just a small labyrinth solver. try it to on python but dont even understand why it doesnt print anything. Im just started with python and trying to actually translate my teachers code from cpp just for interest.
need to reach to the destination after visiting each cell
m = [
STOP = 34
r = 0
c = 0
def init( r_: int = 0, c_: int = 0) -> None:
r = 0
c = 0
def step(r,c,level):
if level==STOP-1:
if r == 3 and c == 5:
for i in range(0,level):
print("("+init(int(r),int(c))+"," + init(int(r),int(c)) + ") - ")
return True
return False
if c > 0 and m[r][c - 1] == 0:
if step(r, c - 1, level + 1):
return True
if c < 5 and m[r][c + 1] == 0:
if (step(r, c + 1, level + 1)):
return True
if r > 0 and m[r - 1][c] == 0:
if (step(r - 1, c, level + 1)):
return True
if r < 5 and m[r + 1][c] == 0:
if (step(r + 1, c, level + 1)):
return True
m[r][c] = 0
return False
def main(argc, argv):
step(0, 1, 0)
Python doesn't automatically call main like c does, nor does it require a main function. Your code can just live in the top level (e.g. print('hello world') is a valid, complete program)
Change this line:
def main(argc, argv):
to this:
if __name__ == '__main__':
got it
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
S, F, W, X = 1, 2, 0, None
FIELD = [[X,S,W,W,W,W],
COLS = len(FIELD[0])
START_POS = [(i, line.index(S)) for i, line in enumerate(FIELD) if S in line][0]
FINISH_POS = [(i, line.index(F)) for i, line in enumerate(FIELD) if F in line][0]
STEPS = sum(line.count(W) for line in FIELD) + 1
print("Start:", START_POS, "\nFinish:", FINISH_POS, "\nTotal steps:", STEPS)
def do_step(level, path, points):
global FIELD
r, c = points[-1]
if r<0 or c<0 or r>=ROWS or c>=COLS or FIELD[r][c] == X:
if level == STEPS and (r, c) == FINISH_POS:
print("Found path:", path)
yy, xx = zip(*points)
plt.plot(xx, yy, "-ok")
current = FIELD[r][c]
FIELD[r][c] = X
for dr, dc, dir in ((-1,0,'^'), (0,1,'>'), (1,0,'v'), (0,-1,'<')):
do_step(level+1, path+dir, points+[(r+dr,c+dc)])
FIELD[r][c] = current
do_step(0, "", [START_POS])
print("No path's found.")
I'm trying to write png reader using python and zlib. I do not understand what to do after I've decompressed IDAT content. My code now (imagine that we have only one IDAT chunk):
def IDAT(self, chunk_size):
data = self.f.read(chunk_size)
raw_colors = zlib.decompress(data)
def processIDAT(self):
Recon = []
i = 0
bytesPerPixel = self.bit_depth // 8
if self.color_type == 2:
bytesPerPixel = (self.bit_depth // 8) * 3
for y in range(self.file_height): # for each scanline
processRow = [0] * self.file_width
filter_type = self.raw_color_values[y * (self.file_width * bytesPerPixel + 1)]
i += 1
for x in range(self.file_width): # for each byte in scanline
color_index = self.raw_color_values[y * (self.file_width * bytesPerPixel + 1) + 1 + x]
i += 1
if filter_type == 0: # None
Recon_x = color_index
elif filter_type == 1: # Sub
# ??????
elif filter_type == 2: # Up
# ??????
elif filter_type == 3: # Average
# ??????
elif filter_type == 4: # Paeth
Recon_x = color_index + self.PaethPredictor() # what are params here?
print('unknown filter type: ' + str(filter_type))
Recon.append(Recon_x & 0xff) # truncation to byte
return Recon
def PaethPredictor(self, a, b, c):
p = a + b - c
pa = abs(p - a)
pb = abs(p - b)
pc = abs(p - c)
if pa <= pb and pa <= pc:
Pr = a
elif pb <= pc:
Pr = b
Pr = c
return Pr
According to official documentation I have to implement Recon function. What this function does? Are there any implementation references?
The formulas for Recon are right there in the document you linked:
Code implements the dynamic programming solution for global pairwise alignment of two sequences. Trying to perform a semi-global alignment between the SARS-CoV-2 reference genome and the first read in the Nanopore sample. The length of the reference genome is 29903 base pairs and the length of the first Nanopore read is 1246 base pairs. When I run the following code, I get this message in my terminal:
import sys
import numpy as np
GAP = -2
# insert sequence files
A = open("SARS-CoV-2 reference genome.txt", "r")
B = open("Nanopore.txt", "r")
def max(A, B, C):
if (A >= B and A >= C):
return A
elif (B >= A and B >= C):
return B
return C
def Tmax(A, B, C):
if (A > B and A > C):
return 'D'
elif (B > A and B > C):
return 'L'
return 'U'
def m(p, q):
if (p == q):
return MATCH
def append(st, c):
return c + "".join(i for i in st)
if __name__ == "__main__":
if (len(sys.argv) != 2):
print("Usage: align <input file>")
if (not os.path.isfile(sys.argv[1])):
print("input file not found.")
S = np.empty([MAXLENGTH_A, MAXLENGTH_B], dtype = int)
T = np.empty([MAXLENGTH_A, MAXLENGTH_B], dtype = str)
with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as file:
A = str(A.readline())[:-1]
B = str(B.readline())[:-1]
print("Sequence A:",A)
print("Sequence B:",B)
N = len(A)
M = len(B)
S[0][0] = 0
T[0][0] = 'D'
for i in range(0, N + 1):
S[i][0] = GAP * i
T[i][0] = 'U'
for i in range(0, M + 1):
S[0][i] = GAP * i
T[0][i] = 'L'
for i in range(1, N + 1):
for j in range(1, M + 1):
S[i][j] = max(S[i-1][j-1]+m(A[i-1],B[j-1]),S[i][j-1]+GAP,S[i-1][j]+GAP)
T[i][j] = Tmax(S[i-1][j-1]+m(A[i-1],B[j-1]),S[i][j-1]+GAP,S[i-1][j]+GAP)
print("The score of the alignment is :",S[N][M])
i, j = N, M
RA = RB = RM = ""
while (i != 0 or j != 0):
if (T[i][j]=='D'):
RA = append(RA,A[i-1])
RB = append(RB,B[j-1])
if (A[i-1] == B[j-1]):
RM = append(RM,'|')
RM = append(RM,'*')
i -= 1
j -= 1
elif (T[i][j]=='L'):
RA = append(RA,'-')
RB = append(RB,B[j-1])
RM = append(RM,' ')
j -= 1
elif (T[i][j]=='U'):
RA = append(RA,A[i-1])
RB = append(RB,'-')
RM = append(RM,' ')
i -= 1
This has nothing to do with python. The error message comes this line:
if (len(sys.argv) != 2):
print("Usage: align <input file>")
The code expects to be called with exactly one argument, the input file:
align path/to/input/file
You provided a different number of arguments, probably zero.
I'm VERY new to Python (self learning) and am writing some code, and have read as much as possible (both on this website and youtube) to figure it out, and I'm perplexed as to why it's not working for me
I've generated this dictionary of dictionaries (may not be most efficient, please let me know how to improve, been doing this a couple weeks only):
graphx = []
all_locs = []
def graph(width, height):
for r in range(height):
row = []
for c in range(width):
t = (r, c)
graph(width, height)
# # Builds a dictionary of all nodes, and their weight
weighted_grid = {}
for node in graphx:
for c in node:
n = {}
s = {}
e = {}
w = {}
if (c[0] < height) and (c[0] > 0):
n[c[0] + 1, c[1]] = 1
s[c[0] - 1, c[1]] = 1
elif c[0] == 0:
n[c[0] + 1, c[1]] = 1
elif c[0] == height:
s[c[0] - 1, c[1]] = 1
if c[1] < width and c[1] > 0:
e[c[0], c[1] + 1] = 1
w[c[0], c[1] - 1] = 1
elif c[1] == 0:
e[c[0], c[1] + 1] = 1
elif c[1] == height:
w[c[0], c[1] - 1] = 1
temp = {}
blank = {}
if n != blank:
temp[c[0] + 1, c[1]] = 1
if e != blank:
temp[c[0], c[1] + 1] = 1
if s != blank:
temp[c[0] - 1, c[1]] = 1
if w != blank:
temp[c[0], c[1] - 1] = 1
weighted_grid[c[0],c[1]] = temp
When I run dijikstras, using the the tuples as start and destination, I get an error. Here's the version of dijkstras I'm running:
def dijkstra(graph, start, goal):
shortest_distance = {} # records the current cost to reach that node.
track_predecessor = {} # keeps track of the path that led to this node.
unseen_nodes = graph # Iterate through the graph to check all nodes.
infinity = 99999 # Make it any large number,greater than possible path weights.
track_path = [] # gives us the trace-back path of the optimal route
for node in unseen_nodes:
shortest_distance[node] = infinity
shortest_distance[start] = 0
while unseen_nodes:
min_distance_node = None
for node in unseen_nodes:
if min_distance_node is None:
min_distance_node = node
elif shortest_distance[node] < shortest_distance[min_distance_node]:
min_distance_node = node
path_options = graph[min_distance_node].items()
for child_node, weight in path_options:
if weight + shortest_distance[min_distance_node] < shortest_distance[child_node]:
shortest_distance[child_node] = weight + shortest_distance[min_distance_node]
track_predecessor[child_node] = min_distance_node
current_node = goal
while current_node != start:
track_path.insert(0, current_node)
current_node = track_predecessor[current_node]
except KeyError:
track_path.insert(0, start)
if shortest_distance[goal] != infinity:
The error I get is:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/Dave/Desktop/Important/PycharmProjects/DMT2/dungeonmasterstome/Main.py", line 318, in <module>
dijkstra(weighted_grid, (0, 0), (0,1))
File "C:/Users/Dave/Desktop/Important/PycharmProjects/DMT2/dungeonmasterstome/Main.py", line 300, in dijkstra
if weight + shortest_distance[min_distance_node] < shortest_distance[child_node]:
KeyError: (0, 30)
Thoughts and thanks for any help and constructive criticism.
I have problem with function:
tested_zeros = [(-1, -1)]
def reveal_zeros(x, y):
board_visible[y*row+x] = board[y*row+x]
for p in range(x - 1, x + 2):
for o in range(y - 1, y + 2):
if o >= 0 and p >= 0 and o <= row and p <= col:
for zero in tested_zeros:
if zero != (p, o):
tested_zeros.append((p, o)) <--broke part in my 'super' idea xD
if board[o*row+p] == " ":
return reveal_zeros(p, o)
so what is doing is checking if in array 'board[(x, y)]' is zero and its neighbors, when it is, its copying it to 'board_visible', the problem is that it bugs in (0, 0),[and calling it endlessly] so my idea was adding list tested_zeros so he remembers which points it tested but recursive function does not works that way :), and i know i can check last by(x, y) but it will loop somewhere else.
My question is how to handle this?
Here is my whole code:
import random
import numpy as np
row = 10
col = row
mine_list = list()
board = list()
board_visible = list()
num = 0
is_over = False
def get_num_of_mines():
global num
while True:
print("Podaj liczbe min: \n(z zakresu od 1 do ", (row * col) - 1, ")")
num = int(input())
if 1 <= num <= (row * col) - 1:
return num
print("Błędna liczba. Podaj poprawną z zakresu")
def deploy_mines():
global mine_list
mine_x = random.randint(0, row - 1)
mine_y = random.randint(0, col - 1)
par = mine_x, mine_y
for l in mine_list:
if par == l:
return deploy_mines()
return mine_x, mine_y
def number_of_neighboring_mines(x, y):
global mine_list
num_of_neighbors = 0
for p in range(x - 1, x + 2):
for o in range(y - 1, y + 2):
if o >= 0 and p >= 0 and o <= row and p <= col:
par = p, o
for l in mine_list:
if par == l:
num_of_neighbors += 1
if num_of_neighbors == 0:
return " "
return num_of_neighbors
def add_bomb(x, y):
for l in mine_list:
if (x, y) == l:
return False
return True
def create_board():
global mine_list, num, board_visible
for k in range(0, num):
for i in range(0, col):
for j in range(0, row):
if add_bomb(i, j):
board.append(number_of_neighboring_mines(i, j))
for i in range(0, col):
for j in range(0, row):
def show_board():
for l in range(0, col+1):
print('{0:2d}'.format(l), end="\t")
for l in range(0, col):
print('{0:2d}'.format(l+1), end=" ")
print(np.split(np.asarray(board), row)[l])
def print_board():
for l in range(0, col+1):
print('{0:2d}'.format(l), end="\t")
for l in range(0, col):
print('{0:2d}'.format(l+1), end=" ")
print(np.split(np.asarray(board_visible), row)[l])
tested_zeros = [(-1, -1)]
def reveal_zeros(x, y):
board_visible[y*row+x] = board[y*row+x]
for p in range(x - 1, x + 2):
for o in range(y - 1, y + 2):
if o >= 0 and p >= 0 and o <= row and p <= col:
for zero in tested_zeros:
if zero != (p, o) or zero is None:
print(p, o)
tested_zeros.append((p, o))
if board[o*row+p] == " ":
return reveal_zeros(p, o)
def reveal_squares(x, y):
global is_over
if board[y*row+x] == "*":
print("Koniec gry!")
is_over = True
elif board[y*row+x] == " ":
reveal_zeros(x, y)
board_visible[y*row+x] = board[y*row+x]
def sapper():
while not is_over:
reveal_squares(int(input("Podaj współrzędną x: "))-1, int(input("Podaj
współrzędną y: "))-1)
I came up with a working function:
def reveal_zeros(x, y, steps):
board_visible[y*row+x] = board[y*row+x]
can_return = True
for p in range(x - 1, x + 2):
for o in range(y - 1, y + 2):
if o >= 0 and p >= 0 and o < row and p < col:
for i in steps:
if (p, o) == i:
can_return = False
if board[o*row+p] == " " and can_return:
return reveal_zeros(p, o, steps + [(p, o)])
if p == x or o == y or o < 0 or p < 0 or not can_return:
can_return = True
Here is a sapper simulation with no winning.
for the problem Ax ≡ B (MOD C) I did this, and it was okay:
def congru(a,b,c):
for i in range(0,c):
if ((a*i - b)%c)== 0 :
Now I have to solve a system of equations, where A = ( 5x + 7y) and A= (6x + 2y),
and B= 4 and B = 12 , respectively, and C is 26.
In other words:
( 5x + 7y)≡ 4 (mod 26)
(6x + 2y)≡ 12 (mod 26)
How do I do that?
For the aX ≡ b (mod m) linear congruence, here is a more powerful Python solution, based on Euler's theorem, which will work well even for very large numbers:
def linear_congruence(a, b, m):
if b == 0:
return 0
if a < 0:
a = -a
b = -b
b %= m
while a > m:
a -= m
return (m * linear_congruence(m, -b, a) + b) // a
>>> linear_congruence(80484954784936, 69992716484293, 119315717514047)
>>> 45347150615590
For the X, Y system: multiply 1st equation by 2 and the 2nd one by -7, add them together and solve for X. Then substitute X and solve for Y.
This is a very fast linear congruence solver that can solve a 4096 byte number in a second. Recursion versions meet their max depth at this length:
#included if you use withstats=True, not needed otherwise
def ltrailing(N):
return len(str(bin(N))) - len(str(bin(N)).rstrip('0'))
#included if you use withstats=True, not needed otherwise
def _testx(n, b, withstats=False):
s = ltrailing(n - 1)
t = n >> s
if b == 1 or b == n - 1:
return True
for j in range(0, s):
b = pow_mod(b, 2, n, withstats)
if b == n - 1:
return True
if b == 1:
return False
if withstats == True:
print(f"{n}, {b}, {s}, {t}, {j}")
if withstats == True:
print(f"{n}, {b}, {s}, {t}")
return False
def fastlinearcongruence(powx, divmodx, N, withstats=False):
x, y, z = egcditer(powx, N, withstats)
answer = (y*divmodx)%N
if withstats == True:
print(f"answer = {answer}, mrbt = {a}, mrst = {b}, mranswer = {_testx(N, answer)}")
if x > 1:
if withstats == True:
print(f"powx = {powx}, divmodx = {divmodx}, N = {N}")
x, y, z = egcditer(powx, N, withstats)
if withstats == True:
print(f"x = {x}, y = {y}, z = {z}")
answer = (y*divmodx)%N
if withstats == True:
print(f"answer = {answer}, mrbt = {a}, mrst = {b}, mranswer = {_testx(N, answer)}")
answer = (y*divmodx)%N
if withstats == True:
print(f"answer = {answer}, mrbt = {a}, mrst = {b}, mranswer = {_testx(N, answer)}")
return answer
def egcditer(a, b, withstats=False):
s = 0
r = b
old_s = 1
old_r = a
quotient = 0
if withstats == True:
print(f"quotient = {quotient}, old_r = {old_r}, r = {r}, old_s = {old_s}, s = {s}")
while r!= 0:
quotient = old_r // r
old_r, r = r, old_r - quotient * r
old_s, s = s, old_s - quotient * s
if withstats == True:
print(f"quotient = {quotient}, old_r = {old_r}, r = {r}, old_s = {old_s}, s = {s}")
if b != 0:
bezout_t = quotient = (old_r - old_s * a) // b
if withstats == True:
print(f"bezout_t = {bezout_t}")
bezout_t = 0
if withstats == True:
print("Bézout coefficients:", (old_s, bezout_t))
print("greatest common divisor:", old_r)
return old_r, old_s, bezout_t
To use:
In [2703]: fastlinearcongruence(63,1,1009)
Out[2703]: 993
In [2705]: fastlinearcongruence(993,1,1009)
Out[2705]: 63
Also this is 100x faster than pow when performing this pow:
pow(1009, 2**bit_length()-1, 2**bit_length())
where the answer is 273.
This is equivalent to the much faster:
In [2713]: fastlinearcongruence(1009,1,1024)
Out[2713]: 273
Solved, here's the code for it:
def congru(a0,a1,a2,b0,b1,b2,c):
for i in range(0,c):
for j in range(0,c):
if ((a0*i + a1*j) - a2)%c ==0 and ((b0*i +b1*j)-b2)%c==0:
print('x: %d y: %d' %( i, j))
If you need a congruence system you can use this code.
from functools import reduce
class CI:
cX=a (mod m)
def __init__(self, c, a, m):
self.c = c%m
self.a = a%m
self.m = m
def solve(self, x):
return (x*self.c)%self.m == self.a
def find(cil):
espacio = reduce(lambda acc, ci: acc*ci.m, cil, 1)+1
for x in range(0, espacio):
if reduce(lambda acc, ci: acc and ci.solve(x), cil, True):
return x
print(find([CI(3, 2, 4), CI(4, 1, 5), CI(6, 3, 9)]))
this example will solve for x
3x=2 (mod 2)
4x=1 (mod 1)
6x=3 (mod 9)
To solve linear congruence system, You should use Chinese theorem of reminders.
I wrote full code using python and AppJar (AppJar is for grafics).
And You can download it from my github profile: github profile, full code there
There You can find all the functions I used.
It is very simple and I am sure You will understand the code, although it is written in serbian language.