I have to trigger a pipeline in Azure DevOps from a python script. I have already found out that i need a private access token and that part is fine. I can, however, not get the script to work. I am trying something like this:
data = [
http = urllib3.PoolManager()
r = http.request('POST', api_url, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json-patch+json', "Authorization": private_access_token}, body=data)
Its a requirement that i have to use urllib3 because I cant use the requests package
data is empty, because looking at the parameters here https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/azure/devops/pipelines/runs/run%20pipeline?view=azure-devops-rest-6.0. Then i dont need any input data? I just want to trigger a pipeline, nothing else
Error message is not very helpful. I get error message 203.
I solved it by using:
authorization = str(base64.b64encode(bytes(':'+private_access_token, 'ascii')), 'ascii')
data = {}
a = json.dumps(data)
http = urllib3.PoolManager()
r = http.request('POST', api_url, headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Basic '+authorization}, body=a)
I am trying to update user info in keycloak by sending put request. Get request is working fine I am getting all the users but Whenever I tried to send put request to update the user data I get this error "{'error': 'RESTEASY003650: No resource method found for PUT, return 405 with Allow header'}" while searching for the solution I find somewhere that I should add 'HTTP_X_HTTP_METHOD_OVERRIDE' in headers I also tried this but still, I am facing same error, how can I fix it.
def update_user(user_id, user_data):
import requests
headers = dict()
headers['content_type'] = 'application/json'
data = {
"grant_type": "password",
"username": "admin",
"password": os.getenv("KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_KEY"),
"client_id": "admin-cli"
token = _request("POST", f"{server_internal_url}realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/token", None, data=data).json()["access_token"]
# token = admin_token()
headers["Authorization"] = f"Bearer {token}"
headers["Host"] = kc_host
# here = _request("PUT", admin_url+f"/users"+"/".format(user_id=user_id), token, data=json.dumps(user_data)).json()
response = requests.put(admin_url+f"/users"+"/".format(user_id=user_id), headers=headers, data=data, verify=VERIFY)
server_internal_url = "https://keycloak:8443/auth/"
admin_url = "https://keycloak:8443/auth/admin/realms/{realm_name}"
It looks like you request has wrong URL:
response = requests.put(admin_url+f"/users"+"/".format(user_id=user_id), headers=headers, data=data, verify=VERIFY)
I guess it should be:
response = requests.put(admin_url+"/users/"+user_id, headers=headers, data=data, verify=VERIFY)
I am trying to use a cryptcurrency API to get some information from a remote server in python. The example from the API how to do it is here: https://developers.cryptoapis.io/technical-documentation/blockchain-data/unified-endpoints/get-transaction-details-by-transaction-id
But when I try to run it I get an exception
Exception has occurred: InvalidURL
nonnumeric port: '//rest.cryptoapis.io/v2'
I am not sure what is wrong here (new to Python). Can someone please point out? I thought at least the formal example from the API provider must work?
My code is:
import http.client
conn = http.client.HTTPConnection("https://rest.cryptoapis.io/v2")
headers = {
'Content-Type': "application/json",
'X-API-Key': "API key provided by the software provider"
conn.request("GET", "blockchain-data,bitcoin,testnet,transactions,4b66461bf88b61e1e4326356534c135129defb504c7acb2fd6c92697d79eb250", headers=headers )
res = conn.getresponse()
data = res.read()
Looks like you misunderstood the documentation. You may find this helpful:-
import requests
import json
APIKEY = 'YourAPIKeyGoesHere' # <-----
BASE = 'https://rest.cryptoapis.io/v2'
BLOCKCHAIN = 'bitcoin'
NETWORK = 'testnet'
TID = '4b66461bf88b61e1e4326356534c135129defb504c7acb2fd6c92697d79eb250'
with requests.Session() as session:
h = {'Content-Type': 'application/json',
r = session.get(
f'{BASE}/blockchain-data/{BLOCKCHAIN}/{NETWORK}/transactions/{TID}', headers=h)
print(json.dumps(r.json(), indent=4, sort_keys=True))
I'm fairly new to using web APIs and pulling data and i'm also pretty new with python. My goal is to make a stat-tracker app but I keep getting a 401 when I try and pull the data.
I've printed out the entire url just to make sure I didn't get it wrong. I copied and pasted the API key exactly so that shouldn't be a problem
api_token = 'api key in python file'
api_url_base = 'https://public-api.tracker.gg/v2/apex/standard/'
headers = {'Content-Type' : 'application/json',
'Authorization' : 'Bearer {}'.format(api_token)}
def get_player_profile():
api_url = '{}profile/psn/Daltoosh'.format(api_url_base)
response = requests.get(api_url, headers=headers)
if response.status_code == 200:
return json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
return response.status_code, api_url
#player_profile = get_player_profile()
#if player_profile is not None:
# print("Career Stats:")
# for k, v in player_profile['profile/psn/Daltoosh'].items():
# print('{0}:{1}.format(k, v)')
# print('[!] Data Request Failed [!]')
I expected a status code of 200 but there seems to be a problem authenticating.
I'm not too well versed in the web API that you are using, but I think you might be using the API token incorrectly. I don't think that specific API requires a Bearer token, but instead a separate header called TRN-Api-Key.
So maybe write something like this:
headers = {'Content-Type' : 'application/json', 'TRN-Api-Key' : api_token}
If you look here, you should be able to read up on how to set up authentication.
I am able to create a simple API interface using the requests module that authenticates correctly and receives a response from an API. However, when I attempt to use bravado, to create the client from a swagger file, and manually add an authorization token to the head, it fails with :
bravado.exception.HTTPUnauthorized: 401 Unauthorized: Error(code=u'invalid_credentials', message=u'Missing authorization header',
I believe I am adding the authorization headers correctly.
The code I'm using to create the client is below. As shown, I've tried to add an Authorization token two ways:
in the http_client setup via set_api_key
in the Swagger.from_url(...) step by adding request_headers.
However both options fail.
from bravado.requests_client import RequestsClient
from bravado.client import SwaggerClient
http_client = RequestsClient()
'https://api.optimizely.com/v2', 'Bearer <TOKEN>',
param_name='Authorization', param_in='header'
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer <TOKEN>',
client = SwaggerClient.from_url(
My question is, how do I properly add authorization headers to a bravado SwaggerClient?
For reference, a possible solution is to add the _request_options with each request:
from bravado.client import SwaggerClient
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN>'
requestOptions = {
# === bravado config ===
'headers': headers,
client = SwaggerClient.from_url("<SWAGGER_JSON_URL>")
result = client.<ENTITY>.<ACTION>(_request_options=requestOptions).response().result
However, a better solution, which I still am unable to get to work, is to have it automatically authenticate with each request.
Try again, fixing the host of the set_api_key line.
from bravado.requests_client import RequestsClient
from bravado.client import SwaggerClient
http_client = RequestsClient()
'api.optimizely.com', 'Bearer <TOKEN>',
param_name='api_key', param_in='header'
client = SwaggerClient.from_url(
Here you will find documentation about the method : https://github.com/Yelp/bravado/blob/master/README.rst#example-with-header-authentication
So, I'm new to python and am struggling, self taught, and still learning to code. So be easy on me :)
I am using a script to get data from one source (Jira's API) and trying to use those results to post to another (PowerBi).
I've managed to successfully get the data, I just don't know how to pass the data to this other API.
I know how to use the GET and POST calls, it's just using the data from one to another than I can't seem to find anything about. Assuming since what I'm asking for is very specific?
edit: I also want to mention that while my get is asking for specific data, I'm getting more than I actually need. So I need a way to specify (hopefully) what data is actually being sent to PowerBi's API
import json
import requests
url = 'https://mydomain.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/search'
headers = { 'Content-Type' : 'application/json',
'Authorization' : 'Basic 123456789' }
params = {
'jql' : 'project IN (, PY, CH, NW, RP, DP, KR, DA, RE, SS, CR, CD, AB) AND issueType=incident AND statusCategory!=Done',
'startAt': 0,
'maxResults' : 50,
requestget = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params)
if requestget.status_code == 200:
print(json.dumps(json.loads(requestget.text), sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(",", ": ")))
Apologies if I miss understood what you were asking help on, but you could use this to send a POST request as json.
request = urllib.request.Request()#Put the powerbi api here
request.add_header('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8')
jsondata = #your json data
jsonBytes = jsondata.encode('utf-8')
#Has to be bytes
request.add_header('Content-Length', len(jsonBytes))
response = urllib.request.urlopen(request, jsonBytes)
You could go with a requests.post instead.
jsondata = #put json data here
headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'}
response = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(jsondata), headers=headers)
Requests documentation