Count occurrences in column based on another column (date) - python

I am trying to count the number of "Type" occurrences by what month they are in.
Daily data is given, so to group by month I tried using .resample() but the problem with using is that combines all the strings together in one LONG string and then I can't count the number of occurrences using str.count() as it returns the wrong value (it finds too many matches because it isn't looking for the EXACT pattern).
I think it has to be done in more than one step...
I have tried SO many things... I even heard there is a pivot table?
Sample data:
... For all the months over a few years...
Converted to the following format: (titles of header can be in numeric form as well)
January 2020
February 2020

As far as I know, Pandas does not have a standard function or typical approach to obtain your desired result. Below I've included a code snippet that gets your desired result.
If you do not mind using extra packages, there exist some packages which you can use for quicker/easier binary encoding (e.g. category_encoder).
import pandas as pd
# your data in dictionary format
d = {
# creata dataframe with the dates as index
df = pd.DataFrame(data = d['Type'], index=pd.to_datetime(d['Date']))
animals = list(df[0].unique()) # a list contaning all unique animals
ndf = pd.DataFrame(index=animals) # empty new dataframe with all animals as index
for animal in animals:
ndf.loc[animal, df.index.month.unique()] = ( # at row = animal, insert all unique months
(df == animal).groupby(df.index.month) # groupby months, using .month (returns 1 for Jan)
.sum() # sum since we use bool comparison
.transpose() # tranpose due to desired output format
.values # array of values to insert
# convert column names back to date time and save as string in desired format
ndf.columns = pd.to_datetime(ndf.columns, format='%m').strftime('%B 2020')
January 2020
February 2020
March 2020
May 2020


Pandas substract above row

Basically this is the challenge I have
Data set with time range and unique ID, what I need to do is to find if ID is duplicated in date range.
123 transaction 1/1/2021
345 transaction 1/1/2021
123 transaction 1/2/2021
123 transaction 1/20/2021
Where I want to return 1 for ID 123 because the duplicate transaction is in range of 7 days.
I can do this with Excel and I added some more date ranges depending on day for exple Wednesday range up to 6 days, Thursday 5 days, Friday 4 days range. But I have no idea how to accomplish this with pandas...
The reason why I want to do this with pandas is because each data set has up to 1M rows and it takes forever with Excel to accomplish and on top of that I need to split by category and it's just a pain to do all that manual work.
Is there any recommendations or ideas in how to accomplish that task?
The df:
df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(
)) # added extra record for demo
id trans_date
0 123 1/1/2021
1 345 1/1/2021
2 123 1/2/2021
3 123 1/20/2021
4 345 1/3/2021
df['trans_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['trans_date'])
As you have to look into each of the ids separately, you can group by id and then get the maximum and minimum dates and if the difference is greater than 7, then those would be 1. Otherwise, 0.
result = df.groupby('id')['trans_date'].apply(
lambda x: True if (x.max()-x.min()).days > 7 else False)
123 True
345 False
Name: trans_date, dtype: bool
If you just need the required ids, then
The context and data you've provided about your situation are scanty, but you can probably do something like this:
>>> df
id type date
0 123 transaction 2021-01-01
1 345 transaction 2021-01-01
2 123 transaction 2021-01-02
3 123 transaction 2021-01-20
>>> dupes = df.groupby(pd.Grouper(key='date', freq='W'))['id'].apply(pd.Series.duplicated)
>>> dupes
0 False
1 False
2 True
3 False
Name: id, dtype: bool
There, item 2 (the third item) is True because 123 already occured in the past week.
As far as I can understand the question, I think this is what you need.
from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame({
"id": [123, 345, 123, 123],
"name": ["transaction", "transaction", "transaction", "transaction"],
"date": ["01/01/2021", "01/01/2021", "01/02/2021", "01/10/2021"]
def dates_in_range(dates):
num_days_frame = 6
processed_dates = sorted([datetime.strptime(date, "%m/%d/%Y") for date in dates])
difference_in_range = any(abs(processed_dates[i] - processed_dates[i-1]).days < num_days_frame for i in range(1, len(processed_dates)))
return difference_in_range and 1 or 0
group = df.groupby("id")
df_new = group.apply(lambda x: dates_in_range(x["date"]))
123 1
345 0
Here you first group by the id such that you get all dates for that particular id in the same row.
After which a row-wise function operation is applied to the aggregated dates such that, first they are sorted and afterward checked if the difference between consecutive items is greater than the defined range. The sorting makes sure that consecutive differences will actually result in a true or false outcome if dates are close by.
Finally if any such row exists for which the difference of consecutive sorted dates are less than num_days_frame (6), we return a 1 else we return a 0.
All that being said this might not be as performant as each row is being sorted. One way to avoid that is sort the entire df first and apply the group operation to ensure sorted dates.

find first unique items selected by user and ranking them in order of user selection by date

I am trying to identify only first orders of unique "items" purchased by "test" customers in a simplified sample dataframe from the dataframe created below:
df=pd.DataFrame({"cust": ['A55', 'A55', 'A55', 'B080', 'B080', 'D900', 'D900', 'D900', 'D900', 'C019', 'C019', 'Z09c', 'A987', 'A987', 'A987'],
"date":['01/11/2016', '01/11/2016', '01/11/2016', '08/17/2016', '6/17/2016','03/01/2016',
'04/30/2016', '05/16/2016','09/27/2016', '04/20/2016','04/29/2016', '07/07/2016', '1/29/2016', '10/17/2016', '11/11/2016' ],
"item": ['A10BABA', 'A10BABA', 'A10DBDB', 'A9GABA', 'A11AD', 'G198A', 'G198A', 'F673', 'A11BB', 'CBA1', 'CBA1', 'DA21',
'BG10A', 'CG10BA', 'BG10A']
}) = pd.to_datetime(
df = df.sort_values(["cust", "date"], ascending = True)
The desired output would look as shown in picture - with all unique items ordered by date of purchase in a new column called "cust_item_rank" and remove any repeated (duplicated) orders of the same item by same user.
To clarify further, those items purchased on the same date by same user should have the same order/rank as shown in picture for customer A55 (A10BABA and A10DBDB are ranked as 1).
I have spent a fair bit of time using a combination of group by and/or rank operations but unsuccessful thus far. As an example:
df["cust_item_rank"] = df.groupby("cust")["date"]["item"].rank(ascending = 1, method = "min")
Yields an error (Exception: Column(s) date already selected).
Can somebody please guide me to the desired solution here?
# Remove duplicates
df2 = (df.loc[~df.groupby(['cust'])['item'].apply(pd.Series.duplicated)]
df2['cust_item_rank'] = df2.groupby('cust').cumcount().add(1)
cust date item cust_item_rank
0 A55 2016-01-11 A10BABA 1
1 A55 2016-11-01 A10DBDB 2
2 A987 2016-01-29 BG10A 1
3 A987 2016-10-17 CG10BA 2
4 B080 2016-06-17 A11AD 1
5 B080 2016-08-17 A9GABA 2
6 C019 2016-04-20 CBA1 1
7 D900 2016-03-01 G198A 1
8 D900 2016-05-16 F673 2
9 D900 2016-09-27 A11BB 3
10 Z09c 2016-07-07 DA21 1
To solve this question, I built upon the excellent initial answer by cs95 and calling on the rank function in pandas as follows:
#remove duplicates as recommended by cs95
df2 = (df.loc[~df.groupby(['cust'])['item'].apply(pd.Series.duplicated)]
#rank by date afer grouping by customer
df2["cust_item_rank"]= df2.groupby(["cust"])["date"].rank(ascending=1,method='dense').astype(int)
This resulted in the following (desired output):
It appears that this problem is solved using either "min" or "dense" method of ranking but I chose the latter "dense" method to potentially avoid skipping any rank.

How to find inappropriate datatype in pandas data frame for each column?

Name Age Id DOB
0 Tom 20 A4565 22-07-1993
1 nick 21 G4562 11-09-1996
2 krish AKL F4561 15-03-1997
3 636A 18 L5624 06-07-1995
4 mak 20 K5465 03-09-1997
5 nits 55 56541 45aBc
6 444 66 NIT 09031992
Column_Name Column_Type
0 Name string
1 Age integer
2 Id string
3 DOB Date
how can i find data type error value from main df. For example from column info df we can see 'Name' is a string column, so in main df, 'Name' column should contain either string or alphanumeric other than that it's an error. I need to find those datatype error values in a separate df.
error output df:
Column_Name Current_Value Exp_Dtype Index_No.
0 Name 444 string 6
1 Age 444 int 2
2 Name 56441 string 6
0 DOB 4aBc Date 5
0 DOB 09031992 Date 6
i tried this:
for i,r in column_info_df.iterrows():
if r['Column_Type'] == 'string':
elif r['Column_Type'] == 'integer':
elif r['Column_Type'] == 'Date':
i have stuck here,because this RE is not catching every errors. i don't know how to go further?
Here is one way of using df.eval(),
Note: though this will check based on pattern and return non matching values. However, note that this cannot check valid types, example if date column has an entry which looks like a date but is an invalid date, this wouldnot identify that:
for a,b in zip(column_info_df['Column_Name'],column_info_df['Column_Type'].map(d))]).T
index Column_Name Current_Value Expected_dtype
6 6 Name 444 string
9 2 Age AKL integer
19 5 Id 56541 string
26 5 DOB 45aBc Date
27 6 DOB 09031992 Date
I agree there can be better regex patterns for this job but the idea should be same.
If I understood what you did, you created separate dataframes, which contains infos about your main one.
What I suggest would be instead to use the build-in methods offered by pandas to deal with dataframes.
For instance, if you have a dataframe main, then:
will give you the type of object for each column. Note that a column can contain only one type, as it is a series, which is itself a ndarray.
So your column name cannot have anything else but strings that you would have missed. Instead, you can have NaN values. You can check for them with the help of
I hope that helped :-)

How to count the number of dropoffs per month for dataframe column

I have a dataframe that has records from 2011 to 2018. One of the columns has the drop_off_date which is the date when the customer left the rewards program. I want to count for each month between 2011 to 2018 how many people dropped of during that month. So for the 84 month period, I want the count of people who dropped off then using the drop_off_date column.
I changed the column to datetime and I know i can use the .agg and .count method but I am not sure how to count per month. I honestly do not know what the next step would be.
Example of the data:
Record ID | store ID | drop_off_date
a1274c212| 12876| 2011-01-27
a1534c543| 12877| 2011-02-23
a1232c952| 12877| 2018-12-02
The result should look like this:
Month: | #of dropoffs:
Jan 2011 | 15
Dec 2018 | 6
What I suggest is to work directly with the strings in the column drop_off_ym and to strip them to only keep the year and month:
df['drop_off_ym'] = df.drop_off_date.apply(lambda x: x[:-3])
Then you apply a groupby on the new created column an then a count():
df_counts_by_month = df.groupby('drop_off_ym')['StoreId'].count()
Using your data,
I'm assuming your date has been cast to a datetime value and used errors='coerce' to handle outliers.
you should then drop any NA's from this so you're only dealing with customers who dropped off.
you can do this in a multitude of ways, I would do a simple df.dropna(subset=['drop_off_date'])
Record ID store ID drop_off_date
0 a1274c212 12876 2011-01-27
1 a1534c543 12877 2011-02-23
2 a1232c952 12877 2018-12-02
Lets create a month column to use as an aggregate
df['Month'] = df['drop_off_date'].dt.strftime('%b')
then we can do a simple groupby on the record ID as a count. (assuming you only want to count unique ID's)?
df1 = df.groupby(df['Month'])['Record ID'].count().reset_index()
Month Record ID
0 Dec 1
1 Feb 1
2 Jan 1
EDIT: To account for years.
first lets create a year helper column
df['Year'] = df['drop_off_date'].dt.year
df1 = df.groupby(['Month','Year' ])['Record ID'].count().reset_index()
Month Year Record ID
0 Dec 2018 1
1 Feb 2011 1
2 Jan 2011 1

Iterate over dates in a Pandas Dataframe to get the count of a different column per week

I am a java developer finding it a bit tricky to switch to python and Pandas. Im trying to iterate over dates of a Pandas Dataframe which looks like below,
sender_user_id created
0 1 2016-12-19 07:36:07.816676
1 33 2016-12-19 07:56:07.816676
2 1 2016-12-19 08:14:07.816676
3 15 2016-12-19 08:34:07.816676
what I am trying to get is a dataframe which gives me a count of the total number of transactions that have occurred per week. From the forums I have been able to get syntax for 'for loops' which iterate over indexes only. Basically I need a result dataframe which looks like this. The value field contains the count of sender_user_id and the date needs to be modified to show the starting date per week.
date value
0 2016-12-09 20
1 2016-12-16 36
2 2016-12-23 56
3 2016-12-30 32
Thanks in advance for the help.
I think you need resample by week and aggregate size:
#cast to datetime if necessary
df.created = pd.to_datetime(df.created)
print (df.resample('W', on='created').size().reset_index(name='value'))
created value
0 2016-12-25 4
If need another offsets:
df.created = pd.to_datetime(df.created)
print (df.resample('W-FRI', on='created').size().reset_index(name='value'))
created value
0 2016-12-23 4
If need number of unique values per week aggregate by nunique:
df.created = pd.to_datetime(df.created)
print (df.resample('W-FRI', on='created')['sender_user_id'].nunique()
created value
0 2016-12-23 3
