customize length of the password in dialogflow chatbot using regex entity - python

length of the password must be at least 6 characters while signing up using Dialogflow chatbot.
I have used system entity "any". But it is so generalized.
Webhook is written in flask python.
Also tried to do it by using [0-9]{6}$ as a regex entity. But unable to find a proper way to perform this task.
from dialogflow_fulfillment import QuickReplies, WebhookClient, Payload
from flask import Flask, request, Response, jsonify , make_response
import json
import requests
app = Flask(__name__)
def handler(agent: WebhookClient) :
"""Handle the webhook request.."""
req = request.get_json(force=True)
intent_name = req.get('queryResult').get('intent').get('displayName')
if intent_name == 'intro':
agent.add('I am the chatbot of this page. Ready to assist you with anything you need. What would you like to do?')
agent.add(QuickReplies(quick_replies=['START NOW','LOGIN']))
if intent_name == 'get_started':
url = 'http://**********.com/create_account'
userid = req.get('queryResult').get('parameters').get('email')
pwd = req.get('queryResult').get('parameters').get('pwd')
name = req.get('queryResult').get('parameters').get('person')['name']
age = req.get('queryResult').get('parameters').get('age')
myobj = {'userid': userid, 'pwd': pwd , 'name' : name, 'age' : age}
x =, data = myobj)
if intent_name == 'login_screen' :
url = 'http://**********.com/auth_account'
userid = req.get('queryResult').get('parameters').get('email')
pwd = req.get('queryResult').get('parameters').get('pwd')
myobj = {'userid': userid, 'pwd': pwd }
x =, data = myobj)
result = x.text
#app.route('/webhook', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def webhook():
"""Handle webhook requests from Dialogflow."""
req = request.get_json(force=True)
agent = WebhookClient(req)
return agent.response
if __name__ == '__main__':
With regex :
Defined regex :
How to do this properly?
How to use regex in it?
Or should i use another approach?


"Bad API request, invalid api_dev_key" when POSTing to pastebin API using Python 3.9 (win10)

I have been attempting to solve this far too longer than id like to admit, I think the problem is how the data is being parsed with json and being interoperated via the API, as I do not have the same issue with the first function, but run into it with the second. Any help will be great.
import urllib, requests, json
def generateUserKey(username, password):
global devKey
return urllib.request.urlopen("",
urllib.parse.urlencode({"api_dev_key": devKey, "api_user_name": username, "api_user_password": password}).encode()).read()
def paste(userKey, text):
global devKey
datA = json.dumps({"api_dev_key": devKey, "api_paste_code": text, "api_user_key": userKey, "api_paste_name": "lol", "api_paste_format": "none", "api_paste_private": int(1), "api_paste_expire_date": "10M" })
resp ="", json=datA, data=datA)
key = generateUserKey(devKey, userName, passWord)
paste(key, testString)
when ran I generate the following:
Bad API request, invalid api_dev_key
the dev key isnt invalid as its being used in the previous function to login and obtain a session key, so this is where I am stuck. Any help?
this could help:
import requests # see
import json
def generateUserKey(data):
login ="", data=data)
print("Login status: ", login.status_code if login.status_code != 200 else "OK/200")
print("User token: ", login.text)
return login.text
def paste(data):
r ="", data)
print("Paste send: ", r.status_code if r.status_code != 200 else "OK/200")
print("Paste URL: ", r.text)
key = 'your key'
text = "hi"
t_title = "title of paste"
login_data = {
'api_dev_key': key,
'api_user_name': 'username',
'api_user_password': 'password'
data = {
'api_option': 'paste',
'api_dev_key': key,
'api_paste_code': text,
'api_paste_name': t_title,
'api_user_key': None,
# 'api_paste_expire_date': 'see_', # optional
# 'api_paste_private': 1, # 0 = public, 1 = unlisted, 2 = private
'api_user_key': generateUserKey(login_data)
# see_ fro all the other arguments you can add
# if your data is already in json format, you can use json.dumps(data)
# data = json.dumps(data) # and now its a dict, and it can be feed to the
if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask

Way2SMS python code not sending SMS whereas POSTS returns Success

I get Successful status code for my POST requests , Login is working fine , but the SMS is not sent
I have gone through all codes on internet, most of them are out-dated, as the site has changed its code.
import requests as req
def login_way2sms():
with req.Session() as mySession:
url = ''
home_url = ''
mobile = [your registered mobile number]
password = [your password]
headers = dict(Referrer="")
before = mySession.get(home_url)
login_data = dict(mobileNo=mobile, password=password, CatType='', redirectPage='', pid=''), data=login_data, headers=headers)
after = mySession.get(home_url)
return mySession
def send_msg(mysession): #saw sendsms-toss in Inspect under Network tab
url = ''
home_url = ''
sms_url = ''
group_contact_url = ''
web_msg_count_url = ''
headers = dict(Referrer="")
before = mysession.get(home_url)
token = '2B7CF7C9D2F14935795B08DAD1729ACF'
message = 'How to make this work?'
mobile = '[a valid phone number]'
ssaction = 'undefined'
senderid = 'WAYSMS'
msg_data = dict(Token=token, message=message, toMobile=mobile, ssaction=ssaction, senderId=senderid), data=msg_data, headers=headers)
after = mysession.get(home_url), headers=headers)
group_contacts = mysession.get(sms_url), headers=headers)
web_msg_count = mysession.get(sms_url)
# last 2 POST requests send after clicking the Send Msg button
def main():
login_way2sms() #login using username and password
send_msg(currsession) #send sms
I finally got it right , Thanks for replying. We can do it without using the apikey and secret keys as well, Here take a look at this. And init is just another script where constant urls and login is defined, nothing much there.
import requests as req
import init
def login_way2sms(credential):
with req.Session() as mySession:
mobile = credential.username
password = credential.password
headers = dict(Referrer="")
login_data = dict(mobileNo=mobile, password=password, CatType='', redirectPage='', pid=''), data=login_data, headers=headers)
return mySession
def get_token(mysession):
cookies = mysession.cookies['JSESSIONID']
token = cookies[4:]
return token
def send_msg(mysession, token):
:rtype: req.Session()
headers = dict(Referrer="")
message = 'Hi, I am Upgraded a little!!!'
mobile = '[valid phone]'
msg_data = dict(Token=token, message=message, toMobile=mobile, ssaction=init.ssaction, senderId=init.senderid), data=msg_data, headers=headers)
def main():
credential = init.enter_credentials()
currsession = login_way2sms(credential)
reply = currsession.get(init.home_url)
page_content: str = str(reply.content)
if (reply.status_code == 200) and (page_content.find('send-sms', 10, 200) != -1):
print("Login Successful!\n")
print("Login Failed , Try again\n")
credential = init.enter_credentials()
currsession = login_way2sms(credential)
token = get_token(currsession)
send_msg(currsession, token)
The following method and code worked for me after creating a free account at way2sms (I hope you already did it). Then click on API tab then campaign at left. Then create test API and Secret Key (free with 25 message limit). Then use the following code--
import requests
import json
URL = ''
# get request
def sendPostRequest(reqUrl, apiKey, secretKey, useType, phoneNo, senderId, textMessage):
req_params = {
'phone': 'receiving_phone_number',
'message':'The textMessage I want to send',
'senderid':'Your Name'
return, req_params)
# get response
response = sendPostRequest(URL, 'provided-api-key', 'provided-secret', 'prod/stage', 'valid-to-mobile', 'active-sender-id', 'message-text' )
you must provide apikey, secretkey, usetype, mobile, senderid and message values
and then requst to api
# print response if you want
print response.text
Just fill the fields and run in python 2.7. Working perfectly on any Indian number. API invalid method signature but valid when getting session key

I wanna make python client for API. I wanna build kind of library.
I managed to get and set a session by getting a session key. Afterwards, I try to call a POST method that requires API_key, api_signature and session key. So I use the APi key I have, same api_signature I used to get the session key and the session key itself.
But I get an "invalid method signature" even though I use the same api_signature for the POST calls.
import json
import webbrowser
from hashlib import md5
import urllib3
class PyLast():
def __init__(self, API_KEY, SECRET, SESSION_KEY=None):
self.__API_KEY__ = API_KEY
self.__SECRET__ = SECRET
self.__api_signature__ = None
if SESSION_KEY is None:
self.__is_authorized__ = False
self.__is_authorized__ = True
self.__http__ = urllib3.PoolManager()
def request_token(self):
print("Getting the token...")
url = '{}&format=json'.format(self.__API_KEY__)
req_response = self.__http__.request('GET', url, headers={'User-Agent' : 'Mozilla/5.0'})
if req_response.status == 200:
json_data = json.loads('utf-8'))
TOKEN = json_data['token']
self.__TOKEN__ = TOKEN
return TOKEN
print("Error with code " + req_response.status)
def authorize(self):
if not self.__is_authorized__:
url = '{}&token={}'.format(self.__API_KEY__, self.__TOKEN__)
# open browser to authorize app, new=0, autoraise=True)
# Make sure authorized
self.__is_authorized__ = True
def start_session(self):
if self.__is_authorized__:
data = "api_key{}methodauth.getSessiontoken{}{}" \
.format(self.__API_KEY__, self.__TOKEN__, self.__SECRET__).encode(
self.__api_signature__ = md5(data).hexdigest()
url = '{}&token={}&api_sig={}&format=json'.format(
self.__API_KEY__, self.__TOKEN__, self.__api_signature__)
req_response = self.__http__.request('GET', url)
if req_response.status == 200:
json_data = json.loads('utf-8'))
session_key = json_data['session']['key']
self.__SESSION_KEY__ = session_key
url = '{}&api_sig={}&sk={}&artist=cher&track=believe&format=json'.format(
self.__API_KEY__, self.__api_signature__, self.__SESSION_KEY__)
req_response = self.__http__.request('POST', url)
return self.__SESSION_KEY__
print("Error with code " + str(req_response.status))
print("Not authorized!")
I found a solution. The problem was that I was using the same parameters used to generate session key to make a POST call. The right way to sign a method for API is to build the api_sig from the POST method we want to use. for example, to generate api_sig for we use these parameters:
data = {"api_key": API_KEY,
"method": "",
"track" : "yellow",
"artist" :"coldplay",
keys = sorted(data.keys())
param = [k+data[k] for k in keys]
param = "".join(param) + SECRET
api_sig = md5(param.encode()).hexdigest() # this api_sig used to sign call.

Facebook Messenger Chatbot Code - UnboundLocalError

Using the following code, I've setup a flask app:
import requests
import json
from flask import Flask, request
import apiai
# FB messenger credentials
# credentials
CLIENT_ACCESS_TOKEN = "78c0e0...d9404a2"
app = Flask(__name__)
#app.route('/', methods=['GET'])
def verify():
# our endpoint echos back the 'hub.challenge' value specified when we setup the webhook
if request.args.get("hub.mode") == "subscribe" and request.args.get("hub.challenge"):
if not request.args.get("hub.verify_token") == 'foo':
return "Verification token mismatch", 403
return request.args["hub.challenge"], 200
return 'Hello World (from Flask!)', 200
def reply(user_id, msg):
data = {
"recipient": {"id": user_id},
"message": {"text": msg}
resp ="" + ACCESS_TOKEN, json=data)
#app.route('/', methods=['POST'])
def handle_incoming_messages():
data = request.json
sender = data['entry'][0]['messaging'][0]['sender']['id']
message = data['entry'][0]['messaging'][0]['message']['text']
# prepare request
req = ai.text_request()
req.lang = 'en' # optional, default value equal 'en'
req.query = message
# get response from
api_response = req.getresponse()
responsestr ='utf-8')
response_obj = json.loads(responsestr)
if 'result' in response_obj:
response = response_obj["result"]["fulfillment"]["speech"]
reply(sender, response)
return "ok"
if __name__ == '__main__':
However, at line 51 there is an error in my server logs:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'response' referenced before
Which I understand the root of the cause is "response" is defined only within the if statement, however, since it is not my code, I'm having trouble defining the variable outside. Will this work if I place this code after line 48:
response = response_obj["result"]["fulfillment"]["speech"]

modifying user email using jenkins api with python

Is there a way to modify user details (email in particular) using jenkins api?
Posting a modified json file to {root}/user/{username}/api/json does not seem to modify the underlying data:
import urllib2
import json
root = 'your_url'
username = 'your_username'
user_url = root +'/user/{username}/api/json'.format(username=username)
orig_d = json.loads((urllib2.urlopen(user_url).read()))
d = dict(orig_d)
d['fullName'] = 'XXXXX'
json_data = json.dumps(d)
request = urllib2.Request(user_url)
request.add_header('Content-type', 'application/json')
new_d = json.loads(urllib2.urlopen(request, json_data).read())
print new_d, '\n', orig_d
assert orig_d!=new_d, 'They are equal!'
After looking at jenkins source code model/ it looks like the only "POST" configuration that is supported on User model is done through doConfigSubmit() member function. So I eneded up faking web POST form at jenkins_url/user/{username}/configSubmit. The following snippet worked for me:
import urllib2, urllib
import json
root = jenkins_url
username = username
user_url = root +'/user/{username}/api/json'.format(username=username)
config_url = root + '/user/{username}/configSubmit'.format(username=username)
d = json.loads((urllib2.urlopen(user_url).read()))
fullname = d['fullName']
description = d['description']
new_email = 'new_user_email'
post_d = {"userProperty1": {"address": new_email}}
request = urllib2.Request(config_url)
values = {'json': json.dumps(post_d),
'fullName': fullname,
'email.address': new_email,
'description': description}
data = urllib.urlencode(values)
response = urllib2.urlopen(request, data).read()
