I'm trying to write an AWS Lambda function that takes a TIFF, converts it to JPEG, then outputs it in base64 so that lambda can serve it. But I keep running into malformed response, or issues with reshape_as_image saying axes doesn't match array.
My understanding was that the return of memfile.read() would allow me to use reshape_as_image, however my logic seems faulty.
Without saving to disk, how can I get from memfile to a base64 jpeg representation so that lambda can serve it? I've also tried pillow but I think the necessary step is where I'm failing.
def get_image(self, driver="jpeg"):
data = self.get_image()
with MemoryFile() as memfile:
# Change the driver for output
data[1]['driver'] = driver
with MemoryFile() as memfile:
# Change the driver for output
data[1]['driver'] = driver
with memfile.open(**data[1]) as dataset:
image = memfile.read()
image = reshape_as_image(image)
im = Image.open(io.BytesIO(image))
b64data = base64.b64encode(im.tobytes()).decode('utf-8')
return b64data
It seems this isn't necessary for some reason, assuming because memfile.read() gives the actual bytes of the image.
def get_image(self, store=False, driver="GTiff"):
data = self.crop_ortho(store)
with MemoryFile() as memfile:
# Change the driver for output
data[1]['driver'] = driver
with memfile.open(**data[1]) as dataset:
image = memfile.read()
im = Image.open(io.BytesIO(image))
im = im.convert('RGB')
# Save bytes to a byte array
imgByteArr = io.BytesIO()
im.save(imgByteArr, format='jpeg')
b64data = base64.b64encode(imgByteArr.getvalue())
return b64data
I generate an image with Python, and I need to convert this Pil Image into a Base64, without saving this one into any folder...
I have some data, and I get RGB img with the line below:
img = Image.fromarray(data,'RGB')
What is the simple way to convert this PIL into base64 ?(I can't open a file image because I must not save the img) ?
Thank you for your help
With Node JS, I can get the correct base64 with these lines :
pythonShell= require("python-shell");
app.post('/index/gen/',urlencodedParser, function (req,res){
pythonShell.run('minigen.py', function (err, results) {
if (err) throw err;
var img = base64img.base64Sync('./images/miniature.jpg');
res.send(img); });
But I have to save the file if I use NodeJS...
this is the code to generate the matrix from the image, you don't need to know what is in data ;)
image = Image.open("./carte/"+fichier)
image = image.resize((400,400),Image.ANTIALIAS)
w,h = image.size
tab = numpy.array(image)
data = numpy.zeros((h, w, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8)
I found the solution. Hope this helps !
img = Image.fromarray(data, 'RGB') #Crée une image à partir de la matrice
buffer = BytesIO()
img.save(buffer,format="JPEG") #Enregistre l'image dans le buffer
myimage = buffer.getvalue()
print "data:image/jpeg;base64,"+base64.b64encode(myimage)
#florian answer helped me a lot but base64.b64encode(img_byte) returned bytes so I needed to decode it to string before concatenation (using python 3.6):
def img_to_base64_str(self, img):
buffered = BytesIO()
img.save(buffered, format="PNG")
img_byte = buffered.getvalue()
img_str = "data:image/png;base64," + base64.b64encode(img_byte).decode()
You can use base64 library like this:
import base64
See tobytes() method of Image object.
Or you can use something like this:
import glob
import random
import base64
from PIL import Image
from io import BytesIO
import io
def get_thumbnail(path):
path = "\\\\?\\"+path # This "\\\\?\\" is used to prevent problems with long Windows paths
i = Image.open(path)
return i
def image_base64(im):
if isinstance(im, str):
im = get_thumbnail(im)
with BytesIO() as buffer:
im.save(buffer, 'jpeg')
return base64.b64encode(buffer.getvalue()).decode()
def image_formatter(im):
return f'<img src="data:image/jpeg;base64,{image_base64(im)}">'
Just pass path of image in get_thumbnail function and image_formatter to display it in HTML.
I got Pillow image that i got from the Internet:
response= urllib2.urlopen(<url to gif image>)
img = Image.open(cStringIO.StringIO(response.read()))
I want to use it with tesserocr but it wont work with GIF images.
If I save the image as PNG img.save("tmp.png") and load it img = Image.open("tmp.png") everything works.
Is there a way to do this conversion without writing to disk?
import io
from PIL import Image
def convertImageFormat(imgObj, outputFormat=None):
"""Convert image format
imgObj (Image): the Pillow Image instance
outputFormat (str): Image format, eg: "JPEG"/"PNG"/"BMP"/"TIFF"/...
more refer: https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/handbook/image-file-formats.html
bytes, binary data of Image
newImgObj = imgObj
if outputFormat and (imgObj.format != outputFormat):
imageBytesIO = io.BytesIO()
imgObj.save(imageBytesIO, outputFormat)
newImgObj = Image.open(imageBytesIO)
return newImgObj
call example:
pngImgFile = "xxx.png"
pngImgObj = Image.open(pngImgFile)
convertToFormat = "JPEG"
convertedJpgImgBytes = convertImageFormat(pngImgObj, convertToFormat)
advanced version convertImageFormat can refer my lib crifanPillow.py
import io
from PIL import Image
def convertImageFormat(imgObj, outputFormat=None, isOptimize=False, isKeepPrevValues=True):
"""Convert image format
imgObj (Image): the Pillow Image instance
outputFormat (str): Image format, eg: "JPEG"/"PNG"/"BMP"/"TIFF"/...
more refer: https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/handbook/image-file-formats.html
isOptimize (bool): do optimize when using save to convert format
isKeepPrevValues (bool): keep previous property values, such as: filename
bytes, binary data of Image
newImgObj = imgObj
if outputFormat and (imgObj.format != outputFormat):
imageBytesIO = io.BytesIO()
if isOptimize:
imgObj.save(imageBytesIO, outputFormat, optimize=True)
imgObj.save(imageBytesIO, outputFormat)
newImgObj = Image.open(imageBytesIO)
if isKeepPrevValues:
if imgObj.filename:
newImgObj.filename = imgObj.filename
return newImgObj
The solution was very simple:
response= urllib2.urlopen(<url to gif image>)
img = Image.open(cStringIO.StringIO(response.read()))
img = img.convert("RGB")
Note that you need to remove the alpha channel info to make image compatible with tesserocr
I'm getting URL through POST via DAJAX.
The URL is then passed into the function below. A TypeError is thrown.
I do not want to save the 'img' to disk and then reopen it to do the conversion.
I'm not sure what else to try so I figured I as the world. Thanks for the help in advance.
def getqrcode(link):
bsettings = Bitcoinsettings.objects.get(pk=1)
qr = qrcode.QRCode(version=1, error_correction=qrcode.constants.ERROR_CORRECT_H, box_size=bsettings.qrcodesize , border=5,)
img = qr.make_image()
output = StringIO.StringIO()
img.save(output, 'GIF')
contents = output.getvalue()
data = base64.b64encode(open(contents,'rb').read())
data = "data:image/png;base64," + data
img = []
return data
TypeError: file() argument 1 must be encoded string without NULL bytes, not str
Here is the ajax.py code.
from torgap.bitcoin.bitcoin import getqrcode
from dajaxice.decorators import dajaxice_register
from dajax.core import Dajax
def getimage(request, image):
dajax = Dajax()
link = image
image = getqrcode(link)
dajax.assign('#qrcode', 'src', image)
return dajax.json()
except Exception as e:
print e
I'm not sure you understand what returns ouput.getvalue() since you are trying to read the file again with
data = base64.b64encode(open(contents,'rb').read())
but in the line above contents already contains a string representation of the image file. And it is almost sure that here is where are hidden the annoying NULL bytes that file() complains about.
Try change the line above by:
data = base64.b64encode(contents)
Also you can give a look at StringIO reference.
I am trying to convert a pdf to jpegs using wand, but when I iterate over the SingleImages in image.sequence and save each image separately. I am saving each image on AWS, with database references, using Django.
image_pdf = Image(blob=pdf_blob)
image_jpeg = image_pdf.convert('jpeg')
for img in image_jpeg.sequence:
memory_file = SimpleUploadedFile(
spam = Spam.objects.create(
This doesn't work, the page.container is calling the parent Image class, and the first page is written over and over again. How do I get the second frame/page for saveing?
Actually, you can get per-file blobs:
for img in image_jpeg.sequence:
img_page = Image(image=img)
Then you can work with each img_page variable like a full-fledged image: change format, resize, save, etc.
It seems you cannot get per file blobs without messing with c_types. So this is my solution
from path import path # wrapper for os.path
import re
import tempfile
image_pdf = Image(blob=pdf_blob)
image_jpeg = image_pdf.convert('jpeg')
temp_dir = path(tempfile.mkdtemp())
# set base file name (join)
image_jpeg.save(temp_dir / 'pdf_title.jpeg')
images = temp_dir.files()
sorted_images = sorted(
key=lambda img_path: int(re.search(r'\d+', img_path.name).group())
for img in sorted_images:
with open(img, 'rb') as img_fd:
memory_file = SimpleUploadedFile(
spam = Spam.objects.create(
caption="Spam Spam",
Not as clean as doing it all in memory, but it gets it done.
I'm trying to check an image's dimension, before saving it. I don't need to change it, just make sure it fits my limits.
Right now, I can read the file, and save it to AWS without a problem.
output['pic file'] = request.POST['picture_file']
conn = myproject.S3.AWSAuthConnection(aws_key_id, aws_key)
filedata = request.FILES['picture'].read()
content_type = 'image/png'
{'x-amz-acl': 'public-read', 'Content-Type': content_type},
I need to put a step in the middle, that makes sure the file has the right size / width dimensions. My file isn't coming from a form that uses ImageField, and all the solutions I've seen use that.
Is there a way to do something like
img = Image.open(filedata)
image = Image.open(file)
#To get the image size, in pixels.
(width,height) = image.size()
#check for dimensions width and height and resize
image = image.resize((width_new,height_new))
I've done this before but I can't find my old snippet... so here we go off the top of my head
picture = request.FILES.get['picture']
img = Image.open(picture)
#check sizes .... probably using img.size and then resize
#resave if necessary
imgstr = StringIO()
img.save(imgstr, 'PNG')
filedata = imgstr.read()
The code bellow creates the image from the request, as you want:
from PIL import ImageFile
def image_upload(request):
for f in request.FILES.values():
p = ImageFile.Parser()
while 1:
s = f.read(1024)
if not s:
im = p.close()
im.save("/tmp/" + f.name)