOverrides(Converter):
# Classes to Python primitives.
def unstructure_attrs_asdict(self, obj) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Our version of `attrs.asdict`, so we can call back to us."""
attrs = fields(obj.__class__)
dispatch = self._unstructure_func.dispatch
rv = self._dict_factory()
for a in attrs:
name =
serialize_as = name
if 'to' in a.metadata:
serialize_as = a.metadata['to']
v = getattr(obj, name)
rv[serialize_as] = dispatch(a.type or v.__class__)(v)
return rv
def structure_attrs_fromdict(
self, obj: Mapping[str, Any], cl: Type[T]
) -> T:
"""Instantiate an attrs class from a mapping (dict)."""
# For public use.
conv_obj = {} # Start with a fresh dict, to ignore extra keys.
dispatch = self._structure_func.dispatch
for a in fields(cl): # type: ignore
# We detect the type by metadata.
type_ = a.type
name =
serialize_from = name
if 'from' in a.metadata:
serialize_from = a.metadata['from']
val = obj[serialize_from]
except KeyError:
if name[0] == "_":
name = name[1:]
conv_obj[name] = (
dispatch(type_)(val, type_) if type_ is not None else val
return cl(**conv_obj) # type: ignore
converter = ConverterWithMetaDataOverrides()
#attrs(slots=True, frozen=True, auto_attribs=True)
class LevelTwo(object):
a: str = ib(metadata={'from': 'haha_not_a', 'to': 'haha_not_a'})
b: str
c: int
#attrs(slots=True, frozen=True, auto_attribs=True)
class LevelOne(object):
leveltwo: LevelTwo = ib(metadata={'from': 'level_two', 'to': 'level_two'})
#attrs(slots=True, frozen=True, auto_attribs=True)
class Root(object):
levelone: LevelOne = ib(metadata={'from': 'levelOne', 'to': 'levelOne'})
converter.structure(converter.unstructure(Root(levelone=LevelOne(leveltwo=LevelTwo(a='here', b='here_again', c=42)))),
>>> converter.unstructure(Root(levelone=LevelOne(leveltwo=LevelTwo(a='here', b='here_again', c=42)))
>>> {'levelOne': {'level_two': {'haha_not_a': 'here', 'b': 'here_again', 'c': 42}}}

Converting Nested Json into Python object

I have nested json as below
"product" : "name",
"protocol" : "scp",
"read_logs" : {
"log_type" : "failure",
"log_url" : "htttp:url"
I am trying to create Python class object with the below code.
import json
class Config (object):
Argument: JSON Object from the configuration file.
def __init__(self, attrs):
if 'log_type' in attrs:
self.log_type = attrs['log_type']
self.log_url = attrs['log_url']
self.product = attrs["product"]
self.protocol = attrs["protocol"]
def __str__(self):
return "%s;%s" %(self.product, self.log_type)
def get_product(self):
return self.product
def get_logurl(self):
return self.log_url
class ConfigLoader (object):
Create a confiuration loaded which can read JSON config files
def load_config (self, attrs):
with open (attrs) as data_file:
config = json.load(data_file, object_hook=load_json)
return config
def load_json (json_object):
return Config (json_object)
loader = ConfigLoader()
config = loader.load_config('../config/product_config.json')
print config.get_protocol()
But, the object_hook is invoking the load_json recursively and the Class Config init is being called twice. So the final object that I created does not contain the nested JSON data.
Is there any way to read the entire nested JSON object into a single Python class ?
A variation on Pankaj Singhal's idea, but using a "generic" namespace class instead of namedtuples:
import json
class Generic:
def from_dict(cls, dict):
obj = cls()
return obj
data = '{"product": "name", "read_logs": {"log_type": "failure", "log_url": "123"}}'
x = json.loads(data, object_hook=Generic.from_dict)
print(x.product, x.read_logs.log_type, x.read_logs.log_url)
namedtuple & object_hook can help create a one-liner:
# Create an object with attributes corresponding to JSON keys.
def json_to_obj(data): return json.loads(data, object_hook=lambda converted_dict: namedtuple('X', converted_dict.keys())(*converted_dict.values()))
OR Create a more readable function like below:
def _object_hook(converted_dict): return namedtuple('X', converted_dict.keys())(*converted_dict.values())
def json_to_obj(data): return json.loads(data, object_hook=_object_hook)
Below is the code snippet to use it:
import json
from collections import namedtuple
data = '{"product": "name", "read_logs": {"log_type": "failure", "log_url": htttp:url}}'
x = json_to_obj(data)
print x.product, x.read_logs.log_type, x.read_logs.log_url
NOTE: Check out namedtuple's rename parameter.
I wrote a simple DFS algorithm to do this job.
Convert nested item as a flat dictionary. In my case, I joined the keys of json item with a dash.
For example, nested item { "a":[{"b": "c"}, {"d":"e"}] } will be transformed as {'a-0-b': 'c', 'a-1-d': 'e'}.
def DFS(item, headItem, heads, values):
if type(item) == type({}):
for k in item.keys():
DFS(item[k], headItem + [k], heads, values)
elif type(item) == type([]):
for i in range(len(item)):
DFS(item[i], headItem + [str(i)], heads, values)
headItemStr = '-'.join(headItem)
def reduce(jsonItem):
heads, values = [], []
DFS(jsonItem, [], heads, values)
return heads, values
def json2dict(jsonItem):
head, value = reduce(jsonItem)
dictHeadValue = { head[i] : value[i] for i in range(len(head))}
return dictHeadValue
