group dataframe based on columns - python

I am new to datascience your help is appreciated. my question is regarding grouping dataframe based on columns so that bar chart will be plotted based on each subject status
my csv file is something like this
expected o/p:

You can do this with pandas, not exactly in the same output format in the question, but definitely having the same information:
import pandas as pd
# reading csv
df = pd.read_csv("input.csv")
# turning columns into rows
melt_df = pd.melt(df, id_vars=['Name'], value_vars=['Maths', 'Science', "English", "sports"], var_name="Subject", value_name="Status")
# filling NaN values, otherwise the below groupby will ignore them.
melt_df = melt_df.fillna("Unknown")
# counting per group of subject and status.
result_df = melt_df.groupby(["Subject", "Status"]).size().reset_index(name="Count")
Then you get the following result:
Subject Status Count
0 English Pass 4
1 English Unknown 1
2 Maths Pass 5
3 Science Fail 3
4 Science Pass 2
5 sports Pass 3
6 sports Unknown 2

PS: Going forward, always paste code on what you've tried so far
To match exactly your output, this is what you could do:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('c:/temp/data.csv') # Or where ever your csv file is
subjects = ['Maths', 'Science' , 'English' , 'sports'] # Or you could get that as df.columns and drop 'Name'
grouped_rows = []
for eachsub in subjects:
rows = df.groupby(eachsub)['Name'].count()
idx = list(rows.index)
if 'Pass' in idx:
grouped_rows.append([eachsub, 'Pass', rows['Pass']])
if 'Fail' in idx:
grouped_rows.append([eachsub, 'Fail', rows['Fail']])
new_df = pd.DataFrame(grouped_rows, columns=['Subject', 'Grade', 'Count'])
I must suggest though that I would avoid getting into the for loop. My approach would be just these two lines:
subjects = ['Maths', 'Science' , 'English' , 'sports']
grouped_rows = df.groupby(eachsub)['Name'].count()
Depending on your application, you already have the data available in grouped_rows


How to search multiple string in column and update cell vales?

I have been trying to update the Column values in data frame based on another Column values which contains strings.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
1. df=pd.read_excel('C:\\Users\\bahlrajesh23\\datascience\\Invoice.xlsx')
2. df1 =( df[df['Vendor'].str.contains('holding')] )
3. df['cat'] =['Vendor'].str.contains('holding'),"Yes",'' )
4. print(df[0:5])
The code up to line 4 above is working well but now I want to add more conditions in line 3 and I amended the line 3 above like this.
df['cat'] =['Vendor'].str.contains('holding'),"Yes",''),
I am getting following error
ValueError: either both or neither of x and y should be given
How can I achieve this?
Because you're wanting to return different answers for each condition, using np.where() won't work. map() would also be difficult.
You can use apply() and make the function as complex as you need.
df = pd.DataFrame({'Vendor':['techi', 'tech', 'a', 'hold', 'holding', 'holdingon', 'techno', 'b']})
def add_cat(x):
if 'tech' in x:
return 'tech'
if'holding' in x:
return 'Yes'
return ''
df['cat'] = df['Vendor'].apply(add_cat)
Vendor cat
0 techi tech
1 tech tech
2 a
3 hold
4 holding Yes
5 holdingon Yes
6 techno tech
7 b

How to split two first names that together in two different words in python

I am trying to split misspelled first names. Most of them are joined together. I was wondering if there is any way to separate two first names that are together into two different words.
For example, if the misspelled name is trujillohernandez then to be separated to trujillo hernandez.
I am trying to create a function that can do this for a whole column with thousands of misspelled names like the example above. However, I haven't been successful. Spell-checkers libraries do not work given that these are first names and they are Hispanic names.
I would be really grateful if you can help to develop some sort of function to make it happen.
As noted in the comments above not having a list of possible names will cause a problem. However, and perhaps not perfect, but to offer something try...
Given a dataframe example like...
0 sofíagomez
1 isabelladelgado
2 luisvazquez
3 juanhernandez
4 valentinatrujillo
5 camilagutierrez
6 joséramos
7 carlossantana
Code (Python):
import pandas as pd
import requests
# longest list of hispanic surnames I could find in a table
url = r''
# download the table into a frame and clean up the header
page = requests.get(url)
table = pd.read_html(page.text.replace('<br />',' '))
df = table[0]
df.columns = df.iloc[0]
df = df[1:]
# move the frame of surnames to a list
last_names = df['Last name / Surname'].tolist()
last_names = [each_string.lower() for each_string in last_names]
# create a test dataframe of joined firstnames and lastnames
data = {'Name' : ['sofíagomez', 'isabelladelgado', 'luisvazquez', 'juanhernandez', 'valentinatrujillo', 'camilagutierrez', 'joséramos', 'carlossantana']}
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Name'])
# create new columns for the matched names
lastname = '({})'.format('|'.join(last_names))
df['Firstname'] = df.Name.str.replace(str(lastname)+'$', '', regex=True).fillna('--not found--')
df['Lastname'] = df.Name.str.extract(str(lastname)+'$', expand=False).fillna('--not found--')
# output the dataframe
Name Firstname Lastname
0 sofíagomez sofía gomez
1 isabelladelgado isabella delgado
2 luisvazquez luis vazquez
3 juanhernandez juan hernandez
4 valentinatrujillo valentina trujillo
5 camilagutierrez camila gutierrez
6 joséramos josé ramos
7 carlossantana carlos santana
Further cleanup may be required but perhaps it gets the majority of names split.

Pandas DataFrame: Adding a new column with the average price sold of an Author

I have this dataframe data where i have like 10.000 records of sold items for 201 authors.
I want to add a column to this dataframe which is the average price for each author.
First i create this new column average_price and then i create another dataframe df
where i have 201 columns of authors and their average price. (at least i think this is the right way to do this)
data["average_price"] = 0
df = data.groupby('Author Name', as_index=False)['price'].mean()
df looks like this
Author Name price
0 Agnes Cleve 107444.444444
1 Akseli Gallen-Kallela 32100.384615
2 Albert Edelfelt 207859.302326
3 Albert Johansson 30012.000000
4 Albin Amelin 44400.000000
... ... ...
196 Waldemar Lorentzon 152730.000000
197 Wilhelm von Gegerfelt 25808.510638
198 Yrjö Edelmann 53268.928571
199 Åke Göransson 87333.333333
200 Öyvind Fahlström 351345.454545
Now i want to use this df to populate the average_price column in the larger dataframe data.
I could not come up with how to do this so i tried a for loop which is not working. (And i know you should avoid for loops working with dataframes)
for index, row in data.iterrows():
for ind, r in df.iterrows():
if row["Author Name"] == r["Author Name"]:
row["average_price"] = r["price"]
So i wonder how this should be done?
You can use transform and groupby to add a new column:
data['average price'] = data.groupby('Author Name')['price'].transform('mean')
I think based on what you described, you should use .join method on a Pandas dataframe. You don't need to create 'average_price' column mannualy. This should simply work for your case:
df = data.groupby('Author Name', as_index=False)['price'].mean().rename(columns={'price':'average_price'})
data = data.join(df, on="Author Name")
Now you can get the average price from data['average_price'] column.
Hope this could help!
I think the easiest way to do that would be using join (aka pandas.merge)
df_data = pd.DataFrame([...]) # your data here
df_agg_data = data.groupby('Author Name', as_index=False)['price'].mean()
df_data = df_data.merge(df_agg_data, on="Author Name")

PythonValueError: Can only compare identically-labeled Series objects

The 2 dataframes I am comparing are of different size (have the same index though) and I suppose that is why I am getting the error. Can you please suggest me a way to get around that. I am looking for those rows in df2 whose user_id match with those of df1. Thanks and appreciate your response.
data = np.array([['user_id','comment','label'],
[100,'RT #Dvillain_: #oomf should text me.',0],
[100,'Buy viagra',1],
[101,'#nowplaying M.C. Shan - Juice Crew Law on',0],
[101,'Buy viagra two',1]])
data2 = np.array([['user_id','comment','label'],
[100,'First comment',0],
[100,'Buy viagra',1],
[102,'Buy viagra two',1]])
df1 = pd.DataFrame(data=data[1:,0:],columns = data[0,0:])
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data=data2[1:,0:],columns = data[0,0:])
df = df2[df2['user_id'] == df1['user_id']]
You are looking for isin
df = df2[df2['user_id'].isin(df1['user_id'])]
user_id comment label
0 100 First comment 0
1 100 Buy viagra 1

In pandas, how do I perform filtering on a DataframeGroupBy object?

Given I have the following csv data.csv:
I want to group the data by (price, source_id) and I am doing it with the following code
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('data.csv', names=['id', 'category', 'price', 'source_id'])
grouped = df.groupby(['price', 'source_id'])
valid_categories = ['food', 'drink']
for price_source, group in grouped:
if group.category.size < 2:
categories = group.category.tolist()
if 'other' in categories and len(set(categories).intersection(valid_categories)) > 0:
Valid data in this case is:
I will need all of the above data including the id for other purposes
Is there an alternate way to perform the above filtering in pandas before the for loop and if it's possible, will it be any faster than the above?
The criteria for filtering is:
size of the group is greater than 1
the group by data should contain category other and at least one of either food or drink
You could directly apply a custom filter to the GroupBy object, something like
crit = lambda x: all((x.size > 1,
'other' in x.category.values,
set(x.category) & {'food', 'drink'}))
df.groupby(['price', 'source_id']).filter(crit)
category id price source_id
0 food 1 1.0 4
1 drink 2 1.0 4
5 other 6 1.0 4
