3rd Person POV for Game Ursina - python

I am trying to make an rpg-style game with ursina. I want to have the camera always follow the back of the character. I tried using camera.look_at(player) but I couldn't get the camera to rotate to the back of the character when it rotated.
app = Ursina()
class character(Entity):
def __init__(self):
model = load_model('cube'),
color = color.red,
position = (-0, -3, -8)
player = character()
player.rotation_y =180
def update():
if held_keys['a']:
player.rotation_y -= 2
if held_keys['d']:
player.rotation_y += 2

You may want to change the origin. Also using parents. I'll explain what this means in a moment.
To change the origin (the point at which an entity is moved and rotated) to a point behind it.
from ursina import * # import urisna
app = Ursina() # make app
player = Entity(model='cube', # this creates an entity of a cube
origin = (0, 0, -2)) #now you have a origin behind the entity
app.run() #run app
But what about the camera, I hear you ask!
I'd recommend the ursina.prefabs.first_person_controller
It may be designed for 1st person control, but you can use it for your purpose.
# start by doing the normal thing
from ursina import *
# but also import the first person prefab
from ursina.prefabs.first_person_controller import FirstPersonController
app = Ursina()
# create camera and player graphic
cam = FirstPersonController()
player = Entity(model='cube',
origin = (0, 0, -2),
parent = cam)
# run
You will need to create a floor entity.
That is ALL YOU NEED for the 3rd person controller. The parents and origins ensure that. It has built in WASD and Arrow Key control, with mouse control too.
#Cyber-Yosh recently asked a question for this post on how to use it without the 1st person controller. Here's how. I have commented on the changes.
from ursina import * # import as usual
app = Ursina() # create app as usual
window.fps_counter.enabled = False # this is just to remove the fps counter
box = Entity(model='cube', # create cube as before (you can make your own class)
origin=(0,0.7,-5), # set origin to behind the player and above a little
parent=camera, # make it orientate around the camera
color=color.red, # change the color
texture='shore') # choose a nice texture
def update(): # define the auto-called update function
if held_keys['a']:
camera.rotation_y -= 10 * time.dt # the time.dt thing makes it adapt to the fps so its smooth
elif held_keys['d']:
camera.rotation_y += 10 * time.dt
Sky() # just a textured sky to make sure you can see that you are both rotating
app.run() # run
You'll notice that I've not created a class (adapting this for it is easy enough), but I did not use load_model. This is because even if you are using your own model, you don't need to use load_model. Simply put the name of the file (without the file extension) as a string. This works, I've tried it.
If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask. I am more than happy to help. If this worked, be sure to upvote and approve.

If anyone wants to use FirstPersonController, I found out how to move the camera away from the player, while keeping all physics interactions!
After creating the FirstPersonController, modify the position of its camera_pivot (default is (0,2,0)).
player = FirstPersonController(model="cube", color=color.orange, origin_y=-.5,z=-10)
# the default camera_pivot is (0,2,0)
player.camera_pivot.z = -3.5 # move the camera behind the player model
player.camera_pivot.y = 2.5 # move the camera a little higher
Full example (q to quit)
from ursina import *
from ursina.prefabs.first_person_controller import FirstPersonController
from ursina.shaders import lit_with_shadows_shader
app = Ursina()
Entity.default_shader = lit_with_shadows_shader
ground = Entity(model='plane', collider='box', scale=64, color=color.green)
player = FirstPersonController(model="cube", color=color.orange, origin_y=-.5,z=-10)
# the default camera_pivot is (0,2,0)
player.camera_pivot.z = -3.5 # move the camera behind the player model
player.camera_pivot.y = 2.5 # move the camera a little higher
# setting collider and making it visible for debugging
player.collider = BoxCollider(player, Vec3(0,1,0), Vec3(1,2,1))
# adding some objects to collide with
for i in range(16):
Entity(model='cube', origin_y=-.5, scale=2, texture='brick', texture_scale=(1,2),
z=random.uniform(-8,8) + 8,
scale_y = random.uniform(2,3),
color=color.hsv(0, 0, random.uniform(.9, 1))
sun = DirectionalLight()
def input(key):
if key == 'q':

Parent the camera to the player and move it back. That way it will rotate along with the player entity.
camera.parent = player
camera.z = -10

I have a better solution, because when using the FirstPersonController, the physics are applied to the controller and not to the player, my solution is to create a camera:
camera= EditorCamera()
this will create a camera that will allow us to see the game, the next thing we must do is we must create the player and the floor:
terrain_width= 50
player= Entity(model="cube", color= color.orange)
player.x= 0
floor= Entity(model="plane", texture="grass", scale= terrain_width)
Now that this is done, we will stick the camera to the player, and adjust some parameters to see the player from above-back:
camera.parent= player
camera.y= 5
camera.z= -10
camera.rotation_x= 9.15
now we can make our player move and we will see that the camera also moves:
def input(key):
if key == "a":
player.x-= 1
if key == "d":
player.x+= 1
if key == "w":
player.z+= 1
if key == "s":
player.z-= 1
this would be the complete code:
from ursina import *
app= Ursina()
camera= EditorCamera()
terrain_width= 50
player= Entity(model="cube", color= color.orange)
player.x= 0
floor= Entity(model="plane", texture="grass", scale= terrain_width)
camera.parent= player
camera.y= 5
camera.z= -10
camera.rotation_x= 9.15
def input(key):
if key == "a":
player.x-= 1
if key == "d":
player.x+= 1
if key == "w":
player.z+= 1
if key == "s":
player.z-= 1
I hope this will be useful to you :)


Ursina Fog doesn't work correctly with first person camera

Basically, I am trying to make it seem like the player is underwater using fog, but, even though the fog "works", it seems to change in opacity based on what direction you are facing and where you are on the map instead of remaining the same.
import panda3d.core
import ursina
from ursina import *
from ursina.prefabs.first_person_controller import FirstPersonController
from ursina.shaders import basic_lighting_shader
app = Ursina()
ground = Entity(model='cube', collider='box', scale=(64, 1, 64), texture='Textures/floor1.png', texture_scale=(4,4))
tester = Entity(model='sphere', collider='box', scale=2, texture="grass")
editor_camera = EditorCamera(enabled=False, ignore_paused=True)
player = FirstPersonController(model='cube', z=10, color=color.orange, origin_y=-.5, speed=8)
player.collider = BoxCollider(player, Vec3(0,1,0), Vec3(1,2,1))
def input(key):
if key == "g":
def pause_input(key):
if key == "escape":
if key == 'tab': # press tab to toggle edit/play mode
editor_camera.enabled = not editor_camera.enabled
player.visible_self = editor_camera.enabled
player.cursor.enabled = not editor_camera.enabled
mouse.locked = not editor_camera.enabled
editor_camera.position = player.position
application.paused = editor_camera.enabled
scene.fog_density = .05
scene.fog_color = color.blue
pause_handler = Entity(ignore_paused=True, input=pause_input)
I think it has something to do with the fog points, but I don't know how to update them to take into account player position and what direction they are facing. I've tried some versions where I updated the fog points by using the player position, but it still doesn't work correctly when you look around. The problem is most noticeable on the floor.

Explosions Sprite Despears Way To Fast When Enemy is Killed How Do Fix This?

on my draw I did this but the explosion doesnt event last a sec and just dispears
is there a better way I could do this instead of saying if the enemy health is greater then this load this?
for enemys in enemying:
if enemys.health < -4
for explode in explodes:
explode.draw((enemys.hitbox, enemys.hitbox))
my explosion class
class explode:
def __init__(self,x,y,height,width,color):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.height = height
self.width = width
self.explode = [
self.explode = [pygame.transform.scale(image,(image.get_width()//5,image.get_height()//5)) for image in self.explode]
self.rect = pygame.Rect(x,y,height,width)
self.direction = "blobright"
self.anim_index = 0
def draw(self,x):
self.rect.topleft = (self.x,self.y)
if self.direction == "blobright":
window.blit(self.explode[self.anim_index], self.rect)
self.anim_index += 1
if self.anim_index == len(self.explode):
self.anim_index = 0
black = (0,0,0)
explode1 = explode(400,450,50,50,black)
explodes = [explode1]
this is where I delete the enemys
for enemyshoot in enemyshooting:
for bullet in bullets:
if bullet.rect.colliderect(enemyshoot.hitbox):
if enemyshoot.health > -8:
enemyshoot.health -= 1
del enemyshooting[one]
Here is the example I promised. Notice how the system clock and a flag
are used to control animation speed so that different actions can happen on the screen at different speeds. This program is written quick-and-dirty. There are MUCH more efficient ways to handle the animation so that the screen is only drawn to when it is time for something to move, and ONLY those parts of the screen that have changed are drawn and refreshed. But don't worry about that. The lesson here is how to use the clock to slow down your animation speed. What's the old saying? Code now, refactor later? Words to live by.
import pygame
from pygame.locals import * # Pygame Constants such as FULLSCREEN and KEYDOWN.
from pygame import Color
import time
# ==============================================================
# Disable Windows Auto-scaling
# The windows auto-scaling feature can mess with pygame graphics.
# Windows-Specific: Delete if you are not on a Windows machine
# If you are on Windows, comment section to see the effect.
import ctypes
awareness = ctypes.c_int()
errorCode = ctypes.windll.shcore.GetProcessDpiAwareness(0, ctypes.byref(awareness))
errorCode = ctypes.windll.shcore.SetProcessDpiAwareness(2) # Awareness levels can be 0, 1 or 2:
# ===============================================================
# I will base the example on your explode class. If I were writing the
# game, I would use a sprite class along with a sprite group to simplify
# the code. However, these topics are an entirely different branch of study
# so I won't use them in the example. Forgive my quick-and-dirty code.
# I don't have your image files, but it looks as though
# you have an actual animation to use for your explosion that is
# made up of several different frames. We will emulate this for the
# sake of our demonstration.
class EXPLODE:
def create_spark(self):
TRANSPARENT = (254,255,255) # You can chose your own transparent color.
# Lacking the spark files, let's draw our own.
spark_img = pygame.Surface((31,31))
spark_rec = spark_img.get_rect()
left_center = (spark_rec.left,spark_rec.centery)
right_center = (spark_rec.right,spark_rec.centery)
top_center = (spark_rec.centerx,spark_rec.top)
bottom_center = (spark_rec.centerx,spark_rec.bottom)
top_left = spark_rec.topleft
top_right = spark_rec.topright
bottom_left = spark_rec.bottomleft
bottom_right = spark_rec.bottomright
# Now crop line segments that fall outside the spark circle..
return spark_img
def __init__(self,window,x,y,height,width,color = (255,0,0)):
self.window = window # Needed so class can draw to the screen.
self.T0 = time.time() # Holds the starting time for the timer.
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.height = height
self.width = width
self.anim_index = 0
image = self.create_spark()
# Standing in for actual animation pages, we scale up the spark image.
self.explode = [
# Or you can load your spark frames as before.
self.explode = [
# All of the loaded images are scaled down to 1/5 their size.
self.explode = [pygame.transform.scale(image,(image.get_width()//5,image.get_height()//5)) for image in self.explode]
self.rect = image.get_rect()
self.direction = "blobright" # <-- I don't know what this is, so I've ignored it.
self.anim_index = 0
def draw(self,enemy_rec,anin_speed): # Create an animation method to handle the draw routine.
clock = time.time()
elapsed_time = clock - self.T0
finish_flg = False
if elapsed_time > anin_speed: # Animation Speed Controlled Here!!
self.anim_index +=1
self.T0 = time.time() # Reset the start time.
if self.anim_index == len(self.explode)-1:
finish_flg = True
frame = self.explode[self.anim_index]
rec = frame.get_rect()
rec.center = enemy_rec.center
return finish_flg # The finish flag lets the main program know it can delete the enemy.
# ================== MAIN() ===================
# ----------------------------------------------
def main(): # By using a 'main()' function, your code will run faster!
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((3000,2000),pygame.FULLSCREEN,32)
screen_rec = screen.get_rect()
# Declare and initialie an instance of the EXPLODE class.
# Only one enemy can blow up at the same time for any give instance
# of the class, so you may want each ship to have its own instance
# if there is a chance of simultanious explosions.
# I wouldn't normally use this aproach, but I wanted to stay
# as close as possible to your existing code.
explode = EXPLODE(screen,screen_rec.centerx,screen_rec.centery,30,20,Color('blue'))
# Let's create some "enemy" units.
# You would use an enemy class for this (and for drawing them)
# but this example is qick and dirty, so.. Two enemies coming up!
# One enemy to blow up when it hits the wall.
enemy1_img = pygame.Surface((30,30))
enemy1_rec = enemy1_img.get_rect()
# And one 'enemy' to move while the other is blowing up.
enemy2_img = enemy1_img.copy()
enemy2_rec = enemy2_img.get_rect()
# Give enemies screen positions.
enemy1_rec.center = (screen_rec.centerx-300, screen_rec.centery-300)
enemy2_rec.center = (screen_rec.centerx-800,screen_rec.centery-300)
# Create a wall for a ship to crash into.
wall_img = pygame.Surface((100,60))
wall_rec = wall_img.get_rect()
wall_rec.center = screen_rec.center
wall_rec = wall_rec.move((400,0))
# Oh, this list is ugly. Forgive me! Used instead of a list of Enemy-Class objects.
enemy_list = [[10,enemy1_img,enemy1_rec,(2,1)],[10,enemy2_img,enemy2_rec,(3,0)]] # [Life, Image, Rectangle, Speed]
# Ok, the setup is finished. Time for some action!
# =============== BODY ===================
# ------------------------------------------
anin_speed = 0.3 # You can control explosion speed here!
run_cycle = True
while run_cycle == True:
# There are much better ways to erase images, but this will do for now.
screen.fill(Color("steelblue1")) # Erase old sprites.
screen.blit(wall_img,wall_rec) # Put the wall back in place.
# Because it is bad idea to modify an object being looped through,
# we will construct a new list, called 'hold', and copy it back at the end.
hold = []
for enmy in enemy_list:
life,enemy_img,enemy_rec,speed = enmy
if life > 4:
screen.blit(enemy_img,enemy_rec) # If enemy is healthy, put it on the screen.
enemy_rec = enemy_rec.move(speed)
if enemy_rec.colliderect(wall_rec) == True:
life = 0
if enemy_rec.left > screen_rec.right+10: # End the program after top ship leaves the screen.
run_cycle = False
else: # Otherwise draw the explosion.
finish_flg = explode.draw(enemy_rec,anin_speed)
if finish_flg == False: # If TRUE the enemy is ommitted from the hold list!
enemy_list = hold.copy() # And now the possibly modified list is copied back to the enemy_list.
# ================
# Main
# ----------------
main() # Hint! For technical reasons related to the compiler being able
# to control scope and predict variable sizes, keeping your
# main body encapsulated in a function like this will improve
# efficiency and run speeds.
You have a great start. If nothing needs to happen while the explosion is going on, you could use a sleep command in your loop. >> time.sleep(0.01)
If the action has to continue on the screen during the explosion, then you will need to use a timer and keep returning to that function after each duration to draw the next frame. Just initialize using >> T0 = time.time() before the explosion, visit the function when time.time()-T0 > 0.01 seconds (for example) and reset T0 = time.time() after each frame is drawn. Return a 'finished' value when the animation is over, so you can remove it from your enemy list.
In the __init__() for explode note the time when it is called and save it.
In the explodes draw() only increment self.anim_index when enough time has passed since the last time it was incremented (based on the time value you saved in the __init__()). This will let you go more slowly through the frames of the exploding animation.
There is really no difference between this and any other object animation, other than once the cycle completes the object (the explosion) goes a way.

How to make an image move through a pyglet window?

I am trying to make an animation using pyglet. So first I tried a simple animation, moving the image in a strait line. Idealy I would like it to bounce around from left to right.
Here is my code:
import pyglet
def center_image(image):
"""Sets an image's anchor point to its center"""
image.anchor_x = image.width // 2
image.anchor_y = image.height // 2
# Make window.
window = pyglet.window.Window(width=640, height=480)
# Load image.
pyglet.resource.path = ['images']
heart_img = pyglet.resource.image('red-heart.png')
# Make animation sprite.
heart_grid = pyglet.image.ImageGrid(heart_img, rows=1, columns=5)
heart_ani = pyglet.image.Animation.from_image_sequence(heart_grid, duration=0.1)
heart_sprite = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(heart_ani, x=100, y=300)
def on_draw():
if __name__ == '__main__':
This code produces this:
How can I make the whole heart move through the window?
The desired trajectory of the heart would be something like this:
Where the box is the frame, the arches are the trajectory and O is a sprite. So the heart would bounce of the first letter of each word and then bounce of the sprite.
So the main issue is that Animation assumes a series of images within a large image. It's called sprite animations and it's essentially just a series strip (usually in a row or a grid pattern) of the movements you want. It's useful for animating walking, attacking and other similar game mechanics.
But to move an object around the canvas, you would need to manipulate the vertices or the image location manually in some way. Your own solution works on the principle of checking if X is greater or less than min and max restrictions. And I would just like to add ontop of that to show some techniques to make it easier and faster to work with the movements and directions. Below I've worked with bitwise operations to determain the direction of movement and this makes the heart bounce around the parent (window) constraints of width and height.
I've also taken the liberty to make the whole project more object oriented by inheriting the pyglet Window class into one object/class as well as make heart it's own class to easier separate what is called when and on what object.
from pyglet import *
from pyglet.gl import *
key = pyglet.window.key
# Indented oddly on purpose to show the pattern:
UP = 0b0001
DOWN = 0b0010
LEFT = 0b0100
RIGHT = 0b1000
class heart(pyglet.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, parent, image='heart.png', x=0, y=0):
self.texture = pyglet.image.load(image)
pyglet.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self, self.texture, x=x, y=y)
self.parent = parent
self.direction = UP | RIGHT # Starting direction
def update(self):
# We can use the pattern above with bitwise operations.
# That way, one direction can be merged with another without collision.
if self.direction & UP:
self.y += 1
if self.direction & DOWN:
self.y -= 1
if self.direction & LEFT:
self.x -= 1
if self.direction & RIGHT:
self.x += 1
if self.x+self.width > self.parent.width:
self.direction = self.direction ^ RIGHT # Remove the RIGHT indicator
self.direction = self.direction ^ LEFT # Start moving to the LEFT
if self.y+self.height > self.parent.height:
self.direction = self.direction ^ UP # Remove the UP indicator
self.direction = self.direction ^ DOWN # Start moving DOWN
if self.y < 0:
self.direction = self.direction ^ DOWN
self.direction = self.direction ^ UP
if self.x < 0:
self.direction = self.direction ^ LEFT
self.direction = self.direction ^ RIGHT
def render(self):
# This class just sets up the window,
# self.heart <-- The important bit
class main(pyglet.window.Window):
def __init__ (self, width=800, height=600, fps=False, *args, **kwargs):
super(main, self).__init__(width, height, *args, **kwargs)
self.x, self.y = 0, 0
self.heart = heart(self, x=100, y=100)
self.alive = 1
def on_draw(self):
def on_close(self):
self.alive = 0
def on_key_press(self, symbol, modifiers):
if symbol == key.ESCAPE: # [ESC]
self.alive = 0
def render(self):
## Add stuff you want to render here.
## Preferably in the form of a batch.
def run(self):
while self.alive == 1:
# -----------> This is key <----------
# This is what replaces pyglet.app.run()
# but is required for the GUI to not freeze
event = self.dispatch_events()
if __name__ == '__main__':
x = main()
The basic principle is the same, manipulating sprite.x to move it laterally, and sprite.y vertically. There's more optimizations to be done, for instance, updates should be scaled according to last render. This is done to avoid glitches if your graphics card can't keep up. It can get quite complicate quite fast, so I'll leave you with an example of how to calculate those movements.
Further more, you probably want to render a batch, not the sprite directly. Which would speed up rendering processes quite a lot for larger projects.
If you're unfamiliar with bitwise operations, a short description would be that it operates on a bit/binary level (4 == 0100 as an example), and doing XOR operations on the values of UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT. We can add/remove directions by merging 0100 and 0001 resulting in 0101 as an example. We can then do binary AND (not like the traditional and operator) to determinate if a value contains a 1 on the third position (0100) by doing self.direction & 0100 which will result in 1 if it's True. It's a handy quick way of checking "states" if you will.
My solution uses the midpoint between two fixed Sprites to determine whether the moving Sprite should go up or down. For this I made all letters individual Sprites, one png for each letter.
Hopefully this image will explain the code below a bit better.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import pyglet
def calculate_midpoint(s1, s2):
""" Calculate the midpoint between two sprites on the x axis. """
return (s1.x + s2.x) // 2
def should_move_down():
""" Decides if the Sprite is going up or down. """
# If the Sprite completed all bounces the app closes (not the best solution).
raise SystemExit
# Move down if the Sprite is between the midpoint and the end (landing) point.
return True
# If the Sprite has passed both the mid and end point then it can move on to the next bounce.
if max(MIDPOINTS[CURR_BOUNCE], heart_sprite.x, ENDPOINTS[CURR_BOUNCE]) == heart_sprite.x:
# Default behaviour is to keep going up.
return False
def update(dt):
Move Sprite by number of pixels in each tick.
The Sprite always moves to the right on the x-axis.
The default movement on the y-axis is up.
heart_sprite.x += dt * heart_sprite.dx
if should_move_down():
# To go down simply make the movement on the y-axis negative.
heart_sprite.y -= dt * heart_sprite.dy
heart_sprite.y += dt * heart_sprite.dy
def center_image(image):
""" Sets an image's anchor point to its centre """
image.anchor_x = image.width // 2
image.anchor_y = image.height // 2
# Make window.
window = pyglet.window.Window(width=640, height=480)
# Set image path.
pyglet.resource.path = ['images']
# Load images.
heart_img = pyglet.resource.image('red-heart.png')
cupcake_img = pyglet.resource.image('cupcake.png')
s_img = pyglet.resource.image('S.png')
# Add all letters here ...
t_img = pyglet.resource.image('t.png')
# Center images.
# Centre all letters here ...
# Make sprites.
half_window_height = window.height // 2
heart_sprite = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(img=heart_img, x=100, y=300)
# Set Sprite's speed.
heart_sprite.dx = 200
heart_sprite.dy = 90
cupcake_sprite = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(img=cupcake_img, x=550, y=half_window_height)
s_sprite = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(img=s_img, x=100, y=half_window_height)
# Make all letters into Sprites and adjust the x-axis coordinates...
t_sprite = pyglet.sprite.Sprite(img=t_img, x=310, y=half_window_height)
# Calculate midpoints.
# Here the midpoint between the 'bouncing point' and the 'landing point' is calculated.
# This is done for all bounces the Sprite makes.
MIDPOINTS.append(calculate_midpoint(s_sprite, t_sprite))
MIDPOINTS.append(calculate_midpoint(t_sprite, cupcake_sprite))
# The 'landing point' must be saved to be able to determine when one bounce has finished
# and move on to the next.
# Rescale sprites.
# Resize all letter Sprites here ...
def on_draw():
# Draw all letter Sprites here ...
def on_mouse_press(x, y, button, modifiers):
I only put the schedule_interval inside a mouse_press event so that I can control
when the animation begins by clicking on it. Otherwise the last line in this method
can be placed directly above the 'pyglet.app.run()' line. This would run the
animation automatically when the app starts.
# Call update 60 times a second
pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(update, 1/60.)
if __name__ == '__main__':

dynamic body with segment shape do not move with a joint

In pymunk, I set the body mass and the space gravity, it should automatic fall down, but the body with segment shape do not move, here is my code in pyglet
import pyglet
import pymunk
from pymunk.pyglet_util import DrawOptions
window = pyglet.window.Window(1280,720,resizable=False)
options = DrawOptions()
space = pymunk.Space()
space.gravity = 0,-1000
ball_mass = 1
ball_radius = 10
ball_moment = pymunk.moment_for_circle(ball_mass,0,10)
ball = pymunk.Body(ball_mass,ball_moment)
ball_shape = pymunk.Circle(ball,ball_radius)
ball.position =200,500
ball_shape.elasticity = 1
ball_shape.friction = 1
stick = pymunk.Body(1,100,body_type=pymunk.Body.DYNAMIC)
stick_shape = pymunk.Segment(stick,(0,0),(150,150),4)
stick.position = (300,400)
pin = pymunk.PivotJoint(space.static_body,stick,(300,400))
# stick.apply_impulse_at_local_point((0,-100),(150,150))
def on_draw():
def update(dt):
if __name__ == '__main__':
pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(update, 1/60.0)
the ball fall down but the stick do not move, or apply_impulse_at_local_point on stick, I just wondering, if there is no PivotJoint, the stick fall down, I just pin one point of the stick, why it does not move, it should rotate, is it?
One problem is that the stick has its center of gravity at one end. That make it behave a bit strange. Try making it have its center of gravity in its actual center instead.
stick_shape = pymunk.Segment(stick,(-75,-75),(75,75),4)

How do I make this program wait for a screen click before starting?

I am attempting to finish a program for a class, and I am doing fairly well. It is a simple turtle-graphics game in python, where you attempt to avoid poison dots and get navigate to a square. However, my program starts immediately, before the user clicks on the screen. How can I fix this? Thanks!
My code:
# This game involves avoiding red poison blobs while attempting to navigate to
# a square. If you hit the blob, you begin to speed up, making it more difficult
# not to hit more. Additionally, you lose a point. If you reach the square you
# get a point.
import turtle
import math
import random
# screen
wn = turtle.Screen()
# Draw border
pen1 = turtle.Turtle()
for side in range(4):
# player
player = turtle.Turtle()
player.color("dark green")
# poisonBlob
maxpoisonBlob = 15
poisonBlob = []
for a in range(maxpoisonBlob):
poisonBlob[a].color("dark red")
poisonBlob[a].shapesize(4, 4, 4)
poisonBlob[a].setposition(random.randint(-255, 255), random.randint(-255, 255))
maxfood = 1
food = []
for a in range(maxfood):
food[a].color("light blue")
food[a].setposition(random.randint(-240, 240), random.randint(-240, 240))
# speed variable
speed = 6.5
def turnleft():
def turnright():
def increasespeed():
global speed
speed += 1
def touchPoison(t1, t2):
d = math.sqrt(math.pow(t1.xcor()-t2.xcor(),2) + math.pow(t1.ycor()-t2.ycor(),2))
if d < 50:
return True
return False
def touchfood(z1, z2):
d = math.sqrt(math.pow(z1.xcor()-z2.xcor(),2) + math.pow(z1.ycor()-z2.ycor(),2))
if d < 20:
return True
return False
turtle.onkey(turnleft, "Left")
turtle.onkey(turnright, "Right")
def main():
print("Help your turtle navigate red poison blobs while attempting to navigate to the\n"
"food! If you hit the poison, you begin to speed up, making it more difficult\n"
"not to hit more. Additionally, you lose a point. If you reach the square you\n"
"get a point. To navigate, click the screen, and then use the right and left\n"
"arrow keys. Quickly, your turtle is running away!")
score = 0
while True:
# turtle boundary
if player.xcor() > 260 or player.xcor() < -260:
# turtle boundary
if player.ycor() > 260 or player.ycor() < -260:
# move poison
for a in range(maxpoisonBlob):
# Poison boundaries
if poisonBlob[a].xcor() > 220 or poisonBlob[a].xcor() < -220:
# Poision boundaries
if poisonBlob[a].ycor() > 220 or poisonBlob[a].ycor() < -220:
# Poison touching
if touchPoison(player, poisonBlob[a]):
poisonBlob[a].setposition(random.randint(-230, 230), random.randint(-230, 230))
score -= 1
#Draw score
pen1.setposition(-260, 280)
scorestring = "Score: %s" %score
pen1.write(scorestring, font=("Calibri", 12))
for a in range(maxfood):
#Positive Point Checking
if touchfood(player, food[a]):
food[a].setposition(random.randint(-230, 230), random.randint(-230, 230))
score += 1
#Draw Score
pen1.setposition(-260, 280)
scorestring = "Score: %s" %score
pen1.write(scorestring, font=("Calibri", 12))
if __name__ == "__main__":
Generally we try not to directly answer homework questions, but I will give you some guidance.
I'm not familiar with the library you're using, but the basic idea is that you need to wait until the user clicks the screen before continuing. My understanding is that you want to do so after the print() function in main, so that the user has to read the message and then click to continue.
A quick search turned up this link: Turtle in python- Trying to get the turtle to move to the mouse click position and print its coordinates
This goes into detail of the onscreenclick() event. Judging by your onkey() methods you are already familiar with binding to events, so you should be able to use this knowledge to bind to the onscreenclick() event and then you just need to break your code up a bit so that it doesn't execute your game until the onscreenclick() event has happened.
If that isn't clear enough, help me understand where your confusion is and I'll assist further. Thanks!
You could begin by defining a function where you call your "if" statement and then use turtle.onscreenclick() by inserting your newly defined function in it like so:
def Game(x, y):
if __name__ == "__main__":
Make sure to insert all this at the end!
Now, adding the (x, y) in the parenthesis after the function name in the function definition assigns the spot the user clicks on in the graphics window its corresponding (x, y) coordinates, which in turn activates the function due to the action of clicking on the screen. I did this successfully, so I can assure you it works! I hope this helps! :)
