I have a problem regarding Python, I want to count the list item and then put a number beside the value of text.
This is the output I want:
test = 1
me = 2
texting = 3
This is the output I always get:
test = 3
me = 3
texting = 3
Here is my line of code:
text = request.form['title']
text2 = text.splitlines()
count = len(text2)
textarray = []
x = 0;
while(x <count):
for txt in text2:
textarray = [txt + " = " + str(x) for txt in text2]
x = x+1
string = '<br>'.join(textarray)
return render_template('index.html', text=string)
You don't need 2 loops, just iterate over text2 and increment your xn then append to the array, don't recreate it wit nonsense
textarray = []
x = 1
for txt in text2:
textarray.append(txt + " = " + str(x))
x = x + 1
Use enumerate to generate increasing value along with an iterable
textarray = []
for idx, txt in enumerate(text2, 1):
textarray.append(f"{txt} = {idx}")
Use generator construction and inline it
text = "test\nme\ntexting"
result = '</br>'.join(
(f"{word}={idx}" for idx, word in enumerate(text.splitlines(), 1))
# return render_template('index.html', text=result)
I have two lists of multiline strings and I try to get the the diff lines for these strings. First I tried to just split all lines of each string and handled all these strings as one big "file" and get the diff for it but I had a lot of bugs. I cannot just diff by index since I do not know, which multiline string was added, which was deleted and which one was modified.
Lets say I had the following example:
import difflib
oldList = ["one\ntwo\nthree","four\nfive\nsix","seven\neight\nnine"]
newList = ["four\nfifty\nsix","seven\neight\nnine","ten\neleven\ntwelve"]
oldAllTogether = []
for string in oldList:
newAllTogether = []
for string in newList:
diff = difflib.unified_diff(oldAllTogether,newAllTogether)
So I somehow have to find out, which strings belong to each other.
I had to implmenent my own code in order to get the desired output. It is basically the same as Differ.compare() with the difference that we have a look at multiline blocks instead of lines. So the code would be:
diffString = ""
oldList = ["one\ntwo\nthree","four\nfive\nsix","seven\neight\nnine"]
newList = ["four\nfifty\nsix","seven\neight\nnine","ten\neleven\ntwelve"]
a = oldList
b = newList
cruncher = difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, a, b)
for tag, alo, ahi, blo, bhi in cruncher.get_opcodes():
if tag == 'replace':
best_ratio, cutoff = 0.74, 0.75
oldstrings = a[alo:ahi]
newstrings = b[blo:bhi]
for j in range(len(newstrings)):
newstring = newstrings[j]
for i in range(len(oldstrings)):
oldstring = oldstrings[i]
if cruncher.real_quick_ratio() > best_ratio and \
cruncher.quick_ratio() > best_ratio and \
cruncher.ratio() > best_ratio:
best_ratio, best_old, best_new = cruncher.ratio(), i, j
if best_ratio < cutoff:
#added string
stringLines = newstring.splitlines()
for line in stringLines: diffString += "+" + line + "\n"
#replaced string
start = False
for diff in difflib.unified_diff(oldstrings[best_old].splitlines(),newstrings[best_new].splitlines()):
if start:
diffString += diff + "\n"
if diff[0:2] == '##':
start = True
del oldstrings[best_old]
#deleted strings
stringLines = []
for string in oldstrings:
for line in stringLines: diffString += "-" + line + "\n"
elif tag == 'delete':
stringLines = []
for string in a[alo:ahi]:
for line in stringLines:
diffString += "-" + line + "\n"
elif tag == 'insert':
stringLines = []
for string in b[blo:bhi]:
for line in stringLines:
diffString += "+" + line + "\n"
elif tag == 'equal':
raise ValueError('unknown tag %r' % (tag,))
which result in the following:
import re
sifrelenmisdizi = []
kelimeler = []
bulunankelimeler = []
input = input("Lütfen Şifrelenmiş Veriyi giriniz : ")
def sifrecoz(message): #im cracking password here
encrypted = ""
for i in range(25):
for char in message:
value = ord(char) + 1
valuex = value % 123
if (valuex <= 0):
valuex = 97
encrypted += chr(valuex)
elif (valuex == 33):
encrypted += chr(32)
encrypted += chr(valuex)
message = encrypted
encrypted = ""
def kelime_getir(dosya_adi): # here im taking words on "kelimeler.txt"
with open(dosya_adi, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as input_file:
dosya_icerigi = input_file.read()
kelime_listesi = dosya_icerigi.split()
index = 0
while index <= 1164053:
kelimeler.append(kelime_listesi[index]) #here im taking that issue
index += 1
return kelimeler
for i in range(len(kelimeler)):
for j in range(len(sifrelenmisdizi)):
x = re.split("\s", sifrelenmisdizi[j])
for k in range(len(x)):
if (kelimeler[i] == x[k]):
print("Kırılmış şifreniz : ",bulunankelimeler)
# selam daktilo dalga = ugnco eblujmp ebmhb
Here I am coding a password cracking program with Caesar decryption of encrypted data and compare with "kelimeler" list.
I'm trying to add words to "kelimeler" list but I'm taking out of range error.
This is my word list:
[URL=https://dosya.co/31174l7qq8zh/kelimeler.txt.html]kelimeler.txt - 16.9 MB[/URL]
It appears that the function kelime_getir is expected to return a list of all the words in the file (which has one word per line).
def kelime_getir(dosya_adi):
with open(dosya_adi, encoding='utf-8') as txt:
return list(map(str.strip, txt))
...is all you need
I am trying to write an decryption code using Python. The encryption works and outputs the following 119105108108 116104105115 11911111410763 for the words "will this work? in a file called myfile. But i have no idea how to decrypt it or whether it can even be decrypted and would love some help.
#declare variables
fo = 0
ascii_val = []
asci_val = []
asc_val = []
listtostr = 0
listtost = 0
listtos = 0
split_val = 0
x = 0
#open files
fo = open("myfile.txt","r")
fo1 = open("hora.txt","w")
#read text from files and put into a list
txt = fo.read()
split_val = txt.split(" ")
#process of encrypting using ascii values
for x in split_val[0]:
y = x.split()
a = ord(x)
a =str(a)
for x in split_val[1]:
a = ord(x)
a =str(a)
for x in split_val[2]:
a = ord(x)
a =str(a)
#joining ascii values together
listtostr = "".join([str(x) for x in ascii_val])
listtost = "".join([str(x) for x in asci_val])
listtos = "".join([str(x) for x in asc_val])
#joining all of the ascii values together
b = listtostr + " " + listtost +" " + listtos
#writing to new file
#close files
I have a file looking this way:
;1;108/1;4, 109
;1;51;4, 5
;2;109/2;4, 5
;2;108/2;4, 109
;3;108/2;4, 109
;3;51;4, 5
;4;109/2;4, 5
;4;51;4, 5
;5;109/2;4, 5
;5;40/6;5, 6, 7
as a result, i want to get:
where x are common shelf positions for both id2 and id3, it should look like this
4;109/2-51;4, 5
my script works fine up to the moment where I need to type common shelf positions. I tried using .intersection, but it is not working properly, when I have positions consisting of double characters (pos:144-result: 14; pos:551, result: 51; pos:2222-result: 2 i.e)
result = id2_chars.intersection(id3_chars)
any fix for intersection? or maybe some better method on your mind?
code so far:
part1 - merge every 2nd line together
exp = open('output.txt', 'w')
with open("dane.txt") as f:
content = f.readlines()
strng = ""
for i in range(1,len(content)+1):
strng += content[i-1].strip()
if i % 2 == 0:
exp.writelines(strng + '\n')
strng = ""
part2 - intersection:
exp = open('output2.txt', 'w')
imp = open('output.txt')
for line in imp:
none, lp1, dz1, poz1, lp2, dz2, poz2 = line.split(';')
s1 = poz1.lower()
s2 = poz2.lower()
s1_chars = set(s1)
s2_chars = set(s2)
result = s1_chars.intersection(s2_chars)
result = str(result)
exp.writelines(lp1 + ';' + dz1 + '-' + dz2 + ';' + result + '\n')
** i did not filtered the result for my needs yet (it is in "list" form), but it won't be a problem once I get the right intersection result
Your main problem is that you try to intersect 2 sets of characters while you should intersect positions. So you should at least use:
s1 = poz1.lower()
s2 = poz2.lower()
s1_poz= set(x.strip() for x in s1.split(','))
s2_poz = set(x.strip() for x in s1.split(','))
result = s1_poz.intersection(s2_poz)
result = ', '.join(result)
But in fact, you could easily do the whole processing in one single pass:
exp = open('output.txt', 'w')
with open("dane.txt") as f:
old = None
for line in f: # one line at a time is enough
line = line.strip()
if old is None: # first line of a block, just store it
old = line
else: # second line of a bock, process both
none, lp1, dz1, poz1 = old.split(';')
none, lp2, dz2, poz2 = line.split(';')
poz1x = set(x.strip() for x in poz1.tolower().split(','))
poz2x = set(x.strip() for x in poz2.tolower().split(','))
result = ', '.join(poz1x.intersection(poz2x))
exp.write(lp1 + ';' + dz1 + '-' + dz2 + ';' + result + '\n')
old = None
I wrote a for loop that iterates through a CSV to get a list like this:
[t1, s1]
[t2, s2]
[t3, s3]
and so 4 thousand times.
Now I need to write these into a new CSV file, where they'd populate 2 fields and be separated by a comma.
When I enter this, I only get the last list from the last loop, and with one character in a cell.
def sentiment_analysis():
fo = open("positive_words.txt", "r")
positive_words = fo.readlines()
positive_words = map(lambda positive_words: positive_words.strip(), positive_words)
fo = open("negative_words.txt", "r")
negative_words = fo.readlines()
negative_words = map(lambda negative_words: negative_words.strip(), negative_words)
fo = open("BAC.csv", "r")
data = fo.readlines()
data = map(lambda data: data.strip(), data)
x1 = 0 #number of bullish
x2 = 0 #number of bearish
x3 = 0 #number of unknown
for info in data:
data_specs = info.split(',')
time_n_date = data_specs[0]
sentiment = data_specs[2]
'''Possibly precede with a nested for loop for data_specs???'''
if sentiment == 'Bullish':
'''fo.write(time + ',' + 'Bullish' + '\n')'''
elif sentiment == 'Bearish':
''' fo.write(time + ',' + 'Bearish' + '\n')'''
x3 += 1
positive = 0
negative = 0
content_words = data_specs[1].split()
for a in positive_words:
for b in content_words:
if (a == b):
positive = positive + 1
for c in negative_words:
for d in content_words:
if (c == d):
negative = negative + 1
if positive > negative:
'''fo.write(time + ',' + 'Bullish' + '\n')'''
sentiment = 'Bullish'
elif positive < negative:
sentiment = 'Bearish'
sentiment = 'Neutral'
bac2data = [time_n_date, sentiment]
print bac2data
fo = open("C:\Users\Siddhartha\Documents\INFS 772\Project\Answer\BAC2_answer.csv", "w")
for x in bac2data:
w = csv.writer(fo, delimiter = ',')
My for loop isn't going through it all.
In your code bac2data = [time_n_date, sentiment] creates a list containing 2 string items. The proper way to write that to a CSV file with csv.writer() is with writerow(bac2data).
The last part of your code contains a number of errors. Firstly you are opening the CSV file in write mode ('w') for every line of the incoming data. This will overwrite the file each time, losing all data except the last line. Then you are iterating over the bac2data list and calling writerows() on each item. That's going to write each character from the string on it's own line (which matches your reported output).
Instead, open the output file and create a csv.writer outside of the main for info in data: loop:
fo = open("C:\Users\Siddhartha\Documents\INFS 772\Project\Answer\BAC2_answer.csv", "w")
writer = csv.writer(fo)
for info in data:
Then replace these lines at the bottom of the main loop:
bac2data = [time_n_date, sentiment]
print bac2data
fo = open("C:\Users\Siddhartha\Documents\INFS 772\Project\Answer\BAC2_answer.csv", "w")
for x in bac2data:
w = csv.writer(fo, delimiter = ',')
with this:
bac2data = [time_n_date, sentiment]
print bac2data
Once you have that working, and no longer need to print bac2data for debugging, you can just use 1 line:
writer.writerow((time_n_date, sentiment)]
Complete code for function:
def sentiment_analysis():
fo = open("positive_words.txt", "r")
positive_words = fo.readlines()
positive_words = map(lambda positive_words: positive_words.strip(), positive_words)
fo = open("negative_words.txt", "r")
negative_words = fo.readlines()
negative_words = map(lambda negative_words: negative_words.strip(), negative_words)
fo = open("BAC.csv", "r")
data = fo.readlines()
data = map(lambda data: data.strip(), data)
x1 = 0 #number of bullish
x2 = 0 #number of bearish
x3 = 0 #number of unknown
fo = open("C:\Users\Siddhartha\Documents\INFS 772\Project\Answer\BAC2_answer.csv", "w")
writer = csv.writer(fo)
for info in data:
data_specs = info.split(',')
time_n_date = data_specs[0]
sentiment = data_specs[2]
'''Possibly precede with a nested for loop for data_specs???'''
if sentiment == 'Bullish':
'''fo.write(time + ',' + 'Bullish' + '\n')'''
elif sentiment == 'Bearish':
''' fo.write(time + ',' + 'Bearish' + '\n')'''
x3 += 1
positive = 0
negative = 0
content_words = data_specs[1].split()
for a in positive_words:
for b in content_words:
if (a == b):
positive = positive + 1
for c in negative_words:
for d in content_words:
if (c == d):
negative = negative + 1
if positive > negative:
'''fo.write(time + ',' + 'Bullish' + '\n')'''
sentiment = 'Bullish'
elif positive < negative:
sentiment = 'Bearish'
sentiment = 'Neutral'
bac2data = [time_n_date, sentiment]
print bac2data