Inserting a new column with openpyxl removes previous column width adjustment? - python

Below is a snippet out of my code thats supposed to create a new E column and insert the current time in E1.
if 'ownUpdatedProduce.xlsx' in os.listdir(os.getcwd()):
print('Updated excel file found. Updating this one')
mainFileName = 'ownUpdatedProduce.xlsx'
print('Updated excel file not found. Creating one')
mainFileName = 'produceSales.xlsx'
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(mainFileName)
sheet = wb[(wb.sheetnames[0])]
sheet.insert_cols(idx=5, amount=1)
sheet.column_dimensions['E'].width = 19
sheet['E1'] = currentTime
sheet['E1'].font = capitalFont
After that it does some stuff to the file and saves it. The only thing that does not work as intended is what happens to the E column. It was intended to create a new column on the fifth position (E) and adjust its size to 19 then insert current date as bold text whenever the script is run. It does that perfectly the first time its run (when the updated file does not exist). But on consecutive runs, as it inserts a new column the previously created ones get their width readjusted back to excels default. So whatever was on E column on first run is now on F column with a much narrower width. I've added a picture of the excel file after 3 runs to try and clarify what i mean.

As Charlie Clark commented, one needs to back fill the widths. Apparently, insert_cols in openpyxl does not change the map between the column letter and the width. Respectively, the widths are shifted by one, if one column is inserted.
import openpyxl
mainFileName = 'produceSales.xlsx'
wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(mainFileName)
ws =
col = 5
for i in range(ws.max_column-1,col,-1):
l = openpyxl.utils.cell.get_column_letter(i) # Get the next column letter
m = openpyxl.utils.cell.get_column_letter(i-1) # Get the previous column letter
ws.column_dimensions[l].width = ws.column_dimensions[m].width
col_letter = openpyxl.utils.cell.get_column_letter(col)
sheet.column_dimensions[col_letter].width = 19


Python/Openpyxl: Merge empty row cells delimited by string

I am trying to create a script using python and openpyxl to open up a given excel sheet and merge all cells in a given row together until the script finds a cell containing a string. The row placement is always the same, but the number of columns and the column placement of the strings is not so it needs to be dynamic. Once a new string is found, I want to continue to merge cells until the column that is right before the grand total. There are also cases where the cell doesn't need to be merged, because there is no empty cell in the data set to merge it with.
I found this answer here, which is doing a similar procedure except it is merging rows instead of columns. I was able to refactor part of this to create a list of the cells that have strings in my workbook, but am struggling on next steps. Any thoughts?
import openpyxl
from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter
from openpyxl import Workbook
wb1 = openpyxl.load_workbook('stackoverflow question.xlsx')
ws1 = wb1.worksheets['ws1']
columns_with_strings = []
merge_row = '3' #the data to merge will always be in this row
for col in range (2, ws1.max_column-1):
for row in merge_row:
if ws1[get_column_letter(col) + merge_row].value != None:
columns_with_strings.append(str(get_column_letter(col) + merge_row)
The above code yields this list which includes the correct cells that contain strings and need to be checked for merging:
['C3', 'F3', 'J3']
This is how the workbook looks now:
This is how I am trying to get it to look in the end:
To complete your code, you can use worksheet.merge_cells with worhseet.cell.alignment:
from openpyxl import load_workbook
from openpyxl.styles import Alignment
wb = load_workbook("tmp/stackoverflow question.xlsx")
ws = wb["Sheet1"]
merge_row = 3
#here, we get the columns idx for every non null cell in row 3
#and after that, we make a text alignment (center) in the last cell
idx_col_strings = [cell.column for cell in ws[merge_row] if cell.value]
ws.cell(3, idx_col_strings[-1]).alignment = Alignment(horizontal="center")
#here, we loop through each range until the last non null cell in row 3
#then, we make a merge as much as the number of transitions (non null => null)
#and finally, we make a text alignement (center) for each cell/merge
for i in range(len(idx_col_strings)-1):
start_col, end_col = idx_col_strings[i], idx_col_strings[i+1]-1
ws.merge_cells(start_row=merge_row, start_column=start_col,
end_row=merge_row, end_column=end_col)
ws.cell(merge_row, start_col).alignment = Alignment(horizontal="center")"tmp/stackoverflow answer.xlsx")
To start, if you aren't familiar with openpyxl's merge and unmerge functions, I recommend your read about them in the documentation ( to get a sense of how this works.
Here is base code that should provide the functionality you are wanting, but some values may need tweaked for your device or spreadsheet.
import openpyxl # Necessary imports.
from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter
from openpyxl.utils.cell import coordinate_from_string
from openpyxl.utils.cell import column_index_from_string
from openpyxl import Workbook
wb1 = openpyxl.load_workbook('stackoverflow question.xlsx') # Start of your code.
ws1 = wb1.worksheets[0]
columns_with_strings = []
merge_row = '3' #the data to merge will always be in this row
for col in range (2, ws1.max_column):
for row in merge_row:
if ws1[get_column_letter(col) + merge_row].value != None:
columns_with_strings.append(str(get_column_letter(col) + merge_row)) # End of your code.
prior_string = columns_with_strings[0] # Set the "prior_string" to be the first detected string.
for cell in columns_with_strings:
coords = coordinate_from_string(cell) # Split "prior_string" into the letter and number components.
if column_index_from_string(coords[0]) >1:
prior = str(get_column_letter(column_index_from_string(coords[0])-1)) + str(coords[1]) # Get the cell that is left of the cell "prior_string"
if prior > prior_string:
ws1.merge_cells(f'{prior_string}:{prior}') # Merge the cells.
prior_string=cell # Set the current string to be the prior string.
ws1.merge_cells(f'{cell}:{get_column_letter(ws1.max_column)+str(coords[1])}') # Merge the last string to the end (the last column)."stackoverflow question.xlsx") # Save the file changes.
I hope this helps to point you in the right direction!
Based on #timeless' answer I've cleaned the code up a bit to make better use of Python's tools and the openpyxl API
from openpyxl import Workbook
wb = Workbook()
ws =
ws.append([None, None, "Group A", None, None, "Group B", None, None, None, "Group C"])
# get column indices for header cells
headings = [cell.column for cell in next(ws.iter_rows(min_row=3, max_row=3)) if cell.value]
from openpyxl.styles import Alignment, PatternFill, NamedStyle
fill = PatternFill(patternType="solid", fgColor="DDDDDD")
alignment = Alignment(horizontal="center")
header_style = NamedStyle(alignment=alignment, fill=fill, name="Header")
from itertools import zip_longest
# create ranges for merged cells from the list of header cells: the boundary of the first range, is the index of the start of the next minus 1. Use zip_longest for the final value
for start_column, end_column in zip_longest(headings, headings[1:], fillvalue=headings[-1]+1):
ws.cell(3, start_column).style = header_style
ws.merge_cells(start_row=3, end_row=3, start_column=start_column, end_column=end_column-1)"merged.xlsx")
Using the API wherever possible generally leads to more manageable and generic code.

How to iterate over a particular column in excel using pyxl(python)

I am new to python and need you help.I am trying to write code that iterates through a particular column in excel using pyxl
from io import StringIO
import pandas as pd
import pyodbc
from openpyxl import load_workbook
wb = load_workbook('workbook.xlsx')
SO here in the above example I have to go column J and display all the values in the column.
Please help me solve this.
Also,I have the same column name repeated in my excel sheet..For Example "Sample" column name is available in B2 and also in J2..But I want to get all the column information of J2.
Please let me know how to solve this...
Thankyou ..Please reply
Since you're new to python, you should learn to read the documentation. There are tons of modules available and it will be quicker for you and easier for the rest of us if you make the effort first.
import openpyxl
from openpyxl.utils import cell as cellutils
## My example book simply has "=Address(Row(),Column())" in A1:J20
## Because my example uses formulae, I am loading my workbook with
## "data_only = True" in order to get the values; if your cells do not
## contain formulae, you can omit data_only
workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook("workbook.xlsx", data_only = True)
worksheet =
## Alterntively: worksheet = workbook["sheetname"]
## A container for gathering the cell values
output = []
## Current Row = 2 assumes that Cell 1 (in this case, J1) contains your column header
## Adjust as necessary
column = cellutils.column_index_from_string("J")
currentrow = 2
## Get the first cell
cell = worksheet.cell(column = column, row = currentrow)
## The purpose of "While cell.value" is that I'm assuming the column
## is complete when the cell does not contain a value
## If you know the exact range you need, you can either use a for-loop,
## or look at openpyxl.utils.cell.rows_from_range
while cell.value:
## Add Cell value to our list of values for this column
## Move to the next row
currentrow += 1
## Get that cell
cell = worksheet.cell(column = column, row = currentrow)
""" output: ['$J$2', '$J$3', '$J$4', '$J$5', '$J$6', '$J$7',
'$J$8', '$J$9', '$J$10', '$J$11', '$J$12', '$J$13', '$J$14',
'$J$15', '$J$16', '$J$17', '$J$18', '$J$19', '$J$20']

Openpyxl turning columns in lists?

Need to do some coding for a school project, but I am having trouble with producing an usable list from a column of data using Openpyxl (in Python). Here's the code:
from openpyxl import load_workbook
HISPARC = load_workbook(filename = "APPLES.xlsx")
sheet =
i = 32
while i < 80:
a = [sheet.cell(row = i, column = 11)]
i = i + 3
It prints everything. Also, if I were to place a independent piece of code before printing the only number that will print is the last cell in the column and nothing else.
What I want to do is to produce a list of the cells generated above so that I can use their values later on.
values = [c.value for c in ws['L'][32:80]]
Will give you the a list of all the values for the cells L31 to L:81 which it seems is what you want.

xlwings function to find the last row with data

I am trying to find the last row in a column with data. to replace the vba function: LastRow = sht.Cells(sht.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
I am trying this, but this pulls in all rows in Excel. How can I just get the last row.
from xlwings import Workbook, Range
wb = Workbook()
print len(Range('A:A'))
Consolidating the answers above, you can do it in one line:
wb.sheet.range(column + last cell value).Get End of section going up[non blank assuming the last cell is blank].row
Example code:
import xlwings as xw
from xlwings import Range, constants
wb = xw.Book(r'path.xlsx')
wb.sheets[0].range('A' + str(wb.sheets[0].cells.last_cell.row)).end('up').row
We can use Range object to find the last row and/or the last column:
import xlwings as xw
# open raw data file
filename_read = 'data_raw.csv'
wb = xw.Book(filename_read)
sht = wb.sheets[0]
# find the numbers of columns and rows in the sheet
num_col = sht.range('A1').end('right').column
num_row = sht.range('A1').end('down').row
# collect data
content_list = sht.range((1,1),(num_row,num_col)).value
This is very much the same as crazymachu's answer, just wrapped up in a function. Since version 0.9.0 of xlwings you can do this:
import xlwings as xw
def lastRow(idx, workbook, col=1):
""" Find the last row in the worksheet that contains data.
idx: Specifies the worksheet to select. Starts counting from zero.
workbook: Specifies the workbook
col: The column in which to look for the last cell containing data.
ws = workbook.sheets[idx]
lwr_r_cell = ws.cells.last_cell # lower right cell
lwr_row = lwr_r_cell.row # row of the lower right cell
lwr_cell = ws.range((lwr_row, col)) # change to your specified column
if lwr_cell.value is None:
lwr_cell = lwr_cell.end('up') # go up untill you hit a non-empty cell
return lwr_cell.row
Intuitively, the function starts off by finding the most extreme lower-right cell in the workbook. It then moves across to your selected column and then up until it hits the first non-empty cell.
You could try using Direction by starting at the very bottom and then moving up:
import xlwings
from xlwings.constants import Direction
wb = xlwings.Workbook(r'data.xlsx')
print(wb.active_sheet.xl_sheet.Cells(65536, 1).End(Direction.xlUp).Row)
Try this:
import xlwings as xw
cellsDown = xw.Range('A1').vertical.value
cellsRight = xw.Range('A1').horizontal.value
print len(cellsDown)
print len(cellsRight)
One could use the VBA Find function that is exposed through api property (use it to find anything with a star, and begin your search from the first cell).
row_cell = s.api.Cells.Find(What="*",
After=s.api.Cells(1, 1),
column_cell = s.api.Cells.Find(What="*",
After=s.api.Cells(1, 1),
print((row_cell.Row, column_cell.Column))
Other methods outlined here seems to require no empty rows/columns between data.
python 3.6, xlwings 0.11
Solutoin 1
To find last row with data, you should do some work both horizontally and vertically. You have to go through every column to determine which row is the last row.
import xlwings
workbook_all = xlwings.Book(r'path.xlsx')
objectiveSheet = workbook_all .sheets['some_sheet']
# lastCellContainData(), inspired of Stefan's answer.
def lastCellContainData(objectiveSheet,lastRow=None,lastColumn=None):
lastRow = objectiveSheet.cells.last_cell.row if lastRow==None else lastRow
lastColumn = objectiveSheet.cells.last_cell.column if lastColumn==None else lastColumn
lastRows,lastColumns = [],[]
for col in range(1,lastColumn):
lastRows.append(objectiveSheet.range((lastRow, col)).end('up').row)
# extract last row of every column, then max(). Or you can compare the next
# column's last row number to the last column's last row number. Here you get
# the last row with data, you can also go further get the last column with data:
for row in range(1,lastRow):
lastColumns.append(objectiveSheet.range((row, lastColumn)).end('left').column)
return max(lastRows),max(lastColumns)
I added lastRow and lastColumn. To make the program more effective, you can set these parameters according to the approximate shape of the data you're dealing with.
Solution 2
xlwings is honored for being wrapper of pywin32. I don't know if your situation allows for keyboard or mouse. If so, first you ctrl+tab switch to the workbook, then ctrl+a to select the region containing data, then you call workbook_all.selection.rows.count.
another way:
When you know where right bottom cell of your data locates faintly, say AAA10000, just call objectiveSheet.range('A1:'+'AAA10000').current_region.rows.count
After a while none of the solutions were really intuitive to me, so I decided to compile the following:
import xlwings as Objxlwings
import xlwings.constants
def Return_RangeLastCell(ObjWS):
return ObjWS.api.Cells.SpecialCells(xlwings.constants.CellType.xlCellTypeLastCell)
I tried to keep consistency with the way to call it from Excel to keep it simple
Then on my main code, I just call it like so:
Interesting solutions. But maybe like this:
#Cody's answer will help under normal circumstances, but if your sheet have hidden rows at bottom like links: example, it will give the wrong row number.
Lets say, if your row counts of data is 10, and row[5:11] are hidden, i.e. actually last_row will be 10.
[code a] below will give you answer 5, [code b] below will give you answer 10.
code a:
ws = wb.sheets[your_sheet_name]
last_row = ws.range('A' + str(ws.cells.last_cell.row)).end('up').row # return 5
code b:
ws = wb.sheets[your_sheet_name]
last_row_1 = ws.used_range.last_cell.row # return 10

Is it possible to get an Excel document's row count without loading the entire document into memory?

I'm working on an application that processes huge Excel 2007 files, and I'm using OpenPyXL to do it. OpenPyXL has two different methods of reading an Excel file - one "normal" method where the entire document is loaded into memory at once, and one method where iterators are used to read row-by-row.
The problem is that when I'm using the iterator method, I don't get any document meta-data like column widths and row/column count, and i really need this data. I assume this data is stored in the Excel document close to the top, so it shouldn't be necessary to load the whole 10MB file into memory to get access to it.
So, is there a way to get ahold of the row/column count and column widths without loading the entire document into memory first?
Adding on to what Hubro said, apparently get_highest_row() has been deprecated. Using the max_row and max_column properties returns the row and column count. For example:
wb = load_workbook(path, use_iterators=True)
sheet = wb.worksheets[0]
row_count = sheet.max_row
column_count = sheet.max_column
The solution suggested in this answer has been deprecated, and might no longer work.
Taking a look at the source code of OpenPyXL (IterableWorksheet) I've figured out how to get the column and row count from an iterator worksheet:
wb = load_workbook(path, use_iterators=True)
sheet = wb.worksheets[0]
row_count = sheet.get_highest_row() - 1
column_count = letter_to_index(sheet.get_highest_column()) + 1
IterableWorksheet.get_highest_column returns a string with the column letter that you can see in Excel, e.g. "A", "B", "C" etc. Therefore I've also written a function to translate the column letter to a zero based index:
def letter_to_index(letter):
"""Converts a column letter, e.g. "A", "B", "AA", "BC" etc. to a zero based
column index.
A becomes 0, B becomes 1, Z becomes 25, AA becomes 26 etc.
letter (str): The column index letter.
The column index as an integer.
letter = letter.upper()
result = 0
for index, char in enumerate(reversed(letter)):
# Get the ASCII number of the letter and subtract 64 so that A
# corresponds to 1.
num = ord(char) - 64
# Multiply the number with 26 to the power of `index` to get the correct
# value of the letter based on it's index in the string.
final_num = (26 ** index) * num
result += final_num
# Subtract 1 from the result to make it zero-based before returning.
return result - 1
I still haven't figured out how to get the column sizes though, so I've decided to use a fixed-width font and automatically scaled columns in my application.
Python 3
import openpyxl as xl
wb = xl.load_workbook("Sample.xlsx", enumerate)
#the 2 lines under do the same.
sheet = wb.get_sheet_by_name('sheet')
sheet = wb.worksheets[0]
row_count = sheet.max_row
column_count = sheet.max_column
#this works fore me.
This might be extremely convoluted and I might be missing the obvious, but without OpenPyXL filling in the column_dimensions in Iterable Worksheets (see my comment above), the only way I can see of finding the column size without loading everything is to parse the xml directly:
from xml.etree.ElementTree import iterparse
from openpyxl import load_workbook
wb=load_workbook("/path/to/workbook.xlsx", use_iterators=True)
xml = ws._xml_source
for _,x in iterparse(xml):
name= x.tag.split("}")[-1]
if name=="col":
print "Column %(max)s: Width: %(width)s"%x.attrib # width = x.attrib["width"]
if name=="cols":
print "break before reading the rest of the file"
see : row_range() Utility function to get row range
if you use pyexcel, can call row_range get max rows.
python 3.4 test pass.
Options using pandas.
Gets all sheetnames with count of rows and columns.
import pandas as pd
xl = pd.ExcelFile('file.xlsx')
sheetnames = xl.sheet_names
for sheet in sheetnames:
df = xl.parse(sheet)
dimensions = df.shape
print('sheetname', ' --> ', dimensions)
Single sheet count of rows and columns.
import pandas as pd
xl = pd.ExcelFile('file.xlsx')
sheetnames = xl.sheet_names
df = xl.parse(sheetnames[0]) # [0] get first tab/sheet.
dimensions = df.shape
print(f'sheetname: "{sheetnames[0]}" - -> {dimensions}')
output sheetname "Sheet1" --> (row count, column count)
