I have x,y,z data that define a surface (x and y position, z height).
The data is imperfect, in that it contains some noise, i.e. not every point lies precisely on the plane I wish to model, just very close to it.
I only have data within a triangular region, not the full x,y, plane.
Here is an example with z represented by colour:
In this example the data has been sampled in the centres of triangles on a mesh like this (each blue dot is a sample):
If it is necessary, the samples could be evenly spaced on an x,y grid, though a solution where this is not required is preferable.
I want to represent this data as a sum of sines and cosines in order to manipulate it mathematically. Ideally using as few terms as are needed to keep the error of the fit acceptably low.
If this were a square region I would take the 2D Fourier transform and discard higher frequency terms.
However I think this situation has two key differences that make this approach not viable:
Ideally I want to use samples at the points indicated by the blue dots in my grid above. I could instead use a regular x,y grid if there is no alternative, but this is not an ideal solution
I do not have data for the whole x,y, plane. The white areas in the first image above do not contain data that should be considered in the fit.
So in summary my question is thus:
Is there a way to extract coefficients for a best-fit of this data using a linear combination of sines and cosines?
Ideally using python.
My apologies if this is more of a mathematics question and stack overflow is not the correct place to post this!
EDIT: Here is an example dataset in python style [x,y,z] form - sorry it's huge but apparently I can't use pastebin?:
[[1.7500000000000001e-08, 1.0103629710818452e-08, 14939.866751020554],
[1.7500000000000001e-08, 2.0207259421636904e-08, 3563.2218207404617],
[8.7500000000000006e-09, 5.0518148554092277e-09, 24529.964593228644],
[2.625e-08, 5.0518148554092261e-09, 24529.961688158553],
[1.7500000000000001e-08, 5.0518148554092261e-09, 21956.74682671843],
[2.1874999999999999e-08, 1.2629537138523066e-08, 10818.190869824304],
[1.3125000000000003e-08, 1.2629537138523066e-08, 10818.186813746233],
[1.7500000000000001e-08, 2.5259074277046132e-08, 3008.9480862705223],
[1.3125e-08, 1.7681351993932294e-08, 5630.9978116591838],
[2.1874999999999999e-08, 1.768135199393229e-08, 5630.9969846863969],
[8.7500000000000006e-09, 1.0103629710818454e-08, 13498.380006002562],
[4.3750000000000003e-09, 2.5259074277046151e-09, 40376.866196753763],
[1.3125e-08, 2.5259074277046143e-09, 26503.432370909999],
[2.625e-08, 1.0103629710818452e-08, 13498.379635232159],
[2.1874999999999999e-08, 2.5259074277046139e-09, 26503.430698738041],
[3.0625000000000005e-08, 2.525907427704613e-09, 40376.867011915041],
[8.7500000000000006e-09, 1.2629537138523066e-08, 11900.832515759088],
[6.5625e-09, 8.8406759969661469e-09, 17422.002946526718],
[1.09375e-08, 8.8406759969661469e-09, 17275.788904632376],
[4.3750000000000003e-09, 5.0518148554092285e-09, 30222.756636780832],
[2.1875000000000001e-09, 1.2629537138523088e-09, 64247.241146490327],
[6.5625e-09, 1.2629537138523084e-09, 35176.652106572205],
[1.3125e-08, 5.0518148554092277e-09, 22623.574247287044],
[1.09375e-08, 1.2629537138523082e-09, 27617.700396641056],
[1.5312500000000002e-08, 1.2629537138523078e-09, 25316.907231576402],
[2.625e-08, 1.2629537138523066e-08, 11900.834523905782],
[2.4062500000000001e-08, 8.8406759969661469e-09, 17275.796410700641],
[2.8437500000000002e-08, 8.8406759969661452e-09, 17422.004617294893],
[2.1874999999999999e-08, 5.0518148554092269e-09, 22623.570035270699],
[1.96875e-08, 1.2629537138523076e-09, 25316.9042194055],
[2.4062500000000001e-08, 1.2629537138523071e-09, 27617.700160860692],
[3.0625000000000005e-08, 5.0518148554092261e-09, 30222.765972585737],
[2.8437500000000002e-08, 1.2629537138523069e-09, 35176.65151453446],
[3.2812500000000003e-08, 1.2629537138523065e-09, 64247.246775422129],
[2.1875000000000001e-09, 2.5259074277046151e-09, 46711.23463223876],
[1.0937500000000001e-09, 6.3147685692615553e-10, 101789.89315354674],
[3.28125e-09, 6.3147685692615543e-10, 52869.788364220134],
[3.2812500000000003e-08, 2.525907427704613e-09, 46711.229428833962],
[3.1718750000000001e-08, 6.3147685692615347e-10, 52869.79233902022],
[3.3906250000000006e-08, 6.3147685692615326e-10, 101789.92509671643],
[1.0937500000000001e-09, 1.2629537138523088e-09, 82527.848790063814],
[5.4687500000000004e-10, 3.1573842846307901e-10, 137060.87432327325],
[1.640625e-09, 3.157384284630789e-10, 71884.380087542726],
[3.3906250000000006e-08, 1.2629537138523065e-09, 82527.861035177877],
[3.3359375000000005e-08, 3.1573842846307673e-10, 71884.398689011548],
[3.4453125000000001e-08, 3.1573842846307663e-10, 137060.96214950032],
[4.3750000000000003e-09, 6.3147685692615347e-09, 18611.868317256733],
[3.28125e-09, 4.4203379984830751e-09, 27005.961455364879],
[5.4687499999999998e-09, 4.4203379984830751e-09, 28655.126635802204],
[3.0625000000000005e-08, 6.314768569261533e-09, 18611.869287539808],
[2.9531250000000002e-08, 4.4203379984830734e-09, 28655.119850641502],
[3.1718750000000001e-08, 4.4203379984830726e-09, 27005.959731047784]]
Nothing stops you from doing normal linear least squares with whatever basis you like. (You'll have to work out the periodicity you want, as mikuszefski said.) The lack of samples outside the triangle will naturally blind the method to the function's behavior out there. You probably want to weight the samples according to the area of their mesh cell, to avoid overfitting the corners.
Here some code that might help to fit periodic spikes. That also shows the use of the base x, x/2+ sqrt(3)/2 * y. The flat part can then be handled by low order Fourier. I hope that gives an idea. (BTW I agree with Davis Herring that area weighting is a good idea). For the fit, I guess, good initial guesses are crucial.
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
import numpy as np
def gauss(x,s):
return np.exp(-x**2/(2.*s**2))
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
X = np.arange(-5, 5, 0.15)
Y = np.arange(-5, 5, 0.15)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(X, Y)
R = np.sqrt(kX**2 + kY**2)
Z = gauss(R,.4)
#~ surf = ax.plot_wireframe(X, Y, Z, linewidth=1)
surf= ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1,linewidth=0, antialiased=False)
I have (tons of) coordinates of points for closed curve(s) sorted in x-increasing order.
When plot it in the regular way the result i get is this:
(circle as an example only, the shapes I currently have can be, at best, classified as amoeboids)
But the result I am looking for is something like this:
I have looked through matplotlib and I couldn't find anything. (Maybe I had my keywords wrong...?)
I have tried to reformat the data in the following ways:
Pick a point at random, find its nearest neighbor and then the next nearest neighbor and so on..
It fails at the edges where, sometimes the data isn't too consistent (the nearest neighbor maybe on the opposite side of the curve).
To account for inconsistent data, I tried to check if the slope between two points (which are being considered as nearest neighbors) matches with the previously connected slope - Fails, for reasons I could not find. (spent considerable number of hours before I gave up)
Pick x_minimum and x_maximum (and corresponding y coordinates) and draw an imaginary line and sort for points on either side of the line. - Fails when you have a curve that looks like a banana.
Is there a python package/library that can help me get to where I want.? Or can you help me with ideas to sort my data points better.? Thanks in advance.
Tried the ConcaveHull on the circle I had, any idea why the lines are overlapping at places.? Here's the image:
The problem was sorted out by changing part of my code as suggested by #Reblochon Masque in the comment section in his answer.
If you don't know how your points are set up (if you do I recommend you follow that order, it will be faster) you can use Convex Hull from scipy:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
x = np.random.normal(0,1,100)
y = np.random.normal(0,1,100)
xy = np.hstack((x[:,np.newaxis],y[:,np.newaxis]))
hull = ConvexHull(xy)
plt.plot(x[hull.vertices], y[hull.vertices])
, which in the example above results is this:
Notice this method will create a bounding box for your points.
Here is an example that will maybe do what you want and solve your problem:
more info here
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
points = np.random.rand(30, 2) # 30 random points in 2-D
hull = ConvexHull(points)
#xs = np.array([point[0] for point in points])
#ys = np.array([point[1] for point in points])
#xh = np.array([point[0] for point in hull.points])
#yh = np.array([point[1] for point in hull.points])
plt.plot(points[:,0], points[:,1], 'o')
for simplex in hull.simplices:
plt.plot(points[simplex, 0], points[simplex, 1], 'k-')
plt.plot(points[hull.vertices,0], points[hull.vertices,1], 'r--', lw=2)
plt.plot(points[hull.vertices[0],0], points[hull.vertices[0],1], 'ro')
The points on the of the convex hull are plotted separately and joined to form a polygon. You can further manipulate them if you want.
I think this is maybe a good solution (easy and cheap) to implement in your case. It will work well if your shapes are convex.
In case your shapes are not all convex, one approach that might be successful could be to sort the points according to which neighbor is closest, and draw a polygon from this sorted set.
I have 3 NumPy arrays which consist of UTM-X(256) and UTM-Y(256) coordinates, and the accumulated Rainfall(65536) for a Weather Radar 256x256 (km) in UTM.
I also have a Polygon inside the Grid bounds that is a Catchment Boundary in UTM.
I need to determine the Average Rainfall over just the catchment polygon (a clipped sub set of the RADAR data), and the maximum, and the location of the maximum. I have already determined the average over the entire RADAR grid.
So the question is: How do I perform analysis on a subset of a NumPy array that is determined by the Polygon? I would have thought that this would be a very common operation, but have not found any Python scripts to perform this operation.
Here is an illustration of the data set:
Here is an outline of a possible approach.
First find the polygon that bounds the catchment boundary. Presuming you know which of the UTM coordinates of your full set of points form that catchment boundary, say it's like this,
catchment = an np.array of (UTM_X, UTM_Y) point tuples
you could find the boundary of that point set using scipy.spatial.ConvexHull
boundary= scipy.spatial.ConvexHull(catchment)
Next, for your array of rainfall data, you would have to test whether the coordinates fall inside or outside of the boundary of the convex hull.
This previous SO question has some good answers explaining ways to do that coordinate test.
Finally you would gather those rainfall data points that passed the test of being inside the boundary and perform whatever statistical calculations you want to do with appropriate NumPy/SciPy statistical functions.
Assuming the boundary is given as a list of the polygon vertices, you could have matplotlib generate a mask for you over the data coordinates and then use that mask to sum up only the values within the contour.
In other words, when you have a series of coordinates that define the boundary of the polygon that marks the region of interest, then have matplotlib generate a boolean mask indicating all the coordinates that are within this polygon. This mask can then be used to extract only the limited dataset of rainfall within the contour.
The following simple example shows you how this is done:
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.patches import PathPatch
from matplotlib.path import Path
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# generate some fake data
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = -10, 30, -4, 20
y,x = np.mgrid[ymin:ymax+1,xmin:xmax+1]
z = (x-(xmin+xmax)/2)**2 + (y-(ymin + ymax)/2)**2
extent = [xmin-.5, xmax+.5, ymin-.5, ymax+.5]
xr, yr = [np.random.random_integers(lo, hi, 3) for lo, hi
in ((xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax))] # create a contour
coordlist = np.vstack((xr, yr)).T # create an Nx2 array of coordinates
coord_map = np.vstack((x.flatten(), y.flatten())).T # create an Mx2 array listing all the coordinates in field
polypath = Path(coordlist)
mask = polypath.contains_points(coord_map).reshape(x.shape) # have mpl figure out which coords are within the contour
f, ax = plt.subplots(1,1)
ax.imshow(z, extent=extent, interpolation='none', origin='lower', cmap='hot')
ax.imshow(mask, interpolation='none', extent=extent, origin='lower', alpha=.5, cmap='gray')
patch = PathPatch(polypath, facecolor='g', alpha=.5)
print(z[mask].sum()) # prints out the total accumulated
In this example, x and y represent your UTM-X and UTM-Y dataranges. z represents the weather rainfall data, but is in this case a matrix, unlike your single-column view of average rainfall (which is easily remapped onto a grid).
In the last line, I've summed up all the values of z that are within the contour. If you want the mean, just replace sum by mean.
I have created an ellipse using matplotlib.patches.ellipse as shown below:
patch = mpatches.Ellipse(center, major_ax, minor_ax, angle_deg, fc='none', ls='solid', ec='g', lw='3.')
What I want is a list of all the integer coordinates enclosed inside this patch.
I.e. If I was to plot this ellipse along with every integer point on the same grid, how many of those points are enclosed in the ellipse?
I have tried seeing if I can extract the equation of the ellipse so I can loop through each point and see whether it falls within the line but I can't seem to find an obvious way to do this, it becomes more complicated as the major axis of the ellipse can be orientated at any angle. The information to do this must be stored in patches somewhere, but I can't seem to find it.
Any advice on this would be much appreciated.
Ellipse objects have a method contains_point which will return 1 if the point is in the ellipse, 0 other wise.
Stealing from #DrV 's answer:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches
import numpy as np
# create an ellipse
el = matplotlib.patches.Ellipse((50,-23), 10, 13.7, 30, facecolor=(1,0,0,.2), edgecolor='none')
# calculate the x and y points possibly within the ellipse
y_int = np.arange(-30, -15)
x_int = np.arange(40, 60)
# create a list of possible coordinates
g = np.meshgrid(x_int, y_int)
coords = list(zip(*(c.flat for c in g)))
# create the list of valid coordinates (from untransformed)
ellipsepoints = np.vstack([p for p in coords if el.contains_point(p, radius=0)])
# just to see if this works
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ep = np.array(ellipsepoints)
ax.plot(ellipsepoints[:,0], ellipsepoints[:,1], 'ko')
This will give you the result as below:
If you really want to use the methods offered by matplotlib, then:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches
import numpy as np
# create an ellipse
el = matplotlib.patches.Ellipse((50,-23), 10, 13.7, 30, facecolor=(1,0,0,.2), edgecolor='none')
# find the bounding box of the ellipse
bb = el.get_window_extent()
# calculate the x and y points possibly within the ellipse
x_int = np.arange(np.ceil(bb.x0), np.floor(bb.x1) + 1, dtype='int')
y_int = np.arange(np.ceil(bb.y0), np.floor(bb.y1) + 1, dtype='int')
# create a list of possible coordinates
g = np.meshgrid(x_int, y_int)
coords = np.array(zip(*(c.flat for c in g)))
# create a list of transformed points (transformed so that the ellipse is a unit circle)
transcoords = el.get_transform().inverted().transform(coords)
# find the transformed coordinates which are within a unit circle
validcoords = transcoords[:,0]**2 + transcoords[:,1]**2 < 1.0
# create the list of valid coordinates (from untransformed)
ellipsepoints = coords[validcoords]
# just to see if this works
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ep = np.array(ellipsepoints)
ax.plot(ellipsepoints[:,0], ellipsepoints[:,1], 'ko')
Seems to work:
(Zooming in reveals that even the points hanging on the edge are inside.)
The point here is that matplotlib handles ellipses as transformed circles (translate, rotate, scale, anything affine). If the transform is applied in reverse, the result is a unit circle at origin, and it is very simple to check if a point is within that.
Just a word of warning: The get_window_extent may not be extremely reliable, as it seems to use the spline approximation of a circle. Also, see tcaswell's comment on the renderer-dependency.
In order to find a more reliable bounding box, you may:
create a horizontal and vertical vector into the plot coordinates (their position is not important, ([0,0],[1,0]) and ([0,0], [0,1]) will do)
transform these vectors into the ellipse coordinates (the get_transform, etc.)
find in the ellipse coordinate system (i.e. the system where the ellipse is a unit circle around the origin) the four tangents of the circle which are parallel to these two vectors
find the intersection points of the vectors (4 intersections, but 2 diagonal will be enough)
transform the intersection points back to the plot coordinates
This will give an accurate (but of course limited by the numerical precision) square bounding box.
However, you may use a simple approximation:
all possible points are within a circle whose center is the same as that of the ellipse and whose diameter is the same as that of the major axis of the ellipse
In other words, all possible points are within a square bounding box which is between x0+-m/2, y0+-m/2, where (x0, y0) is the center of the ellipse and m the major axis.
I'd like to offer another solution that uses the Path object's contains_points() method instead of contains_point():
First get the coordinates of the ellipse and make it into a Path object:
(NOTE that el.get_paths() won't work for some reason.)
Then call the path's contains_points():
Below I'm comparing #tacaswell's solution (method 1), #Drv's (method 2) and my own (method 3) (I've enlarged the ellipse by ~5 times):
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse
from matplotlib.path import Path
import time
#----------------Create an ellipse----------------
el=Ellipse((50,-23),50,70,30,facecolor=(1,0,0,.2), edgecolor='none')
#---------------------Method 1---------------------
for ii in range(50):
coords=numpy.array(zip(*(c.flat for c in g)))
ellipsepoints = numpy.vstack([p for p in coords if el.contains_point(p, radius=0)])
print 'time of method 1',t2-t1
#---------------------Method 2---------------------
for ii in range(50):
coords=numpy.array(zip(*(c.flat for c in g)))
print 'time of method 2',t3-t2
#---------------------Method 3---------------------
for ii in range(50):
coords=numpy.array(zip(*(c.flat for c in g)))
#------Create a path from ellipse's vertices------
# call contains_points()
print 'time of method 3',t4-t3
#---------------------Plot it ---------------------
I got these execution time:
time of method 1 62.2502269745
time of method 2 0.488734006882
time of method 3 0.588987112045
So the contains_point() approach is way slower. The coordinate-transformation method is faster than mine, but when you get irregular shaped contours/polygons, this method would still work.
Finally the result plot:
First, a bit of background:
I am using spherical harmonics as an example of a function on the surface of a sphere like the front spheres in this image:
I produced one of these spheres, coloured according to the value of the harmonic function at points on its surface. I do this first for a very large number of points, so my function is very accurate. I've called this my fine sphere.
Now that I have my fine sphere, I take a relatively small number of points on the sphere. These are the points I wish to interpolate from, the training data, and I call them interp points. Here are my interp points, coloured to their values, plotted on my fine sphere.
Now, the goal of the project is to use these interp points to train a SciPy Radial Basis Function to interpolate my function on the sphere. I was able to do this using:
# Train the interpolation using interp coordinates
rbf = Rbf(interp.phi, interp.theta, harmonic13_coarse)
# The result of the interpolation on fine coordinates
interp_values = rbf(fine.phi, fine.theta)
Which produced this interpolation, plotted on the sphere:
Hopefully, through this last image, you can see my problem. Notice the line running through the interpolation? This is because the interpolation data has a boundary. The boundary is because I trained the radial basis function using spherical coordinates (boundaries at [0,pi] and [0,2pi]).
rbf = Rbf(interp.phi, interp.theta, harmonic13_coarse)
My goal, and why I'm posting this problem, is to interpolate my function on the surface of the sphere using the x,y,z Cartesian coordinates of the data on the sphere. This way, since spheres don't have boundaries, I won't have this boundary error like I do in spherical coordinates. However, I just can't figure out how to do this.
I've tried simply giving the Rbf function the x,y,z coordinates and the value of the function.
rbf=Rbf(interp.x, interp.y, interp.z, harmonic13_coarse)
But NumPy throws me a Singular Matrix Error
numpy.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError: singular matrix
Is there any way for me to give Rbf my data sites in Cartesian coordinates, with the function values at each site and have it behave like it does with spherical coordinates but without that boundaries? From the Rbf documentation, there is the attribute norm for defining a different distance norm, could I have to use a spherical distance to get this to work?
I'm pretty much stumped on this. Let me know if you have any ideas for interpolating my function on a sphere without the boundaries of spherical coordinates.
Here is my code in full:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm, colors
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
import numpy as np
from scipy import special
from scipy.interpolate import Rbf
from collections import namedtuple
from mayavi import mlab
# Nice aliases
pi = np.pi
cos = np.cos
sin = np.sin
# Creating a sphere in Cartesian and Sphereical
# Saves coordinates as named tuples
def coordinates(r, n):
phi, theta = np.mgrid[0:pi:n, 0:2 * pi:n]
Coor = namedtuple('Coor', 'r phi theta x y z')
r = r
x = r * sin(phi) * cos(theta)
y = r * sin(phi) * sin(theta)
z = r * cos(phi)
return Coor(r, phi, theta, x, y, z)
# Creating a sphere
# fine is coordinates on a fine grid
# interp is coordinates on coarse grid for training interpolation
fine = coordinates(1, 100j)
interp = coordinates(1, 5j)
# Defining finection to colour sphere
# Here we are using a spherical harmonic
def harmonic(m, n, theta, phi):
return special.sph_harm(m, n, theta, phi).real
norm = colors.Normalize()
# One example of the harmonic function, for testing
harmonic13_fine = harmonic(1, 3, fine.theta, fine.phi)
harmonic13_coarse = harmonic(1, 3, interp.theta, interp.phi)
# Train the interpolation using interp coordinates
rbf = Rbf(interp.phi, interp.theta, harmonic13_coarse)
# The result of the interpolation on fine coordinates
interp_values = rbf(fine.phi, fine.theta)
rbf=Rbf(interp.x, interp.y, interp.z, harmonic13_coarse)
#Figure of harmoinc function on sphere in fine cordinates
#Points3d showing interpolation training points coloured to their value
vmax, vmin = np.max(harmonic13_fine), np.min(harmonic13_fine)
mlab.mesh(fine.x, fine.y, fine.z, scalars=harmonic13_fine, vmax=vmax, vmin=vmin)
mlab.points3d(interp.x, interp.y, interp.z, harmonic13_coarse,
scale_factor=0.1, scale_mode='none', vmax=vmax, vmin=vmin)
#Figure showing results of rbf interpolation
vmax, vmin = np.max(harmonic13_fine), np.min(harmonic13_fine)
mlab.mesh(fine.x, fine.y, fine.z, scalars=interp_values)
# mlab.points3d(interp.x, interp.y, interp.z, scalars, scale_factor=0.1, scale_mode='none',vmax=vmax, vmin=vmin)
The boundary you see is because you are mapping a closed surface (S2) to an open one (R2). One way or another, you will have boundaries. The local properties of the manifolds are compatible, so it works for most of the sphere, but not the global, you get a line.
The way around it is to use an atlas instead of a single chart. An atlas is a collection of overlapping charts. In the overlapping region, you need to define weights, a smooth function that goes from 0 to 1 on each chart. (Sorry, probably differential geometry was not what you were expecting to hear).
If you don't want to go all the way here, you can notice that your original sphere has an equator where the variance is minimal. You can then rotate your fine sphere and make it coincide with the line. It doesn't solve your problem, but it can certainly mitigate it.
You can change the standard distance:
def euclidean_norm(x1, x2):
return np.sqrt( ((x1 - x2)**2).sum(axis=0) )
by the sphere distance (see, for instance, this question Haversine Formula in Python (Bearing and Distance between two GPS points)).