Pandas loc with prefix - python

I have two data frames and I want for each line in one data frame to locate the matching line in the other data frame by a certain column (containing some id). I thought to go over the lines in the df1 and use the loc function to find the matching line in df2.
The problem is that some of the id's in df2 has some extra information except the id itself.
For example:
df1 has the id: 1234,
df2 has the id: 1234-KF
How can I locate this id for example with loc? Can loc somehow match only by prefixes?

Extra information can be removed using e.g. regular expression (or substring):
import pandas as pd
import re
df1 = pd.DataFrame({
'id': ['123', '124', '125'],
'data': ['A', 'B', 'C']
df2 = pd.DataFrame({
'id': ['123-AA', '124-AA', '125-AA'],
'data': ['1', '2', '3']
df2.loc[ s : re.sub("[^0-9]", "", s)) ==]


Pandas - Build sequnce in the group while resetting by fixed value - Issue in summary table

I am resetting my flow by '000' when the patient sees that value in the pattern.But my summary table is mixing all patterns and giving only one value like shown in the out data frame. However, I like to show the same patient in all patterns individually shown the 'desired' data frame. Please help.
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'patient': ['one', 'one', 'one', 'one','one', 'one','one','one','one','one','one','one'],
'pattern': ['A', 'B', '000', 'B', 'B', '000','D','A','C','000','A','B'],
'date': ['11/1/2022', '11/2/2022', '11/3/2022', '11/4/2022', '11/5/2022', '11/6/2022','11/7/2022', '11/8/2022', '11/9/2022','11/10/2022', '11/11/2022','11/12/2022']})
m = df2['pattern'] == '000'
out = (
.agg(pattern= ("pattern", ",".join),
patients=("patient", "nunique"))
I like to tweak my output to like below desired data frame:
desired = pd.DataFrame({'pattern': ['A,B', 'B,B', 'D,A,C'],
'patients': [2, 1, 1]})
You atre close, need new Series for grouping by mask with cumulative sum:
out = (df2[~m].sort_values(['patient','date'],ascending=True)
.groupby(["patient", m.cumsum()])
.agg(pattern= ("pattern", ",".join),
patients=("patient", "nunique"))
pattern patients
0 A,B 2
1 B,B 1
2 D,A,C 1

Python dataframe use apply function with multiple lambda

I have a short script. I use that script for for example I have dataset
I try to group by id first 3 then I try to group them again but this time I try to merge name, url and house
example output and input
data set
input csv
4,dddd, house13
the output csv
df = pd.read_csv('test.csv', delim_whitespace=True)
df = df.groupby('id').head(3).groupby('id').agg({
'name': lambda l: ','.join(l),
'house': lambda l: ','.join(l)
df[['name_first', 'name_second', 'name_third']] =',', expand=True)
df[['house_first', 'house_second', 'house_third']] =',', expand=True)
df = df.reset_index().drop(['name', 'house'], axis=1)
I want to add progressbar, but I couldn't add, If I can switch agg func to apply func, I think I will be able to switch it progress_apply but I couldn't change how can I do that, I need progressbar because I have really huge csv file which over 10 millions lines so it is gonna take time, I want to track process
df = pd.DataFrame({'id': ['1', '1', '1', '2', '2', '2', '3', '3', '3', '4', '4', '4', '4'],
'name': ['a', 'aa', 'aaa', 'b', 'bb', 'bbb', 'c', 'cc', 'ccc', 'd', 'dd', 'ddd', 'dddd'],
'house': ['house1', 'house2', 'house3', 'house4', 'house5', 'house6', 'house7', 'house8', 'house9', 'house10', 'house11', 'house12', ' house13']
This approach creates a pivot table
outcome = df.groupby('id').head(3)\
.set_index(['id', 'count']).unstack()\
.sort_index(axis=1, level=1)
and then we can save it after renaming the columns
outcome.columns = [f'{x}_{str(y)}' for x, y in outcome.columns]
But this does not come with a progress bar because I did not use apply.
To use progress bar for the sake of using it:
from tqdm.notebook import tqdm
outcome = df.groupby('id').progress_apply(
lambda x: x.head(3).reset_index(drop=True).set_index('id', append=True).unstack(0),
).droplevel(0).sort_index(axis=1, level=1)
outcome.columns = [f'{x}_{str(y)}' for x, y in outcome.columns]
Please try the both approaches and see which is faster.

Pandas: Create new column that displays the total number of rows of each group of another column

I would like to create a new column called TotalCountByCycle that displays the total number of rows in each group of the Cycle column and also appears in every row belonging to that Cycle group.
Here is an example of a simplified table:
raw_data = {'Reagent': ['H20', 'MWS', 'H20_1', 'H20', 'MWS', 'H20_1', 'H20_2', 'H20_3'],
'Cycle': ['1', '1', '1', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2'],
'Day': ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thur', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun', 'Mon']}
df = pd.DataFrame(raw_data, columns = ['Reagent', 'Cycle', 'Day'])
I am trying to achieve the column on the right in the image below:
I tried the code below, but got the error, ValueError: Wrong number of items passed 2, placement implies 1.
df['new_col'] = df.groupby('Cycle').transform('count')
Solved! Refer to comments below.
groupby then transform by the count and assign to new column
df['TotalCountByCycle'] = df.groupby('Cycle')['Reagent'].transform('count')

Updating/updating a data table using python

I would like some advice on how to update/insert new data into an already existing data table using Python/Databricks:
# Inserting and updating already existing data
# Original data
import pandas as pd
source_data = {'Customer Number': ['1', '2', '3'],
'Colour': ['Red', 'Blue', 'Green'],
'Flow': ['Good', 'Bad', "Good"]
df1 = pd.DataFrame (source_data, columns = ['Customer Number','Colour', 'Flow'])
# New data
new_data = {'Customer Number': ['1', '4',],
'Colour': ['Blue', 'Blue'],
'Flow': ['Bad', 'Bad']
df2 = pd.DataFrame (new_data, columns = ['Customer Number','Colour', 'Flow'])
# What the updated table will look like
updated_data = {'Customer Number': ['1', '2', '3', '4',],
'Colour': ['Blue', 'Blue', 'Green', 'Blue',],
'Flow': ['Bad', 'Bad', "Good", 'Bad']
df3 = pd.DataFrame (updated_data, columns = ['Customer Number','Colour', 'Flow'])
What you can see here is that the original data has three customers. I then get 'new_data' which contains an update of customer 1's data and new data for 'customer 4', who was not already in the original data. Then if you look at 'updated_data' you can see what the final data should look like. Here 'Customer 1's data has been updated and customer 4s data has been inserted.
Does anyone know where I should start with this? Which module I could use?
I’m not expecting someone to solve this in terms of developing, just need a nudge in the right direction.
Edit: the data source is .txt or CSV, the output is JSON, but as I load the data to Cosmos DB it’ll automatically convert so don’t worry too much about that.
Current data frame structure and 'pd.update'
With some preparation, you can use the pandas 'update' function.
First, the data frames must be indexed (this is often useful anyway).
Second, the source data frame must be extended by the new indices with dummy/NaN data so that it can be updated.
# set indices of original data frames
col = 'Customer Number'
df1.set_index(col, inplace=True)
df2.set_index(col, inplace=True)
df3.set_index(col, inplace=True)
# extend source data frame by new customer indices
df4 = df1.copy().reindex(index=df1.index.union(df2.index))
# update data
# verify that new approach yields correct results
assert all(df3 == df4)
Current data frame structure and 'pd.concat'
A slightly easier approach joins the data frames and removes duplicate
rows (and sorts by index if wanted). However, the temporary concatenation requires
more memory which may limit the size of the data frames.
df5 = pd.concat([df1, df2])
df5 = df5.loc[~df5.index.duplicated(keep='last')].sort_index()
assert all(df3 == df5)
Alternative data structure
Given that 'Customer Number' is the crucial attribute of your data,
you may also consider restructuring your original dictionaries like that:
{'1': ['Red', 'Good'], '2': ['Blue', 'Bad'], '3': ['Green', 'Good']}
Then updating your data simply corresponds to (re)setting the key of the source data with the new data. Typically, working directly on dictionaries is faster than using data frames.
# define function to restructure data, for demonstration purposes only
def restructure(data):
# transpose original data
vals = data.values()
rows = list(map(list, zip(*vals)))
# create new restructured dictionary with customers as keys
restructured = dict()
for row in rows:
restructured[row[0]] = row[1:]
return restructured
# restructure data
source_restructured = restructure(source_data)
new_restructured = restructure(new_data)
# simply (re)set new keys
final_restructured = source_restructured.copy()
for key, val in new_restructured.items():
final_restructured[key] = val
# convert to data frame and check results
df6 = pd.DataFrame(final_restructured, index=['Colour', 'Flow']).T
assert all(df3 == df6)
PS: When setting 'df1 = pd.DataFrame(source_data, columns=[...])' you do not need the 'columns' argument because your dictionaries are nicely named and the keys are automatically taken as column names.
You can use set intersection to find the Customer Numbers to update and set difference to find new Customer Number to add.
Then you can first update the initial data frame rows iterating through the intersection of Costumer Number and then merge the initial data frame only with the new rows of the data frame with the new values.
# same name column for clarity
cn = 'Customer Number'
# convert Consumer Number values into integer to use set
CusNum_df1 = [int(x) for x in df1[cn].values]
CusNum_df2 = [int(x) for x in df2[cn].values]
# find Customer Numbers to update and to add
CusNum_to_update = list(set(CusNum_df1).intersection(set(CusNum_df2)))
CusNum_to_add = list(set(CusNum_df2) - set(CusNum_df1))
# update rows in initial data frame
for num in CusNum_to_update:
index_initial = df1.loc[df1[cn]==str(num)].index[0]
index_new = df2.loc[df2[cn]==str(num)].index[0]
for col in df1.columns:[index_initial,col]= df2.loc[index_new,col]
# concatenate new rows to initial data frame
for num in CusNum_to_add:
df1 = pd.concat([df1, df2.loc[df2[cn]==str(num)]]).reset_index(drop=True)
Customer Number Colour Flow
0 1 Blue Bad
1 2 Blue Bad
2 3 Green Good
3 4 Blue Bad
There are many ways, but in terms of readability, I would prefer to do this.
import pandas as pd
dict_source = {'Customer Number': ['1', '2', '3'],
'Colour': ['Red', 'Blue', 'Green'],
'Flow': ['Good', 'Bad', "Good"]
df_origin = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict_source)
dict_new = {'Customer Number': ['1', '4', ],
'Colour': ['Blue', 'Blue'],
'Flow': ['Bad', 'Bad']
df_new = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict_new)
df_result = df_origin.copy()
df_result.set_index(['Customer Number', ], inplace=True)
df_new.set_index(['Customer Number', ], inplace=True)
df_result.update(df_new) # update number 1
# handle number 4
df_result.reset_index(['Customer Number', ], inplace=True)
df_new.reset_index(['Customer Number', ], inplace=True)
df_result = df_result.merge(df_new, on=list(df_result), how='outer')
Customer Number Colour Flow
0 1 Blue Bad
1 2 Blue Bad
2 3 Green Good
3 4 Blue Bad
You can use 'Customer Number' as index and use update method:
import pandas as pd
source_data = {'Customer Number': ['1', '2', '3'],
'Colour': ['Red', 'Blue', 'Green'],
'Flow': ['Good', 'Bad', "Good"]
df1 = pd.DataFrame (source_data, index=source_data['Customer Number'], columns=['Colour', 'Flow'])
# New data
new_data = {'Customer Number': ['1', '4',],
'Colour': ['Blue', 'Blue'],
'Flow': ['Bad', 'Bad']
df2 = pd.DataFrame (new_data, index=new_data['Customer Number'], columns=['Colour', 'Flow'])
df3 = df1.reindex(index=df1.index.union(df2.index))
Colour Flow
1 Blue Bad
2 Blue Bad
3 Green Good
4 Blue Bad

New Dataframe column based on regex match of at least one of the element in each row

How would you implement the following using pandas?
part 1:
I want to create a new conditional column in input_dataframe. Each row in input_dataframe will be matched against a regex. If at lease one element in the row matches, than the element for this row in the new column will contain the matched value(s).
part 2: A more complete version would be:
The source of the regex is the value of each element originating form another series. (i.e. I want to know if each row in input_dataframe contains a value(s) form the passed series.
part 3: An even more complete version would be:
Instead of passing a series, I'd pass another Dataframe, regex_dataframe. For each column in it, I would implement the same process as part 2 above. (Thus, The result would be a new column in the input_dataframe for each column in the regex_dataframe.)
example input:
input_df = pd.DataFrame({
example regex_dataframe:
regex_dataframe = pd.DataFrame({
example result:
result_dataframe = pd.DataFrame({
'a': ['hose', 'dog', 'baby'],
'b': ['banana', 'avocado', 'mango'],
'c': ['horse', 'dog', 'cat'],
'd': ['chease', 'cucumber', 'orange'],
'e': ['ho', '', ''],
'f': ['', 'ado', ''],
'g': ['', '', 'cat'],
'i': ['heas', 'ber', '']
First of all, rename regex_dataframe so individual cells correspond to each other in both dataframes.
input_df = pd.DataFrame({
regex_dataframe = pd.DataFrame({
Apply the method DataFrame.combine(other, func, fill_value=None, overwrite=True) to to get pairs of corresponding columns (which are Series).
Apply Series.combine(other, func, fill_value=nan) to get pairs of corresponding cells.
Apply regex to the cells.
import re
def process_cell(text, reg):
res =, text)
return if res else ''
def process_column(col_t, col_r):
return col_t.combine(col_r, lambda text, reg: process_cell(text, reg))
input_df.combine(regex_dataframe, lambda col_t, col_r: process_column(col_t, col_r))
