Tensorflow Model Underpredicts Values with Dropout - python

I am having a problem implementing dropout as a regularization method in my dense NN model. It appears that adding a dropout value above 0 just scales down the predicted value, in a way makes me think something is not being accounted for correctly after individual weights are being set to zero. I'm sure I am implementing something incorrectly, but I can't seem to figure out what.
The code to build this model was taken directly from a tensorflow page (https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/keras/overfit_and_underfit), but occurs no matter what architecture I use to build the model.
model = tf.keras.Sequential([
layers.Dense(512, activation='relu', input_shape=[len(X_train[0])]),
layers.Dense(512, activation='relu'),
layers.Dense(512, activation='relu'),
layers.Dense(512, activation='relu'),
Any help would be much appreciated!

It's perfectly normal to decrease accuracy in training set when adding Dropout. You usually do this as a trade-off to increase accuracy in unseen data (test set) and thus, generalization properties.
However, try to decrease Dropout rate to 0.10 or 0.20. You will get better results. Also, unless you are dealing with hundreds of millions of examples, try to decrease the neurons from your neural net, like from 512 to 128. With a complex neural net the backpropagation gradients won't reach an optimum level. With a neural net that is too simple, the gradients will saturate and won't learn, either.
Other point, you may want to apply pd.get_dummies to your output (Y) and increase last layer to Dense(2) and normalize input data.


Loss exploding while training CNN despite small learning rate

I have been working with synthetically produced data which consists of samples of the shape 4x1745 and 2 labels each of which further can have 120 classes. The total number of combinations of possible classes comes out to 7140.
I have been successfully able to train Decision tree models on the data and was able to achieve a test accuracy of 20% and a train accuracy of 88%.
I have built a CNN model with the following layers
model = keras.Sequential()
model.add(Conv2D(16,kernel_size=(3,3), activation='elu'))
model.add(Conv2D(32,kernel_size=(3,3), activation='elu'))
model.add(Conv2D(64,kernel_size=(3,3), activation='elu'))
I have compiled the model with adam optimizer with a learning of 0.0001 and categorical crossentropy as the loss function.
The problem I am facing is that the loss eventually explodes and keeps increasing exponentially with each epoch.
I have tried using different learning rates but they just delay the time before the loss explodes.
I changed the number of layers in the model, which didn't stop the loss from exploding.
I have even reshaped the samples into 119x60 thinking that maybe the CNN was unable to catch any patterns when the samples are so long, but it doesn't help.
I have also tried changing the activation functions and the batch sizes.
And finally I tried using an ANN as well which led to the same problem.
Any help is highly appreciated.

Optimal permutations of kernel_initializer, activation function and optimizer for Regression

I am using the kernel_initializer='normal' and optimizer='adam' to find an optimum regression solution. I am getting close to 0.94 accuracy on training data. I would like to test a few other kernel_initializer, activation function and optimizer combinations but I am not sure kernel_initializer and activation function which works well for regression. Please suggest
# create model
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dense(13, input_dim=13, kernel_initializer='normal', activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(6, kernel_initializer='normal', activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(1, kernel_initializer='normal'))
# Compile model
model.compile(loss='root_mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam')
Well, it might not be a good idea. You're after a fairly small margin in performance, and by "fishing" for good results you're essentially exploiting your validation as the training set, relying on small variations in the data to inform model design.
Few tips:
Glorot initializer (default) is usually the best. However, the difference is really small, especially in such a tiny model.
relu activation is helpful to fight vanishing gradients. With three layers in the model, you probably won't have it. Here it really depends on the nature of the data; even linear activation might make sense.
for a regular regression (i.e. predicting a number, not a binary output(s)), you probably need to use linear regression on the output layer. It is the default one, but it's better to make it explicit.
other optimizers might improve rate of conversion, but usually don't improve the performance. Adam sounds like a reasonable choice - sgd will do the same but slower, ftrl works the best on sparse data such as language input.

My LSTM model overfits over validation data

Here's my LSTM model to classify hand gesture. Initially, I had 1960 training data of shape(num_sequences, num_joints, 3) that I reshape to shape(num_sequences, num_joints*3).
Here's my model:
input_shape = (trainx.shape[1], trainx.shape[2])
print("Build LSTM RNN model ...")
model = Sequential()
model.add(Masking(mask_value=0., input_shape=(171, 66)))
model.add(Bidirectional(LSTM(units=256, activation='tanh', return_sequences=True, input_shape=input_shape)))
model.add(Bidirectional(LSTM(units=128, activation='tanh', return_sequences=True)))
model.add(Bidirectional(LSTM(units=128, activation='tanh', return_sequences=False)))
model.add(Dense(units=trainy.shape[1], activation="softmax"))
print("Compiling ...")
# Keras optimizer defaults:
# Adam : lr=0.001, beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999, epsilon=1e-8, decay=0.
# RMSprop: lr=0.001, rho=0.9, epsilon=1e-8, decay=0.
# SGD : lr=0.01, momentum=0., decay=0.
opt = Adam()
model.compile(loss="categorical_crossentropy", optimizer=opt, metrics=["accuracy"])
I get a 90% accuracy on train and 50% on test
Overfitting is quite common in deep learning.
To circumvent over fitting with your LSTM architecture try the following things in this order:
Decrease the learning rate from 0.1 or 0.01 to 0.001,0.0001,0.00001.
Reduce the number of epochs. You can try to plot the training and validation accuracy as a function of the number of epochs and see when the training accuracy becomes larger than the validation accuracy. That is the number of epochs that you should use. Combine this with the 1st step decreasing the learning rate.
Then you can try to modify the architecture of the LSTM, here you already added dropout (maximum value 0.5), I would suggest to try 0.2, 0.3. You have 3 cells which is better than 2, the size of the nodes look reasonable. What is the embedding dimension you are currently using? Since you are overfitting it is worth a try to reduce the number of cells from 3 to 2 and keeping the same number of nodes.
The batch size might be important as well as the distribution of subclasses in your dataset. Is the dataset equally distributed and equally balanced between training and validation sets? What I mean by this is that if one hand gesture is over represented in the training set compared to the validation set that might be a problem. A good strategy to overcome this is to keep some part of the data as a test set. Then do a train/split cross validation using sklearn (5 times). Then train your architecture on each train/split model separately (5 times) and compare the training and validation accuracy. If there is a big bias in the split or among the sets you will be able to identify it in this manner.
Last, you can try augmentation, specifically rotation and horizontal/vertical flip. This library might help https://github.com/aleju/imgaug
Hope this helps!
How do you know the network is over fitting versus some kind of error in your data set. Does the validation loss improve initially up to some epoch then plateau or start to increase? Then it is over fitting. If it starts at 50% and stays there it is not an over fitting problem. With the amount of drop out you have over fitting does not look very likely. How did you select your validation set? Was it randomly selected from the overall data set or did you do the selection? It is always better to randomly select the data so that its probability distribution mirrors that of the training data. As said in the comments please show your code for model.fit there could be a problem there. How do you input the data? Did you use generators? A 50% validation accuracy leads me to suspect some error in how your validation data is provided to the network or some error in labeling of the validation data. I would also recommend you consider the use of dynamically adjusting your learning rate based on monitoring of validation loss. Keras has a callback for this
called ReduceLROnPlateau. Documentation is here. Set it up to monitor validation loss. I set the parameters patience=3 and factor=.5 which seems to work well. You can think of training as descending into a valley. As you descend the valley gets narrower. If the learning rate is to large and remains fixed you won't be able to reach further down toward the minimum. This should improve your training accuracy which should result in improvement of validation accuracy. As I said with the level of drop out you have I do not think it is over fitting but if it is you can also use Keras regularizes to help avoid over training. Documentation is here.

How do I best optimize my paramters, choices of activation, optimizer ect. in a LSTM?

I'm training a LSTM Neural Network to predict a volatilty (timeseries) in Keras. At the moment, my network is specified as follows:
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(10, input_shape=(1,1), kernel_regularizer = l2(0.0001)))
model.add(Dense(1, activation = 'relu'))
model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam')
model.fit(X_train, y_train, validation_split=0.2, epochs=100, batch_size=16)
Here, I have a lot of parameters I could cross validate:
units in LSTM?
More layers?
regularizer (L1 or l2, and amount)?
Activation function?
Batch size?
However, CV on all these parameters would result in huge computational time, so how do I determind the correct specifications for all of them?
So far as I know, doing grid-search might be the best approach. However, you can lessen your search space by examining your data. If you don't have much data, try to go for a smaller model, don't go too big (or else it will overfit). This can lessen your search space a bit. Some say less layer but more unit works well for low-resource data, but still, it is not guaranteed.
Regularizer can sometimes good or bad, it depends on the task. You'll never know if the setting is correct or not unless you experiment on it.
For batch size, it is recommended to experiment on the batch size from 16 to 512 (or you can go higher if you can). The larger the batch size is, the faster it trains, the more memory it consumes. Smaller batch size also means the model will "walk" more random. In other words, the loss will decrease at a more random pace.
For optimizer, if you want to grid search, just use Adam. It is quite good for most tasks.
All in all, no one can guarantee that tuning different hyperparameters will result in a performance gain. It all needs to be experimented and record. That's why there are so many research papers done on hyperparameters tuning.

Keras: specify input dropout layer that always keeps certain features

I'm training a neural net using Keras in Python for time-series climate data (predicting value X at time t=T), and tried adding a (20%) dropout layer on the inputs, which seemed to limit overfitting and cause a slight increase in performance. However, after I added a new and particularly useful feature (the value of the response variable at time of prediction t=0), I found massively increased performance by removing the dropout layer. This makes sense to me, since I can imagine how the neural net would "learn" the importance of that one feature and base the rest of its training around adjusting that value (i.e, "how do these other features affect how the response at t=0 changes by time t=T").
In addition, there are a few other features that I think should be present for all epochs. That said, I am still hopeful that a dropout layer could improve the model performance-- it just needs to not drop out certain features, like X at t_0: I need a dropout layer that will only drop out certain features.
I have searched for examples of doing this, and read the Keras documentation here, but can't seem to find a way to do it. I may be missing something obvious, as I'm still not familiar with how to manually edit layers. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Edit: sorry for any lack of clarity. Here is the code where I define the model (p is the number of features):
def create_model(p):
model = Sequential()
model.add(Dropout(0.2, input_shape=(p,))) # % of features dropped
model.add(Dense(1000, input_dim=p, kernel_initializer='normal'
, activation='sigmoid'))
model.add(Dense(30, kernel_initializer='normal', activation='relu'))
model.add(Dense(1, kernel_initializer='normal',activation='linear'))
model.compile(loss=cost_fn, optimizer='adam')
return model
The best way I can think of applying dropout only to specific features is to simply separate the features in different layers.
For that, I suggest you simply divide your inputs in essential features and droppable features:
from keras.layers import *
from keras.models import Model
def create_model(essentialP,droppableP):
essentialInput = Input((essentialP,))
droppableInput = Input((droppableP,))
dropped = Dropout(0.2)(droppableInput) # % of features dropped
completeInput = Concatenate()([essentialInput, dropped])
output = Dense(1000, kernel_initializer='normal', activation='sigmoid')(completeInput)
output = Dense(30, kernel_initializer='normal', activation='relu')(output)
output = Dense(1, kernel_initializer='normal',activation='linear')(output)
model = Model([essentialInput,droppableInput],output)
model.compile(loss=cost_fn, optimizer='adam')
return model
Train the model using two inputs. You have to manage your inputs before training:
model.fit([essential_train_data,droppable_train_data], predictions, ...)
I don't see any harm to using dropout in the input layer. The usage/effect would be a little different than normal of course. The effect would be similar to adding synthetic noise to an input signal; only the feature/pixel/whatever would be entirely unknown[zeroed out] instead of noisy. And inserting synthetic noise into the input is one of the oldest ways to improve robustness; certainly not bad practice as long as you think about whether it makes sense for your data set.
This question has already an accepted answer but it seems to me you are using dropout in a bad way.
Dropout is only for the hidden layers, not for the input layer !
Dropout act as a regularizer, and prevent the hidden layer complex coadaptation, quoting Hinton paper "Our work extends this idea by showing that dropout can be effectively applied in the hidden layers as well and that it can be interpreted as a form of model averaging" (http://www.jmlr.org/papers/volume15/srivastava14a/srivastava14a.pdf)
Dropout can be seen as training several different models with your data and averaging the prediction at test time. If you prevent your models to have all the inputs during training, it will perform badly, especially if one input is crucial. What you want is actually avoid overfitting, meaning you prevent too complex models during the training phase (so each of your models will select the most important features first) before testing.
It is common practice to drop some of the features in ensemble learning but it is control and not stochastic like for dropout. It also works for neural networks as hidden layers have (often) way more neurons as inputs, and so dropout follows the law of big numbers, as for a small number of inputs, you can have in some bad case almost all your inputs dropped.
In conlusion: it is a bad practice to use dropout in the input layer of a neural network.
