Move in a serpentine line or snake line - python

A car should go from A to B. But not in the direct line. As in reality, it should drive in 2 arcs as shown in the diagram. Is there some kind of function for this? How would it be used?

You can consider this as an ellipse and calculate the perimeter of ellipse by giving length and magnitude, you can get your path length
import math
def calculate_perimeter(a,b):
perimeter = math.pi * ( 3*(a+b) - math.sqrt( (3*a + b) * (a + 3*b) ) )
return perimeter
calculate_perimeter(distance/2, magnitude_of_deviation/2)
distance = absolute(p1-p2)
= math.sqrt((x2-x1)**2 + (y2-y1)**2)
you have start p1(x,y) and p2 (x2,y2), absolute distance is distance at here and deviation magnitude is your choice and one eclipse would work for all distance


How do I construct a point from x,y, line and angle?

I am making a geometry interface in python (currently using tkinter) but I have stumbled upon a major problem: I need a function that is able to return a point, that is at a certain angle with a certain line segment, is a certain length apart from the vertex of the angle. We know the coordinates of the points of the line segment, and also the angle at which we want the point to be. I have attached an image below for a more graphical view of my question.
The problem: I can calculate it using trigonometry, where
x, y = vertex.getCoords()
endx = x + length * cos(radians(angle))
endy = y + length * sin(radians(angle))
p = Point(endx, endy)
The angle I input is in degrees. That calculation is true only when the line segment is parallel to the abscissa. But the sizes of the angles I get back are very strange, to say the least. I want the function to work wherever the first two points are on the tkinter canvas, whatever the angle is. I am very lost as to what I should do to fix it. What I found out: I get as output a point that when connected to the vertex, makes a line that is at the desired angle to the abscissa. So it works when the first arm(leg, shoulder) of the angle is parallel to the abscissa, then the function runs flawlessly (because of cross angles) - the Z formation. As soon as I make it not parallel, it becomes weird. This is because we are taking the y of the vertex, not where the foot of the perpendicular lands(C1 on the attached image). I am pretty good at math, so feel free to post some more technical solutions, I will understand them
EDIT: I just wanted to make a quick recap of my question: how should I construct a point that is at a certain angle from a line segment. I have already made functions that create the angle in respect to the X and Y axes, but I have no idea how i can make it in respect to the line inputted. Some code for the two functions:
def inRespectToXAxis(vertex, angle, length):
x, y = vertex.getCoords()
newx = x + length * cos(radians(angle))
newy = y + length * sin(radians(angle))
p = Point(abs(newx), abs(newy))
return p
def inRespectToYAxis(vertex, length, angle):
x, y = vertex.getCoords()
theta_rad = pi / 2 - radians(angle)
newx = x + length * cos(radians(angle))
newy = y + length * sin(radians(angle))
p = Point(newx, newy)
return p
Seems you want to add line segment angle to get proper result. You can calculate it using segment ends coordinates (x1,y1) and (x2,y2)
lineAngle = math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1)
Result is in radians, so apply it as
endx = x1 + length * cos(radians(angle) + lineAngle) etc

Shortest path through ordered circular waypoints

I am trying to implement an algorithm which computes the shortest path and and its associated distance from a current position to a goal through an ordered list of waypoints in a 2d plane. A waypoint is defined by its center coordinates (x, y) and its radius r. The shortest path have to intersect each waypoint circumference at least once. This is different from other path optimization problems because I already know the order in which the waypoints have to be crossed.
In the simple case, consecutive waypoints are distinct and not aligned and this can be solved using consecutive angle bisections. The tricky cases are :
when three or more consecutive waypoints have the same center but different radii
when consecutive waypoints are aligned such that a straight line passes through all of them
Here is a stripped down version of my Python implementation, which does not handle aligned waypoints, and handles badly concentric consecutive waypoints. I adapted it because it normally uses latitudes and longitudes, not points in the euclidean space.
def optimize(position, waypoints):
# current position is on the shortest path, cumulative distance starts at zero
shortest_path = []
optimized_distance = 0
# if only one waypoint left, go in a straight line
if len(waypoints) == 1:
optimized_distance += distance(, waypoints[-1].center)
# consider the last optimized point (one) and the next two waypoints (two, three)
for two, three in zip(waypoints[:], waypoints[1:]):
one = fast_waypoints[-1]
in_heading = get_heading(,
in_distance = distance(,
out_distance = distance(,
# two next waypoints are concentric
if out_distance == 0:
next_target, nb_concentric = find_next_not_concentric(two, waypoints)
out_heading = get_heading(,
angle = out_heading - in_heading
leg_distance = two.radius
leg_heading = in_heading + (0.5/nb_concentric) * angle
out_heading = get_heading(,
angle = out_heading - in_heading
leg_heading = in_heading + 0.5 * angle
leg_distance = (2 * in_distance * out_distance * math.cos(math.radians(angle * 0.5))) / (in_distance + out_distance)
best_leg_distance = min(leg_distance, two.radius)
next_best = get_offset(, leg_heading, min_leg_distance)
optimized_distance += distance(,
return optimized_distance, shortest_path
I can see how to test for the different corner cases but I think this approach is bad, because there may be other corner cases I haven't thought of. Another approach would be to discretize the waypoints circumferences and apply a shortest path algorithm such as A*, but that would be highly inefficient.
So here is my question : Is there a more concise approach to this problem ?
For the record, I implemented a solution using Quasi-Newton methods, and described it in this short article. The main work is summarized below.
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize
# objective function definition
def tasklen(θ, x, y, r):
x_proj = x + r*np.sin(θ)
y_proj = y + r*np.cos(θ)
dists = np.sqrt(np.power(np.diff(x_proj), 2) + np.power(np.diff(y_proj), 2))
return dists.sum()
# center coordinates and radii of turnpoints
X = np.array([0, 5, 0, 7, 12, 12]).astype(float)
Y = np.array([0, 0, 4, 7, 0, 5]).astype(float)
R = np.array([0, 2, 1, 2, 1, 0]).astype(float)
# first initialization vector is an array of zeros
init_vector = np.zeros(R.shape).astype(float)
# using scipy's solvers to minimize the objective function
result = minimize(tasklen, init_vector, args=(X, Y, R), tol=10e-5)
I would do it like this:
For each circle in order, pick any point on the circumference, and route the path through these points.
For each circle, move the point along the circumference in the direction that makes the total path length smaller.
Repeat 2. until no further improvement can be done.

Skyfield visible area underneath EarthSatellite

How would I calculate the area below an EarthSatellite so that I can plot the swath of land covered as the satellite passes over?
Is there anything in Skyfield that would facilitate that?
Edit: Just thought I'd clarify what I mean by area below the satellite. I need to plot the maximum area below the satellite possible to observe given that the Earth is a spheroid. I know how to plot the satellite path, but now I need to plot some lines to represent the area visible by that satellite as it flies over the earth.
Your edit made it clear what you want. The visible area from a satellite can be easily calculated (when the earth is seen as a sphere). A good source to get some background on the visible portion can be found here. To calculate the visible area when the earth is seen as an oblate spheroid will be a lot harder (and maybe even impossible). I think it's better to reform that part of the question and post it on Mathematics.
If you want to calculate the visible area when the earth is seen as a sphere we need to make some adjustments in Skyfield. With a satellite loaded using the TLE api you can easily get a sub point with the position on earth. The library is calling this the Geocentric position, but actually it's the Geodetic position (where the earth is seen as an oblate spheroid). To correct this we need to adjust subpoint of the Geocentric class to use the calculation for the Geocentric position and not the Geodetic position. Due to a bug and missing information in the reverse_terra function we also need to replace that function. And we need to be able to retrieve the earth radius. This results in the following:
from skyfield import api
from skyfield.positionlib import ICRF, Geocentric
from skyfield.constants import (AU_M, ERAD, DEG2RAD,
from skyfield.units import Angle
from numpy import einsum, sqrt, arctan2, pi, cos, sin
def reverse_terra(xyz_au, gast, iterations=3):
"""Convert a geocentric (x,y,z) at time `t` to latitude and longitude.
Returns a tuple of latitude, longitude, and elevation whose units
are radians and meters. Based on Dr. T.S. Kelso's quite helpful
article "Orbital Coordinate Systems, Part III":
x, y, z = xyz_au
R = sqrt(x*x + y*y)
lon = (arctan2(y, x) - 15 * DEG2RAD * gast - pi) % tau - pi
lat = arctan2(z, R)
a = ERAD / AU_M
e2 = 2.0*f - f*f
i = 0
C = 1.0
while i < iterations:
i += 1
C = 1.0 / sqrt(1.0 - e2 * (sin(lat) ** 2.0))
lat = arctan2(z + a * C * e2 * sin(lat), R)
elevation_m = ((R / cos(lat)) - a * C) * AU_M
earth_R = (a*C)*AU_M
return lat, lon, elevation_m, earth_R
def subpoint(self, iterations):
"""Return the latitude an longitude directly beneath this position.
Returns a :class:`~skyfield.toposlib.Topos` whose ``longitude``
and ``latitude`` are those of the point on the Earth's surface
directly beneath this position (according to the center of the
earth), and whose ``elevation`` is the height of this position
above the Earth's center.
if != 399: # TODO: should an __init__() check this?
raise ValueError("you can only ask for the geographic subpoint"
" of a position measured from Earth's center")
t = self.t
xyz_au = einsum('ij...,j...->i...', t.M,
lat, lon, elevation_m, self.earth_R = reverse_terra(xyz_au, t.gast, iterations)
from skyfield.toposlib import Topos
return Topos(latitude=Angle(radians=lat),
def earth_radius(self):
return self.earth_R
def satellite_visiable_area(earth_radius, satellite_elevation):
"""Returns the visible area from a satellite in square meters.
Formula is in the form is 2piR^2h/R+h where:
R = earth radius
h = satellite elevation from center of earth
return ((2 * pi * ( earth_radius ** 2 ) *
( earth_radius + satellite_elevation)) /
(earth_radius + earth_radius + satellite_elevation))
stations_url = ''
satellites = api.load.tle(stations_url)
satellite = satellites['ISS (ZARYA)']
ts = api.load.timescale()
t =
geocentric =
geocentric.subpoint = subpoint.__get__(geocentric, Geocentric)
geocentric.earth_radius = earth_radius.__get__(geocentric, Geocentric)
geodetic_sub = geocentric.subpoint(3)
print('Geodetic latitude:', geodetic_sub.latitude)
print('Geodetic longitude:', geodetic_sub.longitude)
print('Geodetic elevation (m)', int(geodetic_sub.elevation.m))
print('Geodetic earth radius (m)', int(geocentric.earth_radius()))
geocentric_sub = geocentric.subpoint(0)
print('Geocentric latitude:', geocentric_sub.latitude)
print('Geocentric longitude:', geocentric_sub.longitude)
print('Geocentric elevation (m)', int(geocentric_sub.elevation.m))
print('Geocentric earth radius (m)', int(geocentric.earth_radius()))
print('Visible area (m^2)', satellite_visiable_area(geocentric.earth_radius(),

How to Expand a Polygon Until One of the Borders Reaches a Point

I have code to expand the polygon, it works by multiplying the xs and ys by a factor then re centering the resultant polyon at the center of the original.
I also have code to find the value for the expansion factor, given a point that the polygon needs to reach:
import numpy as np
import itertools as IT
import copy
from shapely.geometry import LineString, Point
def getPolyCenter(points):
""" (mgamba)
area = area_of_polygon(*zip(*points))
result_x = 0
result_y = 0
N = len(points)
points = IT.cycle(points)
x1, y1 = next(points)
for i in range(N):
x0, y0 = x1, y1
x1, y1 = next(points)
cross = (x0 * y1) - (x1 * y0)
result_x += (x0 + x1) * cross
result_y += (y0 + y1) * cross
result_x /= (area * 6.0)
result_y /= (area * 6.0)
return (result_x, result_y)
def expandPoly(points, factor):
points = np.array(points, dtype=np.float64)
expandedPoly = points*factor
expandedPoly -= getPolyCenter(expandedPoly)
expandedPoly += getPolyCenter(points)
return np.array(expandedPoly, dtype=np.int64)
def distanceLine2Point(points, point):
points = np.array(points, dtype=np.float64)
point = np.array(point, dtype=np.float64)
points = LineString(points)
point = Point(point)
return points.distance(point)
def distancePolygon2Point(points, point):
distances = []
for i in range(len(points)):
if i==len(points)-1:
j = 0
j = i+1
line = [points[i], points[j]]
distances.append(distanceLine2Point(line, point))
minDistance = np.min(distances)
#index = np.where(distances==minDistance)[0][0]
return minDistance
Returns the distance from a point to the nearest line of the polygon,
AND the distance from where the normal to the line (to reach the point)
intersets the line to the center of the polygon.
def distancePolygon2PointAndCenter(points, point):
distances = []
for i in range(len(points)):
if i==len(points)-1:
j = 0
j = i+1
line = [points[i], points[j]]
distances.append(distanceLine2Point(line, point))
minDistance = np.min(distances)
i = np.where(distances==minDistance)[0][0]
if i==len(points)-1:
j = 0
j = i+1
line = copy.deepcopy([points[i], points[j]])
centerDistance = distanceLine2Point(line, getPolyCenter(points))
return minDistance, centerDistance
minDistance, centerDistance = distancePolygon2PointAndCenter(points, point)
expandedPoly = expandPoly(points, 1+minDistance/centerDistance)
This code only works when the point is directly opposing one of the polygons lines.
Modify your method distancePolygon2PointAndCenter to instead of
Returns the distance from a point to the nearest line of the polygon
To return the distance from a point to the segment intersected by a ray from the center to the point. This is the line that will intersect the point once the polygon is fully expanded. To get this segment, take both endpoints of each segment of your polygon, and plug them into the equation for the line parallel & intersecting the ray mentioned earlier. That is y = ((centerY-pointY)/(centerX-pointX)) * (x - centerX) + centerY. You want to want to find endpoints where either one of them intersect the line, or the two are on opposite sides of the line.
Then, the only thing left to do is make sure that we pick the segment intersecting the right "side" of the line. To do this, there are a few options. The fail-safe method would be to use the formula cos(theta) = sqrt((centerX**2 + centerY**2)*(pointX**2 + pointY**2)) / (centerX * pointX + centerY * pointY) however, you could use methods such as comparing x and y values, taking the arctan2(), and such to figure out which segment is on the correct "side" of center. You'll just have lots of edge cases to cover. After all this is said and done, your two (unless its not convex, in which case take the segment farthest from you center) endpoints makeup the segment to expand off of.
Determine what is "polygon center" as central point C of expanding. Perhaps it is centroid (or some point with another properties?).
Make a segment from your point P to C. Find intersection point I between PC and polygon edges. If polygon is concave and there are some intersection points, choose the closest one to P.
Calculate coefficient of expanding:
E = Length(PC) / Length(CI)
Calculate new vertex coordinates. For i-th vertex of polygon:
V'[i].X = C.X + (V[i].X - C.X) * E
V'[i].Y = C.Y + (V[i].Y - C.Y) * E
Decide which point you want to reach, then calculate how much % your polygon needs to expand to reach that point and use the shapely.affinity.scale function. For example, in my case I just needed to make the polygon 5% bigger:
region = shapely.affinity.scale(myPolygon,
xfact=1.05, yfact=1.05 )

Calculating area of a segment in a circle

You are given the diameter across, and the length of the segment or chord. The diameter for my question is 12, and the chord is 10. You have to find the height of the shaded segment, and then print the area. The original formula is A=2/3ch + h^3/2c. My classmates got 18 for the area, but when I use my code I get 41.
This is the closest picture representation I can find. However there is a dashed line from ϴ to s.
from math import sqrt
diamStr=input("Enter the length of the diameter: ")
chordStr = input( " Enter the chord length: ")
chord = int(chordStr)
radius = (diameter/2)
s = sqrt (diameter**2+chord**2)
h = (s/2-radius)
i= (2/3*chord*h)
area = (i+j)
print (area)
Unfortunately there's something wrong with your formula but if look at the problem with some elementary mathematics you may notice that the angle ϴ can be found using the cosine rule since we know the 3 lengths (the two radius and chord length)
In Python it would be:
theta = math.acos((radius**2 + radius**2 - chord**2)/(2*radius**2))
Since the variable theta is already in radians we can use this formula to calculate the area of the segment :
which in python would be area = 1/2 * (theta - math.sin(theta)) * radius**2
Therefore after merging all of these we come up with a elegant solution:
import math
diamStr=input("Enter the length of the diameter: ")
chordStr = input( " Enter the chord length: ")
chord = int(chordStr)
radius = (diameter/2)
theta = math.acos((radius**2 + radius**2 - chord**2)/(2*radius**2))
area = 1/2 * (theta - math.sin(theta)) * radius**2
If you enter diameter as 12cm and chord length as 10 you'll get 18.880864248381847 but you can round it to any number of decimal places you want by the round() function.
eg: print(round((area),2)) prints 18.88
