I want to test a file called ninja.py wrote in Python3.6.
# File ninja.py
def what_to_do_result(result):
# Send a mail, write something in a file, play a song or whatever
def my_function(a, b):
# Step 1
result = a + b
# Step 2
if result == 3:
elif result == 5:
what_to_do_result(result + 1)
return True
I have started writing a test file called test_ninjapy and wrote some unittest. I do use Pytest.
import pytest
class MyTestException(Exception):
def run_side_effect(*args, **kwargs):
raise MyTestException(kwargs["result"])
def setup_fixture():
# Some code here
class TestNinja:
def setup_method():
# Function called before each test
def teardown_method():
# Function called after each test
def test_my_function(mocker, resource):
# How to do this ???
mocker.patch("ninja.what_to_do_result", return_value=None, side_effect=run_side_effect)
# Then the test
assert 1 == 1 # -> This works
with pytest.raises(MyTestException):
ninja_function(a=1, b=2)
assert ninja_function(a=5, b=10)
The point is that I want to mock the function ninja.what_to_do_result and apply a side effect (= run a function).
I want the side effect to use the parameter (kwargs) or the function what_to_do_result.
But I don't know how to do this.
For example:
Because there are multiple possibilities (in the step 2, the call of what_to_do_result could be with 3 & 5, which are linked with 2 differents use cases I wxant to test.
Can you help me?
I did not found the related section in the documentation below.
Link to the documentation: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest-mock
I had created a simple example to illustrate my issue. First is the setup say mydummy.py:
class TstObj:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
def search(self):
return self.name
MyData = {}
MyData["object1"] = TstObj("object1")
MyData["object2"] = TstObj("object2")
MyData["object3"] = TstObj("object3")
def getObject1Data():
return MyData["object1"].search()
def getObject2Data():
return MyData["object2"].search()
def getObject3Data():
return MyData["object3"].search()
def getExample():
res = f"{getObject1Data()}{getObject2Data()}{getObject3Data()}"
return res
Here is the test that failed.
def test_get_dummy1():
dummy.MyData = MagicMock()
mydummy.MyData["object1"].search.side_effect = ["obj1"]
mydummy.MyData["object2"].search.side_effect = ["obj2"]
mydummy.MyData["object3"].search.side_effect = ["obj3"]
assert mydummy.getExample() == "obj1obj2obj3"
The above failed with run time error:
/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/lib/python3.7/unittest/mock.py:1078: StopIteration
Here is the test that passed:
def test_get_dummy2():
dummy.MyData = MagicMock()
mydummy.MyData["object1"].search.side_effect = ["obj1", "obj2", "obj3"]
assert mydummy.getExample() == "obj1obj2obj3"
Am I missing something? I would have expected test_get_dummy1() to work and test_get_dummy2() to fail and not vice versa. Where and how can I find/learn more information about mocking to explain what is going on...
MyData["object1"] is converted to this function call: MyData.__getitem__("object1"). When you call your getExample method, the __getitem__ method is called 3 times with 3 parameters ("object1", "object2", "object3").
To mock the behavior you could have written your test like so:
def test_get_dummy_alternative():
mydummy.MyData = MagicMock()
mydummy.MyData.__getitem__.return_value.search.side_effect = ["obj1", "obj2", "obj3"]
assert mydummy.getExample() == "obj1obj2obj3"
Note the small change from your version: mydummy.MyData["object1"]... became: mydummy.MyData.__getitem__.return_value.... This is the regular MagicMock syntax - we want to to change the return value of the __getitem__ method.
I often struggle with mock syntax and understanding what's happening under the hood. This is why I wrote a helper library: the pytest-mock-generator. It can show you the actual calls made to the mock object.
To use it in your case you could have added this "exploration test":
def test_get_dummy_explore(mg):
mydummy.MyData = MagicMock()
mg.generate_asserts(mydummy.MyData, name='mydummy.MyData')
When you execute this test, the following output is printed to the console, which contains all the asserts to the actual calls to the mock:
from mock import call
You can easily derive from here what has to be mocked.
Let's say we have a python class with methods intended to be called one or more times inline. My goal is to make methods behave differently when they are invoked last in an inline chain of calls.
class InlineClass:
def __init__(self):
self.called = False
def execute(self):
if self.called:
print('do something with awareness of prior call')
return self
print('first call detected')
self.called = True
return self
def end(self):
print ('last call detected, do something with awareness this is the last call')
self.called = False
return self
x = InlineClass()
x.execute().execute().execute().end() # runs 3 execute calls inline and end.
The example above only knows it has reached the last inline call once the end method is invoked. What I would like to do, in essence, is to make that step redundant
Keeping in mind the intent for this class's methods to always be called one or more times inline, is there an elegant way to format the class so it is aware it has reached its last inline method call, and not necessitate the end call as in the example above.
Instead of chaining the functions, you can try creating a function that handles passing different parameters depending on how many times the function has been / will be called.
Here is some example code:
class Something:
def repeat(self, function, count):
for i in range(count):
if i == 0:
function("This is the first time")
elif i == count - 1:
function("This is the last time")
function("This is somewhere in between")
def foo_function(self, text):
foo = Something()
foo.repeat(foo.foo_function, 5)
foo.repeat(foo.foo_function, 2)
foo.repeat(foo.foo_function, 6)
foo.repeat(foo.foo_function, 8)
This is the first time
This is somewhere in between
This is somewhere in between
This is somewhere in between
This is the last time
This is the first time
This is the last time
This is the first time
This is somewhere in between
This is somewhere in between
This is somewhere in between
This is somewhere in between
This is the last time
This is the first time
This is somewhere in between
This is somewhere in between
This is somewhere in between
This is somewhere in between
This is somewhere in between
This is somewhere in between
This is the last time
You need to return modified copies instead of self, here is the example with behaviour you described:
class InlineClass:
def __init__(self, counter=0):
self.counter = counter
def execute(self):
return InlineClass(self.counter+1)
def __str__(self):
return f'InlineClass<counter={self.counter}>'
x = InlineClass()
# => InlineClass<counter=0>
y = x.execute().execute().execute()
# => InlineClass<counter=3>
# => InlineClass<counter=3>
# => InlineClass<counter=6>
This is a continuation of the SO question asked here but with a more complicated pattern than originally requested. My main intention is to try to mock an API call based on values passed to its caller. The API call has no idea of the values passed to its caller but needs to provide the correct behavior so that the caller can be tested fully. I am using time to determine which behavior I want when I want it.
Given a an object:
# some_object.py
from some_import import someApiCall
class SomeObject():
def someFunction(time, a, b, c):
apiReturnA = someApiCall(a)
returnB = b + 1
apiReturnC = someApiCall(c)
return [apiReturnA, returnB, apiReturnC]
that is created by another object with entry point code:
# some_main.py
import some_object
class myMainObject():
def entry_point(self, time):
someObj = some_object.SomeObject()
if 'yesterday' == time:
(a, b, c) = (1, 1, 1)
elif 'today' == time:
(a, b, c) = (2, 2, 2)
elif 'later' == time:
(a, b, c) = (3, 3, 3)
elif 'tomorrow' == time:
(a, b, c) = (4, 4, 4)
return "ERROR"
return someObj.someFunction(time, a, b, c)
how can I get someApiCall to change based on the time argument?
# some_import.py
def someApiCall(var):
print("I'm not mocked! I'm slow, random and hard to test")
return var + 2
Here is an example test case
# test_example.py
import some_main
def amend_someApiCall_yesterday(var):
# Reimplement api.someApiCall
return var * 2
def amend_someApiCall_today(var):
# Reimplement api.someApiCall
return var * 3
def amend_someApiCall_later(var):
# Just wrap around api.someApiCall. Call the original function afterwards. Here we can also put
# some conditionals e.g. only call the original someApiCall if the var is an even number.
import some_import
var *= 4
return some_import.someApiCall(var)
def someObject_decorator_patch(someFunction, mocker, *args):
def wrapper(time, a, b, c):
# If x imports y.z and we want to patch the calls to z, then we have to patch x.z. Patching
# y.z would still retain the original value of x.z thus still calling the original
# functionality. Thus here, we would be patching src.someApiCall and not api.someApiCall.
if time == "yesterday":
mocker.patch("some_object.someApiCall", side_effect=amend_someApiCall_yesterday)
elif time == "today":
mocker.patch("some_object.someApiCall", side_effect=amend_someApiCall_today)
elif time == "later":
mocker.patch("some_object.someApiCall", side_effect=amend_someApiCall_later)
elif time == "tomorrow":
mocker.patch("src.someApiCall", return_value=0)
# Use the original api.someApiCall
return someFunction(time, a, b, c)
return wrapper
def test_some_main(mocker):
results = 0
uut = some_main.myMainObject()
times = ['yesterday', 'today', 'later', 'tomorrow']
mocker.patch.object(some_main.some_object.SomeObject, 'someFunction', someObject_decorator_patch)
for time in times:
results = uut.entry_point(time)
assert 0 != results
The test case doesn't get the result I want (it returns a function pointer).
Here is an improvised solution of https://stackoverflow.com/a/67498948/11043825 without using decorators.
As already pointed out, we still need to intercept the calls to the function that accepts the time argument which indicates how someApiCall would behave, which is either entry_point or someFunction. Here we would intercept someFunction.
Instead of implementing python decorator on someFunction which then needs to call that explicitly created decorated function, here we would amend (well this still follows the decorator design pattern) the someFunction in-place and make it available to the rest of the source code calls without explicitly changing the call to the decorated function. This is like an in-place replacement of the original functionalities, where we would replace (or rather wrap around) the original functionality with an updated one which would perform an assessment of the time before calling the original functionality.
Also for your reference, I solved it for 2 types of functions, a class method src.SomeClass.someFunction and a global function src.someFunction2.
import src
class MyMainClass:
def __init__(self):
self.var = 0
def entry_point(self, time):
someObj = src.SomeClass()
self.var += 1
if self.var >= 10:
self.var = 0
ret = f'\n[1]entry_point({time})-->{someObj.someFunction(time, self.var)}'
self.var += 1
ret += f'\n[2]entry_point({time})-->{src.someFunction2(time, self.var)}'
return ret
class SomeClass:
def someFunction(self, time, var):
return f'someFunction({time},{var})-->{someSloowApiCall(var)}'
def someFunction2(time, var):
return f'someFunction2({time},{var})-->{someSloowApiCall2(var)}'
def someSloowApiCall(var):
return f'someSloowApiCall({var})-->{special_message(var)}'
def someSloowApiCall2(var):
return f'someSloowApiCall2({var})-->{special_message(var)}'
def special_message(var):
special_message = "I'm not mocked! I'm slow, random and hard to test"
if var > 10:
special_message = "I'm mocked! I'm not slow, random or hard to test"
return special_message
import _main, pytest, api
def amend_someApiCall_yesterday(var):
# Reimplement api.someSloowApiCall
return f'amend_someApiCall_yesterday({var})'
def amend_someApiCall_today(var):
# Reimplement api.someSloowApiCall
return f'amend_someApiCall_today({var})'
def amend_someApiCall_later(var):
# Just wrap around api.someSloowApiCall. Call the original function afterwards. Here we can also put
# some conditionals e.g. only call the original someSloowApiCall if the var is an even number.
return f'amend_someApiCall_later({var})-->{api.someSloowApiCall(var+10)}'
def amend_someApiCall_later2(var):
# Just wrap around api.someSloowApiCall2. Call the original function afterwards. Here we can also put
# some conditionals e.g. only call the original someSloowApiCall2 if the var is an even number.
return f'amend_someApiCall_later2({var})-->{api.someSloowApiCall2(var+10)}'
def get_amended_someFunction(mocker, original_func):
def amend_someFunction(self, time, var):
if time == "yesterday":
mocker.patch("_main.src.someSloowApiCall", amend_someApiCall_yesterday)
# or
# src.someSloowApiCall = amend_someApiCall_yesterday
elif time == "today":
mocker.patch("_main.src.someSloowApiCall", amend_someApiCall_today)
# or
# src.someSloowApiCall = amend_someApiCall_today
elif time == "later":
mocker.patch("_main.src.someSloowApiCall", amend_someApiCall_later)
# or
# src.someSloowApiCall = amend_someApiCall_later
elif time == "tomorrow":
mocker.patch("_main.src.someSloowApiCall", lambda var: f'lambda({var})')
# or
# src.someSloowApiCall = lambda var: 0
# or
# src.someSloowApiCall = someSloowApiCall
return original_func(self, time, var)
return amend_someFunction
def get_amended_someFunction2(mocker, original_func):
def amend_someFunction2(time, var):
if time == "yesterday":
mocker.patch("_main.src.someSloowApiCall2", amend_someApiCall_yesterday)
# or
# src.someSloowApiCall2 = amend_someApiCall_yesterday
elif time == "today":
mocker.patch("_main.src.someSloowApiCall2", amend_someApiCall_today)
# or
# src.someSloowApiCall2 = amend_someApiCall_today
elif time == "later":
mocker.patch("_main.src.someSloowApiCall2", amend_someApiCall_later2)
# or
# src.someSloowApiCall2 = amend_someApiCall_later
elif time == "tomorrow":
mocker.patch("_main.src.someSloowApiCall2", lambda var : f'lambda2({var})')
# or
# src.someSloowApiCall2 = lambda var: 0
# or
# src.someSloowApiCall2 = someSloowApiCall2
return original_func(time, var)
return amend_someFunction2
def test_entrypointFunction(time, mocker):
side_effect=get_amended_someFunction(mocker, _main.src.SomeClass.someFunction),
autospec=True, # Needed for the self argument
# or
# src.SomeClass.someFunction = get_amended_someFunction(mocker, src.SomeClass.someFunction)
side_effect=get_amended_someFunction2(mocker, _main.src.someFunction2),
# or
# src.someFunction2 = get_amended_someFunction2(mocker, src.someFunction2)
uut = _main.MyMainClass()
$ pytest -rP
=================================== PASSES ====================================
_____________________ test_entrypointFunction[yesterday] ______________________
---------------------------- Captured stdout call -----------------------------
_______________________ test_entrypointFunction[today] ________________________
---------------------------- Captured stdout call -----------------------------
_______________________ test_entrypointFunction[later] ________________________
---------------------------- Captured stdout call -----------------------------
[1]entry_point(later)-->someFunction(later,1)-->amend_someApiCall_later(1)-->someSloowApiCall(11)-->I'm mocked! I'm not slow, random or hard to test
[2]entry_point(later)-->someFunction2(later,2)-->amend_someApiCall_later2(2)-->someSloowApiCall2(12)-->I'm mocked! I'm not slow, random or hard to test
______________________ test_entrypointFunction[tomorrow] ______________________
---------------------------- Captured stdout call -----------------------------
______________________ test_entrypointFunction[whenever] ______________________
---------------------------- Captured stdout call -----------------------------
[1]entry_point(whenever)-->someFunction(whenever,1)-->someSloowApiCall(1)-->I'm not mocked! I'm slow, random and hard to test
[2]entry_point(whenever)-->someFunction2(whenever,2)-->someSloowApiCall2(2)-->I'm not mocked! I'm slow, random and hard to test
============================== 5 passed in 0.07s ==============================
I'm having some issue while creating unittest for internal parameter.
My structure is:
[1] my_animal.py contains Myclass and method: do_bite()
class Myclass():
def do_bite(self):
return 1
[2] my_module.py contains jobMain("") which is using the method from my_animal.py
import sys
from someclass import Myclass
def jobMain(directoryPath):
flag = -1
result = Myclass()
if result.do_bite() is None:
flag = 0
if result.do_bite() is 1:
flag = 1
if result.do_bite() is 2:
flag = 2
[3] my_test.py contains the unittest to test jobMain in my_module.py
# Mock Myclass.dobite to None
def mock_dobite0():
with mock.patch('my_module.Myclass') as mocked_animal:
mocked_animal.return_value.do_bite.return_value = None
# Mock Myclass.dobite to 1
def mock_dobite1():
with mock.patch('my_module.Myclass') as mocked_animal:
mocked_animal.return_value.do_bite.return_value = 1
# Mock Myclass.dobite to 2
def mock_dobite2():
with mock.patch('my_module.Myclass') as mocked_animal:
mocked_animal.return_value.do_bite.return_value = 2
# My unittest to test dobite() method
def test_dobite0(mock_Myclass, mock_dobite0):
def test_dobite1(mock_Myclass, mock_dobite1):
def test_dobite2(mock_Myclass, mock_dobite2):
My question is: How to test 'flag' parameter inside JobMain?
'flag' para must be assigned the correct value.( eg: dobite = 1 => flag = 1)
The variable para only exists in the scope of jobMain. If you want to use the variable outside jobMain the most common ways are
1) return the value
This is quite obvious. Since jobMain is a function, it returns a value. Without an explicit return statement you return None. You could just
def jobmain(pth):
# do stuff and assign flag
return flag
# and inside tests
assert jobmain("") == 1
2) Use a class instead
If you want the jobMain to remember some state, then it is common practice to use objects. Then flag would be attribute of the object and could be accessed from outside, after you call any method (function) of JobMain. For example
class JobMain:
def __init__(self):
self.flag = -1
def run(self, pth):
result = Myclass()
if result.do_bite() is None:
self.flag = 0
if result.do_bite() is 1:
self.flag = 1
if result.do_bite() is 2:
self.flag = 2
# and inside test
job = JobMain()
assert job.flag == 1
I just copy-pasted your code for setting the flag. Note that you call do_bite() many times, if the resulting value is None or 1. Also, when testing against a number, one should use == instead of is.
How to test 'flag' parameter inside JobMain?
You don't. It's an internal variable. Testing it would be glass-box testing; the test will break if the implementation changes.
Instead, test the effect of flag. This is black-box testing. Only the interface is tested. If the implementation changes the test still works allowing the code to be aggressively refactored.
Note: If you don't hard code result = Myclass() you don't need to mock. Pass it in as an argument with the default being Myclass().
def jobMain(directoryPath, result=Myclass()):
Then you don't need to patch Myclass(). Instead, pass in a mock object.
# I don't know unittest.mock very well, but something like this.
mock = Mock(Myclass)
mock.do_bite.return_value = 2
jobMain('', result=mock)
This also makes the code more flexible outside of testing.