python tkinter tooltip on modal window - python

I searched for ways of implementing tooltips for an application and I found in some comment or answer in this site some while ago a link to this page.
I've been using this class since then and I've been happy with the result.
But recently I noticed that the tooltips came up behind modal windows, when they refer to widgets on that modal window.
Below in the code downloaded from that GitHub link, where I just made the changes of replacing from tkinter import * with import tkinter as tk, and using the prefix tk throughout the code accordingly.
"""Tools for displaying tool-tips.
This includes:
* an abstract base-class for different kinds of tooltips
* a simple text-only Tooltip class
import tkinter as tk
class TooltipBase:
"""abstract base class for tooltips"""
def __init__(self, anchor_widget):
"""Create a tooltip.
anchor_widget: the widget next to which the tooltip will be shown
Note that a widget will only be shown when showtip() is called.
self.anchor_widget = anchor_widget
self.tipwindow = None
def __del__(self):
def showtip(self):
"""display the tooltip"""
if self.tipwindow:
self.tipwindow = tw = tk.Toplevel(self.anchor_widget)
# show no border on the top level window
# This command is only needed and available on Tk >= 8.4.0 for OSX.
# Without it, call tips intrude on the typing process by grabbing
# the focus."::tk::unsupported::MacWindowStyle", "style", tw._w,
"help", "noActivates")
except tk.TclError:
self.tipwindow.update_idletasks() # Needed on MacOS -- see #34275.
self.tipwindow.lift() # work around bug in Tk 8.5.18+ (issue #24570)
def position_window(self):
"""(re)-set the tooltip's screen position"""
x, y = self.get_position()
root_x = self.anchor_widget.winfo_rootx() + x
root_y = self.anchor_widget.winfo_rooty() + y
self.tipwindow.wm_geometry("+%d+%d" % (root_x, root_y))
def get_position(self):
"""choose a screen position for the tooltip"""
# The tip window must be completely outside the anchor widget;
# otherwise when the mouse enters the tip window we get
# a leave event and it disappears, and then we get an enter
# event and it reappears, and so on forever :-(
# Note: This is a simplistic implementation; sub-classes will likely
# want to override this.
return 20, self.anchor_widget.winfo_height() + 1
def showcontents(self):
"""content display hook for sub-classes"""
# See ToolTip for an example
raise NotImplementedError
def hidetip(self):
"""hide the tooltip"""
# Note: This is called by __del__, so careful when overriding/extending
tw = self.tipwindow
self.tipwindow = None
if tw:
except tk.TclError: # pragma: no cover
class OnHoverTooltipBase(TooltipBase):
"""abstract base class for tooltips, with delayed on-hover display"""
def __init__(self, anchor_widget, hover_delay=1000):
"""Create a tooltip with a mouse hover delay.
anchor_widget: the widget next to which the tooltip will be shown
hover_delay: time to delay before showing the tooltip, in milliseconds
Note that a widget will only be shown when showtip() is called,
e.g. after hovering over the anchor widget with the mouse for enough
super(OnHoverTooltipBase, self).__init__(anchor_widget)
self.hover_delay = hover_delay
self._after_id = None
self._id1 = self.anchor_widget.bind("<Enter>", self._show_event)
self._id2 = self.anchor_widget.bind("<Leave>", self._hide_event)
self._id3 = self.anchor_widget.bind("<Button>", self._hide_event)
def __del__(self):
self.anchor_widget.unbind("<Enter>", self._id1)
self.anchor_widget.unbind("<Leave>", self._id2) # pragma: no cover
self.anchor_widget.unbind("<Button>", self._id3) # pragma: no cover
except tk.TclError: # pragma: no cover
super(OnHoverTooltipBase, self).__del__()
def _show_event(self, event=None):
"""event handler to display the tooltip"""
if self.hover_delay:
def _hide_event(self, event=None):
"""event handler to hide the tooltip"""
def schedule(self):
"""schedule the future display of the tooltip"""
self._after_id = self.anchor_widget.after(self.hover_delay,
def unschedule(self):
"""cancel the future display of the tooltip"""
after_id = self._after_id
self._after_id = None
if after_id:
def hidetip(self):
"""hide the tooltip"""
except tk.TclError: # pragma: no cover
super(OnHoverTooltipBase, self).hidetip()
def showcontents(self):
"""content display hook for sub-classes"""
# See ToolTip for an example
raise NotImplementedError
class Hovertip(OnHoverTooltipBase):
"""A tooltip that pops up when a mouse hovers over an anchor widget."""
def __init__(self, anchor_widget, text, hover_delay=1000):
"""Create a text tooltip with a mouse hover delay.
anchor_widget: the widget next to which the tooltip will be shown
hover_delay: time to delay before showing the tooltip, in milliseconds
Note that a widget will only be shown when showtip() is called,
e.g. after hovering over the anchor widget with the mouse for enough
super(Hovertip, self).__init__(anchor_widget, hover_delay=hover_delay)
self.text = text
def showcontents(self):
label = tk.Label(self.tipwindow, text=self.text, justify=tk.LEFT,
background="#ffffe0", relief=tk.SOLID, borderwidth=1)
Now some code illustrating the problem I'm having:
class PopupWindow:
def __init__(self, parent):
self.parent = parent
self.gui = tk.Toplevel(self.parent)
self.ok_button = tk.Button(self.gui, text="OK", command=self.on_ok_button)
Hovertip(self.ok_button, text="OK button", hover_delay=500)
def on_ok_button(self):
def show(self):
# Hovertip(self.ok_button, text="OK button", hover_delay=500)
return 0
class App(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs)
self.parent = parent
button = tk.Button(parent, text="Button -- no hover delay", command=self.button)
Hovertip(button, "This is tooltip\ntext for button.", hover_delay=0)
def button(self):
window = PopupWindow(self.parent)
if __name__ == '__main__':
root = tk.Tk()
You'll notice that the tooltip for the OK button in the modal window appears behind the window (I'm changing the geometry of the window for otherwise it would be so small that we wouldn't actually notice this).
Of course this becomes a problem in a real window with several widgets the tips for some of them will not be seen at all.
Apparently there are two ways around the problem: one is to delete the line self.gui.wait_visibility() in the __init__ of the PopupWindow class;
the other is to delete the self.gui.grab_set() in the show() method.
With any of these the window is no longer modal (if I get the meaning right: I mean I want the window to stay on top and prevent changes in the parent window while it exists).
The commented line in the show method was my tentative of working around it by defining the tooltip after the grab_set so that it might come on top, but it doesn't work either.
I suppose there must be an way of doing this properly using this class for tooltips.
How can I do it?

I found a solution.
Apparently, someone had the same problem, although with a different class for tooltips.
I refer to this question and answer.
The solution is to add the line tw.wm_attributes("-topmost", 1) somewhere in the showtip method of the TooltipBase class.
I did it as a last line, but I'm not sure it doesn't work some other place; I know it doesn't if immediately after tw.wm_overrideredirect(1).


Is there any way to show help tab in pyqt5?

I am writing code for my collage project in pyqt5 where I need to make one help tab. I am planning to make help content-wise as most the software have as shown in the below image(the help of onlyoffice). Is there any way to write it easily?
The problem with that kind of interface, which shows multiple "tabs" embedded in the title bar, is that it's not easily doable with Qt, and you should implement the whole title bar by hand, which is not easy.
If you're looking for a simpler solution, I'd suggest to use a QTabWidget that doesn't show the tab bar if there's only one tab. If you're not already using a tabbed interface with closable tabs, you can set the tab widget to allow closable tabs and override the default methods in order to hide the close button if not really required.
class TabWidget(QtWidgets.QTabWidget):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def addTab(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.insertTab(-1, *args, **kwargs)
def insertTab(self, *args, **kwargs):
closable = kwargs.get('closable', False)
if not closable:
index = args[0]
if index < 0:
index = self.count() - 1
for side in QtWidgets.QTabBar.LeftSide, QtWidgets.QTabBar.RightSide:
widget = self.tabBar().tabButton(index, side)
if isinstance(widget, QtWidgets.QAbstractButton):
self.tabBar().setTabButton(index, side, None)
self.tabBar().setVisible(self.count() > 1)
def removeTab(self, index):
self.tabBar().setVisible(self.count() > 1)
class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
self.tabWidget = TabWidget()
self.main = QtWidgets.QWidget()
self.tabWidget.addTab(self.main, 'My program')
layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self.main)
someButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Some button')
layout.addWidget(someButton, 0, 0)
layout.addWidget(QtWidgets.QLabel('Some label'), 0, 1)
helpButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Show help!')
layout.addWidget(helpButton, 0, 2)
textEdit = QtWidgets.QTextEdit()
layout.addWidget(textEdit, 1, 0, 1, 3)
self.helpTab = QtWidgets.QTextBrowser()
self.helpTab.setHtml('Hello, this is <b>help</b>!')
def showHelp(self):
for i in range(self.tabWidget.count()):
if self.tabWidget.widget(i) == self.helpTab:
self.tabWidget.addTab(self.helpTab, 'Help!', closable=True)
Now, since you also want some context-based help, you could hack your way through the whatsThis() feature. The "what's this" feature allows to show some context-based help in a small overlayed window when the window is in the "what's this mode" and the user clicks on a widget. We can use an event filter to detect when the user clicks on a widget and use the whatsThis() property as a context for showing the related help.
In the following example I'm using a simple dictionary that fills the QTextBrowser, but you can obviously use access to local documentation files or even the Qt Help framework.
Note that in order to use this approach, I had to install an event filter on all child widgets, and that's because Qt is able to react to "what's this" events if the widget actually has a whatsThis() property set. The trick is to set a whatsThis property for all child widgets when the window enters the what's this mode and install a specialized event filter on each of them, then uninstall the event filter as soon as the what's this mode is left.
NoWhatsThisText = '__NoWhatsThis'
NoWhatsThisValue = 'There is no help for this object'
HelpData = {
NoWhatsThisText: NoWhatsThisValue,
'someButton': 'Do something with the button',
'helpButton': 'Click the button to show this help',
'textEdit': 'Type <b>some text</b> to <i>read</i> it',
'mainWindow': 'A main window is cool!',
class WhatsThisWatcher(QtCore.QObject):
whatsThis = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str)
def eventFilter(self, source, event):
if event.type() == QtCore.QEvent.WhatsThis:
whatsThis = source.whatsThis()
while whatsThis == NoWhatsThisText:
if not source.parent():
source = source.parent()
whatsThis = source.whatsThis()
return True
return super().eventFilter(source, event)
class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
# ...
whatsThisAction = self.menuBar().addAction('What\'s this?')
self.watchedWhatsThis = []
self.whatsThisWatcher = WhatsThisWatcher()
def showHelp(self, context=''):
# ...
if context:
self.helpTab.setHtml(HelpData.get(context, NoWhatsThisValue))
if QtWidgets.QWhatsThis.inWhatsThisMode():

Python Tkinter enter event

i'm new on Tkinter and i'm trying to make an animated button.
I'm using the enter-leave events but the click on button it's not responding very well.
My code is:
imagePath = "Resources/"
imagelist = ["boton_1.gif","boton_2.gif","boton_3.gif","boton_4.gif","boton_5.gif","boton_6.gif",
giflist = []
for imagefile in imagelist:
photo = PhotoImage(file=imagePath+imagefile)
button = Button(buttonFrame,,background='orange',activebackground='lightsalmon',
command=lambda: controller.show_frame(ListPlayerPage))
def enter(event):
self.clickOnButton1 = True
for i in range(1,8):
if self.clickOnButton1 == False:
while (self.clickOnButton1):
for i in range (9,15):
if self.clickOnButton1 == False:
def leave(event):
self.clickOnButton1 = False
Part of the problem is definitely related to the fact you're calling sleep. As a good rule of thumb you should never call sleep in the main thread of a GUI. It prevents the GUI from processing all events, including screen refreshes.
Generally speaking, you should also avoid calling update. It can result in nested event loops, if during the processing of update you end up calling a method that again calls update.
Here's a really simple example of solution that creates a button that can be animated. It uses after to iterate over a list of text strings, one new string every half second. This example will animate forever, but you can easily have it show each item only once. This modifies the text to make the example shorter, but you can easily modify it to change images instead of text.
import Tkinter as tk # use tkinter for python 3.x
class AnimatedButton(tk.Button):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
tk.Button.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self._job = None
def cancel_animation(self):
if self._job is not None:
self._job = None
def animate(self, textlist):
text = textlist.pop(0)
self._job = self.after(500, self.animate, textlist)
You use it like any other Button, but you can call animate to start animation and cancel_animate to cancel it:
button = AnimatedButton(root, width=10)
data = ["one","two","three","four","five","six"]
button.bind("<Enter>", lambda event: button.animate(data))
button.bind("<Leave>", lambda event: button.cancel_animation())
I followed the Bryan Oakley example and found a nice solution!
First of all, this is an animated button with a bit complex animation. I have 16 images. The firts one is the base image. Then i have eight images that are the first part of the animation. The rest of the images are the loop part of the animation.
When you put the mouse over the button, the animation starts.
Here is the code!:
import Tkinter as tk # use tkinter for python 3.x
root = tk.Tk()
class AnimatedButton(tk.Button):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
tk.Button.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self._job = None
self.i = 1
def cancel_animation(self,image):
self.i = 1
if self._job is not None:
self._job = None
def animate(self, imagelist):
image = imagelist[self.i]
if self.i == (len(imagelist)-1):
self.i = 9
self._job = self.after(80, self.animate, imagelist)
imagePath = "Resources/"
imagelist = ["boton_1.gif","boton_2.gif","boton_3.gif","boton_4.gif","boton_5.gif","boton_6.gif",
giflist = []
for imagefile in imagelist:
photo = tk.PhotoImage(file=imagePath+imagefile)
image = giflist[0]
button = AnimatedButton(root,image = image)
button.bind("<Enter>", lambda event: button.animate(giflist))
button.bind("<Leave>", lambda event: button.cancel_animation(image))

How can I show/hide toolbar depending on mouse movements and mouse position inside window?

Hi Iam using Python and GTK+. In my GUI I have 2 toolbars I want show first toolbar only if user moves mouse than hide it again after few seconds as for second toolbar I want to show it when user is on particular x,y coordinates.How can I achieve it ?
Iam creating some kind of media player so I want toolbars to disapear while user is not using mouse in case of playerMenu toolbar or if user doesn't move it to specific location in case of ribbonBar toolbar .Iam using GTK+ here is my code for toolbars:
class Player(Gtk.Window):
def __init__(self):
def build_UI(self):
def mouse_moved(self):
#TO-DO here I should check cordinates for example I want to see if mouse.y=window.height-50px and I would like to show ribbonaBar
#after that Gdk.threads_add_timeout(1000,4000,ribbonBar.hide)
#TO-DO here I show playerMenu toolbar if mouse is moved
# smt like
#after that I would call Gdk.threads_add_timeout(1000,4000,playerMenu.hide)
# to hide it again after 4 seconds
I should connect my window to some mouse event but I don't know the event name and how can I get mouse.x and mouse.y?
Why do you want to do this? Trying to use widgets that disappear when you're not moving the mouse is rather annoying, IMHO.
But anyway...
To toggle the visibility of a widget use the show() and hide() methods, or map() and unmap() if you don't want the other widgets in your window to move around. To handle timing, use gobject.timeout_add(), and you'll need to connect() your window to "motion_notify_event" and set the appropriate event masks: gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_MASK and probably gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_HINT_MASK. The Event object that your motion_notify callback receives will contain x,y mouse coordinates.
At least, that's how I'd do it in GTK2; I don't know GTK3.
If you want more specific help you need to post some code.
I see that you've posted some code, but it doesn't have a lot of detail... But I understand that GTK can be a bit overwhelming. I haven't used it much in the last 5 years, so I'm a bit rusty, but I just started getting into it again a couple of months ago and thought your question would give me some good practice. :)
I won't claim that the code below is the best way to do this, but it works. And hopefully someone who is a GTK expert will come along with some improvements.
This program builds a simple Toolbar with a few buttons. It puts the Toolbar into a Frame to make it look nicer, and it puts the Frame into an Eventbox so we can receive events for everything in the Frame, i.e., the Toolbar and its ToolItems. The Toolbar only appears when the mouse pointer isn't moving and disappears after a few seconds, unless the pointer is hovering over the Toolbar.
This code also shows you how to get and process mouse x,y coordinates.
#!/usr/bin/env python
''' A framed toolbar that disappears when the pointer isn't moving
or hovering in the toolbar.
A response to the question at
Written by PM 2Ring 2014.10.09
import pygtk
import gtk
import gobject
if gtk.pygtk_version < (2, 4, 0):
print 'pygtk 2.4 or better required, aborting.'
class ToolbarDemo(object):
def button_cb(self, widget, data=None):
#print "Button '%s' %s clicked" % (data, widget)
print "Button '%s' clicked" % data
return True
def show_toolbar(self, show):
if show:
def timeout_cb(self):
if not self.in_toolbar:
self.timer = False
return self.in_toolbar
def start_timer(self, interval):
self.timer = True
#Timer will restart if callback returns True
gobject.timeout_add(interval, self.timeout_cb)
def motion_notify_cb(self, widget, event):
if not self.timer:
#print (event.x, event.y)
return True
def eventbox_cb(self, widget, event):
in_toolbar = event.type == gtk.gdk.ENTER_NOTIFY
#print event, in_toolbar
self.in_toolbar = in_toolbar
#### self.show_toolbar(in_toolbar) does BAD things :)
if in_toolbar:
return True
def quit(self, widget): gtk.main_quit()
def __init__(self):
#Is pointer over the toolbar Event box?
self.in_toolbar = False
#Is pointer motion timer running?
self.timer = False
#Time in milliseconds after point stops before toolbar is hidden
self.time_interval = 3000
self.window = win = gtk.Window(gtk.WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)
width = gtk.gdk.screen_width() // 2
height = gtk.gdk.screen_height() // 5
win.set_size_request(width, height)
win.set_title("Magic Toolbar demo")
win.connect("destroy", self.quit)
#self.motion_handler = win.connect("motion_notify_event", self.motion_notify_cb)
win.connect("motion_notify_event", self.motion_notify_cb)
win.add_events(gtk.gdk.POINTER_MOTION_MASK |
box = gtk.VBox()
#An EventBox to capture events inside Frame,
# i.e., for the Toolbar and its child widgets.
ebox = gtk.EventBox()
ebox.connect("enter_notify_event", self.eventbox_cb)
ebox.connect("leave_notify_event", self.eventbox_cb)
box.pack_start(ebox, expand=False)
self.frame = frame = gtk.Frame()
toolbar = gtk.Toolbar()
def make_toolbutton(text):
button = gtk.ToolButton(None, label=text)
button.connect('clicked', self.button_cb, text)
return button
def make_toolsep():
sep = gtk.SeparatorToolItem()
return sep
for i in xrange(5):
button = make_toolbutton('ToolButton%s' % (chr(65+i)))
toolbar.insert(button, -1)
#toolbar.insert(make_toolsep(), -1)
for i in xrange(1, 9, 2):
toolbar.insert(make_toolsep(), i)
button = gtk.Button('_Quit')
box.pack_end(button, False)
button.connect("clicked", self.quit)
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":

Python; tkinter; Canvas objects and events

I have a class with some mouse events I made :
class graphic_object(object):
def mouse_click(self,event):
#do something
def mouse_move(self,event):
#do something
def mouse_unpressed(self,event):
#do something
Instances of this class aren't literally graphic objects on the screen, but they have their graphic representation, which is circle-shaped, and as I said, they listen to the mouse events. Both, graphic representation and event handling are managed by tkinter.Canvas object, which is their visual container.
When I make one istance of this class:
graphic1 = graphic_object(a,b,c,d) # init method takes coordinates of the circle as arguments; a,b,c,d - numbers
Everything works as it should, object responds on the mouse events in desired way. But when I make two instances:
graphic1 = graphic_object(a,b,c,d)
graphic2 = graphic_object(e,f,g,h)
only the last created object responds on the mouse events.
This is the condition where I check if the mouse is over the circle:
if d < self.radius:
where d is distance between mouse position, and the center of the circle, and radius is radius of the circle.
In the debugger I see that is always the center of the last created object, so condition is always on
the second circle. So, how can I make that both objects respond to the mouse events?
Events handling:
C = Canvas()
C.bind("<Button-1>" ,self.mouse_click)
It appears that in your mouse binding you are relying on a pre-computed global variable (d). This is not how you should implement such bindings. The first thing you should do in the binding is get the current mouse coordinates, and then calculate d.
Your other choice is to put the binding on each canvas object using the tag_bind method of the canvas. See this question for an example: How do I attach event bindings to items on a canvas using Tkinter?
You wrote in a comment to this answer that you are only sometimes getting mouse clicks. There is not enough detail in your code to know what you're doing, but I can assure you that the canvas doesn't normally fail in such a manner.
I can't debug your code since you are only showing bits and pieces, but here's a working example that tries to illustrate the use of tag_bind. I took some liberties with your code. For example, I added a name parameter so I can print out which circle you clicked on. When I test this, every click seems to register on the proper circle.
import Tkinter as tk
class Example(tk.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent):
tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
self.canvas = tk.Canvas(self, width=400, height=400,
self.canvas.pack(fill="both", expand=True)
graphic1 = GraphicObject(10,10,100,100, name="graphic1")
graphic2 = GraphicObject(110,110,200,200, name="graphic2")
class GraphicObject(object):
def __init__(self, x0,y0,x1,y1, name=None):
self.coords = (x0,y0,x1,y1) = name
def draw(self, canvas, outline="black", fill="white"):
item = canvas.create_oval(self.coords, outline=outline, fill=fill)
canvas.tag_bind(item, "<1>", self.mouse_click)
def mouse_click(self, event):
print "I got a mouse click (%s)" %
if __name__ == "__main__":
root = tk.Tk()
Example(root).pack(fill="both", expand=True)

Activate other widgets while mouse dragging

I have multiple Tkinter.labels in a row and i would like the user to be able to click and drag their mouse over each one, activating them in the process.
I know about bindings, but i need multiple events in a single binding. Ive been messing around with <Button-1> and <Enter>, however i need a callback to be called only when both are true.
I know l.bind('<Button-1>,<Enter>', ...) is not valid.
Anyone with more Tkinter experience know of a way to chain binding, or make a multi-bind??
The way you solve this particular problem is to have a binding on ButtonPress and ButtonRelease that sets a flag. Then, in your binding for <Enter> (or any other event) you check for that flag.
However, while the button is pressed you won't get any <Enter> events. This is because the widget you clicked over grabs the pointer and owns it until you release the button. The only <Enter> events you'll get while the button is pressed are when you enter the widget you originally clicked on.
What you want to do instead is bind to <B1-Motion>. You can then use the x/y coordinates of the event and winfo_containing to determine what widget you are over.
That being said, trying to simulate selection over a row of labels is a lot of work for very little benefit. Why not just use a text widget that already has selection built in? You can tweak it so that it looks like a bunch of labels (ie: make the background the same color as a frame) and you can turn editing off. That might be an easier way to go.
I encountered this same problem today and thanks to #Bryan Oakley's answer I was able to code a working solution. I will share my code in the hope that it will help someone someday.
This example builds 2 tkinter TreeViews, and enables dragging-and-dropping treeItems between the 2 trees. The key point is that by binding both trees to the B1-motion event, both trees are able to respond to the events.
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk
from tkinter.messagebox import showinfo
class Singleton(type):
_instances = {}
def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
if cls not in cls._instances:
cls._instances[cls] = super(Singleton, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
return cls._instances[cls]
class TreeItem:
Keeps a reference to a treeItem together with its parent tree.
def __init__(self, tree, item):
self.tree = tree
self.item = item
self.itemTxt = tree.item(item,"text")
def __str__(self):
Prints 'treename, itemname' upon calling str(TreeItem)
return f'{self.tree}, {self.itemTxt}'
class Mouse(metaclass=Singleton):
Handles treeitem clicking, dragging, dropping and shows feedback messages about them.
def __init__(self, root):
self.root = root
self.clicked_item = None
self.is_dragging = False
self.drag_time = 0
self.current_hovering_widget = None
def OnMouseDown(self, event):
clicked_item = self.get_item_under_mouse(event)
print("You clicked on", str(clicked_item))
self.clicked_item = clicked_item
def OnDrag(self, event):
self.is_dragging = True
self.drag_time += 1
def OnMouseUp(self, event):
if self.is_dragging:
self.clicked_item = None
def finish_drag(self):
self.is_dragging = False
self.drag_time = 0
def show_drag_init_msg(self):
if self.drag_time == 0:
print("You are now dragging item", self.clicked_item.tree, self.clicked_item.itemTxt)
def show_hovering_item_change_msg(self, event):
currently_hovering = self.get_item_under_mouse(event)
if str(self.current_hovering_widget) != str(currently_hovering):
print("Mouse is above", str(currently_hovering))
self.current_hovering_widget = currently_hovering
def show_drop_msg(self):
dragged_item:TreeItem = self.clicked_item
dragged_onto:TreeItem = self.current_hovering_widget
print(f'You dropped {str(dragged_item)} onto {str(dragged_onto)}')
def get_item_under_mouse(self, event):
current_tree = self.root.winfo_containing(event.x_root, event.y_root)
current_tree_item = current_tree.identify("item", event.x, event.y)
return TreeItem(tree=current_tree, item=current_tree_item)
class Tree:
def __init__(self, root, row, col):
self.root: tk.Tk = root
self.create_tree(root, row, col)
def OnDrag(self,event):
def OnMouseDown(self, event):
def OnMouseUp(self, event):
def create_tree(self, root, row, col):
self.tree = ttk.Treeview(root)
self.tree.heading('#0', text='Departments', anchor='w')
self.tree.grid(row=row, column=col, sticky='nsew')
# add bindings
self.tree.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self.OnMouseDown)
self.tree.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.OnMouseUp)
self.tree.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.OnDrag)
def add_dummy_data(self):
# adding data
self.tree.insert('', tk.END, text='Administration', iid=0, open=False)
self.tree.insert('', tk.END, text='Logistics', iid=1, open=False)
self.tree.insert('', tk.END, text='Sales', iid=2, open=False)
self.tree.insert('', tk.END, text='Finance', iid=3, open=False)
self.tree.insert('', tk.END, text='IT', iid=4, open=False)
# adding children of first node
self.tree.insert('', tk.END, text='John Doe', iid=5, open=False)
self.tree.insert('', tk.END, text='Jane Doe', iid=6, open=False)
self.tree.move(5, 0, 0)
self.tree.move(6, 0, 1)
root = tk.Tk()
# make two trees
tree1 = Tree(root,0,0)
tree2 = Tree(root,0,1)
# run the app
