I have a very big dataframe with this structure:
Timestamp Val1
Here you can see a real sample:
Timestamp Temp
0 1622471518.92911 36.443
1 1622471525.034114 36.445
2 1622471531.148139 37.447
3 1622471537.284337 36.449
4 1622471543.622588 43.345
5 1622471549.734765 36.451
6 1622471556.2518 36.454
7 1622471562.361368 41.461
8 1622471568.472718 42.468
9 1622471574.826475 36.470
What I want to do is compare the Temp column with itself and if is higher than "X", for example 4, and the time between they is lower than "Y", for example 180 min, then I save some data of they.
Now I'm using two for loops one inside the other, but this expends to much time and usually pandas has an option to avoid this.
This is my code:
cap_time, maxim = 180, 4
cap_time = cap_time * 60
temps= df['Temperature'].values
times = df['Timestamp'].values
results = []
for i in range(len(temps)):
for j in range(i+1, len(temps)):
if float(temps[j]) > float(temps[i])*maxim:
timeIn = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(times[i]))
timeOut = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(times[j]))
diff = timeOut - timeIn
tdiff = diff.total_seconds()
if dd > cap_time:
res = [temps[i], temps[j], times[i], times[j], tdiff/60, cap_time/60, maxim]
# Then I save it in a dataframe and another actions
Can Pandas help me to achieve my goal and reduce the execution time? I found dataFrame.diff() but I'm not sure is what I want (or I don`t know how to use it).
Thank you very much.
Short of avoiding the nested for loops, you can already speed things up by avoiding all unnecessary calculations and conversions within the loops. In particular, you can use NumPy broadcasting to define a Boolean array beforehand, in which you can look up whether the condition is met:
import numpy as np
temps_diff = temps - temps[:, None]
times_diff = times - times[:, None]
condition = np.logical_and(temps_diff > maxim,
times_diff < cap_time)
results = []
for i in range(len(temps)):
for j in range(i+1, len(temps)):
if condition[i, j]:
results.append([temps[i], temps[j],
times[i], times[j],
times_diff[i, j]])
[[36.443, 43.345, 1622471518.92911, 1622471543.622588, 24.693477869033813],
[36.454, 42.468, 1622471556.2518, 1622471568.472718, 12.22091794013977]]
To avoid the loops altogether, you could define a 3-dimensional full results array and then use the condition array as a Boolean mask to filter out the results you want:
import numpy as np
n = len(temps)
temps_diff = temps - temps[:, None]
times_diff = times - times[:, None]
condition = np.logical_and(temps_diff > maxim,
times_diff < cap_time)
results_full = np.stack([np.repeat(temps[:, None], n, axis=1),
np.tile(temps, (n, 1)),
np.repeat(times[:, None], n, axis=1),
np.tile(times, (n, 1)),
results = results_full[np.stack(results_full.shape[0] * [condition])]
results.reshape((5, -1)).T
array([[ 3.64430000e+01, 4.33450000e+01, 1.62247152e+09,
1.62247154e+09, 2.46934779e+01],
[ 3.64540000e+01, 4.24680000e+01, 1.62247156e+09,
1.62247157e+09, 1.22209179e+01],
As you can see, the resulting numbers are the same as above, although this time the results array will contain more rows, because we didn't use the shortcut of starting the inner loop at i+1.
The issue
I have arrays which track certain items over time. The items belong to certain categories. I want to calculate the sum by time and category, e.g. to go from a table by time and city to one by time and country.
I have found a couple of ways, but they seem clunky - there must be a better way! Surely I'm not the first one with this issue? Maybe using np.where?
More specifically:
I have a number of numpy arrays of shape (p x i), where p is the period and i is the item I am tracking over time.
I then have a separate array of shape i which classifies the items into categories (red, green, yellow, etc.).
What I want to do is calculate an array of shape (p x number of unique categories) which sums the values of the big array by time and category. In pictures:
I'd need the code to be as efficient as possible as I need to do this multiple times on arrays which can be up to 400 x 1,000,000
What I have tried:
This question covers a number of ways to groupby without resorting to pandas. I like the scipy.ndimage approach, but AFAIK it works on one dimension only.
I have tried a solution with pandas:
I create a dataframe of shape periods x items
I unpivot it with pd.melt(), join the categories and do a crosstab period/categories
I have also tried a set of loops, optimised with numba:
A first loop creates an array which converts the categories into integers, i.e. the first category in alphabetical order becomes 0, the 2nd 1, etc
A second loop iterates through all the items, then for each item it iterates through all the periods and sums by category
My findings
for small arrays, pandas is faster
for large arrays, numba is better, but it's better to set parallel = False in the numba decorator
for very large arrays, numba with parallel = True shines
parallel = True makes use of numba's parallelisation by using numba.prange on the outer loops.
PS I am aware of the pitfalls of premature optimisation etc etc - I am only looking into this because a significant amount of time is spent doing precisely this
The code
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import time
import numba
periods = 300
n = int(2000)
categories = np.tile(['red','green','yellow','brown'],n)
my_array = np.random.randint(low = 0, high = 10, size = (periods, len(categories) ))
# my_arrays will have shape (periods x (n * number of categories))
#---- pandas
start = time.time()
df_categories = pd.DataFrame(data = categories).reset_index().rename(columns ={'index':'item',0:'category'})
df = pd.DataFrame(data = my_array)
unpiv = pd.melt(df.reset_index(), id_vars ='index', var_name ='item', value_name ='value').rename( columns = {'index':'time'})
unpiv = pd.merge(unpiv, df_categories, on='item' )
crosstab = pd.crosstab( unpiv['time'], unpiv['category'], values = unpiv['value'], aggfunc='sum' )
print("panda crosstab in:")
print(time.time() - start)
# yep, I know that timeit.timer would have been better, but I was in a hurry :)
#---- numba
#numba.jit(nopython = True, parallel = True, nogil = True)
def numba_classify(x, categories):
cat_uniq = np.unique(categories)
num_categories = len(cat_uniq)
num_items = x.shape[1]
periods = x.shape[0]
categories_converted = np.zeros(len(categories), dtype = np.int32)
out = np.zeros(( periods, num_categories))
# before running the actual classification, I must convert the categories, which can be strings, to
# the corresponsing number in cat_uniq, e.g. if brown is the first category by alphabetical sorting, then
# brown --> 0, etc
for i in numba.prange(num_items):
for c in range(num_categories):
if categories[i] == cat_uniq[c]:
categories_converted[i] = c
for i in numba.prange(num_items):
for p in range(periods):
out[ p, categories_converted[i] ] += x[p,i]
return out
start = time.time()
numba_out = numba_classify(my_array, categories)
print("numba done in:")
print(time.time() - start)
You can use df.groupby(categories, axis=1).sum() for a substantial speedup.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import time
def make_data(periods, n):
categories = np.tile(['red','green','yellow','brown'],n)
my_array = np.random.randint(low = 0, high = 10, size = (periods, len(categories) ))
return categories, pd.DataFrame(my_array)
for n in (200, 2000, 20000):
categories, df = make_data(300, n)
true_n = n * 4
start = time.time()
tabulation =df.groupby(categories, axis=1).sum()
elapsed = time.time() - start
print(f"300 x {true_n:5}: {elapsed:.3f} seconds")
# prints:
300 x 800: 0.005 seconds
300 x 8000: 0.021 seconds
300 x 80000: 0.673 seconds
Is there a way to get rid of the loop in the code below and replace it with vectorized operation?
Given a data matrix, for each row I want to find the index of the minimal value that fits within ranges defined (per row) in a separate array.
Here's an example:
import numpy as np
# Values of interest, for this example a random 6 x 100 matrix
data = np.random.random((6,100))
# For each row, define an inclusive min/max range
ranges = np.array([[0.3, 0.4],
[0.35, 0.5],
[0.45, 0.6],
[0.52, 0.65],
[0.6, 0.8],
[0.75, 0.92]])
# For each row, find the index of the minimum value that fits inside the given range
result = np.zeros(6).astype(np.int)
for i in xrange(6):
ind = np.where((ranges[i][0] <= data[i]) & (data[i] <= ranges[i][1]))[0]
result[i] = ind[np.argmin(data[i,ind])]
print result
# Result: [35 8 22 8 34 78]
print data[np.arange(6),result]
# Result: [ 0.30070006 0.35065639 0.45784951 0.52885388 0.61393513 0.75449247]
Approach #1 : Using broadcasting and np.minimum.reduceat -
mask = (ranges[:,None,0] <= data) & (data <= ranges[:,None,1])
r,c = np.nonzero(mask)
cut_idx = np.unique(r, return_index=1)[1]
out = np.minimum.reduceat(data[mask], cut_idx)
Improvement to avoid np.nonzero and compute cut_idx directly from mask :
cut_idx = np.concatenate(( [0], np.count_nonzero(mask[:-1],1).cumsum() ))
Approach #2 : Using broadcasting and filling invalid places with NaNs and then using np.nanargmin -
mask = (ranges[:,None,0] <= data) & (data <= ranges[:,None,1])
result = np.nanargmin(np.where(mask, data, np.nan), axis=1)
out = data[np.arange(6),result]
Approach #3 : If you are not iterating enough (just like you have a loop of 6 iterations in the sample), you might want to stick to a loop for memory efficiency, but make use of more efficient masking with a boolean array instead -
out = np.zeros(6)
for i in xrange(6):
mask_i = (ranges[i,0] <= data[i]) & (data[i] <= ranges[i,1])
out[i] = np.min(data[i,mask_i])
Approach #4 : There is one more loopy solution possible here. The idea would be to sort each row of data. Then, use the two range limits for each row to decide on the start and stop indices with help from np.searchsorted. Further, we would use those indices to slice and then get the minimum values. Benefit with slicing that way is, we would be working with views and as such would be very efficient, both on memory and performance.
The implementation would look something like this -
out = np.zeros(6)
sdata = np.sort(data, axis=1)
for i in xrange(6):
start = np.searchsorted(sdata[i], ranges[i,0])
stop = np.searchsorted(sdata[i], ranges[i,1], 'right')
out[i] = np.min(sdata[i,start:stop])
Furthermore, we could get those start, stop indices in a vectorized manner following an implementation of vectorized searchsorted.
Based on suggestion by #Daniel F for the case when we are dealing with ranges that are within the limits of given data, we could simply use the start indices -
out[i] = sdata[i, start]
Assuming at least one value in range, you don't even have to bother with the upper limit:
result = np.empty(6)
for i in xrange(6):
lt = (ranges[i,0] >= data[i]).sum()
result[i] = np.argpartition(data[i], lt)[lt]
Actually, you could even vectorize the whole thing using argpartition
lt = (ranges[:,None,0] >= data).sum(1)
result = np.argpartition(data, lt)[np.arange(data.shape[0]), lt]
Of course, this is only efficient if data.shape[0] << data.shape[1], as otherwise you're basically sorting
I'm using NumPy to store data into matrices.
I'm struggling to make the below Python code perform better.
RESULT is the data store I want to put the data into.
TMP = np.array([[1,1,0],[0,0,1],[1,0,0],[0,1,1]])
n_row, n_col = TMP.shape[0], TMP.shape[0]
RESULT = np.zeros((n_row, n_col))
def do_something(array1, array2):
intersect_num = np.bitwise_and(array1, array2).sum()
union_num = np.bitwise_or(array1, array2).sum()
return intersect_num / float(union_num)
except ZeroDivisionError:
return 0
for i in range(n_row):
for j in range(n_col):
if i >= j:
RESULT[i, j] = do_something(TMP[i], TMP[j])
I guess it would be much faster if I could use some NumPy built-in function instead of for-loops.
I was looking for the various questions around here, but I couldn't find the best fit for my problem.
Any suggestion? Thanks in advance!
Approach #1
You could do something like this as a vectorized solution -
# Store number of rows in TMP as a paramter
N = TMP.shape[0]
# Get the indices that would be used as row indices to select rows off TMP and
# also as row,column indices for setting output array. These basically correspond
# to the iterators involved in the loopy implementation
R,C = np.triu_indices(N,1)
# Calculate intersect_num, union_num and division results across all iterations
I = np.bitwise_and(TMP[R],TMP[C]).sum(-1)
U = np.bitwise_or(TMP[R],TMP[C]).sum(-1)
vals = np.true_divide(I,U)
# Setup output array and assign vals into it
out = np.zeros((N, N))
out[R,C] = vals
Approach #2
For cases with TMP holding 1s and 0s, those np.bitwise_and and np.bitwise_or would be replaceable with dot-products and as such could be faster alternatives. So, with those we would have an implementation like so -
M = TMP.shape[1]
I = TMP.dot(TMP.T)
TMP_inv = 1-TMP
U = M - TMP_inv.dot(TMP_inv.T)
out = np.triu(np.true_divide(I,U),1)
I'm trying to optimize the following code, potentially by rewriting it in Cython: it simply takes a low dimensional but relatively long numpy arrays, looks into of its columns for 0 values, and marks those as -1 in an array. The code is:
import numpy as np
def get_data():
data = np.array([[1,5,1]] * 5000 + [[1,0,5]] * 5000 + [[0,0,0]] * 5000)
return data
def get_cols(K):
cols = np.array([2] * K)
return cols
def test_nonzero(data):
K = len(data)
result = np.array([1] * K)
# Index into columns of data
cols = get_cols(K)
# Mark zero points with -1
idx = np.nonzero(data[np.arange(K), cols] == 0)[0]
result[idx] = -1
import time
t_start = time.time()
data = get_data()
for n in range(5000):
t_end = time.time()
print (t_end - t_start)
data is the data. cols is the array of columns of data to look for non-zero values (for simplicity, I made it all the same column). The goal is to compute a numpy array, result, which has a 1 value for each row where the column of interest is non-zero, and -1 for the rows where the corresponding columns of interest have a zero.
Running this function 5000 times on a not-so-large array of 15,000 rows by 3 columns takes about 20 seconds. Is there a way this can be sped up? It appears that most of the work goes into finding the nonzero elements and retrieving them with indices (the call to nonzero and subsequent use of its index.) Can this be optimized or is this the best that can be done?
How could a Cython implementation gain speed on this?
cols = np.array([2] * K)
That's going to be really slow. That's create a very large python list and then converts it into a numpy array. Instead, do something like:
cols = np.ones(K, int)*2
That'll be way faster
result = np.array([1] * K)
Here you should do:
result = np.ones(K, int)
That will produce the numpy array directly.
idx = np.nonzero(data[np.arange(K), cols] == 0)[0]
result[idx] = -1
The cols is an array, but you can just pass a 2. Furthermore, using nonzero adds an extra step.
idx = data[np.arange(K), 2] == 0
result[idx] = -1
Should have the same effect.
data is a matrix containing 2500 time series of a measurment. I need to average each time series over time, discarding data points that were recorded around a spike (in the interval tspike-dt*10... tspike+10*dt). The number of spiketimes is variable for each neuron and stored in a dictionary with 2500 entries. My current code iterates over neurons and spiketimes and sets the masked values to NaN. Then bottleneck.nanmean() is called. However this code is to slow in the current version, and I am wondering wheater there is a faster solution. thanks!
import bottleneck
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import rand, randint
t = 1
dt = 1e-4
N = 2500
dtbin = 10*dt
data = np.float32(ones((N, t/dt)))
times = np.arange(0,t,dt)
spiketimes = dict.fromkeys(np.arange(N))
for key in spiketimes:
spiketimes[key] = rand(randint(100))
means = np.empty(N)
for i in range(N):
spike_times = spiketimes[i]
datarow = data[i]
if len(spike_times) > 0:
for spike_time in spike_times:
idx = np.all([times>=start,times<=end],0)
datarow[idx] = np.NaN
means[i] = bottleneck.nanmean(datarow)
The vast majority of the processing time in your code comes from this line:
idx = np.all([times>=start,times<=end],0)
This is because for each spike, you are comparing every value in times against start and end. Since you have uniform time steps in this example (and I presume this is true in your data as well), it is much faster to simply compute the start and end indexes:
# This replaces the last loop in your example:
for i in range(N):
spike_times = spiketimes[i]
datarow = data[i]
if len(spike_times) > 0:
for spike_time in spike_times:
#idx = np.all([times>=start,times<=end],0)
#datarow[idx] = np.NaN
datarow[int(start/dt):int(end/dt)] = np.NaN
## replaced this with equivalent for testing
means[i] = datarow[~np.isnan(datarow)].mean()
This reduces the run time for me from ~100s to ~1.5s.
You can also shave off a bit more time by vectorizing the loop over spike_times. The effect of this will depend on the characteristics of your data (should be most effective for high spike rates):
kernel = np.ones(20, dtype=bool)
for i in range(N):
spike_times = spiketimes[i]
datarow = data[i]
mask = np.zeros(len(datarow), dtype=bool)
indexes = (spike_times / dt).astype(int)
mask[indexes] = True
mask = np.convolve(mask, kernel)[10:-9]
means[i] = datarow[~mask].mean()
Instead of using nanmean you could just index the values you need and use mean.
means[i] = data[ (times<start) | (times>end) ].mean()
If I misunderstood and you do need your indexing, you might try
means[i] = data[numpy.logical_not( np.all([times>=start,times<=end],0) )].mean()
Also in the code you probably want to not use if len(spike_times) > 0 (I assume you remove the spike time at each iteration or else that statement will always be true and you'll have an infinite loop), only use for spike_time in spike_times.