Transparency in pygame sprites - python

I can't figure out why the code below renders the sprite without transparency (with the rest of the sprite filled with black). I'm almost a beginner to programming so it might be very obvious but no other answers to similar questions here helped me. The file has transparency and I used convert_alpha() when loading the file.
import pygame
class Piece(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, kind, posx, posy, sheet, color):
# Call the parent class (Sprite) constructor
# Create an image for the piece and fill it with the image
# TO DO: cut the right type of piece from a sheet, preferably before constructing the object
self.image = pygame.Surface([128, 128])
self.image.blit(sheet, [0, 0])
self.kind = kind # piece type, designated with an uppercase letter, eg. Q for queen
self.color = color # W or B for white or black
# Fetch the rectangle object that has the dimensions of the image
# Update the position of this object by setting the values of rect.x and rect.y
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.rect.x = posx
self.rect.y = posy
class App:
def __init__(self):
self._running = True
self._display_surf = None
self.size = self.weight, self.height = 1024, 768
self.sprites = pygame.sprite.Group() # all sprites in the app to iterate on
self.spritesheet = 0 # this will be loaded later
self.bgcolor = [200, 200, 200]
def on_init(self):
self._display_surf = pygame.display.set_mode(self.size, pygame.HWSURFACE | pygame.DOUBLEBUF)
self._running = True
self.spritesheet = pygame.image.load("resources/w_queen_png_shadow_128px.png", "r").convert_alpha()
self.sprites.add(Piece("Q", 64, 64, self.spritesheet, "W"))
def on_event(self, event):
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
self._running = False
def on_loop(self):
def on_render(self):
def on_cleanup(self):
def on_execute(self):
if self.on_init() is False:
self._running = False
while self._running:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if __name__ == "__main__":
game = App()

If you are copying an image with a per pixel alpha format on another pygame.Surface onto another surface, you need to ensure that the target Surface has a per pixel alpha format, too. If the target cannot save the alpha channel, the transparency will be lost. Set the SRCALPHA flag to create a surface with an image format that includes a per-pixel alpha.
self.image = pygame.Surface([128, 128])
self.image = pygame.Surface([128, 128], pygame.SRCALPHA)
class Piece:
class Piece(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, kind, posx, posy, sheet, color):
# Call the parent class (Sprite) constructor
# Create an image for the piece and fill it with the image
# TO DO: cut the right type of piece from a sheet, preferably before constructing the object
self.image = pygame.Surface([128, 128], pygame.SRCALPHA)
self.image.blit(sheet, [0, 0])
self.kind = kind # piece type, designated with an uppercase letter, eg. Q for queen
self.color = color # W or B for white or black
# Fetch the rectangle object that has the dimensions of the image
# Update the position of this object by setting the values of rect.x and rect.y
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.rect.x = posx
self.rect.y = posy


center an object/image rect

Ok so I have this code which in def draw, in if self.part == 1: I blit the main image in the middle, but this doesn´t center the image as I want, it just makes the spawning point in the middle, and the image starts from there, so the image always appears on the bottom right side. I want it to blit it in the middle, like the whole thing:
class GameScene(Scene):
def __init__(self, game, images, main_image, next_scene):
super().__init__(next_scene) = game
self.main_image = main_image
self.game_images = images
# Fade effect set-up
self.fade = False
self.fade_time = 0
self.current_alpha = 255
self.part = 1
self.record_text = font.render('Atiende',True, PURPLE)
self.record_text_rect = self.record_text.get_rect(center=(SCREEN_WIDTH/2, 70))
self.correct_image_rect = None
# Trying to use colliderect so it doesnt overlap
# this is the same code as before but adapted to use the gameimage class and the rects stored there
self.rects = []
# this is the fade stuff from before that was in draw. It really belongs here tbh
def update(self, dt):
if len(self.rects) < len(self.game_images):
i = len(self.rects)
x = random.randint(100,950)
y = random.randint(100,600)
self.game_images[i].rect.x = x
self.game_images[i].rect.y = y
margin = 5
rl = [rect.inflate(margin*2, margin*2) for rect in self.rects]
if len(self.rects) == 0 or self.game_images[i].rect.collidelist(rl) < 0:
if self.part == 1 and self.fade:
self.fade_time += dt
if self.fade_time > fade_timer:
self.fade_time = 0
# Speed whichin the image dissapears
self.current_alpha -= 5
if self.current_alpha <= 0:
self.fade = False
self.part = 2
# we reset the main image alpha otherwise it will be invisible on the next screen (yeah, this one caught me out lol!)
# draw is similar to before, but a bit more streamlined as the fade stuff is not in update
def draw(self, screen):
if self.part == 1:
screen.blit(self.record_text, self.record_text_rect)
# x =
# y =
screen.blit(self.main_image.image, (SCREEN_WIDTH/2, SCREEN_HEIGHT/2))
# Second half
text2 = font.render('¿Qué has visto?',True, PURPLE)
screen.blit(text2, (400,5))
# Show all similar images
cont = 0
for game_image in self.game_images:
cont += 1
# We associate the correct rect to the correct image, to pass it later to the CORRECT Screen
self.correct_image_rect = self.game_images[self.game_images.index(self.main_image)].rect
The thing is, that the main_image that it comes through a parameter, its a proper class:
class GameImage(object):
def __init__(self, image):
self.image = image
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
# this class has the set_alpha so the alpha can be passed on to its image
def set_alpha(self, alpha):
# we pass the draw method the surface we want the image drawn on
def draw(self, surf):
surf.blit(self.image, self.rect)
So, as you can see, the GameImage class it´s an object that gets its rect as well, but I´m struggling to center that main image rect and blit into the screen the way I want. So yeah, I know how to do it with texts, as you can see on the self.recrod_text_rect, but I don´t know how to do it with this object and pass it to the screen.blit of the draw def.
You need to set the center of the image by the center of target Surface:
class GameImage(object):
def __init__(self, image):
self.image = image
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
# this class has the set_alpha so the alpha can be passed on to its image
def set_alpha(self, alpha):
# we pass the draw method the surface we want the image drawn on
def draw(self, surf): = surf.get_rect().center # <---
surf.blit(self.image, self.rect)
See also How to Center Text in Pygame

Pygame returning locking error during blitting

I am trying to make a 2D game in pygame, and have a camera class that has a surface attribute, and each time the cameras get updated their surface is updated. All graphics are blitted to game.worldSurface, and then the main camera take a picture of that and blits it to the display surface. However, when using other cameras, i am unable to blit to the worldsurface and get a locking error. i have tried .unlock(). what could be causing this?
import pygame
import pickle
class Tileset:
def __init__(self, location):
class Tilemap:
def __init__(self):
class Collisionmap(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self):
class Player(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, spritesheet):
self.spritesheet = pygame.image.load(spritesheet)
self.x = 0
self.y = 0
def draw(self, surface):
surface.blit(self.spritesheet, (self.x, self.y))
class Mob(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self):
class Camera:
def __init__(self):
self.x = 0
self.y = 0
self.width = 100
self.height = 100
self.surface = pygame.Surface((self.width, self.height))
def moveToSprite(self, sprite):
self.x = sprite.rect.centerx - WIDTH // 2
self.y = sprite.rect.centery - HEIGHT // 2
def update(self, world):
self.surface = world.subsurface((self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height))
class Level:
def __init__(self, terrarin, collision, mobs):
self.terrain = terrain
self.collision = collision
self.mobs = mobs
class Game:
def __init__(self):
self.DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode((0, 0))
self.mainCamera = Camera()
self.mainCamera.width = self.DISPLAYSURF.get_width()
self.mainCamera.height = self.DISPLAYSURF.get_height()
self.otherCameras = []
self.worldSurface = pygame.Surface((10000, 10000))
self.player = Player("marioSS.jpg")
def run(self):
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
def update(self):
def earlyUpdate(self):
def lateUpdate(self):
def graphicsUpdate(self):
for each in self.otherCameras:
self.worldSurface.blit(self.otherCameras[0].surface, (100, 100)) ##Error here
self.DISPLAYSURF.blit(self.mainCamera.surface, (0, 0))
x = Game()
Problem makes world.subsurface() in Camera.update()
It doesn't copy data from world to surface but it assigns access to original world. And later you have: camera.surface keeps access to world, and blit try to copy from camera.surface to world - so finally it tries to copy from world to world. And maybe it locks it.
But if in Camera.update() you use .copy()
self.surface = world.subsurface((self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height)).copy()
or blit it
self.surface.blit(world.subsurface((self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height)), (0,0))
then it works.
DOC: subsurface
subsurface(Rect) -> Surface
Returns a new Surface that shares its pixels with its new parent.

How do I change a sprite from a rectangle to an image?

So I copied some code from the internet ( just to experiment with pygame...
I've tried replacing the self.image.fill(BLUE) with self.rect = pygame.image.load("TheArrow.png")
Here's a little snippet of my code..
def __init__(self):
""" Constructor function """
# Call the parent's constructor
# Create an image of the block, and fill it with a color.
# This could also be an image loaded from the disk.
width = 40
height = 60
self.image = pygame.Surface([width, height])
self.rect = pygame.image.load("TheArrow.png")
# Set a referance to the image rect.
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
# Set speed vector of player
self.change_x = 0
self.change_y = 0
# List of sprites we can bump against
self.level = None
Here's the original code...
def __init__(self):
""" Constructor function """
# Call the parent's constructor
# Create an image of the block, and fill it with a color.
# This could also be an image loaded from the disk.
width = 40
height = 60
self.image = pygame.Surface([width, height])
# Set a referance to the image rect.
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
# Set speed vector of player
self.change_x = 0
self.change_y = 0
# List of sprites we can bump against
self.level = None
I want the image TheArrow.png to show up instead of a rectangle....
Rect object are not meant to store images. pygame.image.load() returns a Surface with the image. It can be used directly or blitted on another Surface.
def __init__(self):
""" Constructor function """
# Call the parent's constructor
width = 40
height = 60
self.image = pygame.image.load("TheArrow.png") #use the image Surface directly
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
#the rest as in the original code
def __init__(self):
""" Constructor function """
# Call the parent's constructor
width = 40
height = 60
myimage = pygame.image.load("TheArrow.png")
self.image = pygame.Surface([width, height])
self.image.blit(myimage) #blit the image on an existing surface
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
#the rest as in the original code
In the former case, the size of the Surface (its associated rect, which you can get with self.image.get_rect() is the same of the loaded image file.
In the latter, you set the size with [with, height]. If these does not correspond to the image size, the image will be cut (if bigger).
By the way, blitting a Surface on another Surface is what you do display the Surface on the screen. In pygame the screen is just another Surface, a bit special.
Have a look at the intro tutorial for more info.

How to put an additional image or rectangle on the bottom of Sprite?

I need to add an icon on the bottom of the Sprite worker and then change this icon randomly at each iteration. Please notice that the Sprite worker has 2 states: RUNNING and IDLE. In each of these states, the worker has a specific image. What I need now is to put an additional small image on the bottom of worker that will specify emotional state: HAPPY or ANGRY.
In the class Worker I create the array emo_images and also specify the variable emo_state. This variable denotes an emotional state of the worker: happy or angry. Each emotional state has its image stored in emotional_images.
In the code I randomly generate the variable state_indicator. If it's greater than 9, then the emotional state of the worker is changed to ANGRY. Otherwise, it's happy.
state_indicator = random.randint(0,10)
if state_indicator > 9:
def alert_notif_worker(self):
self.emo_state = Worker.ANGRY
However I don't not know how to put the emotional image on the bottom of the worker image, because I don't want to replace the worker image (IDLE, RUNNING). I only need to add another image on the bottom and this additional image should move together with the worker.
If it's very difficult to do, then it would be also fine to have rectangles of two colours: red and green, instead of images, in order to indicate emotional states.
Complete code:
import sys
import pygame, random
from pygame.math import Vector2
from scipy.optimize import minimize
import math
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
GREEN = (20, 255, 140)
GREY = (210, 210 ,210)
BLACK = (0, 0 ,0)
RED = (255, 0, 0)
PURPLE = (255, 0, 255)
# Create point vectors for the corners.
corners = [
Vector2(0, 0), Vector2(SCREENWIDTH, 0),
ABS_PATH = "/Users/sb/Desktop/"
IMG_BACKGROUND = ABS_PATH + "images/background.jpg"
IMG_WORKER_RUNNING = ABS_PATH + "images/workers/worker_1.png"
IMG_WORKER_IDLE = ABS_PATH + "images/workers/worker_2.png"
IMG_WORKER_ACCIDENT = ABS_PATH + "images/workers/accident.png"
IMG_WORKER_HAPPY = ABS_PATH + "images/workers/happy.png"
IMG_WORKER_ANGRY = ABS_PATH + "images/workers/angry.png"
class Background(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, image_file, location, *groups):
# we set a _layer attribute before adding this sprite to the sprite groups
# we want the background to be actually in the back
self._layer = -1
pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self, groups)
# let's resize the background image now and only once
self.image = pygame.transform.scale(pygame.image.load(image_file).convert(), (SCREENWIDTH, SCREENHEIGHT))
self.rect = self.image.get_rect(topleft=location)
class Worker(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
IDLE = 1
def __init__(self, idw, image_running, image_idle, image_happy, image_angry, location, *groups):
self.font = pygame.font.SysFont('Arial', 20)
# each state has it's own image
self.images = {
Worker.RUNNING: pygame.transform.scale(self.get_image(image_running), (45, 45)),
Worker.IDLE: pygame.transform.scale(self.get_image(image_idle), (20, 45))
self.emo_images = {
Worker.HAPPY: pygame.transform.scale(self.get_image(image_happy), (20, 20)),
Worker.ANGRY: pygame.transform.scale(self.get_image(image_angry), (20, 20))
# we set a _layer attribute before adding this sprite to the sprite groups
# we want the workers on top
self._layer = 0
pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self, groups)
self.idw = idw
# let's keep track of the state and how long we are in this state already
self.state = Worker.IDLE
self.emo_state = Worker.HAPPY
self.ticks_in_state = 0
self.image = self.images[self.state]
self.rect = self.image.get_rect(topleft=location)
self.direction = pygame.math.Vector2(0, 0)
self.speed = random.randint(1, 3)
def set_random_direction(self):
# random new direction or standing still
vec = pygame.math.Vector2(random.randint(-100,100), random.randint(-100,100)) if random.randint(0, 5) > 1 else pygame.math.Vector2(0, 0)
# check the new vector and decide if we are running or not
length = vec.length()
speed = sum(abs(int(v)) for v in vec.normalize() * self.speed) if length > 0 else 0
if (length == 0 or speed == 0) and (self.state != Worker.ACCIDENT):
new_state = Worker.IDLE
self.direction = pygame.math.Vector2(0, 0)
new_state = Worker.RUNNING
self.direction = vec.normalize()
self.ticks_in_state = 0
self.state = new_state
# use the right image for the current state
self.image = self.images[self.state]
#self.emo_image = self.emo_images[self.emo_state]
def update(self, screen):
self.ticks_in_state += 1
# the longer we are in a certain state, the more likely is we change direction
if random.randint(0, self.ticks_in_state) > 70:
# now let's multiply our direction with our speed and move the rect
vec = [int(v) for v in self.direction * self.speed]
# if we're going outside the screen, change direction
if not screen.get_rect().contains(self.rect):
self.direction = self.direction * -1
send_alert = random.randint(0,10)
if send_alert > 9:
def alert_notif_worker(self):
self.emo_state = Worker.ANGRY
def get_image(self,key):
if not key in Worker.IMAGE_CACHE:
Worker.IMAGE_CACHE[key] = pygame.image.load(key)
return Worker.IMAGE_CACHE[key]
all_sprites = pygame.sprite.LayeredUpdates()
workers = pygame.sprite.Group()
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREENWIDTH, SCREENHEIGHT))
# create multiple workers
idw = 1
for pos in ((30,30), (50, 400), (200, 100), (700, 200)):
pos, all_sprites, workers)
# and the background
Background(IMG_BACKGROUND, [0,0], all_sprites)
carryOn = True
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
while carryOn:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type==pygame.QUIT:
carryOn = False
I'd either use Micheal O'Dwyer's solution and blit the icon images in a separate for loop or create an Icon sprite class which can be added as an attribute to the Worker class. Then you can just update the position of the icon sprite in the update method and swap the image when the workers state gets changed.
You need a LayeredUpdates group, so that the icon appears above the worker sprite.
import pygame as pg
from pygame.math import Vector2
WORKER_IMG = pg.Surface((30, 50))
ICON_HAPPY = pg.Surface((12, 12))
ICON_ANGRY = pg.Surface((10, 10))
class Worker(pg.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, pos, all_sprites):
self._layer = 0
self.image = WORKER_IMG
self.rect = self.image.get_rect(center=pos)
self.state = 'happy'
self.emo_images = {'happy': ICON_HAPPY, 'angry': ICON_ANGRY}
# Create an Icon instance pass the image, the position
# and add it to the all_sprites group.
self.icon = Icon(self.emo_images[self.state], self.rect.bottomright)
def update(self):
# Update the position of the icon sprite.
self.icon.rect.topleft = self.rect.bottomright
def change_state(self):
"""Change the state from happy to angry and update the icon."""
self.state = 'happy' if self.state == 'angry' else 'angry'
# Swap the icon image.
self.icon.image = self.emo_images[self.state]
class Icon(pg.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, image, pos):
self._layer = 1
self.image = image
self.rect = self.image.get_rect(topleft=pos)
def main():
screen = pg.display.set_mode((640, 480))
clock = pg.time.Clock()
all_sprites = pg.sprite.LayeredUpdates()
worker = Worker((50, 80), all_sprites)
done = False
while not done:
for event in pg.event.get():
if event.type == pg.QUIT:
done = True
elif event.type == pg.MOUSEMOTION: = event.pos
elif event.type == pg.KEYDOWN:
screen.fill((30, 30, 30))
if __name__ == '__main__':
This could be accomplished fairly easily, by just blitting each Worker's emotion image, at a certain location, in relation to the Worker's rect.x, and rect.y co-ordinates.
Unfortunately, I cannot test the code example below, because your code uses lots of images which I don't have. One problem I do see which you will need to fix before trying to implement this code, is that the Background object you are initializing is being added to all_sprites, so you may consider changing all_sprites to all_workers, and maybe add Background to a different group.
You will also need to initialize offset_x, and offset_y to values which work for you. The values used below will just move the image to the bottom left corner of the worker.
Here is the example code:
for worker in all_workers:
offset_x = 0
offset_y = worker.rect.height
screen.blit(worker.emo_images[worker.emo_state], (worker.rect.x+offset_x, worker.rect.y+offset_y))
I hope this answer helps you! Please let me know if this works for you, and if you have any further questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

Problems with Sprites Appearing and Collision with Rotated Objects; Pygame object is not iterable

I'm currently trying to make pixel perfect collisions between my pong ball and my player's paddle using the mask and collide_rect functions. I made my own checkCollision function in the pong class which would check for pixel perfect collision. However, right now, I can't even get the Sprites to work or appear on the screen because my "Pong object is not iterable.
Here is my pong class with the important features: (I will post additional code if needed)
class Pong(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, screensize):
self.screensize = screensize
self.centerx = screensize[0] // 2
self.centery = screensize[1] // 2
self.radius = 25
self.rect = pygame.Rect(self.centerx-self.radius,
self.radius*2, self.radius*2)
self.pokeimage = pygame.image.load("pokeball.png")
self.pokeimage = pygame.transform.scale(self.pokeimage, (self.radius, self.radius))
#Create the mask
self.mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(self.pokeimage)
def checkCollision(self, player_paddle, ai_paddle):
col = pygame.sprite.collide_rect(self, player_paddle)
return col
def collisionFormula(self, player_paddle, ai_paddle):
if self.checkCollision(self, player_paddle):
def collision_checks(self, player_paddle, ai_paddle):
#if the ball hits the top or bottom of the screen, change the y direction
if <= 0 or self.rect.bottom >= self.screensize[1] - 1:
self.direction[1] *= -1
#if the pong hits the paddles, change how the pong ball moves
if self.rect.colliderect(player_paddle.rect) or self.rect.colliderect(ai_paddle.rect):
self.collisionFormula(player_paddle, ai_paddle)
def update(self, player_paddle, ai_paddle):
self.collision_checks(player_paddle, ai_paddle)
In my PlayerPaddle class, I do the same mask initialization.
class PlayerPaddle(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, screensize):
self.screensize = screensize
self.centerx = 50
self.centery = screensize[1]//2
self.height = 100
self.width = 20
self.imageMaster = pygame.image.load("naruto.png").convert_alpha()
self.imageMaster = pygame.transform.scale(self.imageMaster, (self.width, self.height))
self.image = self.imageMaster
self.mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(self.image)
def turnLeft(self):
self.dir += 45
if self.dir > 360:
self.dir = 45
def turnRight(self):
self.dir -= 45
if self.dir < 0:
self.dir = 315
def update(self):
#Rotate functions
oldCenter =
self.image = pygame.transform.rotate(self.imageMaster, self.dir)
self.rect = self.image.get_rect() = oldCenter
And here is my main function:
def main():
screensize = (640,700)
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(screensize)
background = pygame.Surface(screen.get_size())
background.fill((0, 255, 0))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
pong = Pong(screensize)
player_paddle = PlayerPaddle(screensize)
ai_paddle = AIPaddle(screensize)
paddleSprite = pygame.sprite.Group(player_paddle)
pongSprite = pygame.sprite.Group(pong)
while running:
running = True
#object updating phase
ai_paddle.update(pong, player_paddle)
pong.update(player_paddle, ai_paddle)
if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(player_paddle, pong, False, pygame.sprite.collide_mask):
#rendering phase
paddleSprite.clear(screen, background)
I made two "group" objects (the pong and the player_paddle) but I'm not sure why I'm even failing to run the program. Additionally, I know the collision will not work because the pong ball will hit the rectangle of the original image, but not the rotated image, but I'm not sure why that will happen if I use the built in sprite function. Thanks.
Read documentation for spritecollide
Find sprites in a group that intersect another sprite.
spritecollide(sprite, group, dokill, collided = None) -> Sprite_list
Second argument has to be group (pygame.sprite.Group), not single Sprite.
It can be group event with one sprite. But you use pong which is single sprite, not group.
See documentation for collide_mask
Collision detection between two sprites, using masks.
collide_mask(SpriteLeft, SpriteRight) -> point
It checks collision between two sprites using mask.
EDIT: in your code you have problem with
spritecollide(player_paddle, pong,...)
because pong is single Sprite, not Group.
With pong you should use collide_mask
collide_mask(player_paddle, pong)
You can use spritecollidewith pongSprite which is Group
spritecollide(player_paddle, pongSprite,...)`
BTW: you could use better names ie. pong_group instead of pongSprite.
And eventually pong_sprite instead of pong (but pong is OK, too).
