I have a very large dataset (7 million rows, 54 features) that I would like to fit a regression model to using XGBoost. To train the best possible model, I want to use BayesSearchCV from scikit-optimize to run the fit repeatedly for different hyperparameter combinations until the best performing set is found.
For a given set of hyperparameters, XGBoost takes a very long time to train a model, so in order to find the best hyperparameters without spending days on every permutation of training folds, hyperparameters, etc., I want to multithread both XGBoost and BayesSearchCV. The relevant part of my code looks like this:
xgb_pipe = Pipeline([('clf', XGBRegressor(random_state = 42, objective='reg:squarederror', n_jobs = 1))])
xgb_fit_params = {'clf__early_stopping_rounds': 5, 'clf__eval_metric': 'mae', 'clf__eval_set': [[X_val.values, y_val.values]]}
xgb_kfold = KFold(n_splits = 5, random_state = 42)
xgb_unsm_cv = BayesSearchCV(xgb_pipe, xgb_params, cv = xgb_kfold, n_jobs = 2, n_points = 1, n_iter = 15, random_state = 42, verbose = 4, scoring = 'neg_mean_absolute_error', fit_params = xgb_fit_params)
xgb_unsm_cv.fit(X_train.values, y_train.values)
However, I've found that when n_jobs > 1 in the BayesSearchCV call, the fit crashes and I get the following error:
TerminatedWorkerError: A worker process managed by the executor was unexpectedly terminated. This could be caused by a segmentation fault while calling the function or by an excessive memory usage causing the Operating System to kill the worker.
The exit codes of the workers are {SIGKILL(-9)}
This error persists whenever I use more than 1 thread in the BayesSearchCV call, and is independent of the memory I provide.
Is this some fundamental incompatibility between XGBoost and scikit-optimize, or can both packages be forced to work together somehow? Without some way of multithreading the optimization, I fear that fitting my model will take weeks to perform. What can I do to fix this?
I don't think the error has something to do with the incompatibility of the libraries. Rather, since you are asking for two different multi-thread operations, you are running out of the the memory as your program is trying to put the complete dataset onto your RAM not once but twice for multiple instances (depending on the threads).
TerminatedWorkerError: A worker process managed by the executor was unexpectedly terminated. This could be caused by a segmentation fault while calling the function or by an excessive memory usage causing the Operating System to kill the worker.
The exit codes of the workers are {SIGKILL(-9)}
Segmentation Fault refers to an error where the system ran out of available memory.
Note that XGBoost is a RAM hungry beast, coupling it with another multi-threaded operation is bound to take a toll(and personally, not recommended with daily driver machines.)
The most viable solution would be to probably use Google's TPU or some other cloud service (beware of the costs), or use some technique to reduce the size of the dataset for processing using some statistical techniques like the ones mentioned in this kaggle notebook and Data Science StackExchange Article.
The idea is, either you upscale the hardware (monetary cost), go head-on with single thread BayesianCV (time cost) or downsize the data using whatever technique best suits you.
Finally, the answer still is that the libraries are probably compatible, just the data is too large for the available RAM.
I am running a quantized TFLite model (in Linux PC) for inference using XNNPack backend. I am aware that TFLite models may suffer high latency for prediction and i'm trying to optimize its performance defining number of threads to TFLite.Interpreter(num_threads=X).
I made some trials using X=[4, 6, 8, None] and the best scenario was with X=4, but this doesn't make sense to me. How it is defined the optimal number of threads? And more, defining num_threads automatically works with multiple CPUs or do i have to use another library/package?
(other optimizations that could speed up inference are very welcome!). The model i'm using is a quantized google BERT.
It depends on your target environment. If the target is a single or dual core machine and you're not allowed to use multiple cores for your application, you should use num_threads=1.
Otherwise, you may use more threads to leverage multiple cores.
If your target only has 4 cores, using higher than 4 doesn't give a performance improvement but gives only memory and context switching overhead. (Also shape of inputs are related depends on op kernel implementation)
Regarding the performance improvement,
usually integer operation is faster than float. So you can optimize your model to use integer operations.
Also if your target has GPU, you could try GPU delegate.
when I run fit() with multiprocessing=True i always get a deadlock and the following warning:
WARNING:tensorflow:multiprocessing can interact badly with TensorFlow, causing nondeterministic deadlocks. For high performance data pipelines tf.data is recommended.
how to run it properly?
Since it says "tf.data", i wonder if transforming my data into this format will make multiprocessing work. What specifically is meant/how to convert it?
my dataset: (reproducable)
Input_shape, labels =(20,4), 6
LEN_X.LEN_Y = 20000.3000
train_X,train_Y = np.asarray([np.random.random(Input_shape) for x in range(LEN_X )]), np.random.random((LEN_X ,labels))
validation_X,validation_Y = np.asarray([np.random.random(Input_shape) for x in range(LEN_Y)]), np.random.random((LEN_Y,labels))
sampleW = np.random.random((LEN_X ,1))
The multiprocessing doesn't accelerate the model itself. It only accelerates the data loading. And data loading delay is not a problem when all your data is already in-memory.
You could still use multiprocessing, however, but you must make sure that the underlying dataset is thread-safe and you have to carefully craft the data pipeline. That is quite time consuming. So, instead I suggest you speed up the model itself.
For that, you should look into:
changing all except last layer activations to RELU.
tweaking batch size. (optimal number depends on your hardware, and is almost always less than or equal to 32)
using Batch normalization to speed up convergence.
using higher learning rate (be careful not to overdo this step).
if you need faster convolutions, consider using Kaggle notebooks or vast.ai for GPU-enabled computations.
last but not least, try using a simpler, smaller model.
Comment down here if you have any additional questions.
The problem
I am currently working on a project that I sadly can't share with you. The project is about hyper-parameter optimization for neural networks, and it requires that I train multiple neural network models (more than I can store on my GPU) in parallel. The network architectures stay the same, but the network parameters and hyper-parameters are subjected to change between each training interval. I am currently achieving this using PyTorch on a linux environment in order to allow my NVIDIA GTX 1660 (6GB RAM) to use the multiprocessing feature that PyTorch provides.
Code (simplified):
def training_function(checkpoint):
for step in range(training_steps):
trained_checkpoints = list()
for trained_checkpoint in pool.imap_unordered(training_function, checkpoints):
for optimized_checkpoint in optimize(trained_checkpoints):
I currently test with a population of 30 neural networks (i.e. 30 checkpoints) with the MNIST and FashionMNIST datasets which consists of 70 000 (50k training, 10k validation, 10k testing) 28x28 images with 1 channel each respectively. The network I train is a simple Lenet5 implementation.
I use a torch.multiprocessing pool and allow 7 processes to be spawned. Each process uses some of the GPU memory available just to initialize the CUDA environment in each process. After training, the checkpoints are adapted with my hyper-parameter optimization technique.
The load function in the training_function loads the model- and optimizer state (holds the network parameter tensors) from a local file into GPU memory using torch.load. The unload saves the newly trained states back to file using torch.save and deletes them from memory. I do this because PyTorch will only detach GPU tensors when no variable is referencing them. I have to do this because I have limited GPU memory.
The current setup works, but each CUDA initialization occupies over 700MB of GPU RAM, and so I am interested if there are other ways I could do this that may use less memory without a penalty to efficiency.
My attempts
I suspected I could use a thread pool in order to save some memory, and it did. By spawning 7 threads instead of 7 processes, CUDA was only initialized once, which saved almost half of my memory. However, this lead to a new problem in which the GPU only utilized approx. 30% utilization according to nvidia-smi that I am monitoring in a separate linux terminal. Without threads, I get around 85-90% utilization.
I also messed around with torch.multiprocessing.set_sharing_strategy which is currently set to 'file_descriptor', but with no luck.
My questions
Is there a better way to work with multiple model- and optimizer states without saving and loading them to files while training? I have tried to move the model to CPU using model.cpu() before saving the state_dict, but this did not work in my implementation (memory leaks).
Is there an efficient way I can train multiple neural networks at the same time that uses less GPU memory? When searching the web, I only find references to nn.DataParallel which trains the same model over multiple GPUs by copying it to each GPU. This does not work for my problem.
I will soon have access to multiple, more powerful GPUs with more memory, and I suspect this problem will be less annoying then, but I wouldn't be surprised if there is a better solution I am not getting.
Update (09.03.2020)
For any future readers, if you set out to do something similar to the pseudo code displayed above, and you plan on using multiple GPUs, please make sure to create one multiprocessing pool for each GPU device. Pools don't execute functions in order with the underlying processes it contains, and so you will end up initializing CUDA multiple times on the same process, wasting memory.
Another important note is that while you may be passing the device (e.g. 'cuda:1') to every torch.cuda-function, you may discover that torch does something with the default cuda device 'cuda:0' somewhere in the code, initializing CUDA on that device for every process, which wastes memory on an unwanted and non-needed CUDA initialization. I fixed this issue by using with torch.cuda.device(device_id) that encapsulate the entire training_function.
I ended up not using multiprocessing pools and instead defined my own custom process class that holds the device and training function. This means I have to maintain in-queues for each device-process, but they all share the same out-queue, meaning I can retrieve the results the moment they are available. I figured writing a custom process class was simpler than writing a custom pool class. I desperately tried to keep using pools as they are easily maintained, but I had to use multiple imap-functions, and so the results were not obtainable one at a time, which lead to a less efficient training-loop.
I am now successfully training on multiple GPUs, but my questions posted above still remains unanswered.
Update (10.03.2020)
I have implemented another way to store model- and optimizer statedicts outside of GPU RAM. I have written function that replaces every tensor in the dicts with it's .to('cpu') equivalent. This costs me some CPU memory, but it is more reliable than storing local files.
Update (11.06.2020)
I have still not found a different approach that leads to fewer CUDA initializations while maintaining the same processing speed. From what I've read and come to understand, PyTorch does not infer too much with how CUDA is operating, and leaves that up to NVIDIA.
I have ended up using a pool of custom, device-specific processes, called Workers, that is maintained by my custom pool class (more about this above). In addition, I let each of these Workers take in one or more checkpoints as well as the function that processes them (training, testing, hp optimization) via a Queue. These checkpoints are then processed simultaneously via a python multiprocessing ThreadPool in each Worker and the results are then returned one by one via the return Queue the moment they are ready.
This gives me the parallel procedure I was needing, but the memory issue is still there. Due to time constraints, I have come to terms with it for now.
When I run gensim's LdaMulticore model on a machine with 12 cores, using:
lda = LdaMulticore(corpus, num_topics=64, workers=10)
I get a logging message that says
using serial LDA version on this node
A few lines later, I see another loging message that says
training LDA model using 10 processes
When I run top, I see 11 python processes have been spawned, but 9 are sleeping, I.e. only one worker is active. The machine has 24 cores, and is not overwhelmed by any means. Why isn't LdaMulticore running in parallel mode?
First, make sure you have installed a fast BLAS library, because most of the time consuming stuff is done inside low-level routines for linear algebra.
On my machine the gensim.models.ldamodel.LdaMulticore can use up all the 20 cpu cores with workers=4 during training. Setting workers larger than this didn't speed up the training. One reason might be the corpus iterator is too slow to use LdaMulticore effectively.
You can try to use ShardedCorpus to serialize and replace the corpus, which should be much faster to read/write. Also, simply zipping your large .mm file so it takes up less space (=less I/O) may help too. E.g.,
mm = gensim.corpora.MmCorpus(bz2.BZ2File('enwiki-latest-pages-articles_tfidf.mm.bz2'))
lda = gensim.models.ldamulticore.LdaMulticore(corpus=mm, id2word=id2word, num_topics=100, workers=4)
been trying to run the RF classifier on a data set of ~50,000 entries with 20 or so labels which I thought should be fine but I keep coming across the following when trying to fit...
Exception MemoryError: MemoryError() in 'sklearn.tree._tree.Tree._resize' ignored
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
The data set has been passed through the TfidfVectorizer and then TruncatedSVD with n=100 for dimensionality reduction. RandomForestClassifier is running with n_jobs=1 and n_estimators=10 in an attempt to get find the minimum point at which it will work. The system is running with 4GB of RAM and RF has worked in the past on a similar data set with much higher numbers of estimators etc. Scikit-learn is running at the current version 0.14.1.
Any tips?
Segfaults are always bugs. If a malloc fails inside RandomForest then it should be caught, and it is my best guess that this is what is happening to you. As a commenter already said, you should report this to the RandomForest bug tracker. But the malloc is probably failing because of an out of memory condition, so reduce your dimensionality, reduce your training data set size, get more memory, or run on a system with more memory.
Try to use 'psutil' library (link: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/psutil/0.5.0). Thanks to this library, you can monitorize the amount of available memory of your system with the following function:
This will help you to detect if your system does not have enough memory or if it is a problem of your code.