Numba function take long time for assign value to an array - python

I wrote a function to calculate the HOG of an image by Numba, and I ran it on 7000 images. it takes 10 sec time. but when I commented on the line that assigns a variable into an array ( hist[idx] += mag ), the time decreased into 5 milliseconds. what is the problem and what should I do about this.
#numba.jit( numba.uint64[:]( numba.uint8[:,:],numba.uint8), nopython=True )
def hog_numba( img, bins ):
h,w = img.shape
hist = np.zeros( bins, dtype=np.uint64)
for i in range(h-1):
for j in range(w-1):
cy = img[i-1,j-1]*1 + img[i-1,j]*2 + img[i-1,j+1]*1 + img[i+1,j-1]*-1 + img[i+1,j]*-2 + img[i+1,j+1]*-1
cx = img[i-1,j-1]*1 + img[i,j-1]*2 + img[i+1,j-1]*1 + img[i-1,j+1]*-1 + img[i,j+1]*-2 + img[i+1,j+1]*-1
mag = numba.uint32(math.sqrt( math.pow(cx,2) + math.pow(cy,2) ) )
if cx!=0:
ang = math.atan2( cy, cx)#arc_tang
else :
if cy>0:
ang = math.pi / 2
ang = -math.pi / 2
if ang<0:
ang = abs(ang) + math.pi
idx = (ang * bins) // (math.pi * 2 )
idx = int(idx)
#hist[idx] += mag
return hist
below code used for benchmark
for _ in range(20):
t = time.time()
hists = []
for i in range(8000):
hist = hog_numba(img, 10)
t = time.time() - t

The difference in speed is not due to the fact that assignment is slow but due to the optimization of the JIT compiler. Indeed, if you comment the line hist[idx] += mag, then Numba can see that mag and idx do not need to be computed and can just remove the associated lines. Transitively, it can also remove the computation of ang, cx and cy. Finally it can fully remove the two nested loops. Such a code will be much faster but also useless. However, the JIT may not fully remove all the operation inside the two nested loops in practice since the JIT may not be able to fully optimize the code possibly due to Python transformations, guards and side effects. On my machine is does optimize the loop to a no-op. Indeed, it takes lass than 1 ms in average to compute a 8000 images of size (16_000,16_000) which is totally impossible on my machine (it should be at least 1000 times slower).
Thus, you cannot measure the time of an isolated instruction by just removing it and look for the time difference with Numba (or any optimized compiled code). Modern compilers are very advanced and trying to defeat them is not easy. If you still want to see if the cost actually comes mainly from the assignment, you could try to perform a summation like mag_sum += mag, idx_sum += idx and return/print the summation variables (otherwise the compiler can see that they are useless as they do not cause visible changes). On my machine the assignment version is only 9% slower than an implementation use a summation showing the assignment does not take most of the execution time (despite not being very fast probably due to the random access pattern).
The main source of slow down comes from the line (ang * bins) // (math.pi * 2 ) and more specifically from the multiplication/division by a constant. Pre-computing bins / (math.pi * 2) in a temporary variable ahead of time result in a 3.5 times faster code. The code is far from being optimized. Further optimizations include using vectorization, branch-less operations and parallelism (using simple precision and trying to remove the math.atan2 call may also help).


Parallelize three nested loops

I have 3 3D arrays ("precursor arrays") that I am upsampling with an Inverse Distance Weighting method. To do that, I calculate a 3D weights array that I use in a for loop on each point of my precursor arrays.
Each 2D slice of my weights array is used to calculate a partial array. Once I generate all 28 of them, they are summed to give one final host array.
I would like to parallelize this for loop in order to reduce my computing time. I tried doing it but I can not manage to update correctly my host arrays.
How could I parallelize my main function (last section of my code) ?
EDIT: Or is there a way I could "slice" my i for loop (for example one core running between i = 0 to 5, and one core running on i = 6 to 9) ?
3 precursor arrays (temperatures, precipitations, snow): 10x4x7 (10 is a time dimension)
1 weight array (w): 28x1101x2101
28x3 partial arrays: 1101x2101
3 host arrays (temp, prec, Eprec): 1101x2101
Here is my code (runable as it is aside from the MAIN ALGORITHM PARALLEL section, please see the MAIN ALGORITHM NOT PARALLEL section at the end for the non-parallelized version of my code):
import numpy as np
import multiprocessing as mp
import time
#%% ------ Create data ------ ###
temperatures = np.random.rand(10,4,7)*100
precipitation = np.random.rand(10,4,7)
snow = np.random.rand(10,4,7)
# Array of altitudes to "adjust" the temperatures
alt = np.random.rand(4,7)*1000
#%% ------ Functions to run in parallel ------ ###
# This function upsamples the precursor arrays and creates the partial arrays
def interpolator(i, k, mx, my):
T = ((temperatures[i,mx,my]-272.15) + (-alt[mx, my] * -6/1000)) * w[k,:,:]
P = (precipitation[i,mx,my])*w[k,:,:]
S = (snow[i,mx,my])*w[k,:,:]
return(T, P, S)
# We add each partial array to each other to create the host array
def get_results(results):
global temp, prec, Eprec
temp += results[0]
prec += results[1]
Eprec += results[2]
#%% ------ IDW Interpolation ------ ###
# We create a weight matrix that we use to upsample our temperatures, precipitations and snow matrices
# This part is not that important, it works well as it is
MX,MY = np.shape(temperatures[0])
N = 300
T = np.zeros([N*MX+1, N*MY+1])
# create NxM inverse distance weight matrices based on Gaussian interpolation
x = np.arange(0,N*MX+1)
y = np.arange(0,N*MY+1)
X,Y = np.meshgrid(x,y)
k = 0
w = np.zeros([MX*MY,N*MX+1,N*MY+1])
for mx in range(MX):
for my in range(MY):
# Gaussian
add_point = np.exp(-((mx*N-X.T)**2+(my*N-Y.T)**2)/N**2)
w[k,:,:] += add_point
k += 1
sum_weights = np.sum(w, axis=0)
for k in range(MX*MY):
w[k,:,:] /= sum_weights
#%% ------ MAIN ALGORITHM PARALLEL ------ ###
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Create an empty array to use as a template
dummy = np.zeros((w.shape[1], w.shape[2]))
# Start a timer
ts = time.time()
# Iterate over the time dimension
for i in range(temperatures.shape[0]):
# Initialize the host arrays
temp = dummy.copy()
prec = dummy.copy()
Eprec = dummy.copy()
# Create the pool based on my amount of cores
pool = mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count())
# Loop through every weight slice, for every cell of the temperatures, precipitations and snow arrays
for k in range(0,w.shape[0]):
for mx in range(MX):
for my in range(MY):
# Upsample the temperatures, precipitations and snow arrays by adding the contribution of each weight slice
pool.apply_async(interpolator, args = (i, k, mx, my), callback = get_results)
# Print the time spent on the loop
print("Time spent: ", time.time()-ts)
#%% ------ MAIN ALGORITHM NOT PARALLEL ------ ###
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Create an empty array to use as a template
dummy = np.zeros((w.shape[1], w.shape[2]))
ts = time.time()
for i in range(temperatures.shape[0]):
# Create empty host arrays
temp = dummy.copy()
prec = dummy.copy()
Eprec = dummy.copy()
k = 0
for mx in range(MX):
for my in range(MY):
get_results(interpolator(i, k, mx, my))
k += 1
print("Time spent:", time.time()-ts)
The problem with multiprocessing is that it creates many new processes taht execute the code before the main (ie. before if __name__ == '__main__'). This causes a very slow initialization (since all process does it) and a huge amount of RAM being used for nothing. You certainly should move everything in the main or if possible in functions (which generally results in a faster execution and is a good software engineering practice anyway, especially for parallel codes). Even with this, there is another huge problem with multiprocessing: inter-process communication is slow. One solution is to use a multi-threaded approach made possible by using Numba or Cython (you can disable the GIL with them as opposed to basic CPython threads). In fact, they are often simpler to use than multiprocessing. However, you should be more careful though since parallel access are unprotected and data-races can appear in bogus parallel codes.
In your case, the computation is mostly memory-bound. This means multiprocessing is pretty useless. In fact, parallelism is barely useful here unless you are running this code on a computing server with a high-throughput. Indeed, the memory is a shared resource and using more computing core does not help much since 1 core can almost saturate the memory bandwidth on a regular PC (while few cores are needed on computing servers).
The key to speed up memory-bound codes is to avoid creating temporary arrays and use cache-friendly algorithms. In your case, T, P and S are filled just to be read later so to update the temp, prec and Eprec arrays. This temporary step is pretty expensive and necessary here (especially filling the arrays). Removing this will increase the arithmetic intensity resulting in a code that will certainly be faster in sequential and that can better scale on multiple cores. This is the case on my machine.
Here is an example of code using Numba so to parallelize the code:
import numba as nb
# get_results + interpolator
#nb.njit('void(float64[:,::1], float64[:,::1], float64[:,::1], float64[:,:,::1], int_, int_, int_, int_)', parallel=True)
def interpolate_and_get_results(temp, prec, Eprec, w, i, k, mx, my):
factor1 = ((temperatures[i,mx,my]-272.15) + (-alt[mx, my] * -6/1000))
factor2 = precipitation[i,mx,my]
factor3 = snow[i,mx,my]
for i in nb.prange(w.shape[1]):
for j in range(w.shape[2]):
val = w[k, i, j]
temp[i, j] += factor1 * val
prec[i, j] += factor2 * val
Eprec[i, j] += factor3 * val
# Example of usage:
interpolate_and_get_results(temp, prec, Eprec, w, i, k, mx, my)
Note the string in nb.njit is called a signature and specify the type to the JIT so it can compile it eagerly.
This code is 4.6 times faster on my 6-core machine (while it was barely faster without the merge of get_results and interpolator). In fact, it is 3.8 times faster in sequential so threads does not help much since the computation is still memory-bound. Indeed, the cost of the multiply-add is negligible compared to the memory reads/writes.

Implement Divide and Conquer strategy to apply transformation for a large matrix

I want to apply Arnold's cat map to my matrix. Here is my implementation:
import numpy as np
def cat_mapping(matrix, MAX):
width, height = matrix.shape
transformed_matrix = np.empty([width, height]).astype(np.uint8)
counter = 1
x = np.repeat(np.arange(width).reshape(-1, 1), height, axis=-1).T
y = np.repeat(np.arange(height).reshape(-1, 1), width, axis=-1)
nx = (2 * x + y) % width
ny = (x + y) % height
while counter <= MAX:
transformed_matrix[ny, nx] = matrix[y, x]
matrix = transformed_matrix
if counter != MAX:
transformed_matrix = np.empty([width, height])
counter = counter + 1
return transformed_matrix
Which work perfectly. But when the size of the array increase >10000 with bigger iteration value MAX, this implementation became really slow. Even I use numba, but the result is not satisfactory.
I was thinking, can the transformation could be broken into smaller part and combine the result like Divide and Conquer does?
#JeromeRichard helped to make it faster using numba which is nice. But, I think, is it become more faster if somehow we manage to implement DC paradigm?. I tried to implement with some demo data like this:
def split(matrix):
row, col = matrix.shape
row2, col2 = row//2, col//2
return matrix[:row2, :col2], matrix[:row2, col2:], matrix[row2:, :col2], matrix[row2:, col2:]
main = np.arange(1000*1000).reshape(1000,1000)
a,b,c,d = split(main)
a = cat_mapping_fast(a,100)
b = cat_mapping_fast(b,100)
c = cat_mapping_fast(c,100)
d = cat_mapping_fast(d,100)
np.vstack((np.hstack((a, b)), np.hstack((c, d))))
But I couldn't come up with deeper recursion because of "How to merge them?".
Any solution or hint will be appreciated.
The current code is quite slow because of matrix[y, x] create a new temporary array, and transformed_matrix[ny, nx] = matrix[y, x] is pretty slow since it needs to read nx and ny from the memory hierarchy and the memory access pattern is not efficient. When the matrix is big, the code should be memory bound and the unneeded memory operation becomes pretty expensive. Note that the np.empty([width, height]) array contains double-precision floating-point numbers that takes 8 time more space than np.uint8 and so it is 8 times slower to fill in memory.
You can speed up a lot the code using Numba, basic loops and double buffering so to avoid creating many temporary arrays and read big ones. The idea is to compute the indices (ny, nx) on-the-fly within the loops. Since modulus are quite expensive and the memory access pattern cause the code to be more latency bound, multiple threads are used so to better saturate the memory. Here is the resulting code:
import numba as nb
#nb.njit('uint8[:,::1](uint8[:,::1], int_)', parallel=True)
def cat_mapping_fast(matrix, MAX):
height, width = matrix.shape
buff1 = np.empty((height, width), dtype=np.uint8)
buff2 = np.empty((height, width), dtype=np.uint8)
counter = 1
buff1[:,:] = matrix
for counter in range(1, MAX+1):
for y in nb.prange(height):
for x in range(width):
nx = (2 * x + y) % width
ny = (x + y) % height
buff2[ny, nx] = buff1[y, x]
buff1, buff2 = buff2, buff1
return buff1
This code is significantly faster than the initial one, especially when the 2 buffers fit in the CPU cache. When the input matrix is so huge that it does not fit in the cache, the inefficient memory access pattern makes the code a bit slower but there is not much to do since the computation appears to behave like a big shuffle which is not cache-friendly. Still, on a 4096x4096 matrix with MAX=20, the Numba code is 25 times faster on my 6-core machine (only about 0.38 seconds compared to 10 seconds for the initial code).

Implement method of lines to solve PDE in Python scipy with comparable performance to Matlab's ode15s

I want to use the method of lines to solve the thin-film equation. I have implemented it (with gamma=mu=0) Matlab using ode15s and it seems to work fine:
N = 64;
x = linspace(-1,1,N+1);
x = x(1:end-1);
dx = x(2)-x(1);
T = 1e-2;
h0 = 1+0.1*cos(pi*x);
[t,h] = ode15s(#(t,y) thinFilmEq(t,y,dx), [0,T], h0);
function dhdt = thinFilmEq(t,h,dx)
phi = 0;
hxx = (circshift(h,1) - 2*h + circshift(h,-1))/dx^2;
p = phi - hxx;
px = (circshift(p,-1)-circshift(p,1))/dx;
flux = (h.^3).*px/3;
dhdt = (circshift(flux,-1) - circshift(flux,1))/dx;
The film just flattens after some time, and for large time the film should tend to h(t->inf)=1. I haven't done any rigorous check and convergence analysis, but at least the result looks promising after only spending less than 5 mins to code it.
I want to do the same thing in Python, and I tried the following:
import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate as spi
def thin_film_eq(t,h,dx):
print(t) # to check the current evaluation time for debugging
phi = 0
hxx = (np.roll(h,1) - 2*h + np.roll(h,-1))/dx**2
p = phi - hxx
px = (np.roll(p,-1) - np.roll(p,1))/dx
flux = h**3*px/3
dhdt = (np.roll(flux,-1) - np.roll(flux,1))/dx
return dhdt
N = 64
x = np.linspace(-1,1,N+1)[:-1]
dx = x[1]-x[0]
T = 1e-2
h0 = 1 + 0.1*np.cos(np.pi*x)
sol = spi.solve_ivp(lambda t,h: thin_film_eq(t,h,dx), (0,T), h0, method='BDF', vectorized=True)
I add a print statement inside the function so I can check the current progress of the program. For some reasons, it is taking very tiny time step and after waiting for a few minutes it is still stuck at t=3.465e-5, with dt smaller than 1e-10. (haven't finished yet by the time I finished typing this question, and it probably won't within any reasonable time). For the Matlab program, it is done within a second with only 14 time steps taken (I only specify the time span, and it outputs 14 time steps with everything else kept at default). I want to ask the following:
Have I done anything wrong which dramatically slows down the computation time for my Python code? What settings should I choose for the solve_ivp function call? One thing I'm not sure is if I do the vectorization properly. Also did I write the function in the correct way? I know this is a stiff ODE, but the ultra-small time step taken by
Is the difference really just down to the difference in the ode solver? scipy.integrate.solve_ivp(f, method='BDF') is the recommended substitute of ode15s according to the official numpy website. But for this particular example the performance difference is one second vs takes ages to solve. The difference is a lot bigger than I thought.
Are there other alternative methods I can try in Python for solving similar PDEs? (something along the line of finite difference/method of lines) I mean utilizing existing libraries, preferably those in scipy.

Numeric Integration Python versus Matlab

My python code takes about 6.2 seconds to run. The Matlab code runs in under 0.05 seconds. Why is this and what can I do to speed up the Python code? Is Cython the solution?
function X=Test
X=zeros(1,nIter+1); X(1)=X0;
for i=1:nIter
figure(1) plot(0:nIter,X)
nIter = 1000000
Step = .001
x = np.zeros(1+nIter)
x[0] = 1
start = time.time()
for i in range(1,1+nIter):
x[i] = x[i-1] + Step*x[i-1]**2*np.cos(Step*(i-1)+x[i-1])
end = time.time()
print(end - start)
How to speed up your Python code
Your largest time sink is np.cos which performs several checks on the format of the input.
These are relevant and usually negligible for high-dimensional inputs, but for your one-dimensional input, this becomes the bottleneck.
The solution to this is to use math.cos, which only accepts one-dimensional numbers as input and thus is faster (though less flexible).
Another time sink is indexing x multiple times.
You can speed this up by having one state variable which you update and only writing to x once per iteration.
With all of this, you can speed up things by a factor of roughly ten:
import numpy as np
from math import cos
nIter = 1000000
Step = .001
x = np.zeros(1+nIter)
state = x[0] = 1
for i in range(nIter):
state += Step*state**2*cos(Step*i+state)
x[i+1] = state
Now, your main problem is that your truly innermost loop happens completely in Python, i.e., you have a lot of wrapping operations that eat up time.
You can avoid this by using uFuncs (e.g., created with SymPy’s ufuncify) and using NumPy’s accumulate:
import numpy as np
from sympy.utilities.autowrap import ufuncify
from import t,y
from sympy import cos
nIter = 1000000
Step = 0.001
state = x[0] = 1
f = ufuncify([y,t],y+Step*y**2*cos(t+y))
times = np.arange(0,nIter*Step,Step)
times[0] = 1
x = f.accumulate(times)
This runs practically within an instant.
… and why that’s not what you should worry about
If your exact code (and only that) is what you care about, then you shouldn’t worry about runtime anyway, because it’s very short either way.
If on the other hand, you use this to gauge efficiency for problems with a considerable runtime, your example will fail because it considers only one initial condition and is a very simple dynamics.
Moreover, you are using the Euler method, which is either not very efficient or robust, depending on your step size.
The latter (Step) is absurdly low in your case, yielding much more data than you probably need:
With a step size of 1, You can see what’s going on just fine.
If you want a robust integration in such cases, it’s almost always best to use a modern adaptive integrator, that can adjust its step size itself, e.g., here is a solution to your problem using a native Python integrator:
from math import cos
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
T = 1000
dt = 0.001
x = solve_ivp(
lambda t,state: state**2*cos(t+state),
t_span = (0,T),
t_eval = np.arange(0,T,dt),
y0 = [1],
rtol = 1e-5
This automatically adjusts the step size to something higher, depending on the error tolerance rtol.
It still returns the same amount of output data, but that’s via interpolation of the solution.
It runs in 0.3 s for me.
How to speed up things in a scalable manner
If you still need to speed up something like this, chances are that your derivative (f) is considerably more complex than in your example and thus it is the bottleneck.
Depending on your problem, you may be able to vectorise its calcultion (using NumPy or similar).
If you can’t vectorise, I wrote a module that specifically focusses on this by hard-coding your derivative under the hood.
Here is your example in with a sampling step of 1.
import numpy as np
from jitcode import jitcode,y,t
from symengine import cos
T = 1000
dt = 1
ODE = jitcode([y(0)**2*cos(t+y(0))])
x = np.hstack([ODE.integrate(t) for t in np.arange(0,T,dt)])
This runs again within an instant. While this may not be a relevant speed boost here, this is scalable to huge systems.
The difference is jit-compilation, which Matlab uses per default. Let's try your example with Numba(a Python jit-compiler)
import numba as nb
import numpy as np
import time
nIter = 1000000
Step = .001
def integrate(nIter,Step):
x = np.zeros(1+nIter)
x[0] = 1
for i in range(1,1+nIter):
x[i] = x[i-1] + Step*x[i-1]**2*np.cos(Step*(i-1)+x[i-1])
return x
#Avoid measuring the compilation time,
#this would be also recommendable for Matlab to have a fair comparison
start = time.time()
for i in range(100):
print((end - start)/100)
This results in 0.022s runtime per call.

Precision Matlab and Python (numpy)

I'm converting a Matlab script to Python and I am getting different results in the 10**-4 order.
In matlab:
f = f - nanmean(f);
f_t = gradient(f);
f_tt = gradient(f_t);
if n_loop==1
theta = atan2( sum(f.*f_tt), sum(f.^2) );
theta = -2.2011167e+03
In Python:
f_mean = f_mean + np.nanmean(vel)
vel = vel - np.nanmean(vel)
firstDerivative = np.gradient(vel)
secondDerivative = np.gradient(firstDerivative)
if numberLoop == 1:
theta = np.arctan2(np.sum(vel * secondDerivative),
Although first and secondDerivative give the same results in Python and Matlab, f_mean is slightly different: -0.0066412 (Matlab) and -0.0066414 (Python); and so theta: -0.4126186 (M) and -0.4124718 (P). It is a small difference, but in the end leads to different results in my scripts.
I know some people asked about this difference, but always regarding std, which I get, but not regarding mean values. I wonder why it is.
One possible source of the initial difference you describe (between means) could be numpy's use of pairwise summation which on large arrays will typically be appreciably more accurate than the naive method:
a = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (10**6,))
a = np.r_[-a, a]
# so the sum should be zero
# 7.815970093361102e-14
# use cumsum to get naive summation:
# -1.3716805469243809e-11
Edit (thanks #sascha): for the last word and as a "provably exact" reference you could use math.fsum:
import math
# 0.0
Don't have matlab, so can't check what they are doing.
