I need a plot which doesn't fit the usual 'log-log' definition, but has a linear x scale and a double logarithmic y scale. I tried to create this in matplotlib with
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# constants that result from other part of program
b = 9.144
c = -3.579
# values for plot
XL = np.linspace(273.15,373.15,101)
YL = 10 ** 10 ** (b + c * np.log10(XL)) - 0.7
# functions for scale transformation
def fw(x):
return np.log10(np.log10(x))
def bw(x):
return 10 ** 10 ** x
plt.plot(XL - 273.15, YL)
plt.yscale('function', functions=(fw, bw))
Please find this image for reference. However this program has two problems:
The y axis ticks start at 100 for a reason that I do not understand, leaving the largest part of the graph without any ticks.
I get the following warnings from NumPy regarding the log10 calls from fw(x):
RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log10
return np.log10(np.log10(x))
RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log10
return np.log10(np.log10(x))
I get that probably the first warning leads to the second, but I do not see why there would be a division by zero. Any assistance to enlightenment on both problems would be greatly appreciated.
This link goes to the picture of the equation i am trying to graph in matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
x_values = np.arange(1, 10, step=0.1)
y_values = (np.arcsin(np.sqrt(abs(np.sin(x_values) ** (abs(np.cos(x_values)) + abs(np.sin(x_values)) + (2.718281828459045** np.sin(x_values)))))) - x_values)/x_values
The code above throws the following error message:
ipykernel_launcher.py:4: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in power
after removing the cwd from sys.path.
I didn't get to the plotting because this code alone threw an error message
How can i fix this?
numpy does not allow fractional powers of negative numbers, since it expects a complex result and you did not define a complex type. You can inspect your power array like this:
pow = abs(np.cos(x_values)) + abs(np.sin(x_values)) + (2.718281828459045** np.sin(x_values))
a = np.sin(x_values)
and use a workaround like this:
a_pow = np.sign(a) * (np.abs(a)) ** (pow)
y_values = (np.arcsin(np.sqrt(abs(a_pow))) - x_values)/x_values
But make sure in advance that you are not expecting complex numbers as results!
If you do though, change your array dtype to np.complex.
I have some data I gathered analyzing the change of acceleration regarding time. But when I wrote the code below to have a good fit for the sinusoidal wave, this was the result. Is this because I don't have enough data or am I doing something wrong here?
Here you can see my graph:
Measurements plotted directly(no fit)
Fit with horizontal and vertical shift (curve_fit)
Increased data by linspace
Manually manipulated amplitude
Edit: I increased the data size by using the linspace function and plotting it but I am not sure why the amplitude doesn't match, is it because there are very few data to analyze? (I was able to manipulate the amplitude manually but I don't understand why it can't do it)
The code I am using for the fit
def model(x, a, b):
return a * np.sin(b * x)
param, parav_cov = cf(model, time, z_values)
array_x = np.linspace(800, 1400, 1000)
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (9, 4))
plt.scatter(time, z_values, color = "#3333cc", label = "Data")
plt.plot(array_x, model(array_x, param[0], param[1], param[2], param[3]), label = "Sin Fit")
I'd use an FFT to get a first guess at parameters, as this sort of thing is highly non-linear and curve_fit is unlikely to get very far otherwise. the reason for using a FFT is to get an initial idea of the frequency involved, not much more. 3Blue1Brown has a great video on FFTs if you've not seem it
I used web plot digitizer to get your data out of your plots, then pulled into Python and made sure it looked OK with:
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
df = pd.read_csv('sinfit2.csv')
giving me:
x y
0 809.3 0.3
1 820.0 0.3
2 830.3 19.6
3 839.9 19.6
4 849.6 0.4
I started by doing a basic FFT with NumPy (SciPy has the full fftpack which is more complete, but not needed here):
import numpy as np
from numpy.fft import fft
d = fft(df.y)
plt.plot(np.abs(d)[:len(d)//2], '.')
the np.abs(d) is because you get a complex number back containing both phase and amplitude, and [:len(d)//2] is because (for real valued input) the output is symmetric about the midpoint, i.e. d[5] == d[-5].
this says the largest component was 18, I tried plotting this by hand and it looked OK:
x = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2, len(df))
plt.plot(df.x, df.y, '.-', lw=1)
plt.plot(df.x, np.sin(x * 18) * 10 + 10)
I'm multiplying by 10 and adding 10 is because the range of a sine is (-1, +1) and we need to take it to (0, 20).
next I passed these to curve_fit with a simplified model to help it along:
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
def model(x, a, b):
return np.sin(x * a + b) * 10 + 10
(a, b), cov = curve_fit(model, x, df.y, [18, 0])
again I'm hardcoding the * 10 + 10 to get the range to match your data, which gives me a=17.8 and b=2.97
finally I plot the function sampled at a higher frequency to make sure all is OK:
plt.plot(df.x, df.y)
np.linspace(810, 1400, 501),
model(np.linspace(0, np.pi*2, 501), a, b)
giving me:
which seems to look OK. note you might want to change these parameters so they fit your original X, and note my df.x starts at 810, so I might have missed the first point.
I want to plot the frequency version of planck's law. I first tried to do this independently:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline
# Planck's Law
# Constants
h = 6.62607015*(10**-34) # J*s
c = 299792458 # m * s
k = 1.38064852*(10**-23) # J/K
T = 20 # K
frequency_range = np.linspace(10**-19,10**19,1000000)
def plancks_law(nu):
a = (2*h*nu**3) / (c**2)
e_term = np.exp(h*nu/(k*T))
brightness = a /(e_term - 1)
return brightness
plt.gca().set_xlim([1*10**-16 ,1*10**16 ])
This did not work, I have an issue with scaling somehow. My next idea was to attempt to use this person's code from this question: Plancks Formula for Blackbody spectrum
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
h = 6.626e-34
c = 3.0e+8
k = 1.38e-23
def planck_f(freq, T):
a = 2.0*h*(freq**3)
b = h*freq/(k*T)
intensity = a/( (c**2 * (np.exp(b) - 1.0) ))
return intensity
# generate x-axis in increments from 1nm to 3 micrometer in 1 nm increments
# starting at 1 nm to avoid wav = 0, which would result in division by zero.
wavelengths = np.arange(1e-9, 3e-6, 1e-9)
frequencies = np.arange(3e14, 3e17, 1e14, dtype=np.float64)
intensity4000 = planck_f(frequencies, 4000.)
This didn't work, because I got a divide by zero error. Except that I don't see where there is a division by zero, the denominator shouldn't ever be zero since the exponential term shouldn't ever be equal to one. I chose the frequencies to be the conversions of the wavelength values from the example code.
Can anyone help fix the problem or explain how I can get planck's law for frequency instead of wavelength?
You can not safely handle such large numbers; even for comparably "small" values of b = h*freq/(k*T) your float64 will overflow, e.g np.exp(709.)=8.218407461554972e+307 is ok, but np.exp(710.)=inf. You'll have to adjust your units (exponents) accordingly to avoid this!
Note that this is also the case in the other question you linked to, if you insert print( np.exp(b)[:10] ) within the definition of planck(), you can examine the first ten evaluated b's and you'll see the overflow in the first few occurrences. In any case, simply use the answer posted within the other question, but convert the x-axis in plt.plot(wavelengths, intensity) to frequency (i hope you know how to get from one to the other) :-)
I am fairly new to python, and I am trying to plot a contour plot of water surface over a 2d mesh.
At the moment the code is running but I am not getting the right solution. I have checked the formula carefully and I am fairly confident that the issue is with my loops.
I want the code to run for each point on my mesh based on their x and y coordinates.
The mesh is 100 x 100 resulting in 10000 nodes. I have posted my code below, I believe the problem is with the integrated for loops. Any advice on what I might be able to try would be great.
Apologies for the length of code...
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
import sys
from math import sqrt
import decimal
nx, ny = (100,100)
x5 = np.linspace(-100000,100000,nx)
y5 = np.linspace(-100000,100000,ny)
xv,yv = np.meshgrid(x5,y5)
x = np.arange(-100000,100000,2000)
y = np.arange(-100000,100000,2000)
t59=np.arange (1,10001,1)
for i in range (len(x)):
for j in range (len(y)):
Ok apologies I didn't make myself very clear. So I'm hoping to achieve a parabolic basin output with h values varying between roughly -10 and 10. Instead I am getting enormous values and the completely wrong shape. I thought the for loop needed to be more like:
for i in range (len(x)):
for j in range (len(y)):
Is that clearer? Let me know if not.
The first thing is that the complete loop is not necessary.
h = d * (a - 1 - (x[None,:]**2 + y[:,None]**2) / 12 * b)
Here the magic comes with the None in indexing. x[None, :] means "x as a row vector copied to as many rows as needed and y[:, None] means "y as a column vector copied to as many columns as needed`.
This might be easiest to understand with an example:
import numpy as np
x = np.arange(5)
y = np.arange(0,50,10)
print x, y, x[None,:] + y[:, None]
The one-liner above gives:
Some manual calculations show this should be rather ok.
d = 100
a = 1.05
b = 0.1025
For a corner point at (1e5, 1e5), we have 2e10 in the addition, so the values do not look badly off.
I am trying to write a simple python code for a plot of intensity vs wavelength for a given temperature, T=200K.
So far I have this...
import scipy as sp
import math
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
pi = np.pi
h = 6.626e-34
c = 3.0e+8
k = 1.38e-23
def planck(wav, T):
a = 2.0*h*pi*c**2
b = h*c/(wav*k*T)
intensity = a/ ( (wav**5)*(math.e**b - 1.0) )
return intensity
I don't know how to define wavelength(wav) and thus produce the plot of Plancks Formula. Any help would be appreciated.
Here's a basic plot. To plot using plt.plot(x, y, fmt) you need two arrays x and y of the same size, where x is the x coordinate of each point to plot and y is the y coordinate, and fmt is a string describing how to plot the numbers.
So all you need to do is create an evenly spaced array of wavelengths (an np.array which I named wavelengths). This can be done with arange(start, end, spacing) which will create an array from start to end (not inclusive) spaced at spacing apart.
Then compute the intensity using your function at each of those points in the array (which will be stored in another np.array), and then call plt.plot to plot them. Note numpy let's you do mathematical operations on arrays quickly in a vectorized form which will be computationally efficient.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
h = 6.626e-34
c = 3.0e+8
k = 1.38e-23
def planck(wav, T):
a = 2.0*h*c**2
b = h*c/(wav*k*T)
intensity = a/ ( (wav**5) * (np.exp(b) - 1.0) )
return intensity
# generate x-axis in increments from 1nm to 3 micrometer in 1 nm increments
# starting at 1 nm to avoid wav = 0, which would result in division by zero.
wavelengths = np.arange(1e-9, 3e-6, 1e-9)
# intensity at 4000K, 5000K, 6000K, 7000K
intensity4000 = planck(wavelengths, 4000.)
intensity5000 = planck(wavelengths, 5000.)
intensity6000 = planck(wavelengths, 6000.)
intensity7000 = planck(wavelengths, 7000.)
plt.plot(wavelengths*1e9, intensity4000, 'r-')
# plot intensity4000 versus wavelength in nm as a red line
plt.plot(wavelengths*1e9, intensity5000, 'g-') # 5000K green line
plt.plot(wavelengths*1e9, intensity6000, 'b-') # 6000K blue line
plt.plot(wavelengths*1e9, intensity7000, 'k-') # 7000K black line
# show the plot
And you see:
You probably will want to clean up the axes labels, add a legend, plot the intensity at multiple temperatures on the same plot, among other things. Consult the relevant matplotlib documentation.
You may also want to use the RADIS library, which allows you to plot the Planck function against wavelengths, or against frequency / wavenumber, if needed !
from radis import sPlanck
sPlanck(wavelength_min=135, wavelength_max=3000, T=4000).plot()
sPlanck(wavelength_min=135, wavelength_max=3000, T=5000).plot(nfig='same')
sPlanck(wavelength_min=135, wavelength_max=3000, T=6000).plot(nfig='same')
sPlanck(wavelength_min=135, wavelength_max=3000, T=7000).plot(nfig='same')
Just want to point out that there seems to be an equivalent of what OP wants to do in astropy:
Unfortunately, it is not very clear to me yet how to get wavelength vs frequency based expression.