Python unittest: write, read, compare does not work - python

I'm using python unittests and sqlalchemy to test datamodels to store an WTFoms in mariaDB.
The test should create a dataset, write this dataset to db, read this set an compare if original dataset is the same like sored data.
So the partial test looks like that:
#set data
myForm = NiceForm() = "Ben"
#write data
#read data
loadedForms = NiceForm.query.all()
#check that only one entry is in db
self.assertEqual(len(loadedForms), 1)
#compare stores data with dataset
self.assertIn(myForm, loadedForms)
The test seams to work fine. No I tried the find out, if the test fails, if dataset != stored data. So ein changed the dataset before compareing it, like this:
#set data
myForm = NiceForm() = "Ben"
#write data
#read data
loadedForms = NiceForm.query.all()
#modify dataset = "Foo"
#show content of both
#check that only one entry is in db
self.assertEqual(len(loadedForms), 1)
#compare stores data with dataset
self.assertIn(myForm, loadedForms)
This test still passed. Why? I output the content of and loadedForms[0].name where both set to Foo. This is the reason, why the self.assertsIn(myForm, loadedForms)passed the test, but I don't understand:
Why the content of the loadedForms is changed, when Foowas only applied to myForm?

The row identity for MyForm does not change by changing one of the values.
Row numbers have no meaning in a table, but to make the issue clear I will still use them.
Row 153 has 2 fields. Field name = "Ben" and field homeruns = 3.
Now we change the home runs (Ben has hit a home run);
Row 153 has 2 fields. Field name = "Ben" and field homeruns = 4.
It is still row 153, so your assertIn wil still return True, though one of the values in the row has changed. You only test identity.
If it wouldn't, changing a field in a table row would need to be saved by an insert into the table and not an update to the row. That is not correct of course; how many Bens do we have? One. And he has 4 home runs, not 3 or 4, depending on which record you look at.


SQL query of Concatenating Client last names

I'm trying to create an sql query that takes records from a File table and a Customer table. A file can have multiple customers. I want to show only one record per and Concatenate the last names based on alphabetical order of the clients if the names are different or only show one if they are the same.
Below is a picture of the Relationship.
Table Relationship
The results from my query look like this currently.
enter image description here
I would like the query to look like this.
File ID
Dick Dipe
Originally I had tried doing a subquery but I had issues that there were multiple results and it couldn't list more than one. If I could do a loop and add to an array, I feel like that would work.
If I were to do it in Python, I would write this but when I try to translate that into SQL, I get errors that either the subquery can only display one result or the second name under file two gets cut off.
clients = ['Dick','Dipe','Bill','Lola', 'Lola']
files = [1,2,3]
fileDetails = [[1,0],[1,1],[2,2],[3,3],[3,4]]
file_clients = {}
for file_id, client_index in fileDetails:
if file_id not in file_clients:
file_clients[file_id] = []
client_name = clients[client_index]
for file_id, client_names in file_clients.items():
client_names = list(dict.fromkeys(client_names))
client_names_string = " ".join(client_names)
print(f"File {file_id}: {client_names_string}")

Exporting data into CSV file from Flask-SQLAlchemy

I'm looking to generate(export) a csv from a flask-sqlalchemy app i'm developing. But i'm getting some unexpected outcomes in my csv i.e. instead of the actual data from the MySQL DB table populated in the csv file, i get the declarative class model entries (placeholders??). The issue possibly could be the way i structured the query or even, the entire function.
Oddly enough - judging from the csv output (pic) - it would seem i'm on the right track since the row/column count is the same as the DB table but actual data is just not populated. I'm fairly new to SQLAlchemy ORM and Flask, so looking for some guidance here to pull through. Constructive feedback appreciated.
#class declaration with DB object (divo)
class pearl(divo.Model):
__tablename__ = 'users'
work_id = divo.Column(divo.Integer, primary_key=True)
user_fname = divo.Column(divo.String(length=255))
user_lname = divo.Column(divo.String(length=255))
user_category = divo.Column(divo.String(length=255))
user_status = divo.Column(divo.String(length=1))
login_id = divo.Column(divo.String(length=255))
login_passwd = divo.Column(divo.String(length=255))
#user report function
def users_report():
with open(r'C:\Users\Xxxxxxx\Projects\_repository\zzz.csv', 'w') as s_key:
x15 = pearl.query.all()
for i in x15:
# x16 = tuple(x15)
csv_out = csv.writer(s_key)
flash("Report generated. Please check designated repository.", "green")
return redirect(url_for('reports_landing')) # return redirect(url_for('other_tasks'))
#csv outcome (see attached pic)
instead of the actual data from the MySQL DB table populated in the csv file, i get the declarative class model entries (placeholders??)
Each object in the list
x15 = pearl.query.all()
represents a row in your users table.
What you're seeing in the spreadsheet are not placeholders, but string representations of each row object (See object.repr).
You could get the value of a column for a particular row object by the column name attribute, for example:
x15[0].work_id # Assumes there is at least one row object in x15
What you could do instead is something like this:
with open(r'C:\Users\Xxxxxxx\Projects\_repository\zzz.csv', 'w') as s_key:
x15 = divo.session.query(pearl.work_id, pearl.user_fname) # Add columns to query as needed
for i in x15:
csv_out = csv.writer(s_key)
i in the code above is a tuple of the form:
('work_id value', 'user_fname value')

function inside of bulk_create - List comprehension

I'm doing some bulk_create in Django from uploaded csv file. I'm using ignore_conflicts=True to ignore duplicates, but it doesn't seems to work, whatever, I would like to check duplicates based on just one column in csv data. Let me explain;
My data looks like
name address number
aaa bbbb 090
I would like to check if same number in database exist and if yes, don't insert the data from bulk_create there.
I'm using the code bellow, but it throws an syntax error
....some code...
all_db_data = OnlineDB.objects.all()
) ignore_dups(row, all_db_data ) for row in reader], ignore_conflicts=True) # reader are data from csv.reader()
def ignore_dups(row, all_db_data):
match = all_db_data.filter(number=row[2])
if match.Count() > 0:
return row

How to obtain the field type using dbfpy?

I have some dbf files that I want to add new fields to. To do so, I'm using dbfpy to open the original dbf, copy all fields (or the ones I want to keep) and records and then create a new file with those fields plus the new ones that I want. All is working great, except for one minor detail: I can't manage to keep the original fields' types, since I don't know how to obtain them. What I'm doing is to create all the fields in the new file as "C" (character), which so far works for what I need right now but might be an issue eventually.
The real problem is that there is no documentation available. I searched through the package files to look for the examples there, but couldn't find an answer to this question (might be that I couldn't find just by the "greenish" I still am with python... I'm definitely not an expert).
An example of the code:
from dbfpy import dbf
import sys
org_db_file = str(sys.argv[1])
org_db = dbf.Dbf(org_db_file, new = False)
new_db_file = str(sys.argv[2])
new_db = dbf.Dbf(new_db_file, new = True)
#Obtain original field names:
fldnames = []
fldsize = {}
for names in org_db.fieldNames:
fldsize[name] = 0
#Cycle thru table entries:
for rec in org_db:
#Cycle thru columns to obtain fields' name and value:
for name in fldnames:
value = str(rec[name])
if len(value) > fldsize[name]:
fldsize[name] = len(value)
#Copy original fields to new table:
for names in fldnames:
new_db.addField((names, "C", fldsize[name]))
#Add new fields:
new_fieldname = "some_name"
new_db.addField((new_fieldname, "C", 2))
#Copy original entries and store new values:
for rec in org_db:
#Create new record instance for new table:
new_rec = new_db.newRecord()
#Populate fields:
for field in fldnames:
new_rec[field] = rec[field]
#Store value of new field for record i:
new_rec[new_fieldname] = "some_value"
Thanks in advance for your time.
I don't have any experience with dbfpy other than when I first went looking several years ago it (and several others) did not meet my needs. So I wrote my own.
Here is how you would accomplish your task using it:
import dbf
import sys
org_db_file = sys.argv[1]
org_db = dbf.Table(org_db_file)
new_db_file = sys.argv[2]
# postpone until we have the field names...
# new_db = dbf.Dbf(new_db_file, new = True)
# Obtain original field list:
fields = org_db.field_names
for field in fields[:]: # cycle through a separate list
if field == "something we don't like":
# now get definitions for fields we keep
field_defs = ord_db.structure(fields)
# Add new fields:
field_defs.append("some_name C(2)")
# now create new table
new_db =, field_specs=field_defs)
# open both tables
with dbf.Tables(ord_db, new_db):
# Copy original entries and store new values:
for rec in org_db:
# Create new record instance for new table:
# Populate fields:
with new_db.last_record as new_rec:
for field in new_db.field_names:
new_rec[field] = rec[field]
# Store value of new field for record i:
new_rec[new_fieldname] = "some_value"

Populate Unique ID field after Sorting, Python

I am trying to create an new unique id field in an access table. I already have one field called SITE_ID_FD, but it is historical. The format of the unique value in that field isn't what our current format is, so I am creating a new field with the new format.
Old Format = M001, M002, K003, K004, S005, M006, etc
New format = 12001, 12002, 12003, 12004, 12005, 12006, etc
I wrote the following script:
fc = r"Z:\test.gdb\testfc"
x = 12001
cursor = arcpy.UpdateCursor(fc)
for row in cursor:
row.setValue("SITE_ID", x)
x+= 1
This works fine, but it populates the new id field based on the default sorting of objectID. I need to sort 2 fields first and then populate the new id field based on that sorting (I want to sort by a field called SITE and then by the old id field SITE_ID_FD)
I tried manually sorting the 2 fields in hopes that Python would honor the sort, but it doesn't. I'm not sure how to do this in Python. Can anyone suggest a method?
A possible solution is when you are creating your update cursor. you can specify to the cursor the fields by which you wish it to be sorted (sorry for my english..), they explain this in the documentation:
so it goes like this:
UpdateCursor(dataset, {where_clause}, {spatial_reference}, {fields}, {sort_fields})
and you are intrested only in the sort_fields so assuming that your code will work well on a sorted table and that you want the table ordered asscending the second part of your code should look like this:
fc = r"Z:\test.gdb\testfc"
x = 12001
cursor = arcpy.UpdateCursor(fc,"","","","SITE A, SITE_ID_FD A")
#if you want to sort it descending you need to write it with a D
#>> cursor = arcpy.UpdateCursor(fc,"","","","SITE D, SITE_ID_FD D")
for row in cursor:
row.setValue("SITE_ID", x)
x+= 1
i hope this helps
Added a link to the arcpy docs in a comment, but from what I can tell, this will create a new, sorted dataset--
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
env.workspace = r"z:\test.gdb"
arcpy.Sort_management("testfc", "testfc_sort", [["SITE", "ASCENDING"],
And this will, on the sorted dataset, do what you want:
fc = r"Z:\test.gdb\testfc_sort"
x = 12001
cursor = arcpy.UpdateCursor(fc)
for row in cursor:
row.setValue("SITE_ID", x)
x+= 1
I'm assuming there's some way to just copy the sorted/modified dataset back over the original, so it's all good?
I'll admit, I don't use arcpy, and the docs could be a lot more explicit.
