Dynamic SQL Queries with Python and mySQL - python

I have multiple tables that are updated after a value is changed in a grid. These tables don't always have the same keys or columns so I cannot explicitly name the columns or formats. The only thing that is ever the same, is the column where the keys reside. I know the way I am currently doing this is not correct and leaves me open to injection attacks.
I also ran into an issue where some of the values contain keys that throw an error in the SQL statement. For example, updating WHERE email = t'est#email.com.
I am not really sure of the proper way to write these statements. I did some research and see multiple methods for different purposes but am not sure which is proper. I am looking to do this as dynamically as possible. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
To connect:
import mysql.connector as sql
import MySQLdb
self.db_name = 'database'
self.server = 'server'
self.user_id = 'user'
self.pw = 'password'
self.db_con = MySQLdb.connect(user=self.user_id,password=self.pw,database=self.db_name,
self.cursor = self.db_con.cursor()
print("Error connecting")
SQL Statements:
key_id = str("'") + self.GetCellValue(event.GetRow(),1) + str("'")
target_col = self.GetColLabelValue(event.GetCol())
key_col = self.GetColLabelValue(1)
nVal = str("'") + self.GetCellValue(event.GetRow(),event.GetCol()) + str("'")
sql_update = "UPDATE " + tbl + " SET " + target_col + " = " + nVal + " WHERE " + key_col + " = " + key_id + ""
sql_update = ("INSERT INTO " + str(self.tbl) + "(" + self.key_col + ")" + "VALUES (" + str("'") + str(val) + str("'") + ")")
sql_update = "DELETE FROM " + tbl + " WHERE " + self.key_col + " = " + self.key_id + ""
sql_query = "SELECT * FROM " + self.tbl

Databases have different notations for "quoting" identifiers (table and column names etc) and values (data).
MySQL uses backticks to quote identifiers. For values, it's best to use the parameter substitution mechanism provided by the connector package: it's more likely to handle tricky cases like embedded quotes correctly, and will reduce the risk of SQL injection.
Here's an example for inserts; the same techniques can be used for the other types of query.
key_id = str("'") + self.GetCellValue(event.GetRow(),1) + str("'")
target_col = self.GetColLabelValue(event.GetCol())
key_col = self.GetColLabelValue(1)
nVal = str("'") + self.GetCellValue(event.GetRow(),event.GetCol()) + str("'")
#INSERT (using f-strings for brevity)
sql_update = (f"INSERT INTO `{self.tbl}` (`{self.key_col}`) VALUES (%s)")
# Pass the statement and values to cursor.execute.
# The values are assumed to be a sequence, so a single value should be
# placed in a tuple or list.
self.cursor.execute(sql_update, (nVal,))
If you have more than one column / value pair you could do something like this:
cols = ['A', 'B', 'C']
vals = ['a', 'b', 'c']
col_names = ','.join([f'`{c}`' for c in cols])
values_placeholder = ','.join(['%s'] * len(cols))
sql_update = (f"INSERT INTO `{self.tbl}` (col_names) VALUES ({values_placeholder})")
self.cursor.execute(sql_update, vals)
Values are not only data for insertion, but also data that we are using for comparison, for example in WHERE clauses. So an update statement with a filter might be created like this:
sql_update = (f"UPDATE `{tbl}` SET (`{target_col}`) = (%s) WHERE (`{key_col}`) = %s")
self.cursor.execute(sql_update, (nVal, key_id))
However sometimes the target of a SET or WHERE clause may be a column, for example we want to do an update based on other values in the row. For example, this statement will set target_col to the value of other_col for all rows where key_col is equal to other_key_col:
sql_update = (f"UPDATE `{tbl}` SET (`{target_col}`) = `{other_col}` WHERE (`{key_col}`) = `{other_key_col}`")


I am using Flask and MySQL database but the update query is giving error [duplicate]

I have multiple tables that are updated after a value is changed in a grid. These tables don't always have the same keys or columns so I cannot explicitly name the columns or formats. The only thing that is ever the same, is the column where the keys reside. I know the way I am currently doing this is not correct and leaves me open to injection attacks.
I also ran into an issue where some of the values contain keys that throw an error in the SQL statement. For example, updating WHERE email = t'est#email.com.
I am not really sure of the proper way to write these statements. I did some research and see multiple methods for different purposes but am not sure which is proper. I am looking to do this as dynamically as possible. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
To connect:
import mysql.connector as sql
import MySQLdb
self.db_name = 'database'
self.server = 'server'
self.user_id = 'user'
self.pw = 'password'
self.db_con = MySQLdb.connect(user=self.user_id,password=self.pw,database=self.db_name,
self.cursor = self.db_con.cursor()
print("Error connecting")
SQL Statements:
key_id = str("'") + self.GetCellValue(event.GetRow(),1) + str("'")
target_col = self.GetColLabelValue(event.GetCol())
key_col = self.GetColLabelValue(1)
nVal = str("'") + self.GetCellValue(event.GetRow(),event.GetCol()) + str("'")
sql_update = "UPDATE " + tbl + " SET " + target_col + " = " + nVal + " WHERE " + key_col + " = " + key_id + ""
sql_update = ("INSERT INTO " + str(self.tbl) + "(" + self.key_col + ")" + "VALUES (" + str("'") + str(val) + str("'") + ")")
sql_update = "DELETE FROM " + tbl + " WHERE " + self.key_col + " = " + self.key_id + ""
sql_query = "SELECT * FROM " + self.tbl
Databases have different notations for "quoting" identifiers (table and column names etc) and values (data).
MySQL uses backticks to quote identifiers. For values, it's best to use the parameter substitution mechanism provided by the connector package: it's more likely to handle tricky cases like embedded quotes correctly, and will reduce the risk of SQL injection.
Here's an example for inserts; the same techniques can be used for the other types of query.
key_id = str("'") + self.GetCellValue(event.GetRow(),1) + str("'")
target_col = self.GetColLabelValue(event.GetCol())
key_col = self.GetColLabelValue(1)
nVal = str("'") + self.GetCellValue(event.GetRow(),event.GetCol()) + str("'")
#INSERT (using f-strings for brevity)
sql_update = (f"INSERT INTO `{self.tbl}` (`{self.key_col}`) VALUES (%s)")
# Pass the statement and values to cursor.execute.
# The values are assumed to be a sequence, so a single value should be
# placed in a tuple or list.
self.cursor.execute(sql_update, (nVal,))
If you have more than one column / value pair you could do something like this:
cols = ['A', 'B', 'C']
vals = ['a', 'b', 'c']
col_names = ','.join([f'`{c}`' for c in cols])
values_placeholder = ','.join(['%s'] * len(cols))
sql_update = (f"INSERT INTO `{self.tbl}` (col_names) VALUES ({values_placeholder})")
self.cursor.execute(sql_update, vals)
Values are not only data for insertion, but also data that we are using for comparison, for example in WHERE clauses. So an update statement with a filter might be created like this:
sql_update = (f"UPDATE `{tbl}` SET (`{target_col}`) = (%s) WHERE (`{key_col}`) = %s")
self.cursor.execute(sql_update, (nVal, key_id))
However sometimes the target of a SET or WHERE clause may be a column, for example we want to do an update based on other values in the row. For example, this statement will set target_col to the value of other_col for all rows where key_col is equal to other_key_col:
sql_update = (f"UPDATE `{tbl}` SET (`{target_col}`) = `{other_col}` WHERE (`{key_col}`) = `{other_key_col}`")

insert into without error but not inserting. + more intuitive syntax?

I want to insert data into a table created with SQLite. Most of the code is converting my arrays into one string for con.excute(). Maybe this is the problem? Is there a better way? No error returned.
def add_row(table, columns, values):
con = sql_connection("database.db")
cursorObj = con.cursor()
# column list to string
if isinstance(columns, list) == True:
columns = ", ".join(columns)
# wrap each string in list with '' and convert whole list to string
if isinstance(values, list) == True:
for i in range(0, len(values)):
if isinstance(values[i], str) == True:
values[i] = "'" + values[i] + "'"
values = ", ".join(values)
cmd = "insert into " + table + "(" + columns + ") values (" + values + ")"
except sqlite3.Error as e:
print("An error occurred:", e.args[0])
add_row("Stocks", ["symbol", "name"], ["TEST", "test"])
print(cmd) output:
insert into Stocks (symbol, name) values ('TEST', 'test')
CLARIFICATION: I'm not worried about security concerns. It will only ever be used locally.
I don't recommend trying to generalize this function for arbitrary tables and columns.
def add_symbol_and_name(symbol, name):
with sqlite3.connect("database.db") as con:
cursor = con.cursor()
cursor.execute("insert into Stocks (symbol, name) values (?, ?)",
(symbol, name))
Anything more dynamic than this opens you up to SQL injection attacks.
I figured it out. Note what others have said: such a general function should not be used online as makes the database vulnerable to SQL injection attacks. However, my database is, and will always be, local.
def add_row(table, columns, values):
valueArr = []
if (len(columns) == len(values)) == False:
print("Values and columns must be of equal length")
columns = ", ".join(columns)
for value in values:
valueArr = ", ".join(valueArr)
with sqlite3.connect("database.db") as con:
cursor = con.cursor()
cmd = "insert into " + table + " (" + columns + ") values (" + valueArr + ")"
print("cmd", cmd)
except sqlite3.Error as e:
print("An error occurred:", e.args[0])
add_row("Stocks", ["symbol", "name", "exchange"], ["AAPL", "Apple", "NASDAQ"])

Select Column from Table in Django Not Working

I am trying to access the two specific column from the table in Django it is not Working but When I am trying to access select * it is working
I am using postgresql
When I am trying to access select all its working this is I am trying to access for particular column
def bigdataDatabase(X):
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('postgresql+psycopg2://postgres:password#localhost/db_name')
con = engine.connect()
result = con.execute(
"Select Orign,Departure From 'table_name' WHERE index = '" + str(X) + "'")
This is not working
I have also tried with this
result = con.execute("Select tablename.Orign,tablename.departure From 'table_name' WHERE index = '" + str(X) + "'")
both the above code is not working
Programming Error column does not exist
But When I am executing all this it is working
result = con.execute("Select * From 'table_name' WHERE index = '" + str(X) + "'")
I have found the solution of the problem the query should be executed like this
result = con.execute('Select "Orign","Departure" From "Table_name" WHERE index = ' + str(X))

Get MSSQL table column names using pyodbc in python

I am trying to get the mssql table column names using pyodbc, and getting an error saying
ProgrammingError: No results. Previous SQL was not a query.
Here is my code:
class get_Fields:
def GET(self,r):
web.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*')
web.header('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', 'true')
fields = []
datasetname = web.input().datasetName
tablename = web.input().tableName
cnxn = pyodbc.connect(connection_string)
cursor = cnxn.cursor()
query = "USE" + "[" +datasetname+ "]" + "SELECT COLUMN_NAME,* FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = " + "'"+ tablename + "'"
DF = DataFrame(cursor.fetchall())
columns = [column[0] for column in cursor.description]
return json.dumps(columns)
how to solve this?
You can avoid this by using some of pyodbc's built in methods. For example, instead of:
query = "USE" + "[" +datasetname+ "]" + "SELECT COLUMN_NAME,* FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = " + "'"+ tablename + "'"
DF = DataFrame(cursor.fetchall())
column_data = cursor.columns(table=tablename, catalog=datasetname, schema='dbo').fetchall()
That will return the column names (and other column metadata). I believe the column name is the fourth element per row. This also relieves the very valid concerns about SQL injection. You can then figure out how to build your DataFrame from the resulting data.
Good luck!
Your line
query = "USE" + "[" +datasetname+ "]" + "SELECT COLUMN_NAME,*...
Will produce something like
USE[databasename]SELECT ...
In SSMS this would work, but I'd suggest to look on proper spacing and to separate the USE-statement with a semicolon:
query = "USE " + "[" +datasetname+ "]; " + "SELECT COLUMN_NAME,*...
Set the database context using the Database attribute when building the connection string
Use parameters any time you are passing user input (especially from HTTP requests!) to a WHERE clause.
These changes eliminate the need for dynamic SQL, which can be insecure and difficult to maintain.

Python PostgreSQL Statement Problem psycopg2 cursor.execute(Table Union)

I am new in python, and using Python & PostgreSQL (9.03) (and psycopg2 to interface between the two) in Windows XP environment.
I am working on a huge spatial dataset road network dataset, and seperating the data per Country through ArcGIS Geoprocessing, and automatically store and them in a PostGIS (1.5) Database.
While when retrieving values from the database everything works as planned:
conn = psycopg2.connect("host = '" + HostName + "' dbname='" + DBName + "' user='" + Username + "' password='" + Password + "'")
curs = conn.cursor()
print "Unable to connect to the database"
SQLStatement = "SELECT data_partition FROM datasets WHERE map_partition='" + MapPartitions[0] + "'"
When I am trying to pass the following Union Statement to Postgres, there is no resulting table, while if I take the printed SQL Statement and run it in as an SQL Statement and run it PostgresSQL, it creates the desired resulting table:
conn = psycopg2.connect("host = '" + HostName + "' dbname='" + DBName + "' user='" + Username + "' password='" + Password + "'")
cur = conn.cursor()
SQLStatement = (
"CREATE TABLE " + Schema + "." + PartitionTableName + " AS \n"
"SELECT * FROM " + Schema + "." + partName + "_Lines_" + Rel + "_Net0 UNION \n"
"SELECT * FROM " + Schema + "." + partName + "_Lines_" + Rel + "_Net1 UNION \n"
"SELECT * FROM " + Schema + "." + partName + "_Lines_" + Rel + "_Net2 UNION \n"
"SELECT * FROM " + Schema + "." + partName + "_Lines_" + Rel + "_Net3 UNION \n"
"SELECT * FROM " + Schema + "." + partName + "_Lines_" + Rel + "_Net4 UNION \n"
"SELECT * FROM " + Schema + "." + partName + "_Lines_" + Rel + "_Net5;\n"
"ALTER TABLE " + Schema + "." + partName + "_Lines_" + Rel + "\n"
"DROP COLUMN gid;\n"
If we print the SQL Statement, this is the resulting query:
print SQLStatement
CREATE TABLE compresseddata.FRA24_Lines_2011_03 AS
SELECT * FROM compresseddata.FRA24_Lines_2011_03_Net0 UNION
SELECT * FROM compresseddata.FRA24_Lines_2011_03_Net1 UNION
SELECT * FROM compresseddata.FRA24_Lines_2011_03_Net2 UNION
SELECT * FROM compresseddata.FRA24_Lines_2011_03_Net3 UNION
SELECT * FROM compresseddata.FRA24_Lines_2011_03_Net4 UNION
SELECT * FROM compresseddata.FRA24_Lines_2011_03_Net5;
ALTER TABLE compresseddata.FRA24_Lines_2011_03
I am using variables in the to Merge different Road Network Classes, and due to different Partitions of my dataset, I need to iterate through, them, but for some reason that I cannot still understand, there is no table being produced.
Any ideas?
Thanx in advance for the help
THe SQL you are sending are actually 3 statements, not 1.
I never tried this but I expect execute to complain about this.
Additionally there is a semicolon missing in the ALTER TABLE statement.
I would recommend to add exception handling to your code and execute each SQL statement separately so you get better error reporting on what might go wrong.
Indeed Peter, this seems to be the case.
More specifically Each SQL Statement must be passed separately through:
and them committed via:
All the changes will then be apparent in the database.
Thanx again
As already mentioned, individually executing each statement and checking the exception can provide good insight to what is occurring.
In particular psycopg2 will raise psycopg2.ProgrammingError. If the error message is not useful, you may have better luck looking up the exception's pgcode and then investigating that.
PGCodes for 9.1:
http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/errcodes-appendix.html ).
except psycopg2.ProgrammingError as e:
# Err code lookup at http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/errcodes-appendix.html
print "psycopg2 error code %s" % e.pgcode
raise e
NOTE: A cursors execute statement CAN take multiple sql statements in a single string.
ex: cur.execute('create table ABBA (); create table BETA ();') is a perfectly legitimate statement.
For this reason, do not expect cursor.execute to perform any sanity checks on a string only input!
I'd suggest (except for special rare circumstances) to execute each statement individually.
