I have a passage of text which I want to analyse.
I would like to pick out years in the text and preceding names to construct a reference list.
For example in a passage of text
this was discussed by Hughes et al. (2009)
I would like to print
Hughes et al. 2009.
I have looked at Python's regular expression module and I can find commands such as re.findall('\d+', text) to find my Integer values and I can use re.findall(r'[A-Z][a-z]*',text) to find occurrences of a capitalized letter followed by lower case, but I don't know how to combine these into a "start/stop."
Perhaps I shouldn't even be looking at the re module?
You can use re.findall('\d+', text) find years, it will return string, not indexes.
Then you can iterate over years and do the following
for year in years:
# partition(sep) divides string in three parts,
# (str before 'sep', `sep`, str after 'sep')
# In your example, it would be ("this was discussed by Hughes et al. (", "2009", ")")
preceding_text = text.partition(year)[0]
# `r'[A-Z][a-z\s]*` would return a list of all possible matches,
# [-1] to get last match from the list.
capitalized_words = re.findall(r'[A-Z][a-z\s]*', preceding_text)[-1]
print(capitalized_words, year)
import re
c = "this was discussed by Hughes et al. (2009)"
years = re.findall(r'\d\d\d\d', c)
names = re.findall(r'[A-Z]+\w*[ñáéíóúÑÁÉÍÓÚ]*\w*', c)
quotes = re.findall(r'[A-Z]+\w*[ñáéíóúÑÁÉÍÓÚ]*\w*[ .()a-z]*\d\d\d\d[)]*', c)
print years, names, quotes
['2009'] ['Hughes'] ['Hughes et al. (2009)']
I have a list of strings and I want to find popular prefixes. The prefixes are special in that they occur as strings in the input list.
I found a similar question here but the answers are geared to find the one most common prefix:
Find *most* common prefix of strings - a better way?
While my problem is similar, it differs in that I need to find all popular prefixes. Or to maybe state it a little simplistically, rank prefixes from most common to least.
As an example, consider the following list of strings:
in, india, indian, indian flag, bull, bully, bullshit
Prefixes rank:
in - 4 times
india - 3 times
bull - 3 times
...and so on. Please note - in, bull, india are all present in the input list.
The following are not valid prefixes:
...since they do not occur in the input list.
What data structure should I be looking at to model my solution? I'm inclined to use a "trie" with a counter on each node that tracks how many times has that node been touched during the creation of the trie.
All suggestions are welcome.
p.s. - I love python and would love if someone could post a quick snippet that could get me started.
words = [ "in", "india", "indian", "indian", "flag", "bull", "bully", "bullshit"]
Result = sorted([ (sum([ w.startswith(prefix) for w in words ]) , prefix ) for prefix in words])[::-1]
it goes through every word as a prefix and checks how many of the other words start with it and then sorts the result. the[::-1] simply reverses that order
If we know the length of the prefix (say 3)
from nltk import FreqDist
for word in vocabulary:
suffixDist[word[-3:]] +=1
commonSuffix=[suffix for (suffix,count) in suffixDist.most_common(150) ]
Edit: This code has been worked on and released as a basic module: https://github.com/hyperreality/Poetry-Tools
I'm a linguist who has recently picked up python and I'm working on a project which hopes to automatically analyze poems, including detecting the form of the poem. I.e. if it found a 10 syllable line with 0101010101 stress pattern, it would declare that it's iambic pentameter. A poem with 5-7-5 syllable pattern would be a haiku.
I'm using the following code, part of a larger script, but I have a number of problems which are listed below the program:
corpus in the script is simply the raw text input of the poem.
import sys, getopt, nltk, re, string
from nltk.tokenize import RegexpTokenizer
from nltk.util import bigrams, trigrams
from nltk.corpus import cmudict
from curses.ascii import isdigit
def cmuform():
tokens = [word for sent in nltk.sent_tokenize(corpus) for word in nltk.word_tokenize(sent)]
d = cmudict.dict()
text = nltk.Text(tokens)
words = [w.lower() for w in text]
regexp = "[A-Za-z]+"
exp = re.compile(regexp)
def nsyl(word):
lowercase = word.lower()
if lowercase not in d:
return 0
first = [' '.join([str(c) for c in lst]) for lst in max(d[lowercase])]
second = ''.join(first)
third = ''.join([i for i in second if i.isdigit()]).replace('2', '1')
return third
#return max([len([y for y in x if isdigit(y[-1])]) for x in d[lowercase]])
sum1 = 0
for a in words:
if exp.match(a):
print a,nsyl(a),
sum1 = sum1 + len(str(nsyl(a)))
print "\nTotal syllables:",sum1
I guess that the output that I want would be like this:
The first problem is that I lost the line breaks during the tokenization, and I really need the line breaks to be able to identify form. This should not be too hard to deal with though. The bigger problems are that:
I can't deal with non-dictionary words. At the moment I return 0 for them, but this will confound any attempt to identify the poem, as the syllabic count of the line will probably decrease.
In addition, the CMU dictionary often says that there is stress on a word - '1' - when there is not - '0 - . Which is why the output looks like this: 1101111101, when it should be the stress of iambic pentameter: 0101010101
So how would I add some fudging factor so the poem still gets identified as iambic pentameter when it only approximates the pattern? It's no good to code a function that identifies lines of 01's when the CMU dictionary is not going to output such a clean result. I suppose I'm asking how to code a 'partial match' algorithm.
Welcome to stack overflow. I'm not that familiar with Python, but I see you have not received many answers yet so I'll try to help you with your queries.
First some advice: You'll find that if you focus your questions your chances of getting answers are greatly improved. Your post is too long and contains several different questions, so it is beyond the "attention span" of most people answering questions here.
Back on topic:
Before you revised your question you asked how to make it less messy. That's a big question, but you might want to use the top-down procedural approach and break your code into functional units:
split corpus into lines
For each line: find the syllable length and stress pattern.
Classify stress patterns.
You'll find that the first step is a single function call in python:
and can remain in the main function but the second step would be better placed in its own function and the third step would require to be split up itself, and would probably be better tackled with an object oriented approach. If you're in academy you might be able to convince the CS faculty to lend you a post-grad for a couple of months and help you instead of some workshop requirement.
Now to your other questions:
Not loosing line breaks: as #ykaganovich mentioned, you probably want to split the corpus into lines and feed those to the tokenizer.
Words not in dictionary/errors: The CMU dictionary home page says:
Find an error? Please contact the developers. We will look at the problem and improve the dictionary. (See at bottom for contact information.)
There is probably a way to add custom words to the dictionary / change existing ones, look in their site, or contact the dictionary maintainers directly.
You can also ask here in a separate question if you can't figure it out. There's bound to be someone in stackoverflow that knows the answer or can point you to the correct resource.
Whatever you decide, you'll want to contact the maintainers and offer them any extra words and corrections anyway to improve the dictionary.
Classifying input corpus when it doesn't exactly match the pattern: You might want to look at the link ykaganovich provided for fuzzy string comparisons. Some algorithms to look for:
Levenshtein distance: gives you a measure of how different two strings are as the number of changes needed to turn one string into another. Pros: easy to implement, Cons: not normalized, a score of 2 means a good match for a pattern of length 20 but a bad match for a pattern of length 3.
Jaro-Winkler string similarity measure: similar to Levenshtein, but based on how many character sequences appear in the same order in both strings. It is a bit harder to implement but gives you normalized values (0.0 - completely different, 1.0 - the same) and is suitable for classifying the stress patterns. A CS postgrad or last year undergrad should not have too much trouble with it ( hint hint ).
I think those were all your questions. Hope this helps a bit.
To preserve newlines, parse line by line before sending each line to the cmu parser.
For dealing with single-syllable words, you probably want to try both 0 and 1 for it when nltk returns 1 (looks like nltk already returns 0 for some words that would never get stressed, like "the"). So, you'll end up with multiple permutations:
and so forth. Then you have to pick ones that look like a known forms.
For non-dictionary words, I'd also fudge it the same way: figure out the number of syllables (the dumbest way would be by counting the vowels), and permutate all possible stresses. Maybe add some more rules like "ea is a single syllable, trailing e is silent"...
I've never worked with other kinds of fuzzying, but you can check https://stackoverflow.com/questions/682367/good-python-modules-for-fuzzy-string-comparison for some ideas.
This is my first post on stackoverflow.
And I'm a python newbie, so please excuse any deficits in code style.
But I too am attempting to extract accurate metre from poems.
And the code included in this question helped me, so I post what I came up with that builds on that foundation. It is one way to extract the stress as a single string, correct with a 'fudging factor' for the cmudict bias, and not lose words that are not in the cmudict.
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import cmudict
prondict = cmudict.dict()
# parseStressOfLine(line)
# function that takes a line
# parses it for stress
# corrects the cmudict bias toward 1
# and returns two strings
# 'stress' in form '0101*,*110110'
# -- 'stress' also returns words not in cmudict '0101*,*1*zeon*10110'
# 'stress_no_punct' in form '0101110110'
def parseStressOfLine(line):
print line
tokens = [words.lower() for words in nltk.word_tokenize(line)]
for word in tokens:
word_punct = strip_punctuation_stressed(word.lower())
word = word_punct['word']
punct = word_punct['punct']
#print word
if word not in prondict:
# if word is not in dictionary
# add it to the string that includes punctuation
stress= stress+"*"+word+"*"
for s in prondict[word]:
# oppose the cmudict bias toward 1
# search for a zero in array returned from prondict
# if it exists use it
# print strip_letters(s),word
if strip_letters(s)=="0":
stress = stress + "0"
stress_no_punct = stress_no_punct + "0"
if zero_bool:
stress = stress + strip_letters(prondict[word][0])
stress_no_punct=stress_no_punct + strip_letters(prondict[word][0])
if len(punct)>0:
stress= stress+"*"+punct+"*"
return {'stress':stress,'stress_no_punct':stress_no_punct}
def strip_punctuation_stressed(word):
# define punctuations
punctuations = '!()-[]{};:"\,<>./?##$%^&*_~'
my_str = word
# remove punctuations from the string
no_punct = ""
for char in my_str:
if char not in punctuations:
no_punct = no_punct + char
punct = punct+char
return {'word':no_punct,'punct':punct}
# CONVERT the cmudict prondict into just numbers
def strip_letters(ls):
#print "strip_letters"
nm = ''
for ws in ls:
#print "ws",ws
for ch in list(ws):
#print "ch",ch
if ch.isdigit():
#print "ad to nm",nm, type(nm)
return nm
# TESTING results
# i do not correct for the '2'
line = "This day (the year I dare not tell)"
print parseStressOfLine(line)
line = "Apollo play'd the midwife's part;"
print parseStressOfLine(line)
line = "Into the world Corinna fell,"
print parseStressOfLine(line)
This day (the year I dare not tell)
{'stress': '01***(*011111***)*', 'stress_no_punct': '01011111'}
Apollo play'd the midwife's part;
{'stress': "0101*'d*01211***;*", 'stress_no_punct': '010101211'}
Into the world Corinna fell,
{'stress': '01012101*,*', 'stress_no_punct': '01012101'}
Consider I have following string with a tab in between left & right part in a text file:
The dreams of REM (Geo) sleep The sleep paralysis
I want to match the above string that match both left part & right part in each line of another following file:
The pons also contains the sleep paralysis center of the brain as well as generating the dreams of REM sleep.
If can not match with fill string, then try to match with substring.
I want to search with leftmost and rightmost pattern.
eg.(leftmost cases)
The dreams of REM sleep paralysis
The dreams of REM sleep The sleep
eg.(Right most cases):
REM sleep The sleep paralysis
The dreams of The sleep paralysis
Thanks a lot again for any kind of help.
(Ok, you clarified most of what you want. Let me restate, then clarify the points I listed below as remaining unclear... Also take the starter code I show you, adapt it, post us the result.)
You want to search, line-by-line, case-insensitive, for the longest contiguous matches to each of a pair of match-patterns. All the patterns seem to be disjoint (impossible to get a match on both patternX and patternY, since they use different phrases, e.g. can't match both 'frontal lobe' and 'prefrontal cortex').
Your patterns are supplied as a sequence of pairs ('dom','rang'), => let's just refer to them by their subscript [0] and [1, you can use string.split('\t') to get that.)
The important thing is a matching line must match both the dom and rang patterns (fully or partially).
Order is independent, so we can match rang then dom, or vice versa => use 2 separate regexes per line, and test d and r matched.
Patterns have optional parts, in parentheses => so just write/convert them to regex syntax using (optionaltext)? syntax already, e.g.: re.compile('Frontallobes of (leftside)? the brain', re.IGNORECASE)
The return value should be the string buffer with the longest substring match so far.
Now this is where several things remain to be clarified - please edit your question to explain the following:
If you find full matches to any pair of patterns, then return that.
If you can't find any full matches, then search for partial matches of both of the pair of patterns. Where 'partial match' means 'the most words' or 'the highest proportion(%) of words' from a pattern? Presumably we exclude spurious matches to words like 'the', in which case we lose nothing by simply omitting 'the' from your search patterns, then this guarantees that all partial matches to any pattern are significant.
We score the partial matches (somehow), e.g. 'contains most words from pattern X', or 'contains highest % of words from pattern X'. We should do this for all patterns, then return the pattern with the highest score. You'll need to think about this a little, is it better to match 2 words of a 5-word pattern (40%) e.g. 'dreams of', or 1 of 2 (50%) e.g. 'prefrontal BUT NOT cortex'? How do we break ties, etc? What happens if we match 'sleep' but nothing else?
Each of the above questions will affect the solution, so you need to answer them for us. There's no point in writing pages of code to solve the most general case when you only needed something simple.
In general this is called 'NLP' (natural language processing). You might end up using an NLP library.
The general structure of the code so far is sounding like:
import re
# normally, read your input directly from file, but this allows us to test:
input = """The pons also contains the sleep paralysis center of the brain as well as generating the dreams of REM sleep.
The optic tract is a part of the visual system in the brain.
The inferior frontal gyrus is a gyrus of the frontal lobe of the human brain.
The prefrontal cortex (PFC) is the anterior part of the frontallobes of the brain, lying in front of the motor and premotor areas.
There are three possible ways to define the prefrontal cortex as the granular frontal cortex as that part of the frontal cortex whose electrical stimulation does not evoke movements.
This allowed the establishment of homologies despite the lack of a granular frontal cortex in nonprimates.
Modern tracing studies have shown that projections of the mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus are not restricted to the granular frontal cortex in primates.
patterns = [
('(dreams of REM (Geo)? sleep)', '(sleep paralysis)'),
('(frontal lobe)', '(inferior frontal gyrus)'),
('(prefrontal cortex)', '(frontallobes of (leftside )?(the )?brain)'),
('(modern tract)', '(probably mediodorsal nucleus)') ]
# Compile the patterns as regexes
patterns = [ (re.compile(dstr),re.compile(rstr)) for (dstr,rstr) in patterns ]
def longest(t):
"""Get the longest from a tuple of strings."""
l = list(t) # tuples can't be sorted (immutable), so convert to list...
return l[0]
def custommatch(line):
for (d,r) in patterns:
# If got full match to both (d,r), return it immediately...
(dm,rm) = (d.findall(line), r.findall(line))
# Slight design problem: we get tuples like: [('frontallobes of the brain', '', 'the ')]
#... so return the longest match strings for each of dm,rm
if dm and rm: # must match both dom & rang
return [longest(dm), longest(rm)]
# else score any partial matches to (d,r) - how exactly?
# TBD...
# We got here because we only have partial matches (or none)
# TBD: return the 'highest-scoring' partial match
return ('TBD... partial match')
for line in input:
print custommatch(line)
and running on the 7 lines of input you supplied currently gives:
TBD... partial match
TBD... partial match
['frontal lobe', 'inferior frontal gyrus']
['prefrontal cortex', ('frontallobes of the brain', '', 'the ')]
TBD... partial match
TBD... partial match
TBD... partial match
TBD... partial match
I'm working with a large database of businesses.
I'd like to be able to compare two business names for similarity to see if they possibly might be duplicates.
Below is a list of business names that should test as having a high probability of being duplicates, what is a good way to go about this?
George Washington Middle Schl
George Washington School
Santa Fe East Inc
Santa Fe East
Chop't Creative Salad Co
Chop't Creative Salad Company
Manny and Olga's Pizza
Manny's & Olga's Pizza
Ray's Hell Burger Too
Ray's Hell Burgers
El Sol
El Sol de America
Olney Theatre Center for the Arts
Olney Theatre
21 M Lounge
21M Lounge
Holiday Inn Hotel Washington
Holiday Inn Washington-Georgetown
Residence Inn Washington,DC/Dupont Circle
Residence Inn Marriott Dupont Circle
Jimmy John's Gourmet Sandwiches
Jimmy John's
Omni Shoreham Hotel at Washington D.C.
Omni Shoreham Hotel
I've recently done a similar task, although I was matching new data to existing names in a database, rather than looking for duplicates within one set. Name matching is actually a well-studied task, with a number of factors beyond what you'd consider for matching generic strings.
First, I'd recommend taking a look at a paper, How to play the “Names Game”: Patent retrieval comparing different heuristics by Raffo and Lhuillery. The published version is here, and a PDF is freely available here. The authors provide a nice summary, comparing a number of different matching strategies. They consider three stages, which they call parsing, matching, and filtering.
Parsing consists of applying various cleaning techniques. Some examples:
Standardizing lettercase (e.g., all lowercase)
Standardizing punctuation (e.g., commas must be followed by spaces)
Standardizing whitespace (e.g., converting all runs of whitespace to single spaces)
Standardizing accented and special characters (e.g., converting accented letters to ASCII equivalents)
Standardizing legal control terms (e.g., converting "Co." to "Company")
In my case, I folded all letters to lowercase, replaced all punctuation with whitespace, replaced accented characters by unaccented counterparts, removed all other special characters, and removed legal control terms from the beginning and ends of the names following a list.
Matching is the comparison of the parsed names. This could be simple string matching, edit distance, Soundex or Metaphone, comparison of the sets of words making up the names, or comparison of sets of letters or n-grams (letter sequences of length n). The n-gram approach is actually quite nice for names, as it ignores word order, helping a lot with things like "department of examples" vs. "examples department". In fact, comparing bigrams (2-grams, character pairs) using something simple like the Jaccard index is very effective. In contrast to several other suggestions, Levenshtein distance is one of the poorer approaches when it comes to name matching.
In my case, I did the matching in two steps, first with comparing the parsed names for equality and then using the Jaccard index for the sets of bigrams on the remaining. Rather than actually calculating all the Jaccard index values for all pairs of names, I first put a bound on the maximum possible value for the Jaccard index for two sets of given size, and only computed the Jaccard index if that upper bound was high enough to potentially be useful. Most of the name pairs were still dissimilar enough that they weren't matches, but it dramatically reduced the number of comparisons made.
Filtering is the use of auxiliary data to reject false positives from the parsing and matching stages. A simple version would be to see if matching names correspond to businesses in different cities, and thus different businesses. That example could be applied before matching, as a kind of pre-filtering. More complicated or time-consuming checks might be applied afterwards.
I didn't do much filtering. I checked the countries for the firms to see if they were the same, and that was it. There weren't really that many possibilities in the data, some time constraints ruled out any extensive search for additional data to augment the filtering, and there was a manual checking planned, anyway.
I'd like to add some examples to the excellent accepted answer. Tested in Python 2.7.
Let's use this odd name as an example.
name = "THE | big,- Pharma: LLC" # example of a company name
We can start with removing legal control terms (here LLC). To do that, there is an awesome cleanco Python library, which does exactly that:
from cleanco import cleanco
name = cleanco(name).clean_name() # 'THE | big,- Pharma'
Remove all punctuation:
name = name.translate(None, string.punctuation) # 'THE big Pharma'
(for unicode strings, the following code works instead (source, regex):
import regex
name = regex.sub(ur"[[:punct:]]+", "", name) # u'THE big Pharma'
Split the name into tokens using NLTK:
import nltk
tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(name) # ['THE', 'big', 'Pharma']
Lowercase all tokens:
tokens = [t.lower() for t in tokens] # ['the', 'big', 'pharma']
Remove stop words. Note that it might cause problems with companies like On Mars will be incorrectly matched to Mars, because On is a stopword.
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
tokens = [t for t in tokens if t not in stopwords.words('english')] # ['big', 'pharma']
I don't cover accented and special characters here (improvements welcome).
Now, when we have mapped all company names to tokens, we want to find the matching pairs. Arguably, Jaccard (or Jaro-Winkler) similarity is better than Levenstein for this task, but is still not good enough. The reason is that it does not take into account the importance of words in the name (like TF-IDF does). So common words like "Company" influence the score just as much as words that might uniquely identify company name.
To improve on that, you can use a name similarity trick suggested in this awesome series of posts (not mine). Here is a code example from it:
# token2frequency is just a word counter of all words in all names
# in the dataset
def sequence_uniqueness(seq, token2frequency):
return sum(1/token2frequency(t)**0.5 for t in seq)
def name_similarity(a, b, token2frequency):
a_tokens = set(a.split())
b_tokens = set(b.split())
a_uniq = sequence_uniqueness(a_tokens)
b_uniq = sequence_uniqueness(b_tokens)
return sequence_uniqueness(a.intersection(b))/(a_uniq * b_uniq) ** 0.5
Using that, you can match names with similarity exceeding certain threshold. As a more complex approach, you can also take several scores (say, this uniqueness score, Jaccard and Jaro-Winkler) and train a binary classification model using some labeled data, which will, given a number of scores, output if the candidate pair is a match or not. More on this can be found in the same blog post.
You could use the Levenshtein distance, which could be used to measure the difference between two sequences (basically an edit distance).
Levenshtein Distance in Python
def levenshtein_distance(a,b):
n, m = len(a), len(b)
if n > m:
# Make sure n <= m, to use O(min(n,m)) space
a,b = b,a
n,m = m,n
current = range(n+1)
for i in range(1,m+1):
previous, current = current, [i]+[0]*n
for j in range(1,n+1):
add, delete = previous[j]+1, current[j-1]+1
change = previous[j-1]
if a[j-1] != b[i-1]:
change = change + 1
current[j] = min(add, delete, change)
return current[n]
if __name__=="__main__":
from sys import argv
print levenshtein_distance(argv[1],argv[2])
There is great library for searching for similar/fuzzy strings for python: fuzzywuzzy. It's a nice wrapper library upon mentioned Levenshtein distance measuring.
Here how your names could be analysed:
#!/usr/bin/env python
from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
names = [
("George Washington Middle Schl",
"George Washington School"),
("Santa Fe East Inc",
"Santa Fe East"),
("Chop't Creative Salad Co",
"Chop't Creative Salad Company"),
("Manny and Olga's Pizza",
"Manny's & Olga's Pizza"),
("Ray's Hell Burger Too",
"Ray's Hell Burgers"),
("El Sol",
"El Sol de America"),
("Olney Theatre Center for the Arts",
"Olney Theatre"),
("21 M Lounge",
"21M Lounge"),
("Holiday Inn Hotel Washington",
"Holiday Inn Washington-Georgetown"),
("Residence Inn Washington,DC/Dupont Circle",
"Residence Inn Marriott Dupont Circle"),
("Jimmy John's Gourmet Sandwiches",
"Jimmy John's"),
("Omni Shoreham Hotel at Washington D.C.",
"Omni Shoreham Hotel"),
if __name__ == '__main__':
for pair in names:
print "{:>3} :: {}".format(fuzz.partial_ratio(*pair), pair)
>>> 79 :: ('George Washington Middle Schl', 'George Washington School')
>>> 100 :: ('Santa Fe East Inc', 'Santa Fe East')
>>> 100 :: ("Chop't Creative Salad Co", "Chop't Creative Salad Company")
>>> 86 :: ("Manny and Olga's Pizza", "Manny's & Olga's Pizza")
>>> 94 :: ("Ray's Hell Burger Too", "Ray's Hell Burgers")
>>> 100 :: ('El Sol', 'El Sol de America')
>>> 100 :: ('Olney Theatre Center for the Arts', 'Olney Theatre')
>>> 90 :: ('21 M Lounge', '21M Lounge')
>>> 79 :: ('Holiday Inn Hotel Washington', 'Holiday Inn Washington-Georgetown')
>>> 69 :: ('Residence Inn Washington,DC/Dupont Circle', 'Residence Inn Marriott Dupont Circle')
>>> 100 :: ("Jimmy John's Gourmet Sandwiches", "Jimmy John's")
>>> 100 :: ('Omni Shoreham Hotel at Washington D.C.', 'Omni Shoreham Hotel')
Another way of solving such kind of problems could be Elasticsearch, which also supports fuzzy searches.
I searched for "python edit distance" and this library came as the first result: http://www.mindrot.org/projects/py-editdist/
Another Python library that does the same job is here: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/python-Levenshtein/
An edit distance represents the amount of work you need to carry out to convert one string to another by following only simple -- usually, character-based -- edit operations. Every operation (substition, deletion, insertion; sometimes transpose) has an associated cost and the minimum edit distance between two strings is a measure of how dissimilar the two are.
In your particular case you may want to order the strings so that you find the distance to go from the longer to the shorter and penalize character deletions less (because I see that in many cases one of the strings is almost a substring of the other). So deletion shouldn't be penalized a lot.
You could also make use of this sample code: http://norvig.com/spell-correct.html
This a bit of an update to Dennis comment. That answer was really helpful as was the links he posted but I couldn't get them to work right off. After trying the Fuzzy Wuzzy search I found this gave me a bunch better set of answers. I have a large list of merchants and I just want to group them together. Eventually I'll have a table I can use to try some machine learning to play around with but for now this takes a lot of the effort out of it.
I only had to update his code a little bit and add a function to create the tokens2frequency dictionary. The original article didn't have that either and then the functions didn't reference it correctly.
import pandas as pd
from collections import Counter
from cleanco import cleanco
import regex
import nltk
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
# token2frequency is just a Counter of all words in all names
# in the dataset
def sequence_uniqueness(seq, token2frequency):
return sum(1/token2frequency[t]**0.5 for t in seq)
def name_similarity(a, b, token2frequency):
a_tokens = set(a)
b_tokens = set(b)
a_uniq = sequence_uniqueness(a, token2frequency)
b_uniq = sequence_uniqueness(b, token2frequency)
if a_uniq==0 or b_uniq == 0:
return 0
return sequence_uniqueness(a_tokens.intersection(b_tokens), token2frequency)/(a_uniq * b_uniq) ** 0.5
def parse_name(name):
name = cleanco(name).clean_name()
#name = name.translate(None, string.punctuation)
name = regex.sub(r"[[:punct:]]+", "", name)
tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(name)
tokens = [t.lower() for t in tokens]
tokens = [t for t in tokens if t not in stopwords.words('english')]
return tokens
def build_token2frequency(names):
alltokens = []
for tokens in names.values():
alltokens += tokens
return Counter(alltokens)
with open('marchants.json') as merchantfile:
merchants = pd.read_json(merchantfile)
merchants = merchants.unique()
parsed_names = {merchant:parse_name(merchant) for merchant in merchants}
token2frequency = build_token2frequency(parsed_names)
grouping = {}
for merchant, tokens in parsed_names.items():
grouping[merchant] = {merchant2: name_similarity(tokens, tokens2, token2frequency) for merchant2, tokens2 in parsed_names.items()}
filtered_matches = {}
for merchant in pcard_merchants:
filtered_matches[merchant] = {merchant1: ratio for merchant1, ratio in grouping[merchant].items() if ratio >0.3 }
This will give you a final filtered list of names and the other names they match up to. It's the same basic code as the other post just with a couple of missing pieces filled in. This also is run in Python 3.8
Consider using the Diff-Match-Patch library. You'd be interested in the Diff process - applying a diff on your text can give you a good idea of the differences, along with a programmatic representation of them.
What you can do is separate the words by whitespaces, commas, etc. and then you you count the number of words it have in common with another name and you add a number of words thresold before it is considered "similar".
The other way is to do the same thing, but take the words and splice them for each caracters. Then for each words you need to compare if letters are found in the same order (from both sides) for an x amount of caracters (or percentage) then you can say that the word is similar too.
Ex: You have sqre and square
Then you check by caracters and find that sqre are all in square and in the same order, then it's a similar word.
The algorithms that are based on the Levenshtein distance are good (not perfect) but their main disadvantage is that they are very slow for each comparison and concerning the fact that you would have to compare every possible combination.
Another way of working out the problem would be, to use embedding or bag of words to transform each company name (after some cleaning and prepossessing ) into a vector of numbers. And after that you apply an unsupervised or supervised ML method depending on what is available.
I created matchkraft (https://github.com/MatchKraft/matchkraft-python). It works on top of fuzzy-wuzzy and you can fuzzy match company names in one list.
It is very easy to use. Here is an example in python:
from matchkraft import MatchKraft
mk = MatchKraft('<YOUR API TOKEN HERE>')
job_id = mk.highlight_duplicates(name='Stackoverflow Job',
'George Washington Middle Schl',
'George Washington School',
'Santa Fe East Inc',
'Santa Fe East',
'Rays Hell Burger Too',
'El Sol de America',
'Olney Theatre',
'El Sol'
print (job_id)
job = mk.get_job_information(job_id=job_id)
print (job.status)
while (job.status!='Completed'):
print (job.status)
job = mk.get_job_information(job_id=job_id)
results = mk.get_results_information(job_id=job_id)
if isinstance(results, list):
for r in results:
print(r.master_record + ' --> ' + r.match_record)
print("No Results Found")