Applying where condition when using pandas read_sql_table() -SQLAlchemy - python

I want to use SQLAlchemy and Pandas to read a table from a Posgresql database into a Pandas dataframe using read_sql_table(). The SQL query to the database is similar to this:
SELECT col1,col2 FROM my_table WHERE col1=='value'
I tried this code to get the Pandas dataframe from the table:
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
db_uri = environ.get('SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI')
engine = create_engine(db_uri, echo=True)
table_df = pd.read_sql_table(
This code works but how can I apply the condition, similar to WHERE in the SQL query, and filter the dataframe based on that condition?
I don't want to load the dataframe first in memory, I want to do it while querying the database.

As mentioned in a comment to the question, you can use read_sql_query() to filter your results. If you want to avoid passing a raw SQL statement to the function you can create the query using SQLAlchemy Core and pass that instead:
import sqlalchemy as sa
# …
team = sa.Table("team", sa.MetaData(), autoload_with=engine)
qry =, == 1)
df = pd.read_sql_query(qry, engine)
city name
0 Calgary Flames

import pandas as pd
import sqlalchemy as sa
engine = sa.create_engine('oracle+cx_oracle://user:senha#db', echo=False)
team = sa.Table('oracle_table', sa.MetaData(), autoload_with=engine, schema='db')
qry =, team.c.column_b).where(
team.c.column_b == 'OPTION')
df = pd.read_sql_query(qry, engine)


How to store all table in a sql database in dataframes? [duplicate]

I have a database that contains multiple tables, and I am trying to import each table as a pandas dataframe. I can do this for a single table as follows:
import pandas as pd
import as psql
import pypyodbc
conn = pypyodbc.connect("DRIVER={SQL Server};\
df1 = psql.read_frame('SELECT * FROM dbo.table1', conn)
The number of tables in the database will change, and at any time I would like to be able to import each table into its own dataframe. How can I get all of these tables into pandas?
Depending on your SQL server, you can inspect the tables in a database.
For example:
tables_df = pd.read_sql('SELECT table_name FROM database_name', conn)
Now your table names are accessible as a pandas data frame, you just need to parse it out:
table_name_list = tables_df.table_name
select_template = 'SELECT * FROM {table_name}'
frames_dict = {}
for tname in table_name_list:
query = select_template.format(table_name = tname)
frames_dict[tname] = pd.read_sql(query, conn)
Your dictionary frames_dict contains all the dataframes with the table_name as the key

Convert SQL query output into pandas dataframe

I have been looking since yesterday about the way I could convert the output of an SQL Query into a Pandas dataframe.
For example a code that does this :
data = select * from table
I've tried so many codes I've found on the internet but nothing seems to work.
Note that my database is stored in Azure DataBricks and I can only access the table using its URL.
Thank you so much !
Hope this would help you out. Both insertion & selection are in this code for reference.
def db_insert_user_level_info(table_name):
#Call Your DF Here , as an argument in the function or pass directly
params = urllib.parse.quote_plus("DRIVER={SQL Server};SERVER=DESKTOP-ITAJUJ2;DATABASE=githubAnalytics")
engine = create_engine("mssql+pyodbc:///?odbc_connect=%s" % params)
if table_row_count == df_row_count:
print("Data Cannot Be Inserted Because The Row Count is Same")
df.to_sql(name=table_name,con=engine, index=False, if_exists='append')
print("********************************** DONE EXECTUTED SUCCESSFULLY ***************************************************")
def select_row_count(table_name):
cnxn = pyodbc.connect("Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};"
cur = cnxn.cursor()
db_cmd = "SELECT count(*) FROM "+table_name
res = cur.execute(db_cmd)
# Do something with your result set, for example print out all the results:
for x in res:
return x[0]
print("Table is not Available , Please Wait...")
Using sqlalchemy to connect to the database, and the built-in method read_sql_query from pandas to go straight to a DataFrame:
import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
engine = create_engine(url)
connection = engine.connect()
query = "SELECT * FROM table"
df = pd.read_sql_query(query,connection)

How to upsert pandas DataFrame to PostgreSQL table?

I've scraped some data from web sources and stored it all in a pandas DataFrame. Now, in order harness the powerful db tools afforded by SQLAlchemy, I want to convert said DataFrame into a Table() object and eventually upsert all data into a PostgreSQL table. If this is practical, what is a workable method of going about accomplishing this task?
Update: You can save yourself some typing by using this method.
If you are using PostgreSQL 9.5 or later you can perform the UPSERT using a temporary table and an INSERT ... ON CONFLICT statement:
import sqlalchemy as sa
# …
with engine.begin() as conn:
# step 0.0 - create test environment
conn.exec_driver_sql("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS main_table")
"CREATE TABLE main_table (id int primary key, txt varchar(50))"
"INSERT INTO main_table (id, txt) VALUES (1, 'row 1 old text')"
# step 0.1 - create DataFrame to UPSERT
df = pd.DataFrame(
[(2, "new row 2 text"), (1, "row 1 new text")], columns=["id", "txt"]
# step 1 - create temporary table and upload DataFrame
"CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_table AS SELECT * FROM main_table WHERE false"
df.to_sql("temp_table", conn, index=False, if_exists="append")
# step 2 - merge temp_table into main_table
INSERT INTO main_table (id, txt)
SELECT id, txt FROM temp_table
# step 3 - confirm results
result = conn.exec_driver_sql("SELECT * FROM main_table ORDER BY id").all()
print(result) # [(1, 'row 1 new text'), (2, 'new row 2 text')]
I have needed this so many times, I ended up creating a gist for it.
The function is below, it will create the table if it is the first time persisting the dataframe and will update the table if it already exists:
import pandas as pd
import sqlalchemy
import uuid
import os
def upsert_df(df: pd.DataFrame, table_name: str, engine: sqlalchemy.engine.Engine):
"""Implements the equivalent of pd.DataFrame.to_sql(..., if_exists='update')
(which does not exist). Creates or updates the db records based on the
dataframe records.
Conflicts to determine update are based on the dataframes index.
This will set unique keys constraint on the table equal to the index names
1. Create a temp table from the dataframe
2. Insert/update from temp table into table_name
Returns: True if successful
# If the table does not exist, we should just use to_sql to create it
if not engine.execute(
SELECT FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema = 'public'
AND table_name = '{table_name}');
df.to_sql(table_name, engine)
return True
# If it already exists...
temp_table_name = f"temp_{uuid.uuid4().hex[:6]}"
df.to_sql(temp_table_name, engine, index=True)
index = list(df.index.names)
index_sql_txt = ", ".join([f'"{i}"' for i in index])
columns = list(df.columns)
headers = index + columns
headers_sql_txt = ", ".join(
[f'"{i}"' for i in headers]
) # index1, index2, ..., column 1, col2, ...
# col1 = exluded.col1, col2=excluded.col2
update_column_stmt = ", ".join([f'"{col}" = EXCLUDED."{col}"' for col in columns])
# For the ON CONFLICT clause, postgres requires that the columns have unique constraint
query_pk = f"""
ALTER TABLE "{table_name}" DROP CONSTRAINT IF EXISTS unique_constraint_for_upsert;
ALTER TABLE "{table_name}" ADD CONSTRAINT unique_constraint_for_upsert UNIQUE ({index_sql_txt});
# Compose and execute upsert query
query_upsert = f"""
INSERT INTO "{table_name}" ({headers_sql_txt})
SELECT {headers_sql_txt} FROM "{temp_table_name}"
ON CONFLICT ({index_sql_txt}) DO UPDATE
SET {update_column_stmt};
engine.execute(f"DROP TABLE {temp_table_name}")
return True
Here is my code for bulk insert & insert on conflict update query for postgresql from pandas dataframe:
Lets say id is unique key for both postgresql table and pandas df and you want to insert and update based on this id.
import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, text
engine = create_engine(postgresql://username:pass#host:port/dbname)
query = text(f"""
INSERT INTO schema.table(name, title, id)
VALUES {','.join([str(i) for i in list(df.to_records(index=False))])}
title= excluded.title
Make sure that your df columns must be same order with your table.
Thanks to Gord Thompson's comment, I realized that this query won't work if there is single quote in columns. Therefore here is a fix if there is single quote in columns:
import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, text ="'", "''")
df.title = df.title.str.replace("'", "''")
engine = create_engine(postgresql://username:pass#host:port/dbname)
query = text("""
INSERT INTO author(name, title, id)
title= excluded.title
""" % ','.join([str(i) for i in list(df.to_records(index=False))]).replace('"', "'"))
Consider this function if your DataFrame and SQL Table contain the same column names and types already.
Good if you have a long dataframe to insert. (Batching)
Avoid writing long sql statement in your code.
from sqlalchemy import Table
from sqlalchemy.engine.base import Engine as sql_engine
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import insert
from sqlalchemy.ext.automap import automap_base
import pandas as pd
def upsert_database(list_input: pd.DataFrame, engine: sql_engine, table: str, schema: str) -> None:
if len(list_input) == 0:
return None
flattened_input = list_input.to_dict('records')
with engine.connect() as conn:
base = automap_base()
base.prepare(engine, reflect=True, schema=schema)
target_table = Table(table, base.metadata,
autoload=True, autoload_with=engine, schema=schema)
chunks = [flattened_input[i:i + 1000] for i in range(0, len(flattened_input), 1000)]
for chunk in chunks:
stmt = insert(target_table).values(chunk)
update_dict = { c for c in stmt.excluded if not c.primary_key}
If you already have a pandas dataframe you could use df.to_sql to push the data directly through SQLAlchemy
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
#create a connection from Postgre URI
cnxn = create_engine("postgresql+psycopg2://username:password#host:port/database")
#write dataframe to database
df.to_sql("my_table", con=cnxn, schema="myschema")

How to create a new table in a MySQL DB from a pandas dataframe

I recently transitioned from using SQLite for most of my data storage and management needs to MySQL. I think I've finally gotten the correct libraries installed to work with Python 3.6, but now I am having trouble creating a new table from a dataframe in the MySQL database.
Here are the libraries I import:
import pandas as pd
import mysql.connector
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
In my code, I first create a dataframe from a CSV file (no issues here).
def csv_to_df(infile):
return pd.read_csv(infile)
Then I establish a connection to the MySQL database using this def function:
def mysql_connection():
user = 'root'
password = 'abc'
host = ''
port = '3306'
database = 'a001_db'
engine = create_engine("mysql://{0}:{1}#{2}:{3}/{4}?charset=utf8".format(user, password, host, port, database))
return engine
Lastly, I use the pandas function "to_sql" to create the database table in the MySQL database:
def df_to_mysql(df, db_tbl_name, conn=mysql_connection(), index=False):
df.to_sql(con = conn, name = db_tbl_name, if_exists='replace', index = False)
I run the code using this line:
df_to_mysql(csv_to_df(r'path/to/file.csv'), 'new_database_table')
The yields the following error:
InvalidRequestError: Could not reflect: requested table(s) not available in Engine(mysql://root:***# (new_database_table)
I think this is telling me that I must first create a table in the database before passing the data in the dataframe to this table, but I'm not 100% positive about that. Regardless, I'm looking for a way to create a table in a MySQL database without manually creating the table first (I have many CSVs, each with 50+ fields, that have to be uploaded as new tables in a MySQL database).
Any suggestions?
I took an approach suggested by aws_apprentice above which was to create the table first, then write data to the table.
The code below first auto-generates a mysql table from a df (auto defining table names and datatypes) then writes the df data to that table.
There were a couple of hiccups I had to overcome, such as: unnamed csv columns, determining the correct data type for each field in the mysql table.
I'm sure there are multiple other (better?) ways to do this, but this seems to work.
import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
infile = r'path/to/file.csv'
db = 'a001_db'
db_tbl_name = 'a001_rd004_db004'
Load a csv file into a dataframe; if csv does not have headers, use the headers arg to create a list of headers; rename unnamed columns to conform to mysql column requirements
def csv_to_df(infile, headers = []):
if len(headers) == 0:
df = pd.read_csv(infile)
df = pd.read_csv(infile, header = None)
df.columns = headers
for r in range(10):
df.rename( columns={'Unnamed: {0}'.format(r):'Unnamed{0}'.format(r)}, inplace=True )
return df
Create a mapping of df dtypes to mysql data types (not perfect, but close enough)
def dtype_mapping():
return {'object' : 'TEXT',
'int64' : 'INT',
'float64' : 'FLOAT',
'datetime64' : 'DATETIME',
'bool' : 'TINYINT',
'category' : 'TEXT',
'timedelta[ns]' : 'TEXT'}
Create a sqlalchemy engine
def mysql_engine(user = 'root', password = 'abc', host = '', port = '3306', database = 'a001_db'):
engine = create_engine("mysql://{0}:{1}#{2}:{3}/{4}?charset=utf8".format(user, password, host, port, database))
return engine
Create a mysql connection from sqlalchemy engine
def mysql_conn(engine):
conn = engine.raw_connection()
return conn
Create sql input for table names and types
def gen_tbl_cols_sql(df):
dmap = dtype_mapping()
df1 = df.rename(columns = {"" : "nocolname"})
hdrs = df1.dtypes.index
hdrs_list = [(hdr, str(df1[hdr].dtype)) for hdr in hdrs]
for hl in hdrs_list:
sql += " ,{0} {1}".format(hl[0], dmap[hl[1]])
return sql
Create a mysql table from a df
def create_mysql_tbl_schema(df, conn, db, tbl_name):
tbl_cols_sql = gen_tbl_cols_sql(df)
sql = "USE {0}; CREATE TABLE {1} ({2})".format(db, tbl_name, tbl_cols_sql)
cur = conn.cursor()
Write df data to newly create mysql table
def df_to_mysql(df, engine, tbl_name):
df.to_sql(tbl_name, engine, if_exists='replace')
df = csv_to_df(infile)
create_mysql_tbl_schema(df, mysql_conn(mysql_engine()), db, db_tbl_name)
df_to_mysql(df, mysql_engine(), db_tbl_name)
connection = engine.connect()
df.to_sql(con=connection, name='TBL_NAME', schema='SCHEMA', index=False, if_exists='replace')
works with oracle DB in specific schema wothout errors, but will not work if you have limited permissions. And note that table names is case sensative.

Cannot drop table in pandas to_sql using SQLAlchemy

I'm trying to drop an existing table, do a query and then recreate the table using the pandas to_sql function. This query works in pgadmin, but not here. Any ideas of if this is a pandas bug or if my code is wrong?
Specific error is ValueError: Table 'a' already exists.
import as psql
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
engine = create_engine(r'postgresql://user#localhost:port/dbname')
c = engine.connect()
conn = c.connection
sql = """
drop table a;
select * from some_table limit 1;
df = psql.read_sql(sql, con=conn)
print df.head()
df.to_sql('a', engine)
Why are you doing this like that? There is a shorter way: the if_exists kwag in to_sql. Try this:
import as psql
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
engine = create_engine(r'postgresql://user#localhost:port/dbname')
c = engine.connect()
conn = c.connection
sql = """
select * from some_table limit 1;
df = psql.read_sql(sql, con=conn)
print df.head()
# Notice how below line is different. You forgot the schema argument
df.to_sql('a', con=conn, schema=schema_name, if_exists='replace')
According to docs:
replace: If table exists, drop it, recreate it, and insert data.
Ps. Additional tip:
This is better way to handle the connection:
with engine.connect() as conn, conn.begin():
sql = """select * from some_table limit 1"""
df = psql.read_sql(sql, con=conn)
print df.head()
df.to_sql('a', con=conn, schema=schema_name, if_exists='replace')
Because it ensures that your connection is always closed, even if your program exits with an error. This is important to prevent data corruption. Further, I would just use this:
import pandas as pd
pd.read_sql(sql, conn)
instead of the way you are doing it.
So, if I was in your place writing that code, it would look like this:
import pandas as pd
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
engine = create_engine(r'postgresql://user#localhost:port/dbname')
with engine.connect() as conn, conn.begin():
df = pd.read_sql('select * from some_table limit 1', con=conn)
print df.head()
df.to_sql('a', con=conn, schema=schema_name, if_exists='replace')
