When I have, for instance the following widget hierarchy:
Drawing Area 1
Drawing Area 2
and I call queue_draw on Drawing Area 1 then also Drawing Area 2 is updated (draw). Is this behavior intended and can I prevent this and only update Drawing Area 1, because of performance reasons.
Edit: Added a minimal example:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import pgi
pgi.require_version('Gtk', '3.0')
from pgi.repository import Gtk, Gdk, GdkPixbuf
import cairo
class DrawingArea(Gtk.DrawingArea):
def __init__(self, id):
self.id = id
self.vexpand = True
self.hexpand = True
self.connect("draw", self.on_draw)
def on_draw(self, area, context):
print ("on_draw ", self.id)
context.set_source_rgb (1, 0, 0)
context.rectangle (0,0,20,20)
context.fill ()
return False
class Window(Gtk.Window):
def __init__(self):
self.set_title("Test Draw Radial Gradient")
self.set_default_size(400, 200)
self.connect("destroy", Gtk.main_quit)
self.drawingArea1 = DrawingArea (1)
self.drawingArea2 = DrawingArea (2)
box = Gtk.Box ()
box .pack_start (self.drawingArea1, True, True, 0)
box .pack_start (self.drawingArea2, True, True, 0)
button = Gtk.Button.new_with_label("Click Me")
box .pack_start (button, True, True, 0)
button.connect("clicked", self.on_click_me_clicked)
def on_click_me_clicked(self, button):
print ("Button clicked")
window = Window()
Unless I misunderstand Gtk source, it's some kind of intended behaviour. queue_draw leads to invalidation of part of window and it recursively updates widgets. Most likely (it's just guesses!) it tells box to be redrawn and box redraws all of it's children.
Anyway, your widgets should be always ready to be redrawn. If user resizes window -- it's many redraws. If he minimizes and brings window back -- it's another redraw.
First of all, make sure your redraw is a real bottleneck. Second, I'd suggest implementing some kind of caching or proxy: a cairo surface of the same size as widget, when your data changes you draw it there and on redraw you just paint that surface on widget's surface. Another approach would be preparing drawables in another thread (which is questionable if you use python), but again: start with some measurements and find out if redraw is really slow.
I have a QGraphicsPathItem in Qt (using the PySide bindings in Python) where there is a big rectangle and a smaller rectangle inside. Because of the default filling rule (Qt.OddEvenFill) the inner rectangle is transparent. This effectively draws a shape with a hole.
Now I want to listen to mouse events like enter, leave, click, ... My simple approach of implementing hoverEnterEvent, .. of QGraphicsItem does not create mouse events when moving over the hole because the hole is still part of the item even if it is not filled.
I want to have a QGraphicsItem derivative that displays a custom shape whose outline is defined by a QPainterPath or one or several polygons and that can have holes and when the mouse enters a hole this is regarded as outside of the shape.
Example shape with a hole (when the mouse is in the inner rectangle it should be regarded as outside of the shape and mouse leave events should be fired):
However the solution should also work for arbitrary shapes with holes.
Example code in PySide/Python 3.3
from PySide import QtCore, QtGui
class MyPathItem(QtGui.QGraphicsPathItem):
def __init__(self):
def hoverEnterEvent(self, event):
def hoverLeaveEvent(self, event):
app = QtGui.QApplication([])
scene = QtGui.QGraphicsScene()
path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
path.addRect(0, 0, 100, 100)
path.addRect(25, 25, 50, 50)
item = MyPathItem()
view = QtGui.QGraphicsView(scene)
view.resize(200, 200)
It seems that method shape from QGraphicsItem by default returns the bounding rectangle. Its returned path is used to determine if a position is inside or outside of a complex shape. However in case of a QGraphicsPathItem we already have a path and returning this instead of the bounding rectangle could solve the problem. And to my surprise it does.
Just add these two lines to the QGraphicsPathItem derivative from the question.
def shape(self):
return self.path()
You can extend event handler to check if a given position is the specific (inner) path. Different approach - draw using move/lineTo (maybe ambiguous). For example moveTo/lineTo:
from PySide import QtCore, QtGui
class MyPathItem(QtGui.QGraphicsPathItem):
def __init__(self):
def hoverEnterEvent(self, event):
def hoverLeaveEvent(self, event):
app = QtGui.QApplication([])
scene = QtGui.QGraphicsScene()
path = QtGui.QPainterPath()
path.moveTo(0, 0)
path.lineTo(100, 0)
path.moveTo(0, 0)
path.lineTo(0, 100)
path.moveTo(100, 100)
path.lineTo(0, 100)
path.moveTo(100, 0)
path.lineTo(100, 100)
item = MyPathItem()
pen = QtGui.QPen()
view = QtGui.QGraphicsView(scene)
view.resize(200, 200)
Hi Iam using Python and GTK+. In my GUI I have 2 toolbars I want show first toolbar only if user moves mouse than hide it again after few seconds as for second toolbar I want to show it when user is on particular x,y coordinates.How can I achieve it ?
Iam creating some kind of media player so I want toolbars to disapear while user is not using mouse in case of playerMenu toolbar or if user doesn't move it to specific location in case of ribbonBar toolbar .Iam using GTK+ here is my code for toolbars:
class Player(Gtk.Window):
def __init__(self):
def build_UI(self):
def mouse_moved(self):
#TO-DO here I should check cordinates for example I want to see if mouse.y=window.height-50px and I would like to show ribbonaBar
#after that Gdk.threads_add_timeout(1000,4000,ribbonBar.hide)
#TO-DO here I show playerMenu toolbar if mouse is moved
# smt like playerMenu.show()
#after that I would call Gdk.threads_add_timeout(1000,4000,playerMenu.hide)
# to hide it again after 4 seconds
I should connect my window to some mouse event but I don't know the event name and how can I get mouse.x and mouse.y?
Why do you want to do this? Trying to use widgets that disappear when you're not moving the mouse is rather annoying, IMHO.
But anyway...
To toggle the visibility of a widget use the show() and hide() methods, or map() and unmap() if you don't want the other widgets in your window to move around. To handle timing, use gobject.timeout_add(), and you'll need to connect() your window to "motion_notify_event" and set the appropriate event masks: gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_MASK and probably gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK. The Event object that your motion_notify callback receives will contain x,y mouse coordinates.
At least, that's how I'd do it in GTK2; I don't know GTK3.
If you want more specific help you need to post some code.
I see that you've posted some code, but it doesn't have a lot of detail... But I understand that GTK can be a bit overwhelming. I haven't used it much in the last 5 years, so I'm a bit rusty, but I just started getting into it again a couple of months ago and thought your question would give me some good practice. :)
I won't claim that the code below is the best way to do this, but it works. And hopefully someone who is a GTK expert will come along with some improvements.
This program builds a simple Toolbar with a few buttons. It puts the Toolbar into a Frame to make it look nicer, and it puts the Frame into an Eventbox so we can receive events for everything in the Frame, i.e., the Toolbar and its ToolItems. The Toolbar only appears when the mouse pointer isn't moving and disappears after a few seconds, unless the pointer is hovering over the Toolbar.
This code also shows you how to get and process mouse x,y coordinates.
#!/usr/bin/env python
''' A framed toolbar that disappears when the pointer isn't moving
or hovering in the toolbar.
A response to the question at
Written by PM 2Ring 2014.10.09
import pygtk
import gtk
import gobject
if gtk.pygtk_version < (2, 4, 0):
print 'pygtk 2.4 or better required, aborting.'
class ToolbarDemo(object):
def button_cb(self, widget, data=None):
#print "Button '%s' %s clicked" % (data, widget)
print "Button '%s' clicked" % data
return True
def show_toolbar(self, show):
if show:
def timeout_cb(self):
if not self.in_toolbar:
self.timer = False
return self.in_toolbar
def start_timer(self, interval):
self.timer = True
#Timer will restart if callback returns True
gobject.timeout_add(interval, self.timeout_cb)
def motion_notify_cb(self, widget, event):
if not self.timer:
#print (event.x, event.y)
return True
def eventbox_cb(self, widget, event):
in_toolbar = event.type == gtk.gdk.ENTER_NOTIFY
#print event, in_toolbar
self.in_toolbar = in_toolbar
#### self.show_toolbar(in_toolbar) does BAD things :)
if in_toolbar:
return True
def quit(self, widget): gtk.main_quit()
def __init__(self):
#Is pointer over the toolbar Event box?
self.in_toolbar = False
#Is pointer motion timer running?
self.timer = False
#Time in milliseconds after point stops before toolbar is hidden
self.time_interval = 3000
self.window = win = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
width = gtk.gdk.screen_width() // 2
height = gtk.gdk.screen_height() // 5
win.set_size_request(width, height)
win.set_title("Magic Toolbar demo")
win.connect("destroy", self.quit)
#self.motion_handler = win.connect("motion_notify_event", self.motion_notify_cb)
win.connect("motion_notify_event", self.motion_notify_cb)
win.add_events(gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_MASK |
box = gtk.VBox()
#An EventBox to capture events inside Frame,
# i.e., for the Toolbar and its child widgets.
ebox = gtk.EventBox()
ebox.connect("enter_notify_event", self.eventbox_cb)
ebox.connect("leave_notify_event", self.eventbox_cb)
box.pack_start(ebox, expand=False)
self.frame = frame = gtk.Frame()
toolbar = gtk.Toolbar()
def make_toolbutton(text):
button = gtk.ToolButton(None, label=text)
button.connect('clicked', self.button_cb, text)
return button
def make_toolsep():
sep = gtk.SeparatorToolItem()
return sep
for i in xrange(5):
button = make_toolbutton('ToolButton%s' % (chr(65+i)))
toolbar.insert(button, -1)
#toolbar.insert(make_toolsep(), -1)
for i in xrange(1, 9, 2):
toolbar.insert(make_toolsep(), i)
button = gtk.Button('_Quit')
box.pack_end(button, False)
button.connect("clicked", self.quit)
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
I have a class with some mouse events I made :
class graphic_object(object):
def mouse_click(self,event):
#do something
def mouse_move(self,event):
#do something
def mouse_unpressed(self,event):
#do something
Instances of this class aren't literally graphic objects on the screen, but they have their graphic representation, which is circle-shaped, and as I said, they listen to the mouse events. Both, graphic representation and event handling are managed by tkinter.Canvas object, which is their visual container.
When I make one istance of this class:
graphic1 = graphic_object(a,b,c,d) # init method takes coordinates of the circle as arguments; a,b,c,d - numbers
Everything works as it should, object responds on the mouse events in desired way. But when I make two instances:
graphic1 = graphic_object(a,b,c,d)
graphic2 = graphic_object(e,f,g,h)
only the last created object responds on the mouse events.
This is the condition where I check if the mouse is over the circle:
if d < self.radius:
where d is distance between mouse position, and the center of the circle, and radius is radius of the circle.
In the debugger I see that self.center is always the center of the last created object, so condition is always on
the second circle. So, how can I make that both objects respond to the mouse events?
Events handling:
C = Canvas()
C.bind("<Button-1>" ,self.mouse_click)
It appears that in your mouse binding you are relying on a pre-computed global variable (d). This is not how you should implement such bindings. The first thing you should do in the binding is get the current mouse coordinates, and then calculate d.
Your other choice is to put the binding on each canvas object using the tag_bind method of the canvas. See this question for an example: How do I attach event bindings to items on a canvas using Tkinter?
You wrote in a comment to this answer that you are only sometimes getting mouse clicks. There is not enough detail in your code to know what you're doing, but I can assure you that the canvas doesn't normally fail in such a manner.
I can't debug your code since you are only showing bits and pieces, but here's a working example that tries to illustrate the use of tag_bind. I took some liberties with your code. For example, I added a name parameter so I can print out which circle you clicked on. When I test this, every click seems to register on the proper circle.
import Tkinter as tk
class Example(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
self.canvas = tk.Canvas(self, width=400, height=400,
self.canvas.pack(fill="both", expand=True)
graphic1 = GraphicObject(10,10,100,100, name="graphic1")
graphic2 = GraphicObject(110,110,200,200, name="graphic2")
class GraphicObject(object):
def __init__(self, x0,y0,x1,y1, name=None):
self.coords = (x0,y0,x1,y1)
self.name = name
def draw(self, canvas, outline="black", fill="white"):
item = canvas.create_oval(self.coords, outline=outline, fill=fill)
canvas.tag_bind(item, "<1>", self.mouse_click)
def mouse_click(self, event):
print "I got a mouse click (%s)" % self.name
if __name__ == "__main__":
root = tk.Tk()
Example(root).pack(fill="both", expand=True)
I'm trying to build an interface using custom widgets, and have run into the following problem.
I have a widget Rectangle which I want to use as an interactive element in my interface. To define a rectangle I just need to give it a parent, so it knows what window to draw itself in, and a position [x,y, width, height] defining its position and size. (I know that some of you will say "You should be using layouts as opposed to absolute positioning" but I am 100% sure that I need absolute positioning for this particular application).
from PySide.QtCore import *
from PySide.QtGui import *
import sys
class Rectangle(QWidget):
def __init__(self, parent, *args):
print parent, args
#expect args[0] is a list in the form [x,y,width,height]
def enterEvent(self, e):
print 'Enter'
def leaveEvent(self, e):
print 'Leave'
def paintEvent(self, e):
print 'Painted: ',self.pos
painter = QPainter(self)
painter.drawRect(0,0,self.width()-1, self.height()-1)
I also have a Window widget which is the canvas on which my visualization is to be drawn. In the Window's __init__() definition I create a rectangle A at 20,40.
class Window(QWidget):
def __init__(self):
super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
self.widgets = [Rectangle(self,[20,40,100,80])]
def addWidget(self,Widget, *args):
self.widgets += [Widget(self, *args)]
def mousePressEvent(self, e):
for widget in self.widgets:
print widget.geometry()
Since I am building a visualization, I want to create my Window and then add widgets to it afterwords, so I create an instance mWindow, which should already have rectangle A defined. I then use my window's addWidget() method to add a second rectangle at 200,200 - call it rectangle B.
if __name__ == "__main__":
app= QApplication(sys.argv)
mWindow = Window()
mWindow.addWidget(Rectangle, [200,200,200,80])
The issue I have is that only rectangle A actually gets drawn.
I know that both rectangle A and **rectangle B are getting instantiated and both have myWindow as their parent widgets, because of the output of print parent in the constructor for Rectangle.
However, when I resize the window to force it to repaint itself, the paintEvent() method is only called on rectangle A, not rectangle B. What am I missing?
You just forgot to show the rectangle. In addWidget, add this before self.update():
The reason why you don't need show for the first rectangle object is because it is
created in the Window constructor. Then, Qt itself is making sure objects are properly
shown (which is misleading, I agree...).
I would like to add some text to the left end side, the right end side and on the slider as in the figure below
I don't understand how I can add text on top of a widget
here the minimal example of the Qscrollbar (without texts)
from PyQt5.QtGui import *
from PyQt5.QtCore import *
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
import sys
class Viewer(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(Viewer, self).__init__()
self.parent = parent
self.centralWidget = QWidget()
self.mainVBOX_param_scene = QVBoxLayout()
self.paramPlotV = QVBoxLayout()
self.horizontalSliders = QScrollBar(Qt.Horizontal)
def main():
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
ex = Viewer(app)
if __name__ == '__main__':
There are two possible approaches, and both of them use QStyle to get the geometry of the slider and the subPage/addPage rectangles (the "spaces" outside the slider and within its buttons, if they are visible).
Subclass QScrollBar and override paintEvent()
Here we override the paintEvent() of the scroll bar, call the base class implementation (which paints the scroll bar widget) and draw the text over it.
To get the rectangle where we're going to draw, we create a QStyleOptionSlider, which is a QStyleOption sub class used for any slider based widget (including scroll bars); a QStyleOption contains all the information QStyle needs to draw graphical elements, and its subclasses allow QStyle to find out how to draw complex elements such as scroll bars or control the behavior against any mouse event.
class PaintTextScrollBar(QScrollBar):
preText = 'pre text'
postText = 'post text'
sliderText = 'slider'
def paintEvent(self, event):
# call the base class paintEvent, which will draw the scrollbar
# create a suitable styleoption and "init" it to this instance
option = QStyleOptionSlider()
painter = QPainter(self)
# get the slider rectangle
sliderRect = self.style().subControlRect(QStyle.CC_ScrollBar,
option, QStyle.SC_ScrollBarSlider, self)
# if the slider text is wider than the slider width, adjust its size;
# note: it's always better to add some horizontal margin for text
textWidth = self.fontMetrics().width(self.sliderText)
if textWidth > sliderRect.width():
sideWidth = (textWidth - sliderRect.width()) / 2
sliderRect.adjust(-sideWidth, 0, sideWidth, 0)
painter.drawText(sliderRect, Qt.AlignCenter,
# get the "subPage" rectangle and draw the text
subPageRect = self.style().subControlRect(QStyle.CC_ScrollBar,
option, QStyle.SC_ScrollBarSubPage, self)
painter.drawText(subPageRect, Qt.AlignLeft|Qt.AlignVCenter, self.preText)
# get the "addPage" rectangle and draw its text
addPageRect = self.style().subControlRect(QStyle.CC_ScrollBar,
option, QStyle.SC_ScrollBarAddPage, self)
painter.drawText(addPageRect, Qt.AlignRight|Qt.AlignVCenter, self.postText)
This approach is very effective and may be fine for most simple cases, but there will be problems whenever the text is wider than the size of the slider handle, since Qt decides the extent of the slider based on its overall size and the range between its minimum and maximum values.
While you can adjust the size of the rectangle you're drawing text (as I've done in the example), it will be far from perfect: whenever the slider text is too wide it might draw over the "pre" and "post" text, and make the whole scrollbar very ugly if the slider is near the edges, since the text might cover the arrow buttons:
Note: the result of a "non adjusted" text rectangle would be the same as the first scroll bar in the image above, with the text "clipped" to the slider geometry.
Use a proxy style
QProxyStyle is a QStyle descendant that makes subclassing easier by providing an easy way to override only methods of an existing style.
The function we're most interested in is drawComplexControl(), which is what Qt uses to draw complex controls like spin boxes and scroll bars. By implementing this function only, the behavior will be exactly the same as the paintEvent() method explained above, as long as you apply the custom style to a standard QScrollBar.
What a (proxy) style could really help with is being able to change the overall appearance and behavior of almost any widget.
To be able to take the most of its features, I've implemented another QScrollBar subclass, allowing much more customization, while overriding other important QProxyStyle functions.
class TextScrollBarStyle(QProxyStyle):
def drawComplexControl(self, control, option, painter, widget):
# call the base implementation which will draw anything Qt will ask
super().drawComplexControl(control, option, painter, widget)
# check if control type and orientation match
if control == QStyle.CC_ScrollBar and option.orientation == Qt.Horizontal:
# the option is already provided by the widget's internal paintEvent;
# from this point on, it's almost the same as explained above, but
# setting the pen might be required for some styles
margin = self.frameMargin(widget) + 1
sliderRect = self.subControlRect(control, option,
QStyle.SC_ScrollBarSlider, widget)
painter.drawText(sliderRect, Qt.AlignCenter, widget.sliderText)
subPageRect = self.subControlRect(control, option,
QStyle.SC_ScrollBarSubPage, widget)
subPageRect.setRight(sliderRect.left() - 1)
painter.drawText(subPageRect.adjusted(margin, 0, 0, 0),
Qt.AlignLeft|Qt.AlignVCenter, widget.preText)
addPageRect = self.subControlRect(control, option,
QStyle.SC_ScrollBarAddPage, widget)
addPageRect.setLeft(sliderRect.right() + 1)
painter.drawText(addPageRect.adjusted(0, 0, -margin, 0),
Qt.AlignRight|Qt.AlignVCenter, widget.postText)
def frameMargin(self, widget):
# a helper function to get the default frame margin which is usually added
# to widgets and sub widgets that might look like a frame, which usually
# includes the slider of a scrollbar
option = QStyleOptionFrame()
return self.pixelMetric(QStyle.PM_DefaultFrameWidth, option, widget)
def subControlRect(self, control, option, subControl, widget):
rect = super().subControlRect(control, option, subControl, widget)
if (control == QStyle.CC_ScrollBar
and isinstance(widget, StyledTextScrollBar)
and option.orientation == Qt.Horizontal):
if subControl == QStyle.SC_ScrollBarSlider:
# get the *default* groove rectangle (the space in which the
# slider can move)
grooveRect = super().subControlRect(control, option,
QStyle.SC_ScrollBarGroove, widget)
# ensure that the slider is wide enough for its text
width = max(rect.width(),
widget.sliderWidth + self.frameMargin(widget))
# compute the position of the slider according to the
# scrollbar value and available space (the "groove")
pos = self.sliderPositionFromValue(widget.minimum(),
widget.maximum(), widget.sliderPosition(),
grooveRect.width() - width)
# return the new rectangle
return QRect(grooveRect.x() + pos,
(grooveRect.height() - rect.height()) / 2,
width, rect.height())
elif subControl == QStyle.SC_ScrollBarSubPage:
# adjust the rectangle based on the slider
sliderRect = self.subControlRect(
control, option, QStyle.SC_ScrollBarSlider, widget)
elif subControl == QStyle.SC_ScrollBarAddPage:
# same as above
sliderRect = self.subControlRect(
control, option, QStyle.SC_ScrollBarSlider, widget)
return rect
def hitTestComplexControl(self, control, option, pos, widget):
if control == QStyle.CC_ScrollBar:
# check click events against the resized slider
sliderRect = self.subControlRect(control, option,
QStyle.SC_ScrollBarSlider, widget)
if pos in sliderRect:
return QStyle.SC_ScrollBarSlider
return super().hitTestComplexControl(control, option, pos, widget)
class StyledTextScrollBar(QScrollBar):
def __init__(self, sliderText='', preText='', postText=''):
self.preText = preText
self.postText = postText
self.sliderText = sliderText
self.sliderTextMargin = 2
self.sliderWidth = self.fontMetrics().width(sliderText) + self.sliderTextMargin + 2
def setPreText(self, text):
self.preText = text
def setPostText(self, text):
self.postText = text
def setSliderText(self, text):
self.sliderText = text
self.sliderWidth = self.fontMetrics().width(text) + self.sliderTextMargin + 2
def setSliderTextMargin(self, margin):
self.sliderTextMargin = margin
self.sliderWidth = self.fontMetrics().width(self.sliderText) + margin + 2
def sizeHint(self):
# give the scrollbar enough height for the font
hint = super().sizeHint()
if hint.height() < self.fontMetrics().height() + 4:
hint.setHeight(self.fontMetrics().height() + 4)
return hint
There's a lot of difference between using the basic paintEvent override, applying the style to a standard QScrollBar and using a full "style-enabled" scroll bar with a fully implemented subclass; as you can see it's always possible that the current style (or the baseStyle chosen for the custom proxy style) might not be very friendly in its appearance:
What changes between the two (three) approaches and what you will finally decide to use depends on your needs; if you need to add other features to the scroll bar (or add more control to text contents or their apparance) and the text is not very wide, you might want to go with subclassing; on the other hand, the QProxyStyle approach might be useful to control other aspects or elements too.
Remember that if the QStyle is not set before the QApplication constructor, it's possible that the applied style won't be perfect to work with: as opposed with QFont and QPalette, QStyle is not propagated to the children of the QWidget it's applied to (meaning that the new proxy style has to be notified about the parent style change and behave accordingly).
class HLine(QFrame):
def __init__(self):
class Example(QWidget):
def __init__(self):
layout = QVBoxLayout(self)
layout.addWidget(QLabel('Base subclass with paintEvent override, small text:'))
shortPaintTextScrollBar = PaintTextScrollBar(Qt.Horizontal)
layout.addWidget(QLabel('Same as above, long text (text rect adjusted to text width):'))
longPaintTextScrollBar = PaintTextScrollBar(Qt.Horizontal)
longPaintTextScrollBar.sliderText = 'I am a very long slider'
layout.addWidget(QLabel('Base QScrollBar with drawComplexControl override of proxystyle:'))
shortBasicScrollBar = QScrollBar(Qt.Horizontal)
shortBasicScrollBar.sliderText = 'slider'
shortBasicScrollBar.preText = 'pre text'
shortBasicScrollBar.postText = 'post text'
layout.addWidget(QLabel('Same as above, long text (text rectangle based on slider geometry):'))
longBasicScrollBar = QScrollBar(Qt.Horizontal)
longBasicScrollBar.sliderText = 'I am a very long slider'
longBasicScrollBar.preText = 'pre text'
longBasicScrollBar.postText = 'post text'
layout.addWidget(QLabel('Subclasses with full proxystyle implementation, all available styles:'))
for styleName in QStyleFactory.keys():
scrollBar = StyledTextScrollBar()
scrollBar.setSliderText('Long slider with {} style'.format(styleName))
scrollBar.setPostText('Post text')
for scrollBar in self.findChildren(QScrollBar):
def setScrollBarPreText(self, value):
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
example = Example()