Using pandas .shift on multiple columns with different shift lengths - python

I have created a function that parses through each column of a dataframe, shifts up the data in that respective column to the first observation (shifting past '-'), and stores that column in a dictionary. I then convert the dictionary back to a dataframe to have the appropriately shifted columns. The function is operational and takes about 10 seconds on a 12x3000 dataframe. However, when applying it to 12x25000 it is extremely extremely slow. I feel like there is a much better way to approach this to increase the speed - perhaps even an argument of the shift function that I am missing. Appreciate any help.
def create_seasoned_df(df_orig):
Creates a seasoned dataframe with only the first 12 periods of a loan
df_seasoned = df_orig.reset_index().copy()
temp_dic = {}
for col in cols:
to_shift = -len(df_seasoned[df_seasoned[col] == '-'])
temp_dic[col] = df_seasoned[col].shift(periods=to_shift)
df_seasoned = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(temp_dic, orient='index').T[:12]
return df_seasoned

Try using this code with apply instead:
def create_seasoned_df(df_orig):
df_seasoned = df_orig.reset_index().apply(lambda x: x.shift(df_seasoned[col].eq('-').sum()), axis=0)
return df_seasoned


Apply function over portion of dataframe multiple times

I have a dataframe with 4 columns: "Date" (in string format), "Hour" (in string format), "Energia_Attiva_Ingresso_Delta" and "Energia_Attiva_Uscita_Delta".
Obviously for every date there are multiple hours. I'd like to calculate a column for the overall dataframe, but on a daily base. Basically: the operation of the function must be calculated for every single date.
So, I thought to iter over the single values of the date column and to filter the dataframe with .loc, then pass the filtered df to the function. In the function I have to re-filter the df with loc (for the purpose of the calculation).
Here's the code I wrote and as you can see in the function i need to operate iterativelly on the row with the maximum value of 'Energia_Ingresso_Delta'; to do so I use again the .loc function:
def optimize(df):
min_index = np.argmin(df.Margine)
max_index = np.argmax(df.Margine)
Energia_Prelevata_Da_Rete = df[df.Margine < 0]['Margine'].sum().round(1)
Energia_In_Eccesso = df[df.Margine > 0]['Margine'].sum().round(1)
carico_medio = (Energia_In_Eccesso / df[df['Margine']<0]['Margine'].count()).round(1)
while (Energia_In_Eccesso != 0):
max_index = np.argmax(df.Energia_Ingresso_Delta)
df.loc[max_index, 'Energia_Attiva_Ingresso_Delta'] = df.loc[max_index,'Energia_Attiva_Ingresso_Delta'] + carico_medio
Energia_In_Eccesso = (Energia_In_Eccesso - carico_medio).round(1)
#Call function with "partial dataframe". The dataframe is called "prova"
for items in list(prova.Data.unique()):
But I keep getting this error:
"None of [Index(['2021-05-01'], dtype='object')] are in the [index]"
Can someone help me? :)
Thanks in advance

Create function that loops through columns in a Data frame

I am a new coder using jupyter notebook. I have a dataframe that contains 23 columns with different amounts of values( at most 23 and at least 2) I have created a function that normalizes the contents of one column below.
def normalize(column):
y = DFref[column].values[()]
y = x.astype(int)
KGF= list()
for element in y:
element_norm = element / x.sum()
return KGF
I am now trying to create a function that loops through all columns in the Data frame. Right now if I plug in the name of one column, it works as intended. What would I need to do in order to create a function that loops through each column and normalizes the values of each column, and then adds it to a new dataframe?
It's not clear if all 23 columns are numeric, but I will assume they are. Then there are a number of ways to solve this. The method below probably isn't the best, but it might be a quick fix for you...
colnames = DFref.columns.tolist()
normalised_data = {}
for colname in colnames:
normalised_data[colname] = normalize(colname)
df2 = pd.DataFrame(normalised_data)

Drop Pandas DataFrame lines according to a GropuBy property

I have some DataFrames with information about some elements, for instance:
I have used something like dfGroups = df.groupby('group').apply(my_agg).reset_index(), so now I have DataFrmaes with informations on groups of the previous elements, say
Now I want to clean my groups according to properties of their elements. Let's say that I want to discard groups containing an element with Value greater than 16. So in my_df1_Group, there should only be the first group left, while both groups qualify to stay in my_df2_Group.
As I don't know how to get my_df1_Group and my_df2_Group from my_df1 and my_df2 in Python (I know other languages where it would simply be name+"_Group" with name looping in [my_df1,my_df2], but how do you do that in Python?), I build a list of lists:
SampleList = [[my_df1,my_df1_Group],[my_df2,my_df2_Group]]
Then, I simply try this:
for Sample in SampleList:
for n in Sample[1]['Group']:
df=Sample[0].loc[Sample[0]['Group']==n] #This is inelegant, but trying to work
#with Sample[1] in the for doesn't work
if (df['Value'].max()>my_max):
Sample[1] = Sample[1].assign(Bad_Row=pd.Series(Bad))
Sample[1] = Sample[1].query('Bad_Row == 0')
Which runs without errors, but doesn't work. In particular, this doesn't add the column Bad_Row to my df, nor modifies my DataFrame (but the query runs smoothly even if Bad_Rowcolumn doesn't seem to exist...). On the other hand, if I run this technique manually on a df (i.e. not in a loop), it works.
How should I do?
Based on your comment below, I think you are wanting to check if a Group in your aggregated data frame has a Value in the input data greater than 16. One solution is to perform a row-wise calculation using a criterion of the input data. To accomplish this, my_func accepts a row from the aggregated data frame and the input data as a pandas groupby object. For each group in your grouped data frame, it will subset you initial data and use boolean logic to see if any of the 'Values' in your input data meet your specified criterion.
def my_func(row,grouped_df1):
if (grouped_df1.get_group(row['Group'])['Value']>16).any():
return 'Bad Row'
return 'Good Row'
grouped_df1 = my_df1.groupby('Group')
my_df1_Group['Bad_Row'] = my_df1_Group.apply(lambda x: my_func(x,grouped_df1), axis=1)
Group Group_Value Bad_Row
0 1 57 Good Row
1 2 63 Bad Row
Based on dubbbdan idea, there is a code that works:
def my_func(row,grouped_df1):
if (grouped_df1.get_group(row['Group'])['Value']>my_max).any():
return 1
return 0
SampleList = [[my_df1,my_df1_Group],[my_df2,my_df2_Group]]
for Sample in SampleList:
grouped_df = Sample[0].groupby('Group')
Sample[1]['Bad_Row'] = Sample[1].apply(lambda x: my_func(x,grouped_df), axis=1)
Sample[1].drop(Sample[1][Sample[1]['Bad_Row']!=0].index, inplace=True)
Sample[1].drop(['Bad_Row'], axis = 1, inplace = True)

Python pandas - using apply funtion and creating new columns in dataframe

I have a dataframe with 40 million records and I need to create 2 new columns (net_amt and share_amt) from existing amt and sharing_pct columns. I created two functions which calculate these amounts and then used apply function to populate them back to dataframe. As my dataframe is large it is taking more time to complete. Can we calculate both amounts at one shot or is there completely a better way of doing it
def fn_net(row):
if (row['sharing']== 1):
return row['amt'] * row['sharing_pct']
return row['amt']
def fn_share(row):
if (row['sharing']== 1):
return (row['amt']) * (1- row['sharing_pct'])
return 0
df_load['net_amt'] = df_load.apply (lambda row: fn_net (row),axis=1)
df_load['share_amt'] = df_load.apply (lambda row: fn_share (row),axis=1)
I think numpy where() will be the best choice here (after import numpy as np):
df['net_amount'] = np.where( df['sharing']==1, # test/condition
df['amt']*df['sharing_pct'], # value if True
df['amt'] ) # value if False
You can, of course, use this same method for 'share_amt' also. I don't think there is any faster way to do this, and I don't think you can do it in "one shot", depending on how you define it. Bottom line: doing it with np.where is way faster than applying a function.
More specifically, I tested on the sample dataset below (10,000 rows) and it's about 700x faster than the function/apply method in that case.
df=pd.DataFrame({ 'sharing':[0,1]*5000,
'amt':np.random.randn(10000) })

dask.DataFrame.apply and variable length data

I would like to apply a function to a dask.DataFrame, that returns a Series of variable length. An example to illustrate this:
def generate_varibale_length_series(x):
'''returns pd.Series with variable length'''
n_columns = np.random.randint(100)
return pd.Series(np.random.randn(n_columns))
#apply this function to a dask.DataFrame
pdf = pd.DataFrame(dict(A=[1,2,3,4,5,6]))
ddf = dd.from_pandas(pdf, npartitions = 3)
result = ddf.apply(generate_varibale_length_series, axis = 1).compute()
Apparently, this works fine.
Concerning this, I have two questions:
Is this supposed to work always or am I just lucky here? Is dask expecting, that all partitions have the same amount of columns?
In case the metadata inference fails, how can I provide metadata, if the number of columns is not known beforehand?
Background / usecase: In my dataframe each row represents a simulation trail. The function I want to apply extracts time points of certain events from it. Since I do not know the number of events per trail in advance, I do not know how many columns the resulting dataframe will have.
As MRocklin suggested, here an approach that uses dask delayed to compute result:
#convert ddf to delayed objects
ddf_delayed = ddf.to_delayed()
#delayed version of pd.DataFrame.apply
delayed_apply = dask.delayed(lambda x: x.apply(generate_varibale_length_series, axis = 1))
#use this function on every delayed object
apply_on_every_partition_delayed = [delayed_apply(d) for d in ddf.to_delayed()]
#calculate the result. This gives a list of pd.DataFrame objects
result = dask.compute(*apply_on_every_partition_delayed)
#concatenate them
result = pd.concat(result)
Short answer
No, dask.dataframe does not support this
Long answer
Dask.dataframe expects to know the columns of every partition ahead of time and it expects those columns to match.
However, you can still use Dask and Pandas together through dask.delayed, which is far more capable of handling problems like these.
