I am trying to create an executable file which is using module python-docx.
The executable files is created but this error occurs when I run the executable file.
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'D:\Pycharm Projects\pydocx\dist\library.zip\docx\parts\..\templates\default-footer.xml'
The normal .py file which I am trying to convert into a .exe works perfectly fine.
Can anyone suggest how should I resolve this
Switched to pyinstaller and everything worked flawlessly.
I've been trying to convert a .py file to .exe which has some dependencies (.mp3 and .png files) that i've included while converting from .py to .exe with PyInstaller. The application runs completely fine on PyCharm and cmd venv,when activated. However when i try to run the .exe file i have this error: "Failed to execute script". I've tried everything on the internet but nothing seems to work
Apparently -w was causing a problem so i replaced it with -c and everything seems to be working normally now.
Any one know how to create an executable file for a python project. I have open CV imported in a file , I used PYinstaller to create an executable file, but if i run that executable it is showing that "No module named cv2".Please Help me.
I am trying to teach myself how to code so I am Using the book Learn Python the Hard Way on my windows computer.
I downloaded Notepad++ and Python and my python.exe is understood by my computer, but I saved a Notepad++ file as .py and Powershell is saying that the file doesn't exist:
C:\Users\tmartinez6\python.exe: can't open file 'test1.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
How do I integrate my Notepad++ saved files such that when I try to run them in powershell they are found within my directory?
I'm trying to create a exe file from my .py file but using both, PYINSTALLER and PY2EXE gives me a strange error:
The google.py file that I'm tying to create EXE existis in the requested directory and both PYINSTALLER and PY2EXE are correctlly installed.
Does anyone know the root cause of the issue? How could I create a exe file from a .PY?
As I know you must use argument --onefile Without it the libraries will be distributed as separate file along with the executable.
Here is exaple:
pyinstaller --onefile script.py
I have coded selenium Python script and now I want to compile it to exe file so it can run on computer without Python installed
I've tried to install cx-freeze and pyinstaller but failed to do so and wasn't able to find the patch for the errors I am getting while installing these modules
I have installed py2exe but its not able to convert selenium Python to exe
Whenever I execute I keep getting error msg
I want to use chromedriver, here's the error I am getting
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'selenium\\webdriver\\re
You have to manually copy the selenium folder in the root of your project, (this is what the message says) because it include contents that can't be compiled (such as getAttribute.js)