for loop apeend to vector - python

I have a y_test.shape = (2005, 1) I build a model and did a prediction as follow prediction=model1.predict(np.array(test_x))
I got prediction shape (2005, 7)
I wanted to get the model accuracy but due to diffrent shapes I can't perform perform accuracy calculation. The way model predict worked is each class was in a column and if the pictures belongs to the class it will have 1. Is there a way to make it vector with each row corresponding to the class number.
Also is there another way to get the accuracy of the prediction if I have the labeled test? and I want to compare it with the prediction?

Assume prediction is the predicted probability of test_x in each and every class, yo u may use prediction.argmax(axis=1) to get a size-2005 vector containing the index of the predicted class (from 0 to 6). The prediction loss can also be computed
pred_class = prediction.argmax(axis=1)
l2loss = ((pred_class - y_test[:, 0]) ** 2).mean()
y_test[:, 0] merely change a matrix (2005, 1) to a vector of size 2005. Or you may do the 0/1 loss as
binary_loss = (pred_class != y_test[:, 0]).mean()


Given logits, how to calculate logits corresponding to the average of probabilities in a numerically stable way?

Suppose I have n logits in a tensor l of shape [n]. They are in (-∞, +∞) and correspond to probabilities in (0, 1) via the formula p = torch.sigmoid(l). I want to calculate one logit l_averaged - a tensor of empty shape - such that torch.sigmoid(l_averaged) approximately equals torch.mean(p). I want to do this in a numerically stable way. Ideally, this means that I don't want to actually invoke the torch.sigmoid function. How do I do this?
If you wonder why I am doing this, then the answer is that I've got an ensemble of neural networks and I want to average their predictions.

Tensorflow Argmax equivalent for multilabel classification

I want to do evaluation of a classification Tensorflow model.
To compute the accuracy, I have the following code :
predictions = tf.argmax(logits, axis=-1, output_type=tf.int32)
accuracy = tf.metrics.accuracy(labels=label_ids, predictions=logits)
It work well in single label classification, but now I want to do multilabel classification, where my labels are Array of Integers instead of Integers.
Here is an example of label [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0] that are stored in label_ids, and an example of predictions [0.1, 0.8, 0.9, 0.1, 0.6, 0.2] from the Tensor logits
What function should I use instead of argmax to do so ? (My labels are arrays of 6 Integers with value of either 0 or 1)
If needed, we can suppose that there is a threshold of 0.5.
It is probably better to do this type of post-processing evaluation outside of tensorflow, where it is more natural to try several different thresholds.
If you want to do it in tensorflow, you can consider:
predictions = tf.math.greater(logits, tf.constant(0.5))
This will return a tensor of the original logits shape with True for all entries greater than 0.5. You can then calculate accuracy as before. This is suitable for cases where many labels can be simultaneously true for a given sample.
Use below code to caclutae accuracy in multiclass classification:
tf.argmax will return the axis where y value is max for both y_pred and y_true(actual y).
Further tf.equal is used to find total number of matches (It returns True, False).
Convert the boolean into float(i.e. 0 or 1) and use tf.reduce_mean to calculate the accuracy.
correct_mask = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y_pred,1), tf.argmax(y_true,1))
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_mask, tf.float32))
Example with data:
import numpy as np
y_pred = np.array([[0.1,0.5,0.4], [0.2,0.6,0.2], [0.9,0.05,0.05]])
y_true = np.array([[0,1,0],[0,0,1],[1,0,0]])
correct_mask = tf.equal(tf.argmax(y_pred,1), tf.argmax(y_true,1))
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_mask, tf.float32))
with tf.Session() as sess:
# print([correct_mask]))

Check the accuracy of vector

I learning AI with Python and have this situation: I created a deep learning model that has 10 neurons in his Input layer. On the output layer I have 3 neurons. I split up my data to 80% for learning and 20% for testing.
The trained model is ready for testing.
Until now, I always got situation that I have only one neuron in the output layer. So, I tested the accuracy in that way:
classifier = Sequential()
# ...
classifier.add(Dense(units = 3, kernel_initializer = 'uniform', activation = 'sigmoid'))
# ...
y_pred = classifier.predict(np.array(X_test))
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
cm = confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred)
which working great when the output layer has only ONE value on each prediction.
In my case, I have 3 values in each prediction.
y_pred = array ([[3.142904686503911194e-11, 1.000000000000000000e+00, 1.729809626091548085e-16],
[7.398544450698540942e-12, 1.000000000000000000e+00, 1.776427415878292515e-22],
[4.224535246066807304e-07, 1.000000000000000000e+00 7.929732391553923065e-12]])
And I want to compare it to my expected values, which:
y_test = [[0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0]]
So, I have the option to make this work manually:
Put 1 in the highest value in the prediction value. Other values are getting 0.
Compare the two vectors row by row.
It looks like must have a better way to do it?
You want to measure how "close" the prediction vector is to the expected vector. A good formula that describes the "amount of difference" between two vectors is to check the magnitude (or square magnitude) of the delta vector (prediction - expected).
In this case, you can do something like this:
def square_magnitude(vector):
return sum(x*x for x in vector)
def inaccuracy(pred, test): #should only get equal-length items
return square_magnitude([pred[i] - test[i] for i in range(len(pred))]) / len(pred)
Since you have three samples:
total_inaccuracy = sum(inaccuracy(y_pred[i], y_test[i]) for i in range(len(y_pred))) / len(y_pred)
This should be 0 when it's perfectly accurate and higher (positive) when it's less accurate.

Implementing accuracy for triplet loss in keras

I want to implement an accuracy function for a triplet loss network so that I know, how does the algorithm works during the training. So far I have tried something, but I'm not sure whether it actually can work and also I have troubles implementing it in keras. My idea was to compare the predicted anchor-positive and anchor-negative distances (in y_pred), so that the positive distance should be low enough and the negative one large enough:
def accuracy(_, y_pred):
pos_treshold = 0.4
neg_treshold = 0.6
return K.mean(y_pred[0] < pos_treshold and y_pred[1] > neg_treshold)
The problem with this is that I couldn't figure out how to implement this and condition in keras.
Then I tried to find something on this topic of accuracy for triplet loss. One way of doing it is to define the accuracy as a proportion of the number of triplets in which the predicted distance between the anchor image and the positive image is less than the one between the anchor image and the negative image. With this I have even bigger problems in implementing it in keras.
I tried this (although I don't know whether it does what I described):
K.mean(y_pred[0] < y_pred[1])
which gives me accuracy around 0.5 all the time (probably some random stuff). So still I don't know whether the model is bad or the accuracy function is bad.
So my question is how to implement any reasonable accuracy function in keras? Whether it would be one of these two I don't really care.
That's what I use (condition y_pred[0] < y_pred[1]), while taking into account the batch dimension. Note that I'm not using a mean, so that it would support sample-weight.
def triplet_accuracy(_, y_pred):
Input: y_pred shape is (batch_size, 2)
[pos, neg]
Output: shape (batch_size, 1)
loss[i] = 1 if y_pred[i, 0] < y_pred[i, 1] else 0
subtraction = K.constant([-1, 1], shape=(2, 1))
diff =, subtraction)
loss = K.maximum(K.sign(diff), K.constant(0))
return loss

stop gradient with n/a label in tensorflow

I'm implementing a Convolutional Neural Network in Tensorflow with python.
I'm in the following scenario: I've got a tensor of labels y (batch labels) like this:
y = [[0,1,0]
where each row is a one-hot vector that represents a label related to the correspondent example. Now in training I want stop loss gradient (set to 0) of the example with that label (the third):
which rappresents the n/a label,
instead the loss of the other examples in the batch are computed.
For my loss computation I use a method like that:
self.y_loss = kl_divergence(self.pred_y, self.y)
I found this function that stop gradient, but how can apply it to conditionally to the batch elements?
If you don't want some samples to contribute to the gradients you could just avoid feeding them to the network during training at all. Simply remove the samples with that label from your training set.
Alternatively, since the loss is computed by summing over the KL-divergences for each sample, you could multiply the KL-divergence for each sample with either 1 if the sample should be taken into account and 0 otherwise before summing over them.
You can get the vectors of values you need to multiply the individual KL-divergences with by subtracting the first column of the tensor of labels from 1: 1 - y[:,0]
For the kl_divergence function from the answer to your previous question it might look like this:
def kl_divergence(p, q)
return tf.reduce_sum(tf.reduce_sum(p * tf.log(p/q), axis=1)*(1-p[:,0]))
where p is the groundtruth tensor and q are the predictions
