Same public key differs with the way to get it - python

I'm writting a little program using SSL sockets. A client sends values to a server and when the server gets the value it checks the client's public key to make sure he's expected to send something. So at first the server is getting all the public keys like this :
cert =
crtObj = crypto.load_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert)
pubKeyObject = crtObj.get_pubkey()
pubKeyString = crypto.dump_publickey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,pubKeyObject)
with this method, the public key is :
b'-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----\nMIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA7GIzek5JgfFzFCGwnx7X\ncE4QULV/9uyoGgd9HbHYyYcItEcSPU39ORXCrNQGxh09k4oFPBYntjD2gIORF8V4\n6EAC10bFaT18OuM1F/37v+K/+BuvCDTqcS9Y0CRalwPFVYB+yttvZ8fnvO2l/TxF\nsLmZh0yY/ajaHxey/ppUQycGy4xA8XD6VlWFM7+I0t/19rrLN9iMFSym/TgYpBbn\nxyZel8rMW/ACS09nSprEu1BuI+myhhej+cuy3wU8byRTwANpqHxsx5cTwp642TVx\nBKbuO8GHAzEKcrFZnrKcsXr9emWV5ouYiVzehOT4Pd3I2W8qSy6x/Ovv/iS3ojT4\ndQIDAQAB\n-----END PUBLIC KEY-----\n'
and when the server wants to get it from the socket connection like this :
test1 = writer.get_extra_info('ssl_object')
der =test1.getpeercert(binary_form=True)
test = test1.getpeercert()
cert = x509.Certificate.load(der)
pubkey= cert.public_key.unwrap()
print(pem.armor("PUBLIC KEY", pubkey.contents).decode("ASCII"))
the public key printed is :
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
So I don't know if it's a matter of format or if it's really not the same public key I'm getting... but it should be.
Sorry for the long post and thank you very much for reading.

Most(if not all) base64 encoding variants use A-Z, a-z, 0-9 characters to represent data the total is 62 character and some base64 encodings varies in the last 2 characters but most of them use + and / which will complete 64. So the above 2 keys seems to be completely different and the second key is also padded because of = sign at end. The standard base64 encoding is RFC 4648 variant which use + and / and make padding as optional not mandatory like RFC 4880 openpgp base64 encoding.

It was in fact the same keys but the way of getting it was wrong : here the right one from the ssl object :
test1 = writer.get_extra_info('ssl_object')
der =test1.getpeercert(binary_form=True)
crtObj = crypto.load_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, der)
pubKeyObject = crtObj.get_pubkey()
pubKeyString = crypto.dump_publickey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, pubKeyObject)


Generate JWT token signed with RSA key in python

I am trying to convert this java code for generating JWT token in python.
String privateKeyContent = privateKey
.replaceAll(Definitions.ApiGeneral.LINE_BREAKER, "")
.replace(Definitions.AuthProperty.PRIVATE_KEY_START, "")
.replace(Definitions.AuthProperty.PRIVATE_KEY_END, "");
PKCS8EncodedKeySpec keySpecPKCS8 = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(Base64.getDecoder().decode(privateKeyContent));
KeyFactory kf = KeyFactory.getInstance(Definitions.AuthProperty.RSA_KEY_FACTORY);
PrivateKey privKey = kf.generatePrivate(keySpecPKCS8);
String jwtAudUrl = System.getenv(Definitions.IamProperty.IAM_URL_KEY) + System.getenv(Definitions.IamProperty.JWT_AUD_URI_KEY);
String jwtToken = Jwts.builder()
.setExpiration(new Date(new Date().getTime() + TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(Definitions.AuthProperty.JWT_TOKEN_EXPIRY_IN_MINUTES)))
import jwt
serviceID = "abc"
secret = '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----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-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----'
due_date = + timedelta(minutes=10)
header = {"alg": "RS256"}
expiry = int(due_date.timestamp())
payload = {"iss": serviceID, "sub": serviceID, "exp": expiry, "aud": iam_url + "/oauth2/access_token"}
priv_rsakey = serialization.load_pem_private_key(secret.encode('utf8'), password=None, backend=default_backend())
token=jwt.encode(payload, priv_rsakey, algorithm='RS256')
However, I keep on getting this error :
ValueError: ('Could not deserialize key data. The data may be in an incorrect format, it may be encrypted with an unsupported algorithm, or it may be an unsupported key type (e.g. EC curves with explicit parameters).', [_OpenSSLErrorWithText(code=503841036, lib=60, reason=524556, reason_text=b'error:1E08010C:DECODER routines::unsupported')])
Can someone please help me with this ?
The issue is precisely identified in the error message: Your private key is incorrectly formatted. A PEM encoded key consists of the Base64 encoded body, which contains a line break after every 64 characters, and a header and footer on separate lines. Your key is missing the line breaks.
load_pem_private_key() expects at least header and footer on separate lines, but is tolerant about line breaks in the body, i.e. they are optional. So you have to pass your key e.g. like this:
secret = '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIEogIBAAKCAQEAhstYtRbkgQkFwlVr8QjSCQqqRTDMKWHdIGRYBpXcQmvKfagId9nBA2Ygh7cOrT9g8MhxYo8U1jYmPQpv6gf3LgO/J0qspLdaAhZP6LusA/HHJBR7kjTXBsLcsEDyd8S0UioBYP3DLvtWhGIR2f4o7SH1TlE96tldV6FZKGO2NHsJrJwTd+ym0AeZe0b7QZLe43LBCTLdqk05U34jrknJliSAEbGqYg4h6nrJsKBC/0pmiQ9ptD1N/Kl4bqffMWIbZq2bPP6jFrmBLe+7yTeVMKltVbJZys4nHhyYngBtbAxynXeB2tpE8If7cK75fj42MlFgquEiEZZVSzNNmrmPOwIDAQABAoH/B18Xes/Fr0jPB9GkFYpl8hijNyV0BM9VSHA0YCfR49ABQt3tmKBP7d+n58QbCV5t7r0Hdlxcx1ouvSfU9vd4jQunaH6s8lUUlwihVhjtT0npmg+EsnoxSC1f5EOo/uPC+LtTV/qIsgkMsjCqyUEc+9rfj2jh+fXpJOGt/od1b2k2xs84MsXmSF/As7GYRdw+FLbkN64R/SGmv3NLtQdg5uvBKLuKvtQWIJBuPqgKOsJWaCVO0XaoUDQeav/nTfP0ntmF0QH9JtXYzBldhGq2FPVQRUaCuJ4YPEpXlD3FptQBlX/Wu7wXbdwDz3qyXbGqSkiaR3gN+QR+IgjG3oQxAoGBAML5M4Dg0S/yobHuCRcvpngraXGBWnCTaD0mMh/cosV0HBNdZbglwVpG8Agz9BEYIrDM777HFuB+lWUvGNMR45rObPcDqn7Qj8Uwnj775Bg0Sx09MCBds6IGce/92uPUsHPx4pj8dzCj1s3cfUKO+EaUE33bnFXcMCGh/0x0sIVXAoGBALD8H4Aph2OPQK9OOHb3ULDvrmMPrpe3xv5iSzfLt7xBIP2G0Wl+q0hzEtdEOUZGQemOtyuV5t9Jwwfh9uH9jAhk9OEvoNg3F3mQl6hjmHPd1xUNvRTqwnV+VvQnw7Aeq2TZMcAKwbXf3+p430wMsxR6m0Y7rGi0FIxWbILp0RK9AoGBAIfiPBXnGYOsOysRtb42FHQN9WgI+eoZof10IFz6XWr12Bda8Wicz5vGcsWUx9YeFxdXTQOOJ5CASEiDwW5hOlqK4YBqSqolWv3YO4Gz9i00TOFs4py8EVSr3z6ekq5UbkHwY7exxLPei/dfYuE/WSN/UfJWWyev1M+r4oz7iobzAoGAKe8S56LvWT+P6/l0l3txuvqPLxmAHKKGm69ecxHprskfr/JJm91PaBMb27VmfKgY5eXSsJkL4svvUebQQCt7CmIhQ1mtmo0zGrKPvG4cqRde5rYintogyQXuRFtHmmsp4PM1PnNOAnHQ9BU/kx1PMQL712A8MXK5i6bOfxY3W2ECgYEAp9cw3NeMSy/WcXyZoyNFUdEQiHTJGPBtELjHWRnjMU1454EkWYYPiYXUnElfxP6InxHgMNbGVsd1BUEhXOdSUS5bO/WBOOPqSh6MIGfKFuMN/9SI/Y/UZKltCD1CboTvDfmkD+opkLM6YZpW9CRT7Szn7ivdFr5KqGQZUZOwn3k=\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----'
secret = '''-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----'''
With this change the code works (after adding the missing iam_url and the missing import statements).
Note that PKCS8EncodedKeySpec in the Java code expects a DER encoded private key in PKCS#8 format, while in the Python code a PEM encoded private key in PKCS#1 format is applied.
A DER encoded key results from a PEM encoded key by removing header, footer and all line breaks, and Base64 decoding the rest. The Cryptography library supports the import of a DER encoded private key with load_der_private_key():
import base64
secret = base64.b64decode('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')
priv_rsakey = serialization.load_der_private_key(secret, password=None, backend=default_backend())
load_pem_private_key() and load_der_private_key() support both PKCS#8 and PKCS#1 format.

Verifying a RS256 signed JWT

I've tried using my public key vs. using the private key, putting a b in front, doing 3 vs. 1 quotes vs. one quote (and many more things I see here on Stackoverflow) and I keep getting the following error:
ValueError: Could not deserialize key data.
Any ideas?
import jwt
token = '''eyJraWQiOiI4NkQ4OEtmIiwiNG2Bua1WoKEI8T..._cXnyThWA'''
#public_key = '''iGaLqP6y-SJCCBq5Hv6pGDbG_SQ11MNj...Mb0jcOTmBRZA2QuYw-zHLwQ'''
payload = jwt.decode(token, secret_key, algorithms=['RS256'])
return payload
Try with the complete public key including the begin and end delimiters and use """ or ''' for a multiline string:
import jwt
token = "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ.K71d-kndywmuxJR-SzDqTARcHJBsHezMeRtDwn4S0NMd3ZmW1LKKqoVQv8rMNam4HK6hsSmB0sqIpKfiLFn73HC1j9-fdBafZNy-9eL4cNr1ldwxj5jD6CwPMjT0mOB01liHFPiIfHDabYV2FzFEV8oaX8CxVL7_CLLv2I01NHo"
pubkey = """-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"""
payload = jwt.decode(token, pubkey, algorithms=['RS256'])
{'sub': '1234567890', 'name': 'John Doe', 'iat': 1516239022}
(no worries about the key, I just created it online just for demonstration purpose)
I figured it out. My public key above wasn't actually a public key. It is a RSA key modulus. I had to use this tutorial to take this RSA key modulus and the exponent to generate a public key. When i did this, then the JWT.decode functionality worked just fine.
Thanks #jps for your help!

Parse RSA key pair from string in Python

I'm trying to generate/read a RSA-keypair from the publicKey and the privateKey as a String.
Something like this:
priK = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----MIIBOQIBAAJAVJhUS0gLqXLOmVv2xG23oFPwim9+rVxGhLUXqKShQCvB3iRMOHn7/GNJumpwmnglcsNXuqAhN0OxqKGGJdtYdwIDAQABAkBP0VrXnSbDvvuIX+k59Xvo3sp7FDAmSoaO+H9WM9+ht5H/f/geIrSEXSIkFLnzniMwtOJ422GmkDkL1F67HuDhAiEAlNauDiq3RqoXufbauyPEOG9fMS2pvB+auT2XCHJhhKsCIQCRgIo7WIRZYnNpNRWaoppUQK3g+aM8sdeBYpbs2nwDZQIgZXIxrmxFAUAb7d+oVFdbfc/DRSTHhPbRoaKuF87GUwMCIFmzaATsLjO42TPMETSS+BfnBAtFe5hIf3Z5pFgC3h9tAiEAgYjug92fmVvE+CcRSg6at7meSEbK/Kxg7Ar4mlkXMlI=-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"
keyPair = RSA.importKey(priK + pubK)
My error that I'm getting is:
in importKey
if lines[1].startswith(b('Proc-Type:4,ENCRYPTED')):
I don't even know if it's possible like that. I didn't really find information about that.
RSA.importKey(key) imports one key. It cannot import concatenated keys.
If you import a private key, then you can extract a public key from that, because common PKCS#1 and PKCS#8 format have all the necessary information to create public key. So, you don't even need to concatenate the public key to it.
privateKey = RSA.importKey(priK)
publicKey = privateKey.publickey()

How to add signed certificates to a bitcoin bip70 payment message? python

message PaymentRequest {
##optional uint32 payment_details_version = 1 [default = 1]; # 'x509+sha256' in this case.
##optional string pki_type = 2 [default = "none"];
optional bytes pki_data = 3;
##required bytes serialized_payment_details = 4;
optional bytes signature = 5;
The ones with ## at the front are not a problem, I've solved them already.
optional bytes pki_data wants a byte encoded version of 'x509+sha256' so...
x509_bytes = open('/path/to/x509.der', 'rb').read()
pki_data = hashib.sha256(x509_bytes)
Is the above correct?
Next optional bytes signature, 'digital signature over a hash of the protocol buffer serialized variation of the PaymentRequest message'
I'm not sure how to achieve this so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Finally I have...
message X509Certificates {
repeated bytes certificate = 1;
repeated bytes certificate 'Each certificate is a DER [ITU.X690.1994] PKIX certificate value. The certificate containing the public key of the entity that digitally signed the PaymentRequest MUST be the first certificate.'
I only have the one cert I got from the comodo root authority so I think I only need to supply the raw byte data of the cert to satisfy this one which already exists in the form of x509_bytes above, so...
repeated bytes certificate = x509_bytes
Am I close??
Also I notice that repeated bytes certificate comes after optional bytes signature but shouldn't I deal with that before message PaymentRequest so that I can serialise it into my http response somehow?
For what it's worth I'm aware that I need to import, instantiate and in some cases serialise these methods before sending them as a request/response but what I'm looking for are the methods on how to manipulate and supply the information required.
Thanks :)
To add PKI data to the PaymentRequest object:
pki_data = X509Certificates()
certificates = [your_cert_der_data, root_cert_der_data]
for cert in certificates:
request.pki_data = pki_data.SerializeToString()
To add a signature (with pycrypto):
from Crypto.Hash import SHA256
from Crypto.Signature import PKCS1_v1_5
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
# At this moment request object must contain serialized_payment_details, pki_type and pki_data
request.signature = "" # Add empty signature
request_hash =
private_key = RSA.importKey(private_key_der_data)
signer =
request.signature = signer.sign(request_hash)
result = request.SerializeToString()

Create compatible Java "RSA" signature using a PKCS#8 encoded private key

I have pkcs8_rsa_private_key file which generate by openssl from a rsa_private_key.pem file.
I need make a signature by the private key in python, make the same signature with below java code.
public static final String SIGN_ALGORITHMS = "SHA1WithRSA";
public static String sign(String content, String privateKey) {
String charset = "utf-8";
try {
PKCS8EncodedKeySpec priPKCS8 = new PKCS8EncodedKeySpec(
KeyFactory keyf = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA");
PrivateKey priKey = keyf.generatePrivate(priPKCS8); signature =
byte[] signed = signature.sign();
return Base64.encode(signed);
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
PKCS#8 defines a way to encode and transport secret keys and it is not specific to OpenSSL; PKCS#1 defines a way to use an RSA key (no matter how it was loaded into your application, with PKCS#8 or not) to carry out and verify digital signature on data.
The piece of code you have does three things:
It decodes Base64 into PKCS#8
It decodes PKCS#8 into the actual key in memory (mind you may need to provide a passphrase here)
It performs PKCS#1 v1.5 signature using SHA-1 using said key
It encodes the signature in Base64
The example for PKCS#1 v1.5 signing in the API of PyCrypto does exactly steps #2 and #3.
from Crypto.Signature import PKCS1_v1_5 as pk
from Crypto.Hash import SHA
class Crypt(object):
pkcs8_private_key = RSA.importKey(open('pkcs8_rsa_private_key.pem', 'r').read())
def rsa_sign(cls, des_reqdata):
#:param reqdata: request reqData
h =
signer =
signature = signer.sign(h)
return base64.b64encode(signature)
