Run this code before answering -
from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
def drag(e):
posx,posy = e.x_root,e.y,y=posy)
def size(event):
W,H,X,Y = event.width,event.height,event.x,event.y
root.title(f'W: {W}, H: {H}, X: {X}, Y: {Y}')
B1 = Button(root,text='Hi'),y=0)
When I try to move the button, it goes smoothly. But if I move the whole Tkinter window and then move the button, it goes somewhere else.
So, how do I fix it so that it is smooth?
EDIT: When I use e.x ..., 2 buttons are shown
Problem is because functions use different coordinates - event.x_root gives position on screen, not in window, and place() needs position in window, not on screen. There is also event.x which gives position inside button so it may not be useful.
You can use root.winfo_rootx() (which gives window position) to correct it.
You could also get mouse position on Button when you click it to correct its position when you move Button.
import tkinter as tk # PEP8: `import *` is not preferred
# --- functions ---
def start(e):
global offsetx
global offsety
offsetx = e.x
offsety = e.y
print(offsetx, offsety)
def drag(e):
posx = e.x_root - root.winfo_rootx() - offsetx
posy = e.y_root - root.winfo_rooty() - offsety, y=posy)
# --- main ---
root = tk.Tk()
button1 = tk.Button(root, text='Hi') # PEP8: `lower_case_names` for variables, y=0)
button1.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", start)
button1.bind("<Button1-Motion>", drag)
PEP 8 - Style Guide for Python Code
Other method using e.widget to get widget position and relative e.x,e.y
def drag(e):
widget = e.widget
posx = widget.winfo_x() + e.x - offsetx
posy = widget.winfo_y() + e.y - offsety, y=posy)
This answer should help you fix it.
event.x_root is taking the screen coordinates and not the widget coordinates. Use event.x instead.
I was making a game recently using tkinter and it's Canvas widget, but ran into a problem when trying to move an image. I set the canvas.create_image to a variable called character but noticed it turned it into an object. This causes issues as when I try and use the canvas.move(character), it comes back with "character not defined". Here is the full code:
from tkinter import *
from PIL import ImageTk, Image
import pygame
import threading
import time
gamestate= 'title'
waiting = False
#window init
root = Tk()
canvas = Canvas(root, width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT, bg='black')
canvas.pack(expand=1, fill=BOTH)
logo = PhotoImage(file='Ghost clipart.png')
root.iconphoto(False, logo)
#setting up all the images
title_image = PhotoImage(file='title.png')
board_image ='board.png')
done_board = board_image.resize((1920,1080), Image.ANTIALIAS)
board_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(done_board)
character_image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(file='first_run_left.png')
#display the title screen
def title_screen():
title = canvas.create_image(WIDTH/2,HEIGHT/2, anchor=CENTER, image=title_image)
#define the events after clicking play
def play():
board = canvas.create_image(WIDTH/2 + 100,HEIGHT/2 - 360, anchor=CENTER, image=board_image)
character = canvas.create_image(556,304,anchor=CENTER,image=character_image)
#testing for what should happen the the mouse button is clicked
def click(event):
if gamestate == 'title':
print(event.x, event.y)
if event.x > 475 and event.x < 804 and event.y > 213 and event.y < 337:
elif event.x > 475 and event.x < 804 and event.y > 404 and event.y < 527:
def up(event):
root.bind('<Button-1>', click)
root.bind('<Up>', up)
#audio module
def test_loop():
while True:
thread = threading.Thread(target=test_loop)
thread.daemon = True
Here is a simple script that uses the arrow keys to move an image on the canvas. Note that the variable img (in your case character) must be accessible from the functions that act upon it, therefore its scope must be above these functions.
You can use this as a starting point to solve your problem.
image used:
import tkinter as tk
def up(event):
canvas.move(img, 0, -10)
def down(event):
canvas.move(img, 0, 10)
def left(event):
canvas.move(img, -10, 0)
def right(event):
canvas.move(img, 10, 0)
width = 500
height = 500
window = tk.Tk()
window.title("Moving image")
canvas = tk.Canvas(window, width=500, height=500)
my_image = tk.PhotoImage(file="pix.png")
img = canvas.create_image(260, 125, anchor=tk.NW, image=my_image)
window.bind("<Up>", up)
window.bind("<Down>", down)
window.bind("<Left>", left)
window.bind("<Right>", right)
Since character is a local variable inside play() function, it cannot be accessed inside up() function.
However you can use tags option of create_image():
def play():
canvas.create_image(556,304,anchor=CENTER,image=character_image, tags='character')
Then you can refer to that image item using the same tag:
def up(event):
canvas.move('character',0,-10) # use tag 'character'
create_image doesn't turn anything into an object. It simply returns an integer identifier. The original object is unchanged. character is undefined because it's a local variable and thus only visible in the method that created it.
I just finished my first Python project, an analog clock. I managed to reach a state where I implemented everything I had in mind and fixed the issues that followed. The last thing I added in is a dragging capability for my clock and while it works it seems slow or at least just unsmooth. Right now I lack the knowledge and experience to understand why its happening and let alone fix it.. Any help or ideas would be appreciated, Thanks in advance. :)
Here is my code:
# Imported tkinter for its methods
import tkinter as tk
# Imported turtle for drawing the clock's hands
import turtle
# Imported time to handle setting and updating the time
import time
# Declared and set the color used for transparency
transparent_clr = '#FB00FF'
# Setup a borderless window with transparent background
# and always on top flag
root = tk.Tk()
root.wm_attributes('-topmost', 1)
root.attributes('-transparentcolor', transparent_clr)
# Setup the clock's face using an image
Clock_bg = tk.PhotoImage(file='Clock_bg.png')
canvas = tk.Canvas(width=300, height=300, highlightthickness=0)
screen = turtle.TurtleScreen(canvas)
canvas.create_image(0, 0, image=Clock_bg)
# Configure the pen used for the clock's hands
draw = turtle.RawTurtle(screen)
# Retain Windows TaskBar visibility and function such as exiting
# the app
wn = tk.Toplevel(root)
wn.attributes('-alpha', 0.0)
def wn_destroy():
wn.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', exit_func)
def exit_func():
# Make the clock draggable
def draggable():
root._offsetx = 0
root._offsety = 0
root.bind('<Button-1>', winclick)
root.bind('<B1-Motion>', windrag)
def windrag(event):
x = root.winfo_pointerx() - root._offsetx
y = root.winfo_pointery() - root._offsety
root.geometry('+{x}+{y}'.format(x=x, y=y))
def winclick(event):
root._offsetx = event.x
root._offsety = event.y
# Draw the clock and its hands
def draw_clock(h, m, s, draw):
# Draw the hours hand
draw.goto(0, 0)
angle = (h / 12) * 360 + (m / 60) * 30
# Draw the minutes hand
draw.goto(0, 0)
angle = (m / 60) * 360 + (s / 60) * 6
# Draw the seconds hand
draw.goto(0, 0)
angle = (s / 60) * 360
# Update the time in real time
while True:
# Declared and set the hour, minutes and seconds
h = int(time.strftime('%I'))
m = int(time.strftime('%M'))
s = int(time.strftime('%S'))
draw_clock(h, m, s, draw)
"You are using your own mainloop with time.sleep(1), therefore root.geometry( gets only called every second. –stovfl"
Thanks a billion, stovf1!
I'm making a little alien project to help to learn graphics in tkinter and I have come across a problem. I am trying to make the aliens eyeball stay inside the eye but still move around however that requires me to detect the edge of the eyeball which is a circle. Not really sure how coords work in tkinter (other than the basics) so any help appreciated. Thanks!
from tkinter import *
from threading import Timer
import random
import time
global canvas, root
root = Tk()
root.attributes("-topmost", 1)
canvas = Canvas(root, height=300, width =400)
Blinking = False
class Alien:
def __init__(self):
global canvas, root
self.body = canvas.create_oval(100,150,300,250, fill = "green")
self.eye = canvas.create_oval(170,70,230,130, fill = "white")
self.eyeball = canvas.create_oval(190,90,210,110, fill = "black")
self.mouth = canvas.create_oval(150,220,250,240, fill = "red")
self.neck = canvas.create_line(200,150,200,130)
self.hat = canvas.create_polygon(180,75,220,75,200,20, fill = "blue")
self.words = canvas.create_text(200,800, text = "I'm an alien!", anchor="nw")
def openMouth(self):
global canvas, root
canvas.itemconfig(self.mouth, fill = "black")
def closeMouth(self):
global canvas, root
canvas.itemconfig(self.mouth, fill = "red")
def burp(self, event):
canvas.itemconfig(self.words, text = "BURRRRP!")
def moveEye(self,event):
global root, canvas
canvas.move(alien.eyeball , random.randint(-1,1) , random.randint(-1,1))
def blink(self,event):
canvas.itemconfig(self.eye, fill = "green")
canvas.itemconfig(self.eyeball, state=HIDDEN)
Blinking = True
def unblink(self,event):
canvas.itemconfig(self.eye, fill = "white")
canvas.itemconfig(self.eyeball, state=NORMAL)
Blinking = False
alien = Alien()
canvas.bind_all("<Button-1>", alien.burp)
canvas.bind_all("<KeyPress-a>", alien.blink)
Timer(2, alien.moveEye).start()
while not Blinking:
if alien.moveEye.event.x > 190:
canvas.move(alien.eyeball, -1 , 0)
Small circle with radius r lies inside big circle with radius R, if
(BigCenter.X - SmallCenter.x)^2 + (BigCenter.Y - SmallCenter.Y)^2 < (R - r)^2
^2 denotes squared value
I have a number of text widgets floating on a scrollable canvas widget. I want to allow users to resize them by dragging their edges and/or corners, possibly moving them if they drag the upper left edges or corner. I'm open to making them into frames with text widgets inside them, since I'm likely to do that anyway.
I figure I can handle the events manually if I can just get it to show resize handles. Do I need to catch mouseovers and clicks on a border myself?
Adding a "<Configure>" event binding does nothing, as one would expect. ttk.Sizegrip allegedly only works on top-level windows. There are lots of resources for preventing resizes, but very few for facilitating them, and they all seem to be for top-level windows.
I ended up making a frame around the widget with a fat border, catching mouse events, and handling all the dirty resize logic myself.
I had to record both the initial location of the location of the click and the position of each successive mouse-move, and use them for top/left and bottom/right resizes, respectively.
Edit: Here's a handy (relatively) encapsulated implementation.
from Tkinter import *
class ResizableCanvasFrame(Frame):
Class that handles creating resizable frames on a canvas.
Don't pack it.
Set save_callback to whatever you want to happen when the mouse
lets up on the border. You can catch <Configure> too, but at least
in my case I didn't want to save the new position on every mouse move.
def __init__(self, master, x, y, w, h, *args, **kwargs):
# master should be a Canvas
self.frame_thickness = 5
borderwidth = self.frame_thickness,
cursor = 'fleur',
self.canvas = master
self.resize_state = None
self.bind('<Button-1>', self.mousedown)
self.bind('<B1-Motion>', self.mousemove)
self.bind('<ButtonRelease-1>', self.mouseup)
self.bind('<Destroy>', self.delete_item)
# add self to canvas
self.itemid = self.canvas.create_window(
self.save_callback = None
def canvas_coords(self):
return map(int, self.canvas.coords(self.itemid))
def move(self, dx, dy):
# strictly, this is out of the range of RCF,
# but it helps with the law of demeter
self.canvas.move(self.itemid, dx, dy)
def mousedown(self, event):
window_width = self.winfo_width()
window_height = self.winfo_height()
self.resize_state = {
'start_coords': (event.x, event.y),
'last_coords': (event.x, event.y),
'left_edge': (0 <= event.x < self.frame_thickness),
'right_edge': (window_width - self.frame_thickness <= event.x < window_width),
'top_edge': (0 <= event.y < self.frame_thickness),
'bottom_edge': (window_height - self.frame_thickness <= event.y < window_height),
def mousemove(self, event):
if self.resize_state:
resize = self.resize_state # debug var
event_x = event.x
event_y = event.y
# distance of cursor from original position of window
delta = map(int, (event.x - self.resize_state['start_coords'][0],
event.y - self.resize_state['start_coords'][1]))
# load current pos, size
new_x, new_y = self.canvas_coords()
new_width = int(self.canvas.itemcget(self.itemid, 'width'))
new_height = int(self.canvas.itemcget(self.itemid, 'height'))
# handle x resize/move
if self.resize_state['left_edge']:
# must move pos and resize
new_x += delta[0]
new_width -= delta[0]
elif self.resize_state['right_edge']:
new_width += (event.x - self.resize_state['last_coords'][0])
# handle y resize/move
if self.resize_state['top_edge']:
new_y += delta[1]
new_height -= delta[1]
elif self.resize_state['bottom_edge']:
new_height += (event.y - self.resize_state['last_coords'][1])
# save new settings in item, not card yet
self.resize_state['last_coords'] = (event.x, event.y)
self.canvas.coords(self.itemid, new_x, new_y)
self.canvas.itemconfig(self.itemid, width=new_width, height=new_height)
def mouseup(self, event):
if self.resize_state:
self.resize_state = None
if self.save_callback:
def delete_item(self, event):
You could use the PanedWindow widget, or a combination of a few of them, inside your canvas. They are designed to do that. Getting the PanedWindow to stretch like the "sticky" command inside the canvas is an unknown though.
That is what I was looking for when stumbled across this post.
Any suggestions on how one might create event bindings that would allow a user to mouse drag a window without borders, eg. a window created with overridedirect(1)?
Use case: We would like to create a floating toolbar/palette window (without borders) that our users can drag around on their desktop.
Here's where I'm at in my thinking (pseudo code):
window.bind( '<Button-1>', onMouseDown ) to capture the initial position of the mouse.
window.bind( '<Motion-1>', onMouseMove ) to track position of mouse once it starts to move.
Calculate how much mouse has moved and calculate newX, newY positions.
Use window.geometry( '+%d+%d' % ( newX, newY ) ) to move window.
Does Tkinter expose enough functionality to allow me to implement the task at hand? Or are there easier/higher-level ways to achieve what I want to do?
Yes, Tkinter exposes enough functionality to do this, and no, there are no easier/higher-level ways to achive what you want to do. You pretty much have the right idea.
Here's one example, though it's not the only way:
import tkinter as tk
class App(tk.Tk):
def __init__(self):
self.floater = FloatingWindow(self)
class FloatingWindow(tk.Toplevel):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
tk.Toplevel.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.label = tk.Label(self, text="Click on the grip to move")
self.grip = tk.Label(self, bitmap="gray25")
self.grip.pack(side="left", fill="y")
self.label.pack(side="right", fill="both", expand=True)
self.grip.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self.start_move)
self.grip.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.stop_move)
self.grip.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.do_move)
def start_move(self, event):
self.x = event.x
self.y = event.y
def stop_move(self, event):
self.x = None
self.y = None
def do_move(self, event):
deltax = event.x - self.x
deltay = event.y - self.y
x = self.winfo_x() + deltax
y = self.winfo_y() + deltay
Here is my solution:
from tkinter import *
from webbrowser import *
lastClickX = 0
lastClickY = 0
def SaveLastClickPos(event):
global lastClickX, lastClickY
lastClickX = event.x
lastClickY = event.y
def Dragging(event):
x, y = event.x - lastClickX + window.winfo_x(), event.y - lastClickY + window.winfo_y()
window.geometry("+%s+%s" % (x , y))
window = Tk()
window.attributes('-topmost', True)
window.bind('<Button-1>', SaveLastClickPos)
window.bind('<B1-Motion>', Dragging)
The idea of Loïc Faure-Lacroix is useful, the following is my own simple code snippets on Python3.7.3, hope it will help:
from tkinter import *
def move_window(event):
root = Tk()
root.bind("<B1-Motion>", move_window)
But the position of the mouse is always in the upper left corner of the window. How can I keep it unchanged? Looking forward to a better answer!
Thanks to Bryan Oakley, because at the beginning I couldn't run your code on my computer, I didn't pay attention to it. Just now after the modification, it was very good to run, and the above situation would not happen (the mouse is always in the upper left corner), The updated code recently as follows:
def widget_drag_free_bind(widget):
"""Bind any widget or Tk master object with free drag"""
if isinstance(widget, Tk):
master = widget # root window
master = widget.master
x, y = 0, 0
def mouse_motion(event):
global x, y
# Positive offset represent the mouse is moving to the lower right corner, negative moving to the upper left corner
offset_x, offset_y = event.x - x, event.y - y
new_x = master.winfo_x() + offset_x
new_y = master.winfo_y() + offset_y
new_geometry = f"+{new_x}+{new_y}"
def mouse_press(event):
global x, y
count = time.time()
x, y = event.x, event.y
widget.bind("<B1-Motion>", mouse_motion) # Hold the left mouse button and drag events
widget.bind("<Button-1>", mouse_press) # The left mouse button press event, long calculate by only once
Try this, and it surely works;
Create an event function to move window:
def movewindow(event):
root.geometry('+{0}+{1}'.format(event.x_root, event.y_root))
Bind window:
root.bind('', movewindow)
Now you can touch the the window and drag
This code is the same as Bryan's solution but it does not use overridedirect.
It was tested with: python 3.7, Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster), Gnome 3.30
import tkinter as tk
class App(tk.Tk):
def __init__(self):
self.floater = FloatingWindow(self)
class FloatingWindow(tk.Toplevel):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
tk.Toplevel.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.resizable(0, 0) # Window not resizable
self.wm_attributes('-type', 'splash') # Hide title bar (Linux)
self.label = tk.Label(self, text="Click on the grip to move")
self.grip = tk.Label(self, bitmap="gray25")
self.grip.pack(side="left", fill="y")
self.label.pack(side="right", fill="both", expand=True)
self.grip.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self.StartMove)
self.grip.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.StopMove)
self.grip.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.OnMotion)
def StartMove(self, event):
self.x = event.x
self.y = event.y
def StopMove(self, event):
self.x = None
self.y = None
def OnMotion(self, event):
deltax = event.x - self.x
deltay = event.y - self.y
x = self.winfo_x() + deltax
y = self.winfo_y() + deltay
self.geometry("+%s+%s" % (x, y))
app = App()