I have been wanting to get into coding videogames, I am 15 and decided to try and start off making a text based game in python since I am not sure how to go about starting to make videogames (any advice on this would also be helpful :])
I was wondering if there was a way to get a program to stop if a variable reaches zero without having "if health == 0" everywhere in my code, should I use a while loop or is there another method I can use?
Try using
your statement
Using this you can run your code unless the variable reaches 0. Hope it helps. Happy coding :) champ!
As in your case you know the condition (i == 0) to stop iteration, while loop will be the best option to choose among other types of loops. Do consider using functions to make sure code reusability.
Refer to the below code snippet to avoid using if health == 0
health = 5
while health:
health -= 1
Output: 5 to 1
I've done everything in my ability to try to do this without any functions and only while loops (as said by my teacher) please could you find out why, I even tried dry running but it should still work
p.s it doesn't work in either ways of using:
while c!=0 and f<50: or while c!0 or f<50:
x= [0]*30
#f is a safety measure so that the program has a stop and doesnt go out of control
happynumbers=" "
number=int(input("input number "))
while happy_num!=31:
while c!=1 or f<50:
if integer<10:
elif integer<100:
a=number // 10
b=number % 10
a=number // 10
bee=number % 100
b=bee // 10
d=number % 10
if c==1:
elif f>49:
print("too many iterations program shutting down")
print ("the happy numbers are: ", happynumbers)
Firstly, you say:
It doesn't work in either ways of using: while c!=1 and f<50: or while c!=1 or f<50
You should use the one with and (while c!=1 and f<50:), because otherwise it is useless as a failsafe. Right now your program gets stuck anyways so it might seem to you to not make a difference, I understand that. It's important in general that a failsafe is added with and, and not with or (because true or true == true and true or false == true, so when your loop is infinite, the f<50 failsafe will not make any difference to the truth value of the guard).
Adding print statements to your program, you can see that at around f=30 the program starts to become very slow, but this is not because of some infinite loop or anything; it's because the computations start to become very big at the line:
So f never actually reaches 50, because the program gets stuck trying to perform enormous multiplications. So much for your failsafe :/
I am not sure what algorithm you are using to find these happy numbers, but my guess it that there is something lacking in your guard of the inner loop, or some break statement missing. Do you account for the situation that the number isn't a happy number? Somehow you should also exit the loop in that situation. If you have some more background to what the program is supposed to do, that would be very helpful.
Edit: judging from the programming example on the Wikipedia page of happy numbers, you need some way to keep track of which numbers you've already 'visited' during your computations; that is the only way to know that some number is not a happy number.
plus the question i was given was to find the first 30 happy numbers, so the input would 1
I'm struggling to troubleshoot a strange problem I've been having since starting to use Sikuli over multiple projects. I've been using the IDE and later tried to branch out due to having strange things happening with code. If I were to debug code earlier with popups, I can save the code, even restart my pc, even check the code in other text editors but the now non-existent popups (and old code) sometimes, well, pop up. In the end normally I end up ditching original files, and having to sometimes strangely comment out lines and re-add them one at a time (even though in the grand scale of things the end script was the same as before i did all that). I'm at a real loss for words.
It's making me struggle to differentiate between bad code and something going wrong elsewhere. Does anyone know what might cause this "phantom code"? Because I'm really at a loss.
And i would like advice as to what's going wrong with the while i < (inputvariable). I can't figure out what might be going wrong at all, am i over looking something?
I'm running all scripts through Sikuli IDE at the moment. I did want to learn how to write scripts and include sikuli hoping i could package it neatly but i couldn't seem to wrap my head around it.
For the while loop, where it's being compared to "SSLoops" i can't see why it's not breaking out of the loop when the criteria is met. (prints out above and beyond the number.)
I've had to do strange workarounds such as commenting out whole sections of code, trying to get it to work, and then slowly one by one reintroduce it till it matched the old script entirely. If I copied the script to a new file to make a cleaner copy, in hopes that if there is some sort of caching issue(?) it'd resolve, but I'd normally have to tinker around with it again.
BP = getBundlePath()
setBundlePath(BP + "\images")
BP2 = getBundlePath()
# Regions
gameRegion = Region(230, 138, 1442, 875)
matchSpeedRegion = Region(1282, 920, 162, 91)
rewardRegion = Region()
def main():
SSLoops = input("How many times would you like to run Super Smash?")
def SuperSmash(SSLoops):
i = 1
while i < SSLoops:
if exists("btnEnterSuperSmash.PNG"):
while True:
if exists("btnReward.png"):
print("Completed! On to Rewards.")
if matchSpeedRegion.exists("btnStart.png"):
matchSpeedRegion.wait("btnRetreat.png", 3600)
if matchSpeedRegion.exists("btnSpeedUp.png"):
print("clicked x1")
print("clicking retreat")
matchSpeedRegion.wait(Pattern("btnRetreat.png").similar(0.65), 3600)
print("clicking okay")
gameRegion.wait("btnOK.png", 3600)
i = i + 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
I have been getting popups saying "hey" because i had a loop in while true btnRewards to run a function to say "hey" - this would have hopefully on on to pick a reward out of 5 images in the end. But after removing it, as i'm trying to trouble shoot the main loop, it still pops up.
The loop that compares the user input variable to i just keeps on increasing. The indentation looks okay to me? but i must be wrong? or is something else making it go wrong?
I've been making the program run on a folder so the pictures to break the loop are immediately up, so it should have theoretically ran the amount of times inputted without anything else (1). Any help is deeply appreciated.
[log] CLICK on L[889,656]#S(0) (568 msec)
Completed! On to Rewards.
[log] CLICK on L[889,656]#S(0) (565 msec)
Completed! On to Rewards.
[log] CLICK on L[889,656]#S(0) (584 msec)
Completed! On to Rewards.
Your problem: input() returns a string like so "4"
you then compare it using
while i < SSLoops:
which is always True and hence the loop does not end.
SSLoops = int(input("How many times would you like to run Super Smash?")) will solve your problem.
Be aware: this will crash if the given input cannot be converted to an integer value.
Suggestion: debug prints should look like so:
print "SSLoops =", SSLoops
so the output is better readable.
RaiMan from SikuliX (greetings to your cat ;-)
An Emirp is a prime number whose reversal is also a prime number. For example, 17 is a prime and 71 is a prime, so 17 and 71 are emirps.
The following code compiles and accepts input. The input validation is correct but the program keeps running and does not output anything. I also wanted to know how it's possible to find errors in python. Please ignore indentation errors if there are any.
class negerror(UserWarning):
while True:
prompt = input('Please enter a positive number: ')
if number<=0:
raise negerror
except ValueError:
print('You did not enter an integer. Please try again. ')
except negerror:
print('You entered a negative number. Please make sure to enter a positive number')
def isPrime(value):
for i in range(1,value+1):
if value%i==0:
if count<=2:
return True
return False
def reverse(value):
return val
while countemirps<number:
if isPrime(Test) and isPrime(reverse(Test)):
print('%6s'%Test, end = ' ')
if numberinoneline%5==0:
Your isPrime function is off. It counts the number of divisors of value and stores it in variable count. However, you return True if count>2 and False otherwise. It should be the other way around: a prime number has two divisors and composite numbers have more then two. So change the test to count <= 2. Even better and more pythonic, replace the last lines of that function with
return count <= 2
or perhaps
return count == 2
Do you see why that works?
(I see that you have now corrected this error and edited your question but the program still does not work.)
Another error is that in your main loop you have the test
if isPrime(Test) and isPrime(reverse(Test)):
If that test is passed, you print the number and update your variables including Test--all is well. However, if the test fails you do nothing, and in particular the value of Test is not changed. The loop repeats and you do exactly the same test, and nothing changes. The program is stuck in an infinite loop.
You can fix this by moving the line that updates Test out of the if test and place it at the end of the loop so it is executed on each loop. Your loop then becomes
while countemirps<number:
if isPrime(Test) and isPrime(reverse(Test)):
print('%6s'%Test, end = ' ')
if numberinoneline%5==0:
When I test your program now, it seems to work.
There may be other errors as well that I do not see. You should test function isPrime separately from the rest of your code. When that works well, then test function reverse. Then test sections of your code. Running your code all at once makes it difficult to localize and find errors.
Finally, you ask "how it's possible to find errors in Python". This is too broad a question for this site--you should read a book chapter or a tutorial on debugging. But in brief, there are two main approaches for beginners. The first is to liberally put print statements in your code, showing the flow of the program execution and the values of your key variables. If you had place the statement
at the beginning of your loop, you would have seen that the loop was repeating indefinitely and the value of Test was not changing. When the errors seem to be gone, you can remove or comment-out the print statements. Logging can do this a bit more easily
Another, better approach is to use a debugger. I do most of my Python programming in Spyder, a development environment which includes a debugger. I used that to execute your program one line at a time, and one window in Spyder showed my the values of your variables. There also are debuggers that work outside a development environment. I encourage you to find, learn, and use an Integrated Development Environment that includes a debugger. Spyder is a free, excellent one that specializes in scientific programming. I use it for my mathematics programming.
I'm fairly new to coding, picking it up as a hobby, because its so far, fun, engaging, and challenging. Started out learning Python.
Just for the heck of it, I'm trying to write a function that will generate random integers, only print the even integers, and stop when it finally prints the number 28 (picked it at random.)
I've tried everything I could think of to get the function to loop, but the only thing I've been able to do successfully is just print out a single random even number once before the function stops.
Is there a way to have a function iterate through randint generated numbers between a user defined range, e.g.(0,x), and then apply if/elif/else's to the number(s) generated?
I've probably tried rewriting that same function 30-40 times, but I either get a single even number, a myriad of syntax errors, or some blue script that says "random.randint object at- and then a bunch of numbers.."???
Perhaps I just need to keep delving deeper into tutorials to find the answer, but this seemed like a more productive option. Perhaps there's something I'm not thinking of, or perhaps the concepts I need to employ I just haven't learned yet. Any advice/tips/actual lines of code GREATLY APPRECIATED!
Thanks in advance
Turns out, I was using the for loop incorrectly, and placing the num = randint(0,x) in the wrong place(wrong line). I've included the final function:
from random import randint
def random_even(x):
for i in range(x):
num = randint(0,x)
if num==28:
print(num,"\n DONE")
elif num%2==0:
Is there a way to make python jump back to the beginning of your code. Say for example I have a program that contains 3 while loops. I run the programs and get through all the while loops.
Is there a way I can then make the program jump back to line 1 of the code, and start all over again? I know the "continue" statement will take you to beginning of the while loop it is in. Was curious to know if there is another statement or something similar that can take you to beginning of your code from anywhere in your program?
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Spent time googling and searching stack overflow, but everytime I found an instance of this question, it was never really specifically answered, just better code was suggested.
I am a python beginner, so apologize if this is not so clear, or a dump question. Thank you in advance for your time, and any help you can give. =)
You could wrap what ever piece of functionality you have in a function or method, then simply call the function/method whenever you need it.
def print_ten():
n = 1
while n <= 10:
print n
n = n + 1
see Breaking out of nested loops
breaking out of all inner loops and evaluting all inner values in your outer while, should give the desired result.