How to generate word cloud for a group of URLs? - python

I have an array called "URL", in which there are several URLs. Now I want to use the crawler to crawl the title and body of each web page, and then store them together in a TXT file, and then generate a word cloud belonging to this group of web pages.
This is the first document(
def urlsgetword(url):
from urllib import request
import os
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
response = request.urlopen(url) # 发出打开网页的请求
content ='utf-8') # 获取网页内容并用utf-8解码
soup = BeautifulSoup(content, 'lxml')
title = soup.title # 得到网页标题
article = soup.find('div', class_='wp_articlecontent') # 得到网页内容
title = title.text # 得到标题文本内容
title = ''.join(title.split()) # 去除空格
article = article.get_text(strip=True) # 得到文档文本内容,strip=True用以去除文本前后空白行
article = ''.join(article.split())
info = title + '\n' + article
if not os.path.exists("F:/python-file/"):
with open("urls.txt", 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
This is the second document(
def wcloud():
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import wordcloud
import jieba
text = open('F:/python-file/urls.txt').read()
wordlist_after_jieba = jieba.cut(text, cut_all=True)
wl_space_split = " ".join(wordlist_after_jieba)
my_wordcloud = wordcloud.WordCloud().generate(wl_space_split)
Finally, I want the word cloud output in the main file, so I write this:
for u in urls:
As a result, the program failed. Which file is wrong?


how to scrape author name and author url from a webpage using python

i am trying to scrape author name and author url from the following webpage.
and i am using following code;
author_flag = 0
divs = soup.find_all('h2')
for div in divs:
author = div.find('a')
if(author is not None):
author_url.append(''+ author.get('href'))
aurhor_flag = 1
author_art.append('Author information missing')
author_url.append('Author Url information missing')
can anyone take a look what i am doing wrong in this? As this code is not picking anything.
its is just returning blank list.
Full code:
import pandas as pd
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import re
data = pd.read_csv('url_technology.csv')
author_art = []
author_url = []
for i in range(1):
author_flag = 0
divs = soup.find_all('meta')
for div in divs:
author = div.find('span')
if(author is not None):
aurhor_flag = 1
author_art.append('Author information missing')
author_url.append('Author Url information missing')
print('no data found')
author_art = pd.DataFrame(title)
author_url = pd.DataFrame(url)
res = pd.concat([author_art, author_art] , axis=1)
res.columns = ['Author_Art', 'Author_url']
print('File created successfully')
One possibility how to get author Name and author URL is to parse the Ld+Json data embedded within the page:
import json
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url = ""
soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).content, "html.parser")
data = json.loads(soup.select_one('[type="application/ld+json"]').contents[0])
# uncomment this to print all LD+JSON data:
# print(json.dumps(data, indent=4))
print("Author:", data["author"]["name"])
print("URL:", data["author"]["url"])
Author: Eric Elliott
EDIT: A function that returns Author Name/URL:
import json
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
def get_author_name_url(medium_url):
soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).content, "html.parser")
data = json.loads(
return data["author"]["name"], data["author"]["url"]
url_list = [
for url in url_list:
name, url = get_author_name_url(url)
print("Author:", name)
print("URL:", url)
I've launched a python package called medium-apis to do such tasks.
Install medium-apis
pip install medium-apis
Get you RapidAPI key. See how
Run the code:
from medium_apis import Medium
medium = Medium('YOUR_RAPIDAPI_KEY')
def get_author(url):
url_without_parameters = url.split('?')[0]
article_id = url_without_parameters.split('-')[-1]
article = medium.article(article_id=article_id)
author =
return author
urls = [
for url in urls:
author = get_author(url)
print('Author: ', author.fullname)
print('Profile URL: ', f'{author.username}')
Github repo:

Creating multiple text files with unique file names from scraped data

I took an introductory course in Python this semester and am now trying to do a project. However, I don't really know what code I should write to create multiple .txt files of which the title will be different for each file.
I scraped all the terms and definitions from the website Title of the .txt file should for example be 'Aconite.txt' and the content of the file should be the title and the definition. Every term with its definition can be found in a separate p-tag and the term itself is a b-tag withing the p-tag. Can I use this to write my code?
I suppose I will need to use a for-loop for this, but I don't really know where to start. I searched StackOverflow and found several solutions, but all of them contain code I am not familiar with and/or relate to another issue.
This is what I have so far:
#!/usr/bin/env/ python
import requests
import bs4
def download(url):
r = requests.get(url)
html = r.text
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
terms_definition = []
#for item in soup.find_all('p'): #beter definiëren
items = soup.find_all("div", {"class" : "font-size-16 roboto"})
for item in items:
terms = item.find_all("p")
for term in terms:
if term.text is not 'None':
term_split = term.text.split()
if term.text != None and len(term.text) > 1:
if '-' in term.text.split():
if item.find('p'):
return terms_definition
def create_url(start, end):
list_url = []
base_url = ''
for x in range(start, end):
list_url.append(base_url + str(x))
return list_url
def search_all_url(list_url):
for url in list_url:
#write data into separate text files. Word in front of the dash should be title of the document, term and definition should be content of the text file
#all terms and definitions are in separate p-tags, title is a b-tag within the p-tag
def name_term
def text_files
path_write = os.path.join('data', name_term +'.txt') #'term' should be replaced by the scraped terms
with open(path_write, 'w') as f:
#for loop? in front of dash = title / everything before and after dash = text (file content) / empty line = new file
if __name__ == '__main__':
#list_url = create_url(1, 27)
Thanks in advance!
You can iterate over all pages (1-27) to get its content, then parse each page with bs4 and then save results to files:
import requests
import bs4
import re
for i in range(1, 27):
r = requests.get('{}/'.format(i)).text
soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(r, 'html.parser')
items = soup.find_all("div", {"class": "font-size-16 roboto"})
for item in items:
terms = item.find_all("p")
for term in terms:
title = re.match('^(.*) -', term.text).group(1).replace('/', '-')
with open(title + '.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
Output files:

Cannot get a specific href out of requests

I'm trying to capture a unique url using Pythons Requests
Source website is
Goal Url is
When i tried
(Unique_ID,) = (x.text_content() for x in tree.xpath('//a[#class="property-
value__link--muted rui-button-brand property-value__btn-listing"]'))
The CSV returned View Listing
Unless im mistaken, i've done the correct class search, as the href would not be unique enough? Am i supposed to do something different to capture URL's instead of text?
Full code below if required.
Thanks in advance.
import requests
import csv
import datetime
import pandas as pd
import csv
from lxml import html
df = pd.read_excel("C:\Python27\Projects\REA_UNIQUE_ID\\UN.xlsx", sheetname="UN")
dnc = df['Property']
dnc_list = list(dnc)
url_base = ""
for nd in dnc_list:
nd = nd.strip()
nd = nd.lower()
nd = nd.replace(" ", "-")
URL_LIST.append(url_base + nd)
text2search = '''The information provided'''
with open('Auctions.csv', 'wb') as csv_file:
writer = csv.writer(csv_file)
for index, url in enumerate(URL_LIST):
page = requests.get(url)
print '\r' 'Scraping URL ' + str(index+1) + ' of ' + str(len(URL_LIST)),
if text2search in page.text:
tree = html.fromstring(page.content)
(title,) = (x.text_content() for x in tree.xpath('//title'))
(Unique_ID,) = (x.text_content() for x in tree.xpath('//a[#class="property-value__link--muted rui-button-brand property- value__btn-listing"]'))
#(sold,) = (x.text_content().strip() for x in tree.xpath('//p[#class="property-value__agent"]'))
writer.writerow([title, Unique_ID])
text_content() allows you to get text only. Try to scrape #href as below
(Unique_ID,) = (x for x in tree.xpath('//a[#class="property-value__link--muted rui-button-brand property-value__btn-listing"]/#href'))

Scraping AJAX loaded content with python?

So i have function that is called when i click a button , it goes as below
var min_news_id = "68feb985-1d08-4f5d-8855-cb35ae6c3e93-1";
function loadMoreNews(){
data = JSON.parse(data);
min_news_id = data.min_news_id||min_news_id;
.fail(function(){alert("Error : unable to load more news");})
Now i don't have much experience with javascript , but i assume its returning some json data from some sort of api at "en/ajax/more_news" .
Is there i way could directly call this api and get the json data from my python script. If Yes,how?
If not how do i scrape the content that is being generated?
You need to post the news id that you see inside the script to, this is an example using requests:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import re
# pattern to extract min_news_id
patt = re.compile('var min_news_id\s+=\s+"(.*?)"')
with requests.Session() as s:
soup = BeautifulSoup(s.get("").content)
new_id_scr = soup.find("script", text=re.compile("var\s+min_news_id"))
news_id =
js ="", data={"news_offset":news_id})
js gives you all the html, you just have to access the js["html"].
Here is the script that will automatically loop through all the pages in
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from newspaper import Article
import requests
import sys
import re
import json
patt = re.compile('var min_news_id\s+=\s+"(.*?)"')
i = 0
with requests.Session() as s:
if(i==0):soup = BeautifulSoup(s.get("").content,"lxml")
new_id_scr = soup.find("script", text=re.compile("var\s+min_news_id"))
news_id =
js ="", data={"news_offset":news_id})
jsn = json.dumps(js.json())
jsonToPython = json.loads(jsn)
news_id = jsonToPython["min_news_id"]
data = jsonToPython["html"]
i += 1
soup = BeautifulSoup(data, "lxml")
for tag in soup.find_all("div", {"class":"news-card"}):
main_text = tag.find("div", {"itemprop":"articleBody"})
summ_text = main_text.text
summ_text = summ_text.replace("\n", " ")
result = tag.find("a", {"class":"source"})
art_url = result.get('href')
if '' in art_url:
art_url = art_url[:-1]
#print("Hello", art_url)
article = Article(art_url)
if article.is_downloaded:
article_text = article.text
article_text = article_text.replace("\n", " ")
It gives both the summary from and complete news from respective news channel.

Scrape html files stored in remote directory

I have thousands of html files stored in a remote directory. All these files have same HTML structure. Right now I am scraping every file manually with the following script
from string import punctuation, whitespace
import urllib2
import datetime
import re
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as Soup
import csv
today =
html = urllib2.urlopen("http://hostname/coimbatore/3BHK_flats_inCoimbatore.html_%94201308110608%94.html").read()
soup = Soup(html)
for li in soup.findAll('li', attrs={'class':'g'}):
sLink = li.find('a')
print sLink['href']
sSpan = li.find('span', attrs={'class':'st'})
print sSpan
So the above script is for one URL. Like wise I wanna scrape through all the html files which are under that directory irrespective of the file names. I do not find that this question has been asked.
Update : Code
import urllib2
import BeautifulSoup
import re
Newlines = re.compile(r'[\r\n]\s+')
def getPageText(url):
# given a url, get page content
data = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
# parse as html structured document
bs = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup.HTML_ENTITIES)
# kill javascript content
for li in bs.findAll('li', attrs={'class':'g'}):
sLink = li.find('a')
print sLink['href']
sSpan = li.find('span', attrs={'class':'st'})
print sSpan
def main():
urls = [
txt = [getPageText(url) for url in urls]
if __name__=="__main__":
Use loop:
for url in url_list:
html = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
soup = Soup(html)
for li in soup.findAll('li', attrs={'class':'g'}):
sLink = li.find('a')
print sLink['href']
sSpan = li.find('span', attrs={'class':'st'})
print sSpan
If you don't know url list in advance, you have to parse listing page.
import csv
import urllib2
import BeautifulSoup
def getPageText(url, filename):
data = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
bs = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(data, convertEntities=BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup.HTML_ENTITIES)
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
writer = csv.writer(f)
for li in bs.findAll('li', attrs={'class':'g'}):
sLink = li.find('a')
sSpan = li.find('span', attrs={'class':'st'})
writer.writerow([sLink['href'], sSpan])
def main():
urls = [
for i, url in enumerate(urls, 1):
getPageText(url, '{}.csv'.format(i))
if __name__=="__main__":
