I'm looking to create a model for users to bookmark a recipe. I have the below:
class RecipeBookmark(models.Model):
recipe = models.ForeignKey(
Recipe, on_delete=models.PROTECT, related_name="bookmarks"
bookmarked_by = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.PROTECT)
bookmarked_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
class UserSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = models.User
fields = ["username", "email", "date_joined"]
class RecipeBookmarkSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
bookmarked_by = UserSerializer(read_only=True)
class Meta:
model = models.RecipeBookmark
fields = ["recipe", "bookmarked_by", "bookmarked_at"]
def create(self, validated_data):
request = self.context["request"]
ModelClass = self.Meta.model
instance = ModelClass.objects.create(
**validated_data, **{"bookmarked_by": request.user}
return instance
class RecipeBookmarkView(generics.CreateAPIView):
queryset = models.RecipeBookmark.objects.all()
serializer_class = RecipeBookmarkSerializer
path("recipes/bookmarks/", PublishedRecipeBookmarkView.as_view()),
I want to perform a lookup, given the recipe id through a POST request, to add the user to the bookmarks field, if the user already exists in the bookmarks field, to remove that user form the field (remove the bookmark). Many users can bookmark a given recipe.
Also, How can a lookup be performed to return recipes that a logged in user has bookmarked via an api endpoint?
Current error with get_or_create():
Error: Internal Server Error
Response body
AttributeError at /api/recipes/bookmarks/
Got AttributeError when attempting to get a value for field recipe on serializer RecipeBookmarkSerializer.
The serializer field might be named incorrectly and not match any attribute or key on the tuple instance.
Original exception text was: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'recipe'.
If you want your serializer to ensure that only one bookmark is created per user per recipe, you can use get_or_create:
def create(self, validated_data):
request = self.context["request"]
ModelClass = self.Meta.model
instance = ModelClass.objects.get_or_create(
**validated_data, **{"bookmarked_by": request.user}
return instance
If the bookmark is already present, it will just grab it and return.
Also, How can a lookup be performed to return recipes that a logged in user has bookmarked via an api endpoint?
To support this, you can define ListCreateAPIView to your view and override the queryset like so:
class RecipeBookmarkView(generics.ListCreateAPIView):
def get_queryset(self):
queryset = super().get_queryset()
return queryset.filter(bookmarked_by=self.request.user)
This will then support getting all the RecipeBookmark that is owned by the current user via GET requests on recipes/bookmarks/
I have a database table called Supplier that has a foreign key of User, each User has their own Suppliers. I got the get request working so that it returns all Suppliers in the entire table, but I can not find a way to filter it so I only receive the Suppliers associated with the User requested.
I am accessing this request by this URL:
class UserProfile(models.Model):
user = models.OneToOneField(User,on_delete=models.CASCADE)
bio = models.CharField(max_length=200)
email = models.CharField(max_length=200)
class Supplier(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
name = models.CharField(max_length=200)
phone = models.IntegerField()
email = models.EmailField(max_length=200)
class getsuppliers(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
queryset = Supplier.objects.all()
serializer_class = GetSuppliersSerializer
lookup_field = 'user'
class GetSuppliersSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
The error I am receiving:
ERROR: pm.models.Supplier.MultipleObjectsReturned: get() returned more than one Supplier -- it returned 10!
I have done some searching on this error and they are saying to use .filter instead of .all in the view, but I am not sure how to make it return ALL Suppliers for the requested User, this seems like it would only return 1. Maybe I am wrong, hopefully someone has an easy solution!
You'll have to set the serializer's model (inside Meta) to User, and add in a supplier_set field:
class GetUserSuppliersSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
supplier_set = SupplierSerializer(read_only=True, many=True)
class Meta:
model = User
fields = ['supplier_set']
class SuppliersSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Supplier
fields = ['pk','user','name','email','phone']
And also change the viewset queryset to get users.
To answer the question in the comment, there are a few different ways to do that based on what you need, one way is to add a to_representation method in your GetUserSuppliersSerializer as such:
def to_representation(self, instance):
response = super().to_representation(instance)
response["supplier_set"] = sorted(response["supplier_set"], key=lambda x: x["pk"])
return response
so I'm trying to build a Ledger App. When new users sign-ups, they create a new Business account that is linked to them (ForeignKey). Here is my model:
User = get_user_model()
class Business_Account(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
business_name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
Type_of_service = models.CharField(choices=SERVICE_CATEGORIES, max_length=50)
business_email_address = models.EmailField(max_length=254)
class Meta:
verbose_name = "Business_Account"
verbose_name_plural = "Business_Accounts"
def __str__(self):
return self.business_name
Now, I want to make a get request view that can query and returns a business account that belongs to a particular user. My current view just returns all the business accounts available in the database irrespective of which user is login. Here is my view:
class AddBusinessAcctView(APIView):
def get_object(self):
return Business_Account.objects.all()
raise status.HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND
def get(self,request):
queryset = self.get_object()
serializer = BusinessAcctSerializer(queryset, many=True)
return Response(data=serializer.data, status=status.HTTP_200_OK)
Now, How can I query business accounts that belong to a particular user?. Thanks in advance
Normally, you'd have authentication and a logged-in user that you were trying to retrieve information for. Assuming you're going to do this, that user is available in the request object.
But in general, you can just do:
user = User.objects.get(username='john')
# or
I finally got it. It is something similar to the above answer.
queryset = Business_Account.objects.filter(user=request.user)
I am working on developing a Trello-like website with Django Rest Framework.
I want to add selected users to BoardAccess model, a through table for User model and Board model, two of which are in Many to Many relationship. Being added to BoardAccess table will mean that the respective users will be having access to matching boards.
class Board(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
access_granted = models.ManyToManyField(User, through='BoardAccess', related_name='access_boards')
team = models.ForeignKey(Team, on_delete=models.CASCADE) # a team can have many boards
class BoardAccess(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.SET_NULL, null=True)
board = models.ForeignKey('Board', on_delete=models.CASCADE)
For User, I am currently using Django's default Auth User model and extending it with a Profile model via OneToOne Field.
class BoardAccessSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
members = serializers.SerializerMethodField()
added_users = # ???
new_name = serializers.CharField(
write_only=True, required=False, source='name') # in case of requests for renaming the board
def get_members(self, instance):
members = User.objects.filter(profile__team=instance.team)
return UserBoardSerializer(members, many=True).data
I would like to know what field / relations / another serializer should be assigned to added_users, which I think should be write_only=True, in order to successfully de-serialize input from the client-side containing primary keys of selected users.
get_members() method is used to first display information of all team members, from which a client will select users to be added to the board.
class BoardAccessRetrieveUpdateAPIView(generics.RetrieveUpdateAPIView):
serializer_class = BoardAccessSerializer
permission_classes = [IsAuthenticated]
def get_queryset(self):
team_id = self.kwargs.get('team_id')
team = get_object_or_404(Team, id=team_id)
queryset = Board.objects.select_related(
return queryset
I am new to DRF, so there may be a lot of points to be improved from the above. I would really appreciate every help!!
You can override the update method in your serializer, and get the user ids from the client side from initial_data
def update(self, instance, validated_data):
// do the actions on create
users = self.initial_data.get('users')
return instance
Also when using ModelSerializer have to add Meta class:
class BoardAccessSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = Board
fields = "__all__"
Let us assume I have the following models
class Blog(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User, null=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
class Post(models.Model):
blog = models.ForeignKey(Blog, null=False, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
post = models.TextField()
The problem is that creating a Post will let me set the blog id to anything (that exists). That means that I am able to create a Post object that has a relation to a Blog object that the user does not "own".
However, there are easy and documented ways to prevent the user from accessing objects via the GET method, that are forbidden to them, by filtering the queryset and using check_object_permissions. Example:
class PostViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
serializer = PostSerializer
def get_queryset(self):
return Post.objects.filter(blog__user=self.request.user)
def check_object_permissions(self, request, obj):
if obj.user != request.user:
raise exceptions.PermissionDenied()
super().check_object_permissions(request, obj)
How do I solve my above issue and prevent creating relations to forbidden objects the smartest/correct way in Django REST framework?
You can add blog validation to the serializer (check Field-level validation doc) and raise error if user dnt have permission to the selected blog:
class PostSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
def validate_blog(self, value):
request = self.context['request']
if value.user != request.user:
raise serializers.ValidationError('Blog id doesn't exist')
return value
I'm working with the django rest framework and the serializer I'm trying to use is creating errors. I'm trying to do something like https://gist.github.com/anonymous/7463dce5b0bfcf9b6767 but I still get the error. the models are
class Visitor(models.Model):
user = models.OneToOneField(User)
check_ins = models.IntegerField(default=0)
def create(cls, username, email, password):
user = User.objects.create_user(username, email, password)
visitor = cls(user=user)
return visitor
def __str__(self):
return self.user.username
and the default user class and the serializers are
class UserSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
fields = ('username')
class VisitorSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
user = UserSerializer()
class Meta:
fields = ('id','check_ins','user')
I get this error
Got AttributeError when attempting to get a value for field user on serializer VisitorSerializer.
The serializer field might be named incorrectly and not match any attribute or key on the QuerySet instance.
Original exception text was: 'QuerySet' object has no attribute 'user'.
The issue is that you are passing a queryset into your serializer without setting the many flag. The error is telling you that the serializer is trying to access queryset.user when it should be accessing visitor.user, so you need to tell the serializer that there are multiple objects (instead of a single one) by passing many=True.