How to make a tkinter window rounded? - python

I am trying to make a tkinter overrideredirect window round in shape.
I've done this so far:
from tkinter import Tk, Canvas, BOTH, PhotoImage
from tkinter.constants import NW, RAISED
import pyautogui as pg
root = Tk()
root.attributes("-topmost", 1)
# Creating a canvas for placing the squircle shape.
canvas = Canvas(root, height=500, width=500, highlightthickness=0)
def place_center(): # Placing the window in the center of the screen
global x, y
reso = pg.size()
rx = reso[0]
ry = reso[1]
x = int((rx/2) - (500/2))
y = int((ry/2) - (500/2))
def round_rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, radius=25, **kwargs): # Creating a rounded rectangle
points = [x1+radius, y1,
x1+radius, y1,
x2-radius, y1,
x2-radius, y1,
x2, y1,
x2, y1+radius,
x2, y1+radius,
x2, y2-radius,
x2, y2-radius,
x2, y2,
x2-radius, y2,
x2-radius, y2,
x1+radius, y2,
x1+radius, y2,
x1, y2,
x1, y2-radius,
x1, y2-radius,
x1, y1+radius,
x1, y1+radius,
x1, y1]
return canvas.create_polygon(points, **kwargs, smooth=True)
# Taking a screenshot and adding it to the canvas to create a transparent effect
s = pg.screenshot(region=(x, y, 500, 500))
tp = "C:\\Users\\username\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\bg.png"
bg = PhotoImage(file=tp)
canvas.create_image(0, 0, image=bg, anchor=NW)
# Creating the squircle
round_rectangle(0, 0, 500, 500, radius=70, fill="#1fa5fe")
I use this function to move the window:
def move(event):
fx = root.winfo_pointerx() - 250
fy = root.winfo_pointery() - 10
I haven't added it into the code because when I move the window, it becomes square again as the screenshot is taken only of a particular region.
Before moving:
After moving:
How can I make it round even when I move it?
I tried using root.withdraw() and root.deiconify() in a while True: loop, but it causes flickering.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you.

how to change window's shape in tkinter (although this should work most certainly on Windows computers, some other OS (macOS, Linux) may have issues meaning that this exact code may not work and not give the desired output). Explanation in code comments:
from tkinter import Tk, Canvas
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
import requests
# load image from web but you can of course load it from file, this is
# just so you can run and immediately see the results
url = ''
data = requests.get(url, stream=True).raw
# just when loading your own image instead of `data` use the path, and resize
# if you need, can obvs change these numbers
image =, 600), Image.ANTIALIAS)
root = Tk()
# set root bg color to some rare color because
# the `-transparentcolor` affects all colors on the window, all of them
# just simply set window to the middle, not necessary
root.geometry(f'+{root.winfo_screenwidth() // 2 - 300}+{root.winfo_screenheight() // 2 - 300}')
# the important part, set the transparentcolor to some rare color in this case `grey15`,
# can obvs be sth else depending on your theme
root.attributes('-transparentcolor', 'grey15')
# remove window from window manager
# create canvas and set the bg to the same "rare" color (width and height set
# to image width and height, can be sth different too)
canvas = Canvas(
root, bg='grey15', width=image.width, height=image.height, highlightthickness=0
# convert image to PhotoImage for `tkinter` to understand
photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image)
# put the image on canvas because canvas supports transparent bg
canvas.create_image(0, 0, image=photo, anchor='nw')
The key parts are .attributes('-transparentcolor', ...) (which is the most likely to not work on some OS) and that the shape of the window is formed by an image of that shape (the image should have transparent background (a .png image)). It is also possible to simply draw a shape using Canvas methods (.create_). Also important to remember that the attribute affects all the colors on the window meaning that for example if you were to set the transparentcolor to say white and your background image contained white, it will most likely be transparent too (tho probably won't look as good) so I would suggest using some color that is the least likely to be on the GUI

I believe this will solve your problem.
from tkinter import *
from PIL import ImageTk, Image
import pyautogui as pg
root = Tk()
root.attributes("-topmost", 1)
root.attributes("-transparentcolor", "white")
label = Label(root, height=900, width=900, bg="white", border=0)
def place_center(): # Placing the window in the center of the screen
global x, y
reso = pg.size()
rx = reso[0]
ry = reso[1]
x = int((rx / 2) - (500 / 2))
y = int((ry / 2) - (500 / 2))
img ="bg.png")
img = img.resize((300, 300), Image.ANTIALIAS)
imagem = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img)


screenshot tool not working to take screenshot of left side

I have a tool to capture screenshots but this tool only captures screenshots when you hold button-1 and move to the right side, when you hold button-1 and move it to the left side or up, it does not capture the screenshot, what is the reason and how can I fix it? I thought about it, but I think it's a mathematical problem, I'm waiting for your help.
import tkinter as tk
from PIL import Image, ImageTk, ImageGrab, ImageEnhance
root = tk.Tk()
root.resizable(0, 0)
def show_image(image):
win = tk.Toplevel()
win.image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image)
tk.Label(win, image=win.image).pack()
def area_sel():
x1 = y1 = x2 = y2 = 0
roi_image = None
def on_mouse_down(event):
nonlocal x1, y1
x1, y1 = event.x, event.y
canvas.create_rectangle(x1, y1, x1, y1, outline='red', tag='roi')
def button_release(event):
def on_mouse_move(event):
nonlocal roi_image, x2, y2
x2, y2 = event.x, event.y
canvas.delete('roi-image') # remove old overlay image
roi_image = image.crop((x1, y1, x2, y2)) # get the image of selected region
canvas.image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(roi_image)
canvas.create_image(x1, y1, image=canvas.image, tag=('roi-image'), anchor='nw')
canvas.coords('roi', x1, y1, x2, y2)
# make sure the select rectangle is on top of the overlay image
root.withdraw() # hide the root window
image = ImageGrab.grab() # grab the fullscreen as select region background
bgimage = ImageEnhance.Brightness(image).enhance(0.3) # darken the capture image
# create a fullscreen window to perform the select region action
win = tk.Toplevel()
win.attributes('-fullscreen', 1)
win.attributes('-topmost', 1)
canvas = tk.Canvas(win, highlightthickness=0)
canvas.pack(fill='both', expand=1)
tkimage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(bgimage)
canvas.create_image(0, 0, image=tkimage, anchor='nw', tag='images')
# bind the mouse events for selecting region
win.bind('<ButtonPress-1>', on_mouse_down)
win.bind('<ButtonRelease>', button_release)
win.bind('<B1-Motion>', on_mouse_move)
# use Esc key to abort the capture
win.bind('<Escape>', lambda e: win.destroy())
# make the capture window modal
root.deiconify() # restore root window
# show the capture image
if roi_image:
tk.Button(root, text='select area', width=30, command=area_sel).pack()
You need to keep x1 <= x2 and y1 <= y2 when cropping image and creating the roi rectangle:
def normalize(x1, y1, x2, y2):
if x1 > x2:
x1, x2 = x2, x1
if y1 > y2:
y1, y2 = y2, y1
return x1, y1, x2, y2
def on_mouse_move(event):
nonlocal roi_image, x2, y2
x2, y2 = event.x, event.y
rect = normalize(x1, y1, x2, y2)
canvas.delete('roi-image') # remove old overlay image
roi_image = image.crop(rect) # get the image of selected region
canvas.image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(roi_image)
canvas.create_image(rect[:2], image=canvas.image, tag=('roi-image'), anchor='nw')
canvas.coords('roi', rect)
# make sure the select rectangle is on top of the overlay image

Cannot resize list of images on canvas

I have a rectangle and two images on my canvas. When I resize by dragging window corner down and right this happens:
The blue rectangle resizes properly.
The red and green images only have their borders resized properly.
The red and green images stay the same size no matter how I try to regenerate them with ImageTk.PhotoImage().
Here is my python code:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from Tkinter import *
except ImportError:
from tkinter import *
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
root = Tk()
images = [] # to hold the newly created image
fills = [] # associated list of fill attributes
# a subclass of Canvas for dealing with resizing of windows
class ResizingCanvas(Canvas):
def __init__(self,parent,**kwargs):
self.bind("<Configure>", self.on_resize)
self.height = self.winfo_reqheight()
self.width = self.winfo_reqwidth()
def on_resize(self,event):
# determine the ratio of old width/height to new width/height
wscale = float(event.width)/self.width
hscale = float(event.height)/self.height
# Save new values as old values
self.width = event.width
self.height = event.height
# resize images
for idx, image in enumerate(images):
dimensions = "image size: %dx%d" % (image.width(), image.height())
events = "event size: %dx%d" % (event.width, event.height)
image ='RGBA', (neww, newh), fill)
image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image)
# images[idx] = image
# resize the canvas
self.config(width=self.width, height=self.height)
# rescale all objects with the "all" tag
def create_rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, **kwargs):
if 'alpha' in kwargs:
alpha = int(kwargs.pop('alpha') * 255)
fill = kwargs.pop('fill')
fill = root.winfo_rgb(fill) + (alpha,)
# print (fill)
image ='RGBA', (x2-x1, y2-y1), fill)
mycanvas.create_image(x1, y1, image=images[-1], anchor='nw')
mycanvas.create_rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, **kwargs)
myframe = Frame(root)
myframe.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=YES)
WinWid=1490; WinHgt=860
mycanvas = ResizingCanvas(myframe,width=WinWid, height=WinHgt, \
mycanvas.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=YES)
create_rectangle(100, 100, 600, 600, fill='blue')
create_rectangle(300, 300, 950, 700, fill='green', alpha=.5)
create_rectangle(200, 500, 850, 820, fill='#800000', alpha=.6)
Notice the line:
# images[idx] = image
If I remove the comment # then the red and green images aren't painted whatsoever. Only the image borders appear. I think this is the key because image should be equal to images[idx] prior to resizing.
If you can answer keep in mind the next step in the project will be to grab an image (or rectangle) and move it on the resizable canvas.
Thanks to Stovfl's comment I was able to use:
self.itemconfig(items[idx], image=image)
To change the size of the image. Unfortunately the way the scaling works in tkinter:
# rescale all objects with the "all" tag
The image wasn't filling the borders completely and missing a pixel or two. So I had to generate my own scaling factor based on original canvas width and height:
# images use ratio of original width/height to new width/height
wiscale = float(event.width)/self.startw
hiscale = float(event.height)/self.starth
Finally to prevent garbage collector from removing the resized image I assigned it to a list:
resized[idx]=image # stop garbage collector from removing image
Here is the entire Python scrip in case you would like to use it in your own project:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from Tkinter import *
except ImportError:
from tkinter import *
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
root = Tk()
images = [] # to hold the newly created image
resized = [] # Resized images
fills = [] # associated list of fill attributes
items = [] # associated list of canvass item tags / ids
# a subclass of Canvas for dealing with resizing of windows
class ResizingCanvas(Canvas):
def __init__(self,parent,**kwargs):
self.bind("<Configure>", self.on_resize)
self.height = self.winfo_reqheight()
self.width = self.winfo_reqwidth()
self.startw = self.width
self.starth = self.height
def on_resize(self,event):
# determine the ratio of previous width/height to new width/height
wscale = float(event.width)/self.width
hscale = float(event.height)/self.height
# Save new values as old values
self.width = event.width
self.height = event.height
# images use ratio of original width/height to new width/height
wiscale = float(event.width)/self.startw
hiscale = float(event.height)/self.starth
# resize images
for idx, image in enumerate(images):
image ='RGBA', (neww, newh), fill)
image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image)
self.itemconfig(items[idx], image=image)
resized[idx]=image # stop garbage collector from removing image
# resize the canvas
self.config(width=self.width, height=self.height)
# rescale all objects with the "all" tag
def create_rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, **kwargs):
if 'alpha' in kwargs:
alpha = int(kwargs.pop('alpha') * 255)
fill = kwargs.pop('fill')
fill = root.winfo_rgb(fill) + (alpha,)
image ='RGBA', (x2-x1, y2-y1), fill)
item=mycanvas.create_image(x1, y1, image=images[-1], anchor='nw')
mycanvas.create_rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, **kwargs)
myframe = Frame(root)
myframe.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=YES)
WinWid=1490; WinHgt=860
mycanvas = ResizingCanvas(myframe,width=WinWid, height=WinHgt, \
mycanvas.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=YES)
create_rectangle(100, 100, 600, 600, fill='blue')
create_rectangle(300, 300, 950, 700, fill='green', alpha=.5)
create_rectangle(200, 500, 850, 820, fill='#800000', alpha=.6)
for image in images:

Draggable Tkinter Label With Transparent Image Still Covers Image from Parent Canvas

I am working on adding drag-able labels on top of a background image, where the labels are images with a transparent background. The images used for the label themselves are transparent, but the Label itself is not transparent in relation to its parent canvas. Since the labels are drag-able, I can't easily use the parent image for label, and paste the transparent image on top.
The dragon is a drag-able label, with a transparent background, but you see that the label itself is not transparent, and covers the canvas image.
The dragon image itself has a transparent background, as the normal background is blue, so I know the issue is with the label transparency.
The desired behavior would be to allow the label to be transparent, so when the image on the label is transparent, the label should show through to the image below.
Here is a minimal example:
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
import numpy as np
import tkinter as tk
#Creates a blue square with a transparent border
blue_square_transparent_border = [[[0,0,0,0]]*100]*10 + [[[0,0,0,0]]*30 + [[0,0,255,255]]*40 + [[0,0,0,0]]*30]*40 + [[[0,0,0,0]]*100]*10
blue_square_transparent_border = np.array(blue_square_transparent_border, dtype='uint8')
#convert numpy array to PIL image
pil_image = Image.fromarray(blue_square_transparent_border)
root = tk.Tk()
#convert PIL image to tkinter image
tk_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(pil_image)
#create label
image_label = tk.Label(root, image=tk_image)
What I would like to see is a blue square, on a red background, with no border. In the above example though, the border of grey appears, as it is the label being seen through the transparent image; it is easy to see this when you resize the window. I suspect if the label were transparent, this would solve my issues.
Any help would be great, Thanks!
If you want to drag partially transparent images (like the dragon) over a background image, you can do it with a Canvas:
The idea is not to use labels, but the create_image method of the Canvas.
First, display your background image with canvas.create_image(0, 0, image=background_image, anchor='nw'), then display all the draggable images with the tag 'draggable': canvas.create_image(x, y, image=draggable_image, anchor='nw', tag='draggable'). Finally, bind the tag 'draggable' to mouse events.
Here is an example:
import tkinter as tk
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
# drag callbacks
dragged_item = None
current_coords = 0, 0
def start_drag(event):
global current_coords
global dragged_item
result = canvas.find_withtag('current')
if result:
dragged_item = result[0]
current_coords = canvas.canvasx(event.x), canvas.canvasy(event.y)
dragged_item = None
def stop_drag(event):
dragged_item = None
def drag(event):
global current_coords
xc, yc = canvas.canvasx(event.x), canvas.canvasy(event.y)
dx, dy = xc - current_coords[0], yc - current_coords[1]
current_coords = xc, yc
canvas.move(dragged_item, dx, dy)
#Create pictures
blue_square_transparent_border = [[[0,0,0,0]]*100]*10 + [[[0,0,0,0]]*30 + [[0,0,255,255]]*40 + [[0,0,0,0]]*30]*40 + [[[0,0,0,0]]*100]*10
blue_square_transparent_border = np.array(blue_square_transparent_border, dtype='uint8')
pil_image = Image.fromarray(blue_square_transparent_border)
background_data = np.zeros((200, 400, 4))
background_data[:, :, 0] = 255 * np.ones((200, 400))
background_data[:, :, 3] = 255 * np.ones((200, 400))
background_data = np.array(background_data, dtype='uint8')
pil_image_bg = Image.fromarray(background_data)
# create GUI
root = tk.Tk()
background_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(pil_image_bg)
tk_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(pil_image)
canvas = tk.Canvas(root, width=400, height=200)
# bind 'draggable' tag to mouse events
canvas.tag_bind('draggable', '<ButtonPress-1>', start_drag)
canvas.tag_bind('draggable', '<ButtonRelease-1>', stop_drag)
canvas.tag_bind('draggable', '<B1-Motion>', drag)
# display pictures
canvas.create_image(0, 0, image=background_image, anchor='nw')
canvas.create_image(0, 0, image=tk_image, anchor='nw', tag='draggable')

Tkinter bind widgets below a rectangle widget to a mouse event

I hope I am explaining the problem correctly.
My example below is able to move two images defined on a canvas. The problem is that I want a rectangle, also defined on the canvas, on top of the images. When I do that using .tag_raise, the event triggered by mouse drag is triggered by the rectangle, not the images.
I tried using bing_class but that did not work. I tried to define a separate canvas for the rectangle but it has to overlay the main canvas and I got stuck.
How to keep the rectangle on top but bind the images to my mouse drag event?
import Tkinter as tk # for Python2
import PIL.Image, PIL.ImageTk
win = tk.Tk()
canvas = tk.Canvas(win, height = 500, width = 500)
#Create a rectangle with stipples on top of the images
rectangle = canvas.create_rectangle(0, 0, 400, 300, fill = "gray", stipple = "gray12")
#Create two images
SPRITE ="image.jpg")
imagePIL = SPRITE.resize((100, 100))
imagePI = PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(imagePIL)
image1 = canvas.create_image(100, 100, image = imagePI, tags = "image")
image2 = canvas.create_image(200, 200, image = imagePI, tags = "image")
# Here I select image1 or image2 depending on where I click, and
# drag them on the canvas. The problem is when I put the rectangle
# on top using tag_raise (see below).
def callback(event):
id = canvas.find_withtag(tk.CURRENT)
canvas.coords(id, (event.x, event.y))
canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", callback)
#Place the rectangle on top of all
# This is the problem. I want to have the rectangle on top and be able to use the callback
SOLUTION: I enhanced Nehal's answer with the following code. His answer had a glitch, by which images could be switched. In my enhancement I solve it by storing a lock for each image so that, while dragging an image around on the canvas, the same image is dragged. When I move e.g. image1 over image2 I notice that image1 does not completely move over image2, which is fine for me.
import Tkinter as tk # for Python2
import PIL.Image, PIL.ImageTk
win = tk.Tk()
canvas = tk.Canvas(win, height = 500, width = 500)
#Create a rectangle with stipples on top of the images
rectangle = canvas.create_rectangle(0, 0, 400, 300, fill = "gray", stipple = "gray12")
#Create two images
SPRITE ="image.jpg")
imagePIL = SPRITE.resize((100, 100))
imagePI = PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(imagePIL)
image1 = canvas.create_image(100, 100, image = imagePI, tags = "image")
image2 = canvas.create_image(200, 200, image = imagePI, tags = "image")
images = [image1, image2]
locks = [True, True]
def getImage(x, y):
for image in images:
curr_x, curr_y = canvas.coords(image)
x1 = curr_x - imagePI.width()/2
x2 = curr_x + imagePI.width()/2
y1 = curr_y - imagePI.height()/2
y2 = curr_y + imagePI.height()/2
if (x1 <= x <= x2) and (y1 <= y <= y2):
return image
# Here I select image1 or image2 depending on where I click, and
# drag them on the canvas.
def callback(event):
id = getImage(event.x, event.y)
if id:
if locks[images.index(id)] is False: #Hold on to the image on which I originally clicked
canvas.coords(id, (event.x, event.y))
def mouseClick(event):
id = getImage(event.x, event.y)
if id:
locks[images.index(id)] = False
def mouseRelease(event):
id = getImage(event.x, event.y)
if id:
locks[images.index(id)] = True
canvas.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", mouseClick) #unlock the image to move it
canvas.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", mouseRelease) #lock the image
canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", callback)
#Place the rectangle on top of all
# This was the original problem
I don't know a tkinter specific way to do this, however, you can try to get the coordinates of the closest image and play with them. Like this:
import Tkinter as tk # for Python2
import PIL.Image, PIL.ImageTk
win = tk.Tk()
canvas = tk.Canvas(win, height = 500, width = 500)
#Create a rectangle with stipples on top of the images
rectangle = canvas.create_rectangle(0, 0, 400, 300, fill = "gray", stipple = "gray12")
#Create two images
SPRITE ="image.jpg")
imagePIL = SPRITE.resize((100, 100))
imagePI = PIL.ImageTk.PhotoImage(imagePIL)
image1 = canvas.create_image(100, 100, image = imagePI, tags = "image")
image2 = canvas.create_image(200, 200, image = imagePI, tags = "image")
images = [image1, image2]
def getImage(x, y):
for image in images:
curr_x, curr_y = canvas.coords(image)
x1 = curr_x - imagePI.width()/2
x2 = curr_x + imagePI.width()/2
y1 = curr_y - imagePI.height()/2
y2 = curr_y + imagePI.height()/2
if (x1 <= x <= x2) and (y1 <= y <= y2):
return image
# Here I select image1 or image2 depending on where I click, and
# drag them on the canvas. The problem is when I put the rectangle
# on top using tag_raise (see below).
def callback(event):
id = getImage(event.x, event.y)
if id:
canvas.coords(id, (event.x, event.y))
canvas.bind("<B1-Motion>", callback)
#Place the rectangle on top of all
# This is the problem. I want to have the rectangle on top and be able to use the callback

Canvas.Move doesn't work

def moveR(amount):
global x
global y
x = x+amount
can.itemconfig(player, image = playerImageL)
can.move("player", x, y)
can = Canvas(width = 850, height = 550, bg = "black")
can.pack(expand = YES, fill = BOTH)
player = can.create_image(x, y, image = playerImageL, anchor = NW)
Hey, i am trying to create a mini game using tkinter and canvas however the move command doesn't work. As you see the SETTING is the setup later in the code i am calling
however it doesn't work and seems to completly destroy my sprite/image.
Text "player" and variable player are two different things.
Use variable player in move()
can.move(player, x, y)
BTW: you don't need itemconfig()
Please read To make the code easily verifiable, use something like a rectangle instead of an image. (Your code fails the same for any item.)
Canvas.move(item, delta_x, delta_y) moves the item a given x and y amount. It does the x + dy calculation itself, so you should not. If you want to move to a given position, use Canvas.coords(item, x0, y0, x1, y1). If the size of the new bounding box is different from what it was, it will also change the shape. The following example uses both methods. As a bonus, it also shows how to use root.after to make repeated changes.
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
can = tk.Canvas(root, width=800, height=500)
rec = can.create_rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100, fill='red')
def rmove():
box = can.bbox(rec)
if box[0] < 700:
can.move(rec, 100, 30)
root.after(1000, rmove)
can.coords(rec, 0, 400, 50, 500) # position with new shape
root.after(1000, rmove)
