I wanted to create a multiselect dropdown with checkboxes using ipywidgets, but with dropdown it is possible to select only one option. Would there be any possible way to implement this? ipywidgets also has an html widget, can this be done with html? If it isnt possible to achieve this, then what would be the best alternative approach?
I am doing website testing in selenium python. I am not able to select a value from the dropdown. Can anyone help me to do that?
This is my website source code.
when expanding dropdown it does not show value in the DOM so how can I select state Alaska?
As per the attachment, text box accepts input and filters dropdown list based on our input..To handle these cases:
You can use Actions class to handle this.
Here, we are communicating with search box cum dropdown and entering "Alaska" in it. Once it entered, it filters the results and display only Alaska in the dropdown.
Later Keys.ENTER just performs ENTER operation which will select the first record in the dropdown list.
Use text to identify WebElement. First click on dropdown and write generic xpath like '//*[text()='Alaska']'. This solution may or may not work. But solution 1 is recommendable..
I know that there are a bunch of widgets available in Bokeh, here:
How can I integrate Bokeh Dropdown Menu with MultiSelect (or extend the Dropdown) in order to have a Multi-Select Dropdown? Is there anything built-in?
My expected result is a dropdown which one can select/deselect multiple options.
You can write you own custom Bokeh model extension using TypeScript. See Extending Bokeh for more information. Scroll down for links to some nice examples. You will need to install nodejs on your system to be able to compile TypeScript.
If the widget height is your main consideration than you could think of replacing the MultiSelect with CheckboxButtonGroup.
This is my first post so bear with me. I'm trying to go into a dropdown list (Products) that is located in a toolbar at the top of the webpage. Once hovering over the dropdown Products, I'd like to click the one that is named ModMaster so I can navigate to the link 'https://www.modmaster.com'. How do I go about doing this?
I've tried several different methods but the core issue is that's unable to locate the element. If I explicitly wait for it to be visible, it times out.
I've tried using Select, javascript execute, simple find_by_element.click to no avail.
Really the end result just needs to be the current webpage needs to change into www.modmaster.com and keep me logged in. I appreciate any help!
Here is the HTML:
`<ul class="topbar-module-wrap"><li class="topbar-module"><div class="login-info dropdown"><span>Welcome, hidden</span><ul class="dropdown-menu"><li><label>User name:</label> hidden</li><li><label>Agency:</label> hidden</li><li class="divider"></li><li>Log out</li></ul></div></li><li class="topbar-module"><div id="product-dropdown" class="product-menu dropdown"><i class="icon-menu-white-small"></i><span>Products</span><ul class="dropdown-menu"><li><div class="topbar-product-name">Account Management Center</div><div class="topbar-product-subtext"></div></li><li><div class="topbar-product-name">Broker Briefcase®</div><div class="topbar-product-subtext">Sales and Marketing Platform</div></li><li><a href="https://www.modmaster.com/" target="_blank"><div class="topbar-product-name">ModMaster®</div><div class="topbar-product-subtext">Mod Analysis Tool
I am using bokeh dropdowns, but the html page doesn't take up the whole screen, rendering the dropdown unusable. Is there a fix for this?
HTML doesn't go down far enough:
After clicking the dropdown, you can't select options 2 or 3:
Delete the None, in your menu (line 6), then you will see the list of items.
I have to download file from website after selecting multiple option on the website.
I have three checkboxes each is having same name. I could select one box by using name and value like this.
I need to select another checkbox in the same group like this.
but this is not working. Could you please help on this?
Take a look at mechanize it's great when you need to do things with forms on page and is very simple.