Two-Button Menu Iteration - python

I've got a script that I'm adapting to micropython on a 2040, and I want to use two buttons to navigate the menu structure. I can't figure out how to make the iterate loop in the multi-choice menus work right... here's what I've got so far:
""" fit: a productivity logger """
import time
import sys
import os
import uhashlib
import machine
def final_print(sec,final_hash,final_survey):
""" leaves the summary on the screen before shutting down """
mins = sec // 60
sec = sec % 60
hours = mins // 60
mins = mins % 60
short_sec = int(sec)
duration = (str(hours) + "/" + str(mins) + "/" + str(short_sec))
print("> fit the",str(final_hash)," went ",str(final_survey)," lasted //",str(duration))
def timer_down(f_seconds,timer_focus):
""" counts down for defined period """
now = time.time()
end = now + f_seconds
while now < end:
now = time.time()
b1pressed = button1.value()
if not b1pressed:
print('Ended Manually!')
def timer_up(timer_focus):
""" counts up for indefinite period """
now = time.time()
while True:
minutes = int((time.time() - now) / 60)
print(str(timer_focus)," for ",str(minutes))
b1pressed = button1.value()
if not b1pressed:
print('Ended Manually!')
def fit_progress(now,end,timer_focus,f_seconds):
""" tracks progress of a count-down fit and prints to screen """
remain = end - now
f_minutes = int((remain)/60)
j = 1 - (remain / f_seconds)
pct = int(100*j)
def multi_choice(options):
done = 0
while done == 0:
for i in options:
b1pressed = button1.value()
b2pressed = button2.value()
b1released = button1.value()
b2released = button2.value()
if b2pressed and not b1pressed:
print(i," b2 pressed")
if b1pressed and not b2pressed:
print(i," b1 pressed")
return i
button1 = machine.Pin(2, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_UP)
button2 = machine.Pin(3, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_UP)
fType = multi_choice(['30-minute fit','60-minute fit','indefinite fit'])
print(fType," selected")
F_FOCUS = multi_choice(['personal fit','work fit','learn fit','admin fit'])
print(F_FOCUS," selected")
fStart = time.time()
if fType == "30-minute fit":
elif fType == "60-minute fit":
elif fType == "indefinite fit":
fEnd = time.time()
F_SURVEY = multi_choice(['+','=','-'])
print(F_SURVEY," selected")
fDuration = fEnd - fStart
F_HASH = uhashlib.sha256(str(fEnd).encode('utf-8')).digest()
fitdb = open("data.csv","a")
print(F_HASH_SHORT," ",F_HASH)
In particular, this is the logic I'm wrangling with:
def multi_choice(options):
done = 0
while done == 0:
for i in options:
b1pressed = button1.value()
b2pressed = button2.value()
b1released = button1.value()
b2released = button2.value()
if b2pressed and not b1pressed:
print(i," b2 pressed")
if b1pressed and not b2pressed:
print(i," b1 pressed")
return i
Here's what I'm wanting to do:
For each item in the set,
Display the item, wait for button press
If button 1 is pressed, select that item, return the item.
If button 2 is pressed, display the next item, wait for button press.
(iterate until button 1 pressed to select item)
Again, this is micropython, so I don't have all the modules you'd think available... woudl be best to do this in raw code.

0.01 second is way too short. The key is, after you detect "button down", you need to wait for "button up". You need something like:
def wait_for_btn_up(btn):
count = 2
while count > 0:
if btn.value();
count = 2
count -= 1
def multi_choice(options):
for i in options:
print( "trying", i )
# Wait for any button press.
while 1:
b1pressed = button1.value()
b2pressed = button2.value()
if b1pressed or b2pressed:
if b1pressed:
print( i, "chosen" )
return i
# We know B2 was pressed.


How can I use a single button to pause and unpause timer in tkinter? (without using pygame)

I'm working on a simple timer that counts down 30 mins for me to study and 5 mins for a break. So far, the start_timer function and count_down function work well, I just cannot figure out how to write the pause function. I did some research for a few days. Most articles are using pygame or to bind with different keys. I am wondering what function I should use for one tkinter button to pause/unpause my timer if something comes up and I want to pause the timer till I'm back.
Thank you #TimRoberts, I can pause the timer now. However, I don't know how to unpause the timer to let it continue counting down.
from tkinter import *
import math
reps = 0
paused = False
# --------------------------- TIMER ---------------------------- #
def start_timer():
global reps
reps += 1
work_sec = WORK_MIN * 60
break_sec = BREAK_MIN * 60
if reps % 2 == 1:
window.attributes('-topmost', 0)
# ------------------------ COUNTDOWN--------------------------- #
def count_down(count):
global paused
count_min = math.floor(count / 60)
count_sec = count % 60
if count_min < 10:
count_min = f"0{count_min}"
if count_sec < 10:
count_sec = f"0{count_sec}"
canvas.itemconfig(timer_text, text=f"{count_min}:{count_sec}" )
if count > 0:
if not paused:
count -= 1
window.after(1000, count_down, count-1)
# ---------------------------- PAUSE ------------------------------- #
def pause_function():
global paused
paused = not paused
# ---------------------------- UI ------------------------------- #
window = Tk()
title_label = Label(text="Timer")
title_label.grid(column=1, row=0)
check_marks = Label(text="")
check_marks.grid(column=1, row=4)
canvas = Canvas(width=200, height=224, bg="lightblue")
timer_text = canvas.create_text(100, 128, text="00:00", fill="white", font=("Courier", 45, "bold"))
canvas.grid(column=1, row=1)
start_button = Button(text="Start", command=start_timer)
start_button.grid(column=0, row=2)
pause_button = Button(text="Pause", command=pause_function)
pause_button.grid(column=2, row=2)
You need to do the "after" call even if you're paused, otherwise you'll never notice when you unpause. Also, since you're decrementing count once, you don't need to do it again:
def count_down(count):
count_min = count // 60
count_sec = count % 60
canvas.itemconfig(timer_text, text=f"{count_min:02d}:{count_sec:02d}" )
if count:
if not paused:
count -= 1
window.after(1000, count_down, count)
If you want to be tricky, you could use:
if count:
count -= not paused
since True is 1 and False is 0.

Button (GPIO) Pressing Logic in MicroPython

I had another question open about iterative menu logic, and the problem morphed into button logic, so I'm separating them, since the original question was truly settled.
My code is as follows:
""" fit: a productivity logger """
import time
import sys
import os
import uhashlib
import machine
import framebuf
from ssd1306 import SSD1306_I2C
def final_print(sec,final_hash,final_survey):
""" leaves the summary on the screen before shutting down """
mins = sec // 60
sec = sec % 60
hours = mins // 60
mins = mins % 60
short_sec = int(sec)
duration = (str(hours) + "/" + str(mins) + "/" + str(short_sec))
oled_show("> fit the"+str(final_hash),str(final_survey),"//"+str(duration))
def timer_down(f_seconds,timer_focus):
""" counts down for defined period """
now = time.time()
end = now + f_seconds
while now < end:
now = time.time()
# if button1.value() == 0:
# oled_show("","Ended Manually!","")
# time.sleep(2)
# break
def timer_up(timer_focus):
""" counts up for indefinite period """
now = time.time()
while True:
minutes = int((time.time() - now) / 60)
oled_show(str(timer_focus)," for ",str(minutes))
# if button1.value() == 0:
# oled_show("","Ended Manually!","")
# time.sleep(2)
# break
def fit_progress(now,end,timer_focus,f_seconds):
""" tracks progress of a count-down fit and prints to screen """
remain = end - now
f_minutes = int((remain)/60)
j = 1 - (remain / f_seconds)
pct = int(100*j)
oled_show(str(timer_focus),str(f_minutes)+" min",str(pct)+"%")
def debounce(btn):
""" some debounce control """
count = 2
while count > 0:
if btn.value():
count = 2
count -= 1
def multi_choice(options):
""" provides multi-choice menus for two-button navigation """
for i in options:
oled_show("> fit",i,"1:yes 2:next")
# Wait for any button press.
while 1:
b1pressed = button1.value()
b2pressed = button2.value()
if b1pressed or b2pressed:
if b1pressed:
print( i, "chosen" )
return i
# We know B2 was pressed.
def oled_show(message1,message2,message3):
""" displays a three line message """
oled.fill(0) # clear the display
def oled_blank():
""" blanks the oled display to avoid burn in """
sda = machine.Pin(4)
scl = machine.Pin(5)
i2c = machine.I2C(0,sda=sda, scl=scl, freq=400000)
oled = SSD1306_I2C(128, 32, i2c)
button1 = machine.Pin(2, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_UP)
button2 = machine.Pin(3, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_UP)
F_TYPE = multi_choice(['30-minute fit','60-minute fit','indefinite fit'])
F_FOCUS = multi_choice(['personal fit','work fit','learn fit','admin fit'])
fStart = time.time()
if F_TYPE == "30-minute fit":
elif F_TYPE == "60-minute fit":
elif F_TYPE == "indefinite fit":
fEnd = time.time()
F_SURVEY = multi_choice(['went well','went ok','went poorly'])
fDuration = fEnd - fStart
F_HASH = uhashlib.sha256(str(fEnd).encode('utf-8')).digest()
fitdb = open("data.csv","a")
In particular, you can see that I have two buttons defined:
button1 = machine.Pin(2, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_UP)
button2 = machine.Pin(3, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_UP)
And they are primarily used to select from menus with multiple choices:
def debounce(btn):
""" some debounce control """
count = 2
while count > 0:
if btn.value():
count = 2
count -= 1
def multi_choice(options):
""" provides multi-choice menus for two-button navigation """
for i in options:
oled_show("> fit",i,"1:yes 2:next")
# Wait for any button press.
while 1:
b1pressed = button1.value()
b2pressed = button2.value()
if b1pressed or b2pressed:
if b1pressed:
print( i, "chosen" )
return i
# We know B2 was pressed.
However, I am encountering an issue whereby the buttons can only be pressed alternately. That is, when the multi_choice function begins, I can press button1 to select the first option, or I can press button2 to scroll to the next option, but, if I press button2, for example, it will not register for a second press (to select a second option), I can only then press button1... if I do that, I can only then press button2 next.
I'm certain this is just a logic issue I'm not seeing.
The buttons are ordinary momentary-closed Cherry MX switches on GPIO pins 2 and 3. They definitely work reliably, but something about this logic is wonky.
The following test works just fine, so it's not the buttons...
import machine
import time
button1 = machine.Pin(2, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_UP)
button2 = machine.Pin(3, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_UP)
while True:
b1pressed = button1.value()
b2pressed = button2.value()
b1released = button1.value()
b2released = button2.value()
if b1pressed and not b1released:
print('Button1 pressed!')
if b2pressed and not b2released:
print('Button2 pressed!')
if not b2pressed and b2released:
print('Button2 released!')
elif not b1pressed and b1released:
print('Button1 released!')
I added in some print statements to debug this, and I can see the buttons taking and holding values. I feel like I need to tune in an artificial reset, maybe that's something I can do in debounce? I tried a few things, but I'm not making progress so far.
def debounce(btn):
""" some debounce control """
count = 2
while count > 0:
if btn.value():
count = 2
count -= 1
def multi_choice(options):
""" provides multi-choice menus for two-button navigation """
for i in options:
print("below for")
print("button 1 below for",button1.value())
print("button 2 below for",button2.value())
oled_show(" fit",i,"1:sel 2:next")
while 1:
print("below while")
print("button 1 below while",button1.value())
print("button 2 below while",button2.value())
b1pressed = button1.value()
b2pressed = button2.value()
if b1pressed or b2pressed:
print("below first if")
print("button 1 first if",button1.value())
print("button 2 first if",button2.value())
if b1pressed:
print("below second if")
print("button 1 second if",button1.value())
print("button 2 second if",button2.value())
return i
and the output of the above debug prints:
below for
button 1 below for 0
button 2 below for 1
below while
button 1 below while 0
button 2 below while 1
below first if
button 1 first if 0
button 2 first if 1
below for
button 1 below for 1
button 2 below for 0
below while
button 1 below while 1
button 2 below while 0
below first if
button 1 first if 1
button 2 first if 0
below second if
button 1 second if 1
button 2 second if 0
below for
button 1 below for 0
button 2 below for 1
below while
button 1 below while 0
button 2 below while 1
below first if
button 1 first if 0
button 2 first if 1
below for
button 1 below for 1
button 2 below for 0
below while
button 1 below while 1
button 2 below while 0
below first if
button 1 first if 1
button 2 first if 0
below second if
button 1 second if 1
button 2 second if 0
With both of your buttons tied to ground, and using PULL_UP the code is just:
import machine
button1 = machine.Pin(2, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_UP)
button2 = machine.Pin(3, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_UP)
while True:
print('Button1 down!') if not button1.value() else print('Button1 up!')
print('Button2 down!') if not button2.value() else print('Button2 up!')
The logic is simple. Your button is tied to ground on one end and pulled up on the other. When you press that button it's going to connect the pin of the MCU to ground. When the button is pressed value() will be zero, and when it is released value() will be one. If you want value() to be positive when you press the button then you need to tie the button to the Vcc rail and use PULL_DOWN on the MCU pin.
All that debouncing code probably isn't even necessary, and even if it was necessary creating a loop to handle it isn't the answer. What if your button doesn't bounce ~ now you're just stuck in a loop. Get a 74HC14 or make a simple RC network if you're worried about bouncing. Assigning all these arbitrary values to button states and sticking buttons in loops that block your other buttons is just a bunch of noise. It's very simple: You have one question that you want to ask twice. "Is this button pressed" ~ so just "ask" that question twice and move on. It doesn't take 20 lines of code to determine if something is 1 or 0.
You do not have a separate "GND". All your "GND" pins are connected to the same "GND". You have one power source right? Well, one is one. Cutting a cake into 8 pieces doesn't give you 8 cakes.
Ok, with the help from everybody here, I figured this out. Just needed to add a little sleep to avoid spill-over of the keypress from the previous while loop.
def multi_choice(options):
""" provides multi-choice menus for two-button navigation """
for i in options:
oled_show(" fit",i,"1:sel 2:next")
while 1:
if not button1.value():
return i
if not button2.value():
Thanks all!

time function always gives me 0.0 output

Im trying to make a CPS counter, and when I reach 100 clicks, its supposed to print "test" and also print the time it took to get to 100 clicks. But it always gives 0.0 as the time output.
import tkinter
import time
counter = tkinter.Tk()
clicks = 0
def addClick():
global clicks
clicks = clicks + 1
start = time.time()
if clicks == 100:
end = time.time()
print(start - end)
lbl = tkinter.Label(counter, text = clicks)
btn = tkinter.Button(counter, text="Click here", command=addClick)
start = time.time()
if clicks == 100:
end = time.time()
print(start - end)
You keep restarting start after every click. A possible solution would be to start it only after the first click. This will require start to be a global variable as well.
Also note that you should do end - start, not start - end.
clicks = 0
start = None
global clicks
global start
if clicks == 1:
# instantiating 'start' only if it was the first click
start = time.time()
elif clicks == 100:
end = time.time()
print(end - start)
However, using global variables is quite a code-smell and an anti-pattern, and we already have 2 of them in such a tiny program.
You can try to wrap them in a data-structure such as a dict:
import tkinter
import time
counter = tkinter.Tk()
data = {'clicks': 0, 'start': None}
def addClick():
data['clicks'] += 1
if data['clicks'] == 1:
# instantiating 'start' only if it was the first click
data['start'] = time.time()
elif data['clicks'] == 100:
end = time.time()
print(end - data['start'])
lbl = tkinter.Label(counter, text=data['clicks'])
btn = tkinter.Button(counter, text="Click here", command=addClick)
Another, real-world fitting solution would be to wrap the entire tkinter app in a class, that can keep track of its own state.

Detect key pressed in python not working

import pyautogui, time, threading, keyboard, msvcrt
global active, exitp
active = False
exitp = False
Names = []
def mainLoop():
global active, exitp
pressedkey = msvcrt.getch()
while True:
if pressedkey == 'z':
active = not active
elif pressedkey == 'x':
exitp = False
def running():
global exitp
while not exitp:
start = time.time()
print("Your screen size is: " + str(pyautogui.size()))
width, height = pyautogui.size()
t1 = threading.Thread(target=mainLoop, args=())
t2 = threading.Thread(target=running, args=())
while not exitp:
if active:, height - 110)
for i in range(len(Names)):
if active:
active = False
end = time.time()
print("Execution time: " + str(end-start) + " seconds")
trying to make a loop that exits when i press 'x', and types/stops typing names from my array called "Names" when pressing 'z', however, i'm pressing both 'x' and 'z' but they don't anything, help?
from pynput import keyboard
import pyautogui
import threading
import sys
class Status:
_exit = False
active = True
names = [str(i) for i in range(0, 10, 1)]
width, height = pyautogui.size()
def mainThread():
listenerThread = keyboard.Listener(on_press = onKeyPress)
while(not Status._exit):
if (not
continue, height - 110)
for i in range(len(names)):
if (not or Status._exit):
print("Stopped listerning")
def onKeyPress(key):
print("Still listerning")
k = key.char
except Exception:
k =
if (k == "z"): = not
elif (k == "x"):
Status._exit = not Status._exit
#controlThread = threading.Thread(target = mainThread)
Instead of using globals I used a 'static' class which stored the status. I also used a different module to listen to key inputs.
I think this is what you wanted.
EDIT: You don't have to have the main loop as a thread. If you wanted to do other things then set it as a thread (uncomment the two lines and comment the last line) or just leave it how it is.

Raspberry PI Button Push Listener

Is it possible to have button push listener in Python for the Raspberry Pi. I have a non-latching button going to a GPIO. I want to run some python code the first time the button is pushed. Then I want the code to stop on the second button push no matter where it is in the first line of code.
I've used a toggle bit variable called "flag" to register button pushes but obviously there is no listener to determine when the second push is made.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
Button = 16 # pin16
def setup():
GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # Numbers GPIOs by physical location
GPIO.setup(Button, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN) # Button Input
def motorcontrol():
while True:
if j==1: #Robot is activated when button is pressed
print "Robot Activated",j
while flag==1:
print "Robot Activated for 5 seconds"
print "Robot Activated for 10 seconds"
print "Robot Activated for 15 seconds"
if j==1: #De activate robot on pushing the button
print "Robot DeActivated",j
def destroy():
GPIO.cleanup() # Release resource
if __name__ == '__main__': # Program start from here
except KeyboardInterrupt: # When 'Ctrl+C' is pressed, the child program destroy() will be executed.
You can't use sleep() this way because your while loop can't check your botton. You have to loop all time and check if it is time to display text.
You can use small sleep() to use lees CPU.
import time
current_time = time.time()
text_1 = current_time + 5
text_2 = current_time + 10
text_3 = current_time + 15
flag = True
while flag:
# TODO: check your button and change `flag`
current_time = time.time()
if text_1 and current_time >= text_1:
print("5 seconds")
text_1 = None # to stop displaying
# or show again after 5 seconds
#text_1 = current_time + 5
if text_2 and current_time >= text_2:
print("10 seconds")
text_2 = None # to stop displaying
if text_3 and current_time >= text_3:
print("15 seconds")
text_3 = None # to stop displaying
flag = False
Or more like in most GUI
import time
# --- functions ---
def callback_1():
print("5 seconds")
# add new task to list
tasks.append( (current_time + 5, callback_1) )
def callback_2():
print("10 seconds")
def callback_3():
print("15 seconds")
def callback_4():
global flag
flag = False
# --- main ---
current_time = time.time()
tasks = []
tasks.append( (current_time + 5, callback_1) )
tasks.append( (current_time + 10, callback_2) )
tasks.append( (current_time + 15, callback_3) )
tasks.append( (current_time + 17, callback_4) )
flag = True
while flag:
# TODO: check your button
current_time = time.time()
# this way I execute task and remove from list
new_tasks = []
for t, c in tasks:
if current_time >= t:
new_tasks.append( (t,c) )
tasks = new_tasks
EDIT: I don't have RPi so I try to simulate it using own class GPIO - but maybe it will work on your computer. It shows where you should put code.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time
# for test only - instead of `import RPi.GPIO as GPIO`
# simulate button press
current_time = time.time()
button_1 = current_time + 2
button_2 = current_time + 10
class GPIO:
BOARD = None
IN = None
def setmode(a):
def setup(a, b, pull_up_down=None):
def input(a):
global button_1, button_2
current_time = time.time()
if button_1 and current_time >= button_1:
button_1 = None
return 1
if button_2 and current_time >= button_2:
button_2 = None
return 1
return 0
def cleanup():
Button = 16 # pin16
def setup():
GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # Numbers GPIOs by physical location
GPIO.setup(Button, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN) # Button Input
def motorcontrol():
flag = False
while True:
j = GPIO.input(16)
if j == 1:
flag = True
print "Robot Activated", j
current_time = time.time()
text_1 = current_time + 5
text_2 = current_time + 10
text_3 = current_time + 15
while flag:
j = GPIO.input(16)
if j == 1:
flag = False
print "Robot DeActivated", j
current_time = time.time()
if text_1 and current_time >= text_1:
print "5 seconds"
text_1 = None # to stop displaying
# or show again after 5 seconds
#text_1 = current_time + 5
if text_2 and current_time >= text_2:
print "10 seconds"
text_2 = None # to stop displaying
if text_3 and current_time >= text_3:
print "15 seconds"
text_3 = None # to stop displaying
flag = False
def destroy():
if __name__ == '__main__':
except KeyboardInterrupt:
